Certain News of Lamberts being taken, Brought by an Express to the Lord President of the Council, April 23. 1660.

Mr. Roper,

YOu may get Printed presently this certain News, That yesterday that Traytor Lambert, with his Accomplices, being marched from Edghill with his Forces to Daventry in Northamptonshire to rest themselves, Colonel Ingoldsby with his Regiment of Horse, and Major Samwell with some of the Militia of Northamptonshire fell upon them in their Quarters, and utter­ly Routed them, killed some, and have taken Lambert, Creed, and others Priso­ners. The Messenger that brought the News came in such haste, that they could write no Letter, but brought a Gold Seal of Arms, of a Northamptonshire Gen­tleman, for testimonie of the truth of what he brought. To God alone be the glory; and so may all Traytors to their Countrey perish.

Your Friend.

London, Printed by Abel Roper, 1660.

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