C. R.

A Message from His MAIESTY to the House of Peeres on Friday the 11 of Feb. 1641. Concerning his acceptance of Sir John Coniers, in the place of Sir John Byron to be Lieutenant of the Tower.

ALthough his Majesty conceives that he is not ob­liged to give an answer in any particular con­cerning the Forts and Militia of the Kingdome, untill he shall know and consent to the Power and the time, how, and to whom, the Forts and Militia shall be disposed; Yet to shew his reall intention to satisfie the feares of His People, He is content to accept of Sir John Coniers in the place of Sir John Byron for to be Lieutenant of the Tower of London, having al­ready at his earnest desire received the surrender of the said Place from him.

London, Printed for John Wright. 1642.

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