The CASE of the several Landlords of White-Friers, the Savoy, Salisbury-Court, Ram-Alley, Mitre-Court, Fuller's-Rents, Baldwin's-Gardens, Mountague-Close, the Minories, Mint, Clink, and Deadman's-Place, in the name of themselves and the rest of the Landlords, of the Houses within those Places. Humbly submitted to the Honourable House of Commons.
UPon passing an Act the last Sessions against the Corruptions of pretended Privilege-Places, particularly those above mentioned; all Persons that were in either of them under danger of Arrests immediately fled, so that there soon was as free liberty to execute Process there as in any other Place whatsoever; the Penalties of a Rescue being no less than 500 l. payment of the whole Debt, or Transportation: and the same upon any House-keeper that should therein harbour such as should commit, or be anywise assisting in a Rescue. And by the said Bill all Officers were impowered to BREAK OPEN Houses in those Places, in order to execute Process against either Body or Goods. Under colour of which some Robberies have been there committed, the danger whereof hath in effect banished many Inhabitants from thence, that were under no danger from Creditors, and hath deterr'd many more from Inhabiting in such Places, where in their own Houses they could not be safe, as long as Bailiffs (in their private Characters generally the worst of Men) might break open their Houses, under colour of Process, and so at all hours fright both them and their Families.
Now for as much as the main design of the last Bill [liberty of executing Process in those Places] will be effectually answered, without continuing that Power to Bailiffs of breaking open Houses.
It's humbly hop'd this Honourable House will repeal that Power of breaking open Houses in those Places; seeing the continuance thereof will banish most Inhabitants from thence, and prevent others from residing there, many refusing (for that Reason ONLY) to become Tenants upon payment of nothing but the King's Taxes; so that some Thousands per Annum, for that Cause only, are now in those Places not inhabited, and much more will become so, to the great loss of all the Landlords, and the utter ruine of many their Creditors and Dependants.