¶ A Proclamation for the better Government of the County of Glocester, and for the Security of His Majesties good Subjects there.

WHEREAS for the Ordering and Disposing the Affaires and businesse of Our County of Glocester, which may concerne the maintenance and support of Our Gar­risons there, and the preservation of the Peace of that whole County, as farre as in Us lyes, by equally distributing and orderly collecting such Summes of Mony, as shall be thought necessary to be raised there, We have thought fit to grant a Commission un­der Our Great Seale of England to diverse Persons of Honour, Quality, and Integrity of that County, to intend and mannage that service, who (being assisted with such of Our Commanders as We have joyned with them in the said Commission) We pre­sume will be as carefull of the good and welfare of Our Subjects there, as of the ad­vancement of Our Service; We doe hereby declare, That from henceforward, no Souldier or Officer of Our Garrisons in that County, shall presume (otherwise then as by virtue of Our said Commission, if he be thereby authorized so to doe) to send any Warrant for contribution, or any Mony whatsoever, but We expect that Our said Commissioners shall first be informed what proportion is necessary for the weekly pay­ment, and support of Our severall Garrisons, and thereupon having equally distributed the same upon the se­verall Divisions and Hundreds of Our said County, shall take such care that the same be orderly collected and paid to the Governors and Officers of Our said Garrisons, at the places and times agreed upon, that the Souldiers for want of their due supply, may not be compelled to break Our commands. And if any extraor­dinary Accident shall fall out, either by the refractorinesse of any Persons, or by reason of the Rebells being possessed of any places in that County, that the Mony appoynted by Our said Commissioners to be collected and paid, be not brought in accordingly, then Our Pleasure is, that according to the direction and warrant of Our said Commissioners, Our Governors of Our said Garrisons shall assist the said Collection, in such man­ner as shall be thought fit and necessary. And We doe straitly command and Require, all the Officers and Souldiers of Our Army, that they precisely observe Our Commands expressed in this Our Proclamation, and [...]e [...] not upon any reasons or pretences whatsoever, to offer any violence to any of Our loving [...] [...]in that Our County, or to take away their Horses, or to doe them any other damage or inju­ [...], [...] will will Answer the contrary at their utmost perills.

God Save the KING.

Printed at Oxford by LEONARD LICHFIELD, Printer to the University. 1642.

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