¶ A Proclamation for the Free and safe Passage of all Persons, who shall desire to repaire
to His Majestie, and of all Packets, and Letters sent by His Majesties Ministers.
WHEREAS severall Persons in severall parts of Our Kingdome have presumed by virtue and under Colour of an Order of One or both Our Houses of Parliament, to intercept and imprison such Persons who were repairing to Us, or going from Us in Our service, And to seize and by violence to take Letters and Packets sent by Our Secretaries concerning Our important Affaires, and have carryed the same to some Persons who have opened and read the same, to the unspeakable prejudice of Our service, and unheard of scorne of Our Authority. We doe hereby publish and declare, That whosoever shall henceforward presume to stop or hinder any Person comming to Us, or going in Our service, or shall seize or take any Packet or Letters sent by either of Our Secretaries into any part of Our Dominions, whereby the Commerce and Correspondence of the Kingdome may be disturbed, and Our own immediate service suffer, every such person and persons so offending shall be taken as an Enemy to Our Person and the publick Peace, and We shall with all speed and severity proceed against him and them for his malice and disaffection. And hereof We require all Majors, Sheriffes, Justices of the Peace, Bailiffes, Constables, Postmasters, and all other whom it may concerne to take notice at their uttermost perills.
¶ Given at Our Court at Oxford, this first day of November, in the Eighteenth yeare of Our Reigne.
God save the King.