A Catalogue of Medicines for several Diseases, commu­nicated for the good of the Nation, to prevent People from hazarding their Lives, and throwing away their Money on those many ignorant Pretenders to Physic, by a very famous Doctor and Physician, who by his long Study and constant Practice, hath obtained to the most rarest Secrets in Physic and Chirurgery, witness his many honou­rable Certificates that he hath by him; and also the many Languages that he can speak: First, a Medicine that cures the Ague by one Dose, price 5 s. Another that cures little Children of the Convulsion-Fits, or any other Fits, by one Dose, price 5 s. Another that kills the Worms in young Children, price 1 s. 6 d. Another that cures the Toothach, or Worm in the hollow Tooth, in one hour, price 1 s. and if the Face be swelled as big as ones fist with the Pain thereof, he has an Ointment that cures it in 24 hours, or 48 hours at farthest, price 1 s. Another Remedy that cures the Rheum that falls from the Head on the Teeth in one hour, price 5 s. Another Remedy that cures black and blew Marks gotten by Blows, or Bruises, in 48 hours, price 2s. 6d. Another that cures the Kernels under the Ears in 48 hours, although they are as big as ones fist, and the Party in a hot burning Feaver, price 5 s. A Pill that cures the loose Gripes, or Griping in the Guts, in one hour, price 2 s. 6 d. Also a Glister that cures the dry Gripes, or Costiveness, in 12 hours, price 5 s. and another Glister that breaks the Stone in the Reins or Bladder, and brings it away in Gravel, the price is one Guinney. A Plaster that cures all Pains in the Body, gotten by Falls, Strains, Bruises, or Colds, but especially in the Back or Sides, in 3 days, price 5 s. and by adding an Ointment of his to it, it cures the Sciatica, or Huckle-bone Gout, in an admirable short time, the price of the Oint­ment is 5 s. He hath also a Remedy to open the Stoppage of the Water in one hour, although the Patient hath not let one drop in 8 days, price 10 s. He hath a Drink that cures the Dropsie or Scurvy (although you could press a Finger two Inches deep in your Legs) in two or three Weeks at farthest, the Quart 2 s. 6 d. Another Drink that [Page]cures the Stoppage of the Stomach, Pains, and shortness of Breath, price 10 s. He hath another Remedy for Warts on the Hands, or any Excrescencies, either in the Fundament, Privities, or any other parts of the Body, the price accor­ding to the Number or Place where they stand. He has another for Sore Eyes, price 4 s. Another that cures the Swelling in the Cods or Groin, price one Guinney. He has the best Pills in the World for the Running of the Reins or Whites, the Box 5 s. there is 150 Pills in each Box, some­times one Box cures them, and seldom more than five are used, if the Distemper be violent. A Pill that immedi­ately asswageth the Cholic, price 1 s. Another Remedy for Kibed Heels that cures them by one Application, price 2 s. He has a Pill that cures the vehement Pains in the Head in one hour, price 2 s. 6 d. He has a Remedy for the Itch, that cures it by three Applications, price 10 s. He has ano­ther for Burning or Scalding, which cures it in as short time as can be by any expected, price 6 d. the Ounce. He has another Remedy that cures any person of the losing of their Seed in Sleep, called Nocturnal Pollution, it cures them in a very short time, price 10 s. He cures the French Dox, with all its Accidents, as Running of the Reins, Ʋlcers in the Yard or Throat, swelling of the Groin or Gods, Sores and Pimples over the body, and the like, as safely and certainly as any Physician in the World. He has cured such as have been afflicted with the King's Evil 18 and 25 years in less than two months. In a word, he cures all curable Distempers in old or young; and whoever makes use of him, shall never have occasion to repent, with God's Grace; and for the Poor, they need not take notice of the prices here set down, for he is of so charitable a disposition, that he lets them have them according to their Ability. He must have skill to cure young and old, weak and strong, that world be accounted an able [...] ­sician.

From his House in Cross-Street in Hatton-Garden, (the third new-built House from Field-Lane) at the new Sign of the Physician and Chirurgion, with the Golden Anchor.

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