BY Lieutenant-General GINCKELL, Commander in Chief Of Their MAJESTIES FORCES.
THeir Majesties Forces being now to be put into Winter-Quarters, and dispersed over this Kingdom, the better to Oppose the Designs of the Enemy, and suppress any Commotion that may happen in the Parts thereof; It is necessary that Care be taken, both to supply them from time to time with Provisions, and that the Inhabitants be satisfied for what they shall bring in for that U [...]e, and secured from any Violence that may be offered them, so long as they behave themselves as become Persons that intend their Majesties Service, and the Welfare of their Country: For these Reasons, I have thought fit to Publish the following Rules to be observed in all places where any of Their Majesties Forces shall be Quartered.
- I. That all people may be encouraged to keep the Markets in the Towns where any of Their Majesties Forces do Quarter this Winter, I do strictly Charge and Command all Soldiers of the Army, not to take any thing from the Inhabitants of the Country upon any pretence whatsoever; but duly pay such Rates for the Provisions they shall stand in need of, as are appointed by the Lords-Justices of Ireland, under Penalty of the Officers, to whose Troop or Company such Souldier shall belong, paying treble what shall be so taken, and the Souldiers being proceeded against according to His Majesties Proclamation Dated at Lought rickland, the 24th of June last.
- [Page]II. No Person or Persons in Their Majesties pay or Entertainment shall presume to press any Horses or Carts, under the penalties expressed in Their Majesties Order, Dated at Hilsborough the 20th of June, unless he or they shall first have Leave in Writing from my Self, or the General Officer commanding in Chief in the Quarters, to which the said person shall belong.
- III. That the Outrages that are and have been committed by the Straglers from the Army, may be for the future prevented, I require all Officers to put in execution the Order made at Kilkenny, the 9th of October, calling all Souldiers back to their respective Regiments, and forbidding them to leave the same again without a Pass from the Officer Commanding the Regiment in Chief, under the penalty of being proceeded against as Deserters.
- IV. That all pretence may be taken away from the Inhabitants of the Country, not to bring in their Hay and Oats into the places appointed in the respective Quarters, for the making Magazines for the Winter, and other places where the Horse and Dragoons are Quartered, I strictly Charge and Command all Officers not to permit their Soldiers to go out a Forraging without Leave first had from my Self, or the General Officer Commanding in Chief in that Quarter, in Writing, as they will answer the contrary.
- V. That the Forrage of the respective Baronies, where Horse and Dragoons are Quartered, be brought in to the place set apart for making a Store in the Quarter, to which the said Barony does belong; And that the Troops do not cause the Forrage of another Quarter to be brought into theirs; unless where it shall happen that a Foot-Quarter is next, and furnished with more than they have occasion to make use of for the Horses the said Foot Regiment is allowed to keep; Yet this not to be done without Leave from the General Officer of that Quarter.
- VI. That the Forrage, thus brought in, be delivered to the Officer commanding in Chief, or such Store-Keepers as shall be appointed, who are hereby required to give an Acquittance for so much as they shall receive, and to return an Account thereof Monthly into the Pay-Office at Dublin, to the end that the Pay-Master General may stop what the same shall amount to, out of the Pay of the several Regiments, in order to satisfie the Owners for the same.
- VII And that the Counties may know what Quantities of Forrage they are to provide this Winter, the Officer Commanding in Chief in each Barony, shall deliver the Sheriff of the respective County, or such Person or Persons, as are or shall be appointed to take care of the same, the numbers of Horse and Dragoons, that are Quarter'd therein, for which they shall be oblig'd to furnish after the [...]a [...]e of four hundred weight of Hay, and five Bushels of Oates a Month for each Horse, and Straw proportionably, and no more; which Quantities of Hay, Oates, [Page]and Straw, the Counties shall be paid for out of the Treasury, according to the settled Rates, upon producing Receipts from the Officer in Chief, or Store-Keeper of the Barony. And if any Person in Their Majesties Pay or Entertainment, shall demand, or make use of any more, he shall be obliged to pay ready money for the same, under the Penalty of having treble the value stopt out of his Pay, upon proof made thereof before the General Officer Commanding in that Quarter.
- VIII. If, after all this Care taken to prevent Disorders, and satisfie for such Forrage as the Country shall furnish, the Inhabitants of the respective Baronies shall refuse or neglect to bring in, by the time appointed by the General Officer Commanding in Chief in that Quarter, such Quantities of Forrage as shall be necessary for the Troops in the same, that Notice be forthwith sent to Me, that I may give Directions for the Obliging them to comply with this Order, as I shall find necessary in that behalf.
- IX. Because some Souldiers of the Army may not at present have Money to pay their Quarters; and it being necessary that they be supported till they recei [...]e the same, and the Landlords secured for what they shall furnish, according to the Rates agreed upon by the Lords-Justices and my Self; I do hereby direct, that when any Regiment, Troop, or Company shall come to their Winter-Quarter; or if they are there already, two days after they shall receive Notice of this Order, the Officer Commanding the said Regiment, Troop, or Company, shall deliver the name of each Person to be Quartered in his said Regiment, Troop, or Company, to the Chief Magistrate of the Town, who shall give Billets to the said Souldiers, in which shall be specified the name of the Souldier, and Landlord, together with the Day of his being so Billetted; each of which said Billets is to be Signed by the said Officer, Magistrate, and Landlord, and renewed every Month, the old ones being hereby directed to be delivered to the Chief Magistrate, and by him returned in before the next Month is expired, to the Pay-Master General of the Army, or his Deputies: which said Billets are to be satisfied by the said Pay-Master General, out of the Pay of the said Regiment, Troop or Company.
- X. That when any Souldier has Leave to change his Quarters, the same Method be observed; and also when any new Souldier is entertained: And that the Magistrate do not presume to make a false Return, upon the Penalty of loosing all that shall be due to him for the Quartering of any Souldiers this Winter.
- [Page]XI. I do also require every Officer Commanding in Chief in any Town or Village to Sign these Billets for Dyet and Forrage as aforesaid; And at his being ordered to Leave any Quarter, to give a Bill for the whole money that shall be left unpaid by the Troop or Company under his Command, upon pain of being Cashiered for refusing or neglecting the same, and forfeiting his Arrears towards Discharge of the Debt due to the said Town.
- XII. And that the Country may know the method of being Redressed against any Officer or Souldier that shall Act contrary to these or any other Orders; Any Person, oppressed as aforesaid, is first to make his complaint to the Officer Commanding in Chief in the respective Town or Village, who is hereby required to see he has satisfaction for what he shall have lost; but upon his neglect or refusal the said Complainant is to make Application to the General Officer Commanding in Chief in that Quarter, who is required to do him Justice, and punish the Officer that has neglected or refused, to see he has Satisfaction as aforesaid: But if both these shall not take effectual care to do Right to the Party aggrieved, then the Offender shall be liable to, and delivered to the Civil Power, to be punished according to the Laws of this Kingdom.
- Bar. de GINCKELL,
Dublin, Printed by Andrew Crook, Assignee of Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties, on Ormonde-Key. 1690.