HIS MAJESTIES LETTER TO Both Houses of PARLIAMENT, Dated at NEW-CASTLE, the 10th of June, 1646.

Together with HIS MAJESTIES Warrant to the Governours of OXFORD, and all other His Gar­risons within this Kingdome, to quit the same upon Honou­rable Tearmes.

OXFORD, Printed by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the Vniversity. 1646.


HIS MAjESTY looking with griefe of Heart up­on the sad sufferings of His People in His three Kingdoms for some years past, and being afflicted with their Distresses and unquiet Condi­tion, through the Distractions about Religion, the keeping of Forces on foot in the Fields and Garrisons, the not satisfying the Pub­lique Debts, and the feares of the further Effusion of Bloud by the Continuance of [Page 2] an Unnaturall Warre in any of these King­domes, or by Renting or Dividing these Kingdomes so happily united; And ha­ving sent a Gracious Message unto both Hou­ses of Parliament, and the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland, expressing the necessary Causes of His comming from Oxford unto the Scottish Army, (without any intention to make a Division, where He is in Freedome, and Right Capacity to settle a true Peace) and containing such Offers as He conceived would have been accepted, with a generall Clause of complying with their Desires; And being impatient of de­layes, and not acquainted with the particu­lars which may give Contentment to them, His MAjESTY doth earnestly desire, That the Propositions of Peace so often promised, and so much expected, may be speedily sent unto Him, That upon Consideration of them, He may apply Himselfe to give such satisfaction, as may be the Foundation of a firme Peace. And for the better and more speedy attaining thereto, His MAjESTY [Page 3] doth further propound, That He may come to London with Safety, Freedom, and Honour, where He Resolves to Comply with His Houses of Parliament in every thing which may be most for the good of His Subjects, and perfect what remaines for setling both Kingdomes and People in a happy Condi­tion; Being likewise most confident, That they, according to their reiterated Declara­tions, and Solemne Protestations, will be zea­lous in the maintenance of His Honour, and Just and Lawfull Rights. And His MAjES­TY desires the Houses of Parliament, To disburthen the Kingdome of all Forces and Garrisons in their power, except such as, be­fore these unhappy Times, have been main­tain'd for the necessary defence and safety of this Kingdome; So He is willing forth­with to Disband all His Forces and Garrisons within the same, as the inclosed Order here­with sent will evidence. And if upon these Offers His MAjESTY shall have such sa­tisfaction as He may be confident a firme Peace shall ensue thereon, His MAjESTY [Page 4] will then give Order for His Sonne the PRINCE his present Returne.

For the Speaker of the House of Peeres pro tempore, to be Communicated to the Lords and Commissioners Assembled in the Parliament of England at Westmin­ster, and the Commissioners of the Parlia­ment of Scotland.


HAving Resolved to Comply with the De­sires of Our Parlia­ment in every thing which may be for the good of Our Sub­jects, and leave no meanes unassayed for removing all Dif­ferences amongst Ʋs. Therefore We have thought fit, the more to Evidence the Reality of Our Intentions of setling a happy and firme Peace, to Require [Page 6] you, upon Honourable Termes, to quit those Townes, Castles, and Forts, in­trusted to [...]ou by Ʋs, and to disband all the Forces under your severall Com­mands.

To Our Trusty and Wel-beloved

  • Sir Tho: Glenham.
  • Sir Tho: Tildesly.
  • Colon. H: Washington.
  • Colon. Tho: Blagg.

Governours of our Citties and Townes of Oxford, Lichfield, Worcester, and Wallingford. And all other Commanders of any Townes, Castles, and Forts in Our Kingdome of Eng­land.


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