An Account of the Principal Officers Civil and Military of England. May 1684.

The Right Honourable the Lords of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council. 33.
  • 1 HIs Grace William Lord Arch­bishop of Canterbury.
  • 2 The Right Honourable Francis Lord Guilford, L. Keeper of the Great Seal.
  • 3 John Earl of Radnor, Lord President of the Council.
  • 4 George Marquess of Hallifax, Lord Privy Seal.
  • 5 James Duke of Ormond, Lord Steward of his Majesties Houshold.
  • 6 Christopher Duke of Albemarle.
  • 7 Henry Duke of Newcastle.
  • 8 Henry Duke of Beaufort.
  • 9 Charles Marquess of Winchester.
  • 10 Robert Earl of Lindsey, Lord Great Chamberlain of England.
  • 11 Henry Earl of Arlington, Lord Cham­berlain of His Majesties Houshold.
  • 12 Aubrey Earl of Oxford.
  • 13 Theophilus Earl of Huntingdon.
  • 14 John Earl of Bridgwater.
  • 15 Henry Earl of Peterborough.
  • 16 Philip Earl of Chesterfield.
  • 17 Robert Earl of Sunderland, Principal Secretary of State.
  • 18 Henry Earl of Clarendon.
  • 19 John Earl of Bath.
  • 20 William Earl of Craven.
  • 21 Robert Earl of Alesbury.
  • 22 Daniel Earl of Nottingham.
  • 23 Laurence Earl of Rochester.
  • 24 Thomas Viscount Fauconberg.
  • 25 Henry Lord Bishop of London.
  • 26 George Lord Dartmouth
  • 27 Henry Coventry Esq;
  • 28 Sir Leoline Jenkins Kt.
  • 29 Sir John Ernle Kt. Chancellor, and Under-Treasurer of the Exchequer.
  • 30 Sir Thomas Chicheley Kt. Chancellor of the Dutchy.
  • 31 Sir George Jeffreys Kt. and Baronet, Lord Chief Justice of England.
  • 32 Sidney Godolphin Esq; Principal Se­cretary of State.
  • 33 Edward Seymour Esq;
The Great Officers of the Crown. 9.
  • 1 The Lord High Steward of England.
  • 2 The Lord Keeper, Francis Lord Guil­ [...]
  • 3 The Lord High Treasurer of Eng­land, at present in Commission
  • 4 The Lord President of the Kings Council, John Earl of Radnor.
  • 5 The Lord Privy Seal, George Mar­quess of Hallifax.
  • 6 The Lord Great Chamberlain, Ro­bert Earl of Lindsey.
  • 7 The Lord High Constable.
  • 8 The Earl Marshal, Henry Duke of Norfolk.
  • 9 The Lord High Admiral, at present in Commission.
His Majesties Principal Secretaries of State. 2.
  • 1 Robert Earl of Sunderland.
  • 2 Sidney Godolphin Esq;
The Officers of His Majesties Houshold. 3. Ecclesiastical.
  • 1 Dean of the Chappel, Henry Lord Bishop of London.
  • 2 The Clerk of the Closet, Nathanael Lord Bishop of Durham.
  • 3 The Lord Almoner, Francis Lord Bishop of Rochester.
Civil. 9.
  • 1 Lord Steward of His Majesties Hous­hold, James Duke of Ormond
  • 2 Lord Chamberlain of His Majesties Houshold, Henry Earl of Arlington.
  • 3 The Master of the Horse, Charles Duke of Richmond
  • 4 The Treasurer of the Houshold, Francis Viscount Newport
  • 5 The Comptroller of the Houshold, William Lord Maynard.
  • 6 The Cofferer, Henry Lord Brounker
  • 7 The Master of the Houshold, Henry [...]kley Esq;
  • Clerks of the [...]en-cloth
    • Sir Stephen Fox
    • Sir William Boreman
  • [...] Com­ [...]
    • Sir Winston Churchill
    • Sir Richard Mason.
The Gentlemen of the Bedchamber to His Majesty.
  • 1 John Earl of Bath, first Gentleman, and Groom of the Stole
  • 2 Henry Duke of Newcastle
  • 3 Charles Earl of Dorset and Middlesex
  • 4 John Earl of Mulgrave
  • 5 Christopher Duke of Albemarle
  • 6 Robert Earl of Lindsey
  • 7 Aubrey Earl of Oxford
  • 8 James Earl of Arran
  • 9 Edward Lord Latimer
  • 10 Thomas Earl of Sussex
  • 11 Richard Earl of Rannelagh
  • 12 Edward Earl of Litchfield
  • 13 Laurence Earl of Rochester
  • The Vice Chamberlain, Henry Saville Esq;
  • Keeper of the Privy Purse, Baptist May Esq;
  • Treasurer of the Chamber, Edw. Griffin Esq;
  • Surveyor General of His Majesties Works, Sir Christopher Wren Kt.
  • Master of the Robes belonging to his Majesties person, Henry Sidney Esq;
  • Master of the Jewel House, Sir Gilbert Talbot Kt.
  • Master of the Ceremonies, Sir Charles Cotterel Kt.
  • Master of the Wardrobe, Ralph Lord Mountague
  • Master Falconer, Charles Duke of St. Albans.
  • Clerks of the Council
    • Sir John Nicholas Kt. of the Bath
    • Sir Philip Lloyd Kt
    • Sir Thomas Dolman Kt
    • Francis Gwyn Esq;
  • Masters of the Requests
    • Sir Charles Cotterel Kt
    • Thomas Povey Esq;
    • Sir Will. Glascock Kt
    • Charles Morley Esq;
  • Clerks of the Privy Seal
    • Sir Charles Bickerstaff Kt
    • John Matthews Esq;
    • Tho. Watkins Esq;
    • John Richards Esq;
  • Clerks of the Signet
    • Sir John Nicholas Kt of the Bath
    • Sidney Bere Esq;
    • Nicholas Morice Esq;
    • Dr. William Trumbull
  • Knight Marshal, Sir Edward Villiers Kt
  • Usher of the Black Rod, Sir Thomas Duppa Kt
  • Serjeant Porter, Sir Henry Progers Kt
  • Captain of the Band of Pensioners, Theophilus Earl of Huntingdon.
  • Lieutenant of the said Band, Francis Villiers Esq;
  • Standard-Bearer thereof, Sir Humphrey Sturt Kt
  • Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, George Viscount Grandison
  • Lieutenant of the said Yeomen, Thomas Howard Esq;
  • Ensign thereof, Henry Dutton-Colt, and Chalres Villiers Esq; Clerk of the Check
The Judges and Principal Officers of the Courts of Justice, and first of the Kings Bench.
  • 1 Sir George Jeffreys Knight and Baro­net, Lord Chief Justice of England
  • 2 Sir Francis Wythins Kt
  • 3 Sir Richard Holloway Kt
  • 4 Sir Thomas Walcot Kt
Of the Common-Pleas.
  • 1 Sir Thomas Jones Kt. Lord Chief Ju­stice
  • 2 Sir Hugh Wyndham Kt
  • 3 Sir Job Charlton Kt
  • 4 Sir Creswel Levinz Kt
Of the Exchequer.
  • 1 William Mountague Lord Chief Baron
  • 2 Sir Edward Atkins Kt
  • 3 Sir William Gregory Kt
  • 4 Sir Thomas Street Kt
Of the High Court of Chancery.
  • 1 Francis Lord Guilford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal
  • 2 Sir Harbottle Grimston Knight and Ba­ronet, Master of the Rolls.
The 11 Masters in Chancery, viz.
  • 1 Sir John Coel Kt
  • 2 Sir W. Beversham Knight
  • 3 Sir Sa. Clarke Kt
  • 4 Sir Edward Low D. L.
  • 5 Sir Miles Cooke Knight
  • 6 Sir Lac. Will. Child Knight
  • 7 Sir John Hoskins Kt
  • 8 Sir Joh. Franklin Kt
  • 9 Sir Adam Otley Kt
  • 10 Sir Rob. Le Gard Knight
  • 11 Sir Jam. Astrey Kt
  • Sir Robert Sawyer Kt: Attorney General,
  • Heneage Finch Esq; Solicitor General:
The Court of the Dutchy of Lancaster.
  • 1 The Chancellor, Sir Thomas Chicheley
  • 2 Vice Chancellor, Sir John Otway
  • 3 Attorney General, Sir John Heath
  • 4 receiver General, Sir John Curson
  • 5 John Fanshaw Esq; Auditors
  • 6 Edward Web Esq; Auditors
  • 7 Cheek Gerard Esq; Clerk.
The Chief Officers of his Majesties Revenue, and first of the Commissioners of the Treasury:
  • 1 Laurence Earl of Rochester
  • 2 Sir John Ernle Kt. Chancellor of the Exchequer
  • 3 Sir Edward Deering Baronet
  • 4 Sir Stephen Fox Kt
  • 5 Sidney Godolphin Esq;

And under these Lords

The Commissioners of the Customs. 6.
  • 1 Charles Lord Chene
  • 2 Sir Dudl: North Kt
  • 3 Andr. Newport Esq;
  • 4 Sir Ric. Temple Bar.
  • 5 Sir Geo. Downing Kt. and Baronet
  • 6 Sir Nich. Butler Knight.
Commissioners of the Excise & Fire-hearths.
  • 1 Sir Denn. Ashburn­ham Baronet
  • 2 Franc: Parrey Esq;
  • 3 R: Huntingdon Esq;
  • 4 Ch: Davenant Esq;
  • 5 John Friend Esq;
  • 6 Felix Calvert Esq;
  • 7 Nat: Hornby Esq;
  • 8 Patric Trant Esq;
  • 9 Will: Bridge Esq;
  • Treasurer, Sir Cornwal Bradshaw Kt:
Commissioners for Wine-Licences:
  • 1 Hen: Deering Esq;
  • 2 Will: Young Esq;
  • 3 John Taylor Esq;
  • 4 Michael Brighouse Esq;
  • 5 Robert Ryves Esq;
Commissioners of Appeals for Excise:
  • 1 Rol: Spencer Esq;
  • 2 Ch: Fanshaw Esq;
  • 3 Sir Paul Neal Kt:
  • 4 George Dodington Esq;
  • 5 Edw: Seymour Esq;
Of the high Court of the Admiralty, and first the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of England:
  • 1 Daniel Earl of Nottingham:
  • 2 Sir Thomas Meeres Baronet:
  • 3 Sir Humphrey Winch Kt:
  • 4 Sir Edward Hales Baronet:
  • 5 Sir John Chicheley Kt:
  • 6 Henry Saville Esq;
  • 7 Arthur Herbert Esq;
  • Vice Admiral of England, Henry Duke of Grafton:
  • Rere Admiral, the abovesaid Arthur Her­bert Esq;
  • Judge of the Admiralty, Sir Leoline Jen­kins Kt:
The Principal Officers of the Navy:
  • 1 Treasurer, Anthony Viscount Falkland:
  • 2 Comptroller, Sir Richard Haddock Kt:
  • 3 Surveyor, Sir John Tippet Kt:
  • 4 Clerk of the Acts, James Southerne Esq;
To these are joyned the Commissioners following:
  • Sir Jo: Narborough Knight:
  • Sir Phineas Pett Kt:
  • Sir Richard Beech Knight:
  • Sir John Godwin Kt:
Of the Tower of London.
  • The Constable, William Lord Alington.
  • The Lieutenant, Thomas Cheeke Esq;
Of the Ordnance therein.
  • The Master, George Lord Dartmouth.
  • The Lieutenant, Sir Christopher Musgrave Kt.
  • Surveyor of the Ordnance, Sir Benard de Gemme Kt.
  • The Treasurer, Charles Bertie Esq;
  • Clerk of the Ordnance, Sir Edw. Sherburne Kt.
  • The Store-Keeper, William Bridges Esq;
  • Keeper of the Records, in the Tower, Sir Al­gernon May Kt.
Of the City of London. The L. Major & Alderm
  • 1 Sir Henry Tulse Kt. Lord Major.
  • 2 Sir William Turner Kt Ald Above the Chair.
  • 3 Sir William Hooker Kt Ald Above the Chair.
  • 4 Sir Rob. Vyner Kt & Bt Ald Above the Chair.
  • 5 Sir James Edwards Kt Ald Above the Chair.
  • 6 Sir John Moore Kt Ald Above the Chair.
  • 7 Sir Will. Pritchard Kt Ald Above the Chair.
  • 8 Sir Thomas Jenner Kt Recorder.
  • 9 Sir James Smith Kt Ald Below the Chair.
  • 10 Sir Robert Jefferies Kt Al Below the Chair.
  • 11 Sir Will. Rawstorne Kt Al Below the Chair.
  • 12 Sir John Peak Kt Ald Below the Chair.
  • 13 Sir Tho. Beckford Kt Ald Below the Chair.
  • 14 Sir Joh. Chapman Kt Ald Below the Chair.
  • 15 Sir Simon Lewis Kt Ald Below the Chair.
  • 16 Sir Jon. Raymond Kt Ald Below the Chair.
  • 17 Sir Dudley North Kt Ald Below the Chair.
  • 18 Peter Rich Esq; Ald Below the Chair.
  • 19 Sir Benj. Bathurst Kt Ald Below the Chair.
  • 20 Sir Joh. Buckworth Kt Ald Below the Chair.
  • 21 Sir Benj. Newland Kt Ald Below the Chair.
  • 22 Jacob Lucy Esq; Ald Below the Chair.
  • 23 Charles Duncomb Esq Ald Below the Chair.
  • 24 Peter Paravicini Esq; Ald Below the Chair.
  • 25 Benj. Thorogood Esq; Ald Below the Chair.
  • 26 Sir Peter Daniel Kt Sheriffes.
  • 27 Samuel Dashwood Esq; Sheriffes.
  • Mr. Ailworth Chamberlain.
  • Henry Crisp Esq; Common Serjeant.
  • William Wagstaff Esq; Town Clerk:
  • Joseph Lane Esq; Vice-Chamberlain:
The Post-House.
  • Post-Master of England Henry E. of Arlington and under his Lordship Philip Froud Esq;
His Majesties Lieutenants of the several Counties of England.
  • Barkshire, Henry Duke of Norfolk:
  • Buckinghamshire, John Earl of Bridgewater:
  • Bedfordshire, Robert Earl of Alesbury:
  • Cheshire, William Earl of Derby:
  • Cumberland, Charles Earl of Carlifle:
  • Cambridgeshire, William Lord Alington:
  • Cornwal, John Earl of Bath:
  • Devonshire, Christophe. Duke of Albemarle:
  • Dorsetshire, John Earl of Bristol:
  • Derbyshire, Willam Earl of Devon:
  • Durham, Nathanael L: Bishop of Durham:
  • Essex, Christopher Duke of Albemarle:
  • Gloucestershire, Henry Duke of Beaufort:
  • Herefordshire, Henry Duke of Beaufort:
  • Hertfordshire, John Earl of Bridgwater:
  • Huntingdonshire, Robert Earl of Alesbury:
  • Hampshire, Edward Earl of Gainsborough:
  • Kent, Heneage Earl of Winchelsea:
  • Lancashire, William Earl of Derby:
  • Monmouth, Henry Duke of Beaufort:
  • Leicestershire, John Earl of Rutland:
  • London, Lord Major and the Lieutenancy:
  • Lincolnshire, Robert Earl of Lindsey:
  • Middlesex & Southwark, William E: of Craven
  • Norfolk, Henry Duke of Norfolk:
  • Northamptonshire; Henry E: of Peterborough:
  • Northumberland, Henry Duke of Newcastle:
  • Nottinghamshire, Henry Duke of Newcastle:
  • Oxfordshire, James Earl of Abingdon:
  • Rutlandshire, Edward Earl of Gainsborough:
  • Suffolk, Henry Earl of Arlington:
  • Surrey, Henry Duke of Norfolk:
  • Shropshire, Francis Viscount Newport:
  • Staffordshire, Charles Earl of Shrewsbury:
  • Somersetshire, Charles Duke of Somerset:
  • Sussex, Charles Earl of Dorset:
  • Tower Hamlets, William Lord Alington:
  • worchestershire, Thomas Earl of Plymouth:
  • Warwickshire, Robert Earl of Sunderland:
  • Wiltshire, Thomas Earl of Pembroke:
  • Westmerland, Charles Earl of Carlisle:
  • Northwales & Southwales, Henry D: of Beaufort
  • East Riding of Yorksh: Charles D: of Somerset
  • West Riding of Yorksh: Richard E. of Burlington
  • North Riding of Yorkshire: Thomas Vise. Fauconberg Under these are Deputy, Lieutenants, who are most of the Principal Gentlemen of each County.

The Officers of his Majesties three Troops of Horse Guards.

The KINGS Troops.
  • Captain, Christopher Duke of Albemarle.
  • Lieutenants
    • [...] Aston Esq;
    • Edward Villiers Esq;
    • Edward Griffin Esq;
  • Cornet, Sir Walter Clarges.
  • Guidon, Major Binns.
The QUEENS Troop.
  • Captain, Sir Philip Howard.
  • Lieutenants
    • Sir George Hewitt Baronet.
    • Sir John Fenwick Baronet.
  • Cornet, Charles Orby Esq;
  • Guidon, John Darcy Esq;
His Royal Highness his Troop.
  • Captain, Lewis Earl of Feversham.
  • Lieutenants
    • Colonel Robert Werden.
    • Colonel Theophilus Oglethorpe
  • Cornet, Philip Darcy Esq;
  • Guidon, Major Edmond Meine.
The Kings Regiment of Horse, under the command Of the Earl of Oxford.
  • Lieutenant Colonel, Aubery Earl of Oxford
  • Major, Sir Francis Compten Kt. of the Bath
The Foot Guards. The KINGS own Regiment.
  • Colonel, Henry Duke of Grafton.
  • Lieutenant Colonel, John Strode Esq;
  • Major, William Eyton Esq;
The Coldstream Regiment.
  • Colonel, William Earl of Craven.
  • Lieutenant Colonel, Edward Sackville Esq;
  • Major, John Huitson Esq;
His Royal Highness his Regiment.
  • Colonel, Sir Charles Littleton Kt.
  • Lieutenant Colonel, Oliver Nicholas Esq;
  • Major, Richard Baggot Esq;
The Holland Regiment.
  • Colonel, John Earl of Mulgrave.
  • Lieutenant Colonel, Sir Thomas Ogie Kt.
  • M [...]jor, Windram Esq;
Governours of Countries, Islands, Citis, Towns, Forts, and Garrisons.
  • Barbadoes, Sir Richard Dutton Kt.
  • Berwick, Henry Duke of Newcastle.
  • Carlisle, Edward Lord Morpeth.
  • Chepstow, Henry Duke of Beaufort.
  • Chester, Sir Geofrey Shakerly Baronet.
  • Dover & the Cinque Ports, Col. John Strode
  • Gravesend and Tilbury, Sackville Tufton Esq;
  • Guernzey, Christopher Viscount Hatton.
  • Holy Island, Sir John Fenwick Baronet.
  • Hull, Thomas Earl of Plymouth.
  • Hurst Castle,
  • Ireland, James Duke of Ormond.
  • Jersey Island, Sir John Lanier Kt.
  • Jamaica, Sir Thomas Lynch Kt.
  • Languard Fort, Sir Roger Manley Kt.
  • The Leward Islands, Sir William Stapleton B.
  • St. Maws Castle, Sir Joseph Tredenham Kt.
  • Mary Land, John Lord Baltimore.
  • Pendennis Castle, Richard Lord Arundell.
  • Plymouth and S. Nicholas Island, John Earl of Bath.
  • Portsmouth, Edward Earl of Ganisborough
  • Sandown Castle, Sir Abraham Jacob Kt.
  • Sherness, Sir Charles Littleton Kt.
  • Scilly Island, Godolphim Esq;
  • Scarborough Castle, Sir Tho. Slingsby Bar.
  • Tinmouth, Sir Edward Villiers Kt.
  • Virginia, Francis Lord Howard of Effingham
  • Upnor Castle, Robert Minors Esq;
  • Isle of Wight, Sir Robert Holmes Kt.
  • Windsor Castle, Constable, Henry Duke of Norfolk.
General Officers.
  • Commissary General of the Musters, Henry Howard Esq;
  • Pay Master General, Charles Fox Esq;
  • Secretary at War, William Blathwayte Esq;
  • Judge Advocate, Clarke Esq;

Dublin Reprinted by Andrew Crooke, at his Printing-house in Skinner-Row. 1684.

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