A Verie plaine and well grownded treatise Concerninge BAPTISME.
VVherein yt is verie clearlie shovven, & out of good growndes demonstrated that Baptisme was instituted & ordayned by the Lorde Christ for thoese that beleeve and repente, and was so taught and vsed by his Apostells & observed and followed by the Primative Churche.
As also hovv that in processe of time the Baptisme of Children in steede of true Baptisme was brought in and received and by divers Cownsells Popes, and Emperors commaunded to be observed.
Printed in the Yeare of our Lorde and Sauiour IESVS CHRIST, 1618.
To the impertiall and vvellmeaninge READER.
FOr as much as impertial Reader, it is not vnknowne vnto us that the Lord Christ geve vnto & left with his Apostells a Comanndemente and ordinance to be observed which is Baptisme to those that beleeve, as apeareth Math. 28. VVhere he sayth. Goe and teache al nations Baptisinge them in the name of the Father te Sonne and the Holie Ghost, teachinge them to observe all thinges what soever I have comannded you. And Marke, 16. Goe yee into all the world and preach the Gospel to everie Creature, he that shalbe beleeve and be baptised shalbe saved. The which Comanndement they obsērved vsed and taught as apeareth Act. 2. 8 9. 10, 16. 19. 22. Rom. 6. Gal. 3. And was by the Anncient Fathers in the primative Church for a time vnviolablye kept and vsed, as the wrytinges of divers both of the Anncyent & latter teachers aleaged in this treatise do manifestlie schowe.
VVe will therefore first shewe by testimonies out of holie Scripture that Christ comannded his Apostells and Servantes of the holie Ghost first of all to preache the Gospell and make Discyples, and then afterwardes to Baptise those that weare instructed in the fayth in Callinge vpon and Confessinge the name of God. The which we will illustrate and Confirme by the wittnes of the Anncyent and latter teachers.
Secondlie shalbe proved out of holie Scripture that the A [...]ostells and servantes of the holie Ghost have accordinge to [...]e Comanndement of the Lorde Iesus Christ, first of all [...]ught and afterwardes Bapiised those that weare instructed in he Misteries of the Kingdom of God, vpon the Confession [...]f their fayth the which also is Confirmed and illustrated by [...]e testimonie of the Anncyent and latter teachers, heervnto [...]nexed.
Thirdlie in this treatise it is suffyc [...]entlie shewed and proved that after the Apostells time by the primative Church & Anncyent Fathers who observed & followed the ordinance of Christ and Example of the Apostells, the people weare comonlie first instructed in the Misteries of fayth, and after that they weare taught they weare Baptised vpon Confession of the same.
Fow [...]thlye it is proved that in the primative Church the Children both of the faythfull & others weare comonlye first instructed in the fayth and afterwardes vpon acknowledginge and Confession of the same they weare Baptised.
Fiftlie it is in briefe demonstrated by testimonies out of the holie Scripture that accordinge to the institution of the Lorde Christ and the Apostells and Anncyent Fathers right vse. The teachers required fayth with baptisme and that he that was baptised must himselfe acknowledge and Confesse the same and call vpon the name of the Lorde with both the Anncyent and latter wryters approbation & Confirmation of the saide testimonie.
Sixtlie it is proved out of their owne wrytinges, whith vse Childrens baptisme, that Christ neyther gave Comanndement for baptisme of younge Children, nor instituted the same and that the Apostells never baptised any infantes.
Seventlye it is proved out of the wrytinges both of the Anncyent and latter teachers that the baptisme of infantes is an ordinance of man & à selfe received opinion, brought into the Church by teachers after the Apostells and instituted and comannded by Counsells Popes and Emperors.
Eyghtlie and lastelie, it is both proved by scripture, and ou [...] of the wrytinges of the Anncyent and latter teachers which have and at this time do vse Childrens Baptisme, tha [...] younge Children or infantes ought not to be Baptised, an [...] that none ought to be brought drawne or compelled therto.
Thus hast thou wellmeaninge and impert [...]all Reader in [Page 5] this smale treatise brieflie sett downe the right Comanndement and ordinance of our Lorde Iesus Christ concerninge Baptisme, as also the true vse thereof by the holie Apostells & first Church after their death together wich the Alteringe of the same Comanndemente of Christ & the right vse thereof, by those that brought in and instituted Childrens baptisme. Desyringe thee to accept and receive this our smale worke wich a thankefull minde and good wil and with sober vnderstandinge and impartiall harte earnestlie & dilligentlie reade, rightlie vnderstande dulie Censure & make vse of the same to thy fit benefit & betteringe. God the Father through his Sōne Iesus Christ give thee & to all those that with their hartes desyer and hunger and thirst thereafter, the right vnderstandinge and true vse of his Comanndement that so they maye distinguishe betwixt the institution of Christ and the ordinance of men, to thintent that the latter beinge sett asyde and removed, the first as Christs institution maye firmelie and for ever remayne and so whith him as whith our ownlie medyator maye be partakers of everlastinge life and joye eternall, Amen.
Reade vnderstande and Censure whith Iudgemente.
A mistery discovered, which is The Baptizing of Infants, instituted by the man of sinne.
In vvhich is related, hovv the true Baptisme of IESVS CHRIST, was throwne downe. And how, The Baptisme of Anti-christ, vvas set vp in stead thereof, proved by scripture
and by ancient and latter writers.
To al that longeth after the misterie of Godlines.
DIvers causes have moved vs to seeke aut and discover this Ancyent mistery of iniquitie. As first, our longing after the salvation of our Countrie and kindred in they flesh, who are drowned in deepe securitie, with this accustomed practice, without any warrant at all from Gods word, 2. Because wee sie our testifieng against it, have bene and are continually persecuted and afflicted, and that not a little as God knoweth, and all men that take notice of it though it may he some thinke they do God service theirin hopeing hereafter that for our weldoeing wee shall not so cruelly be handled, 3. Wee are disireuos Christ, ordinance and institution may be made knowne, and observed which is yet vnknowne and neglected, nameles the Baptising of those onely that Confesse their sinnes & fayth. 4 And lastley. That the Baptising of innocent infantes may be avoided, by which the Carnall seed is taken in and acknowledged, to be the true spirituall seed of Abraham, and so fayned Christianitie in shewe (or rather Anti-Christ.) Goeth currant in most mens account for true and vnfained Christianitie: and by this wide doore [Page 7] of▪ Pedo baptistry is let in, not onely such as des [...]re to have their inf [...]ntes made Christians as ehey suppose: but even hereby all are compelled they and their Children to be made Christians wether they will or no. Whereas fayth, is the gift of God, without which no man can be ingrafted into Christ, nor made a Christian indeed. These causes have moved vs to manifest what wee can, & because in these dayes many men are as much if not more affected whith humane then whith divine antiquitie, wee have thought first to declare the Anncyent and latter writers agreeing with Christs comannd and thappostles practice in this thinge, as also how infātes baptisme came in, in stead of true Baptisinge. As God hath brought it to our hādes, translated out of the Dutch togue, sheweing also that Christ is the doore, by whome all that beleeveth must enter into the Kingdome of Heaven, onely by that way which is presoribed in his word. Beseeching all to try allthinges, & keepe that which is good, & cast away that which is evill, & diligently to enquire for the old and good way and enter & walke therein vnto the end: & they shall find rost vnto their soules. Which the Lord grant vnto all men even for his Christs seke, Amen.
That Christ Comanded his Apostles & Servants of the holie Gho: first of all to preach
the Gospell and make Disciples and after wards to Baptise those that weare instructed
in the fayth in calinge vpon and Confessinge the name of God.
Proofes out of the Holye scriptures.
CHrist seyth Math. 28. to his Disciples: Goe andMath. 28. 19. Iohn. 4. [...]. Discipulos facere. [...] Actor. 22. [...]. Marke. 16. 15. Luke, 24. 45. make Disciples all nations baptisinge them in the name of rhe Father, of the Sonne and of the Holie Ghost, teachinge them to observe all thinges what soever I have Comanded you.
And Marc. 16, he sayth: Goe yee into all the world and preache the Gospell to everie Creature, he that shall beleeve and be baptised shalbe saved, but he that vvill not beleeve shalbe damned.
And Luke the 24. And thus yt behooved Christ to suffer and to rise again from the deade the thirde daye, and that repentance and remission of Sinnes should be preached in his name among all nations begininge at Ierusalem. Nowee yee are witnnisses of thease thinges.
The aforesayde proofes illustrated and confirmed by Anntient and latter teachers.
HIeronimus sup. Math▪ The Lorde Comanded his ApostellsPrimum docuerunt deinde fidei intingerent Sa [...]ramento. that they should first instruct and teache all nations and afterwardes should baptise those that weare instructed in the misteries of fayth. For yt cannot be that the bodye shold receive the Sacramente of Baptisme, vnles [...]he Sowle have received before the true fayth.
Athanasius in Sermone. 3, contra Arianos: Our Saviour did notPrimum dixit docete ac deinde bap [...]sate. slightlie comānde to baptise. But first of all he sayde: Teache, And then baptise that true fayth might come by teachinge and baptisme be perfy [...]ed by fayth.
Haimo in Postilla: vpon the text, Goe & teach all nations,Doctrin [...] baptismum praecedere decet. Folio. 278. In this place is sett downe a rule rightlie how to baptise that is that teachinge showld goe before baptisme, for he sayth teach al nations & then he sayth & baptise them, for he that is to be baptised must be before instructed that heIames. 2. 26. Rom. 14. 24. first learne to beleve that which in baptisme he shal receive for as fayth without workes is deade, so workes when they are not of fayth, are nothinge worth.
Erasmus paraphraseth thus vpon thease wordes of Math. 28.Sicredun [...] baptisate. VVhen you have taught them the word of God, if they then beleeve you & receive it, if they begin to repente them selves of their former life and are readye and willinge to imbrace the Doctrine of the Gospel then let them be baptised, with water in the name of the Father the Sonne & the holie Ghost, that they may be marked with this marke and written amōgst the nomber of those whith trust that they are throughe the merrits of my death freed and washed from their sinnes, and received to be Children of God.
Idem in Annatationibus in Mar: The Apostells weare ComandedApostol [...] Iubentur prius docere postea bapti [...]are. first to teache and then to baptise. The Iewes weare brought by Ceremonies to the knowledge of the truth, but Christians must learne to knowe first.
Bullinger in his how [...]ebooke vpon the wordes of Mathewe [...] Discipulos facere. cap. 28. Docete omnes Gentes. The worde vsed in the Greeke importeth as much as had he sayd, Make or Gather me Disciples.
Besa in Annotationibus. Baptise them in the name of the FatherIn nomine id est, invocato nomine▪ that is in callinge vpon the name of the Father.
Strigelius in 8. cap. Act: To be baptised in the name of Iesus. That is to be baptised in Confessinge and acknowledginge [Page 10] the name of Iesus.
Lutherus in Genes. Cap 48. Before we receive the Sacrament of Baptisme and the Lords supper we must have fayth.
Idem In his Booke intituled. The Growndworke and cause Tom. 1. For which cause sayth hee S. Paule in Rom. 1. and Heb. 10 vseth the sayinge of the Prophet Habbakuk, as a maineHab. 2. 4. Rom 1. 17 Heb. 10. 38 pointe in Christian Doctrine whereas he sayth the righteouse shall live by fayth, he sayth not the righteouse man shall live by the Sacramentes but by fayth for it is not the Sacrament but by fayth in the Sacrament that vivifieth and iustifieth for manie receive the Sacrament which are not thereby quickened and bettered, but who so ever beleeveth is both vivified & bettered thereby and this doth the words of the Lorde Christ, Marke the 16. Confirme sayinge, he that shall beleeve andMarki. 16. 28. Fayth before baptisme. be Baptised shallbe saved. VVhere he placeth fayth before Baptisme for where fayth is not there helpes not Baptisme as the followinge wordes in the same place do shewe sayinge: he that will not beleeve shalbe dāned (al be it that he be baptised) for it is not baptisme but fayth in Baptisme that saveth as we reade actes the 8. That Philip wowld not baptise the EunuchAct. 8. 36. vntyll he had first demaunded of him whether he beleeved. Moreover S. Paule sayth Rom. 10. That it is requisyte to saluationRom. [...]0. 10. that a mā beleeve from his harte, he sayth not it is requisyte to salvation that a man receiveth the Sacraments, because that by fayth whihout bodylie receivingè the Sacraments. If he Cōtemne not the same, a man may be saved. But whithout fayth the Sacraments profitt nothinge yea they are not onlie in vayne but bringe damnation also to the receivers.
2. That the Apostells and Servants of the holye Ghost have accordinge to the Comaundement
of the Lord Iesus Christ first of all taught and then afterwards those that weare
instructed in the mysteryes of the Kingedome of God weare Baptised vpon the Confession
of their faythe.
Proofes out of the Holye Scripture.
PAul wrytinge to the Corinthians sayth Christ sent him1 Corrin. 1 15. Preachinge before baptisme. 1 Corrin. 4 15. Begotte [...] by preachinge and not by baptisme. 1 Corrin. 3 [...] 6. not to baptise but to preache the Gospell. Againe he sayth I have begotten you through the Gospell. And I have planted and Apollos watred but God gave the increase.
Heb. 6. He wrytinge of the order in teachinge which was observed in the Apostolicall Church sayth. Therefore leavinge the Doctrine of the begininge of Christ let vs be led forwarde to perfection not layinge againe the foundation of repentance from deade workes and fayth towardes God of the Doctrine of baptisme and layinge on of handes and of the resurrection from the deade and of eternall Iudgemente. And1. Repentance. 2. Faith. 3. Baptisme. Heb. 10. Seeinge we have an high priest which is over the howse of God let vs drawe neare whith a true harte in asurance of fayth sprinckled in our hartes from a evill Conscyence and washed in our bodyes whith pure water let vs keepe the Profession of our fayth whithout waveringe.1. Faith▪ 2. Pure water.
Actes. 2. 36. Peter lift vp his voyce and sayd to the Iewes lett all the howse of Israel knewe for a suretye that God hath made this Iesus whom you have Crucyfied both Lorde and Christ. Now when they harde it they weare pricked in their hartes & sayd men and brethren what shal we do [...]. Then Peter sayd vnto then. Amende your lives and be baptised every [Page] one of you in the name of Iesus. Christ to the forgivenesBapti [...] after repētance. Qui sermonem acceperunt sunt Baptisari. of your sinnes, and you shall receive the gyft of the holie Ghost then they that gladhe received his worde weare baptised and they continued in the Apostells doctrine.
Actor. 8. Philip. came into the Cyttie of Samaria and preached Christ vnto them. And the people gave heede to those thinges which Philip▪ spake with one accorde. And as soone as they beleeved Philip which preached vnto them the thinges that concerne the Kingdome of God and the nameQui credidissent Baptisati sunt. of Iesus Christ, they weare baptised both men and women. And Simon himselfe. beleeved also and was baptised.
Ibidem The Angell of the Lorde spake vnto Phillip sayinge. Aryse and goe towardes the sowth vnto the waye that Goeth downe from Ierusalem to Gaza. And he arose and wente on, & behold à Certayne Funuch of Ethiopia Candaces the Queene of Ethiopians Cheefe governor who had the rule of all her treasure and came to Ierusalem worship, And as he returned syttinge in his Chariote he redde the prophet Esaye. Then the spirit sayde vnto Phillip. Goe neare & joyne thy selfe to yonder Chariot and Phillip ran thether & harde him reade the Prophet Esaye and he sayde. But vnderstandest thou what thou readest and he sayde how can I except I had a guide, Nowe the place of scripture which he reddeEsay, 43. 10 was this, he was led as a sheepe to the slaughter, &c.
And thy Eunuch sayd vnto Phillip I praye the of whome speaketh the Prophet this of him selfe or of some other man. Then Phillip opened his mouth and began at the same scripturePhillip preached the Gospell. and preached vnto him the Gospell of Iesus And as they wente on their waye they came vnto a certayne water, & the Eunuch sayd. See heare is water what doth lett me to be baptised.The Eunuch beleved and was baptised. And Phillip sayd vnto him if thou beleevest with all thy harte thou mayest, and they went downe both into them water and he baptised him.
Actor. 10. Peter opened his mouth (before Cornelius and [Page 13] his frindes) and sayd: To him give all the Prophets wittnes that through his name all that beleeve in him shall receive remission of sinnes. VVhyles that yet Peter spake these wordes the holye Ghost fell on all them which harde the worde, and they harde them speake all with tongues and magnified God.Ambrosi. lib. 2 de s. s. sine Spiritu Baptisma esse non potest. Then answered Peter can anie man forbid water that those should not be baptised which have received the holie Ghost as well as we. So he comanded them to be baptised in the name of the Lorde.
Act. 16. 19. The keeper of the prison fell downe before Paule and Silas and sayd: Sirs what must I do to be saved, And they sayd Beleeve in the Lorde Iesus Christ, and thou shall be savedLutherus non vult Baptisare nisi credāt. and thy howsehold. And they preached vnto him the worde of the Lorde and to all that weare in his howse, And he was baptised with all that belonged vnto him straightwaye & rejoyced that he and all his how sehold beleeved in God.
Act. 18. At Corinth. The Spirit did drive forewarde. PauleAudientes credebant & baptisabantur. to testifie vnto the Iewes, that Iesus is that Christ. And Chrispus the Chiefe ruler of the Sinagogne beleeved in the Lorde with all his howse and manie of the Corinthians hearinge it beleeved and weare baptised.
The same illustrated and Confirmed by testimonies out of the Auntient and latter teachers.
Beda [...]super 19. Cap. Actor. All those that came to the Apostells to be baptised weare instructed & taught of them, & when they weare instructed and thaught concerninge the SacramentBaptisme vpon faith. of Baptisme then they received the holie administration thereof.
Augustinus ad Salcotinanum. A man must repente before baptisme. As Peter in the Actes of the Apostells speakinge to the Iewes sayth: Repente and be baptised everie one of you inNon vult baptisare nisi credāt. the name of the Lorde Iesus Christ, Et citatur in Decret distinct. 4. de consecr. cap. Agant. Luther in Genes. Not Ba [...]tisme but [Page 14] fayt in Baptisme is that which saveth and therefore we reade. Acts. 8. That Phillip. would not baptise the Eunuch tyl he had asked him before whether he beleeved or not.
Melanthon vpon 1. Cor. 11. In times past those in the ChurchQui penitentiam agebant baptisabātur. that had repented them weare Baptised and was in steede of an Absolution wherefore Repentance must not be seperate from baptisme for Baptisme is a Sacramentall signe of repentance.
Bullinger in his howsebooke, 48 sermo: vpon the wordes of Paule, God hath not sente me to baptise but to preache the1. Corrin. 1 15. Doctrina baptismum praecedet. Gospell, sayth:) This must not so slightlie be vnderstood as weare he not sente to baptise, at all. But that teachinge showld goe before baptisme for the Lorde Comannded his Apostells both to preache and also to Administer the Sacraments.
Idem Ibidem. Baptisme hath no prescribed time given by the Lorde and therefore it is left to the free Choyce of the faythfull. Those that beleeved at the preachinge of Peter vpon the daye of Pentecost as also the Eunuch whom Phillip Baptised. Cornelius the Captaine, Paule the Apostell at Damasko Lydia the seller of purple a VVoman that feared God, the keeper of the prison at Phillippi and other more as well women as men so soone as they tasted the giftes of Christ and beleeved his worde, presentlie desyred to be baptised.
3. That after the Apostells time by the Auntient Fathers in the primative Church who
observed and followed the ordinance of Christ and the Exempell of the Apostells the
people weare cōmonlie first instructed in the mysteries of fayth & after that they
weare taught they weare baptised vpon Confession of the same.
Proofes for the same out of the Auntient & latter teachers.
IVstin Martyr in oratione ad Anthonium Pium: I will declareQuicsique persuasi sic erint & crediderint in aqua lavantur, vnto you. Howe we offer vp our selves to God after that we are renewed through Christ. Those amongest vs that are instructed in the fayth and beleeve that which we teache them is true, beinge willinge to live accordinge to the same, we do admonishe to fast & to praye for the forgivenes of their sinnes, & we also fast and praye with them, And then they are brought by vs to the water and there as we weare newe borne, are they also by newe birth renewed. And then in callinge vpon God the Father the Lorde Iesus Christ and the holie Ghost they are washed in water.
Rabanus in decretis de consecrat. distinct 4. Cap. ante bap. TheAnte baptismum Catechisandidebet hominem praevenire offitium. Catechisme which is the doctrine of fayth must goe before baptisme. To thintent that he that is to be baptised (id est Catechumenus) may first learne the misteries of fayth. And further he sayth: The Lorde Christ annoynted the eyes of him that was borne blinde with Claye made of spittel, before he sente him to the water Siloah to signifie that he that is to be baptisedIohn. 9. 16. must first be instructed in the fayth concerninge the incarnation of Christ, and when he doth beleeve then is he to bePrius debet baptisandus fide instrue. admitted to baptisme to thintente he maye knowe, what that grace is which he receiveth in baptisme and whom he afterwardes in dutye ought and is bounde to serve.
Basilius contra Eunomium lib. 3. Must the faythfull be sealed with Baptisme, fayth must needes preceede and goe before.Credere prius oporter ac postea baptismate consignari.
Eusebius lib. 6. Histor Ecclesi. Origen was apointed by Demetrius to be at Alexandria a Catechista that is a teacher of those that weare Discyples and scollers in the fayth which offyce before his time after the Apostells Plautinus & Clemens did execute, whose Disciples weare Plutarch Serenus, Heraclus & Heron. Origines Catechist [...] baptisandorum. And a womā who before she was baptised with water was as a Marter put to death & baptised with the fyer for Christ his sake after Origen Heracles and after Heracles Dionisius taught in the sayd scoole at Alexandria those that weare to be instructed in [Page 16] the fayth before baptisme.
Erasmus & wicelius in vita Hieronimi ex ipsis scriptis collecta Anno etatis 30 vestē candidam assumpsit. Hieronimus borne in the Cyttie Sydon, of Christia [...] parents, and brought vp in the Christian religion, was baptised at Rome in the 30 yeare of his age.
Paulinus de vita Ambrosij. Et Nauclerus Chron Gener. 13. Ambrosius In die baptisatus quo pastor ecclesiae ordinatus est. borne of Christian Parents, his fathers name was Ambrosius, and his mothers name Marcelina, remayned instructed in the fayth vnbaptised, Tyl he was Chosen Bishop in Millaine, at which time he received Baptisme of a Catholique Priest.Ad fidem conversus baptisabatur cum Iam esset 30 annorū.
Nauclerus Generat: 14. Anno dominij, 391. Augustinus the Sonne of the vertuous Monica beinge instructed in the fayth was baptised when he was about 30 yeares of age, at the Feast of Easter, and at the time of his baptisme they both sange the Hymne te Deum Laudamus.
Idem Generat. 14. Constantinus the Emperour borne of HelenaCatechumenus jactus baptisatur. the Christiā Queene, was by Christian Priestes converted to the fayth, and was Baptised by Pope Silvester, in the last yeare of his life.
Historia tripartita, lib▪ 1. Bibliorum de trinitate. Theodosius theInstitutus in Catholica fide ab Acholio Baptlsatus est. Emperour borne in Spaine, his Parents beinge both Christians, was even from his youth instructed and educated in the Catholique fayth, who falinge sicke at Thessalonia, was by Achalio the Bishop of the Cyttie baptised and therevpon recoveredClodobeus beinge instructed in the fayth was baptised in the 36 yeare of his age. 3000. Soldiors instructed in the fayth weare baptised. of his sicknes.
Helio tertia parte Eccless. Histor. Clodobeus Kinge of Frannce instructed in the Christian fayth by Remigius beinge clothed in a linnen garment, and placinge him selfe amongst the nomber of those that weare to be baptise [...], received Baptisme in the 36. Yeare of his age. At which time also, Remigius in a Sermon converted 3000. Soldiers who beinge instructed in the fayth weare baptised whereby it apeareth that the riche together with the poore weare baptised in one water, which [Page 17] Costome remained in vse vnto the time of Charles the Greate and Lodowich Augustus who ordeyned that the Priests shold baptise none but at Easter and Pentecost, except theyBaptisati inclinijs. weare extreme sicke and in daunger of death. And those that weare thus Baptised in their beds, weare called Clinicos.
Wicelius in Choro Sanctorum: Viriunus, Marcellinus, and Iustinus, Virianos Marcellinus and Iustinus weare vpō Confessiō of their fayth baptised. All learned men, livinge in the time of Decius the Emperor. Had Conferrence together aboute the Christian Religion, wherto they weare all well affected, but for as much as they harde that those that beleeved in Christ weare also Baptised they sente for à Priest named Iustine and desyred they might receive of him baptisme. VVho much reioyed that so greate learned men as they weare, would give them selves vnder the yoake of Christ. And after that he had CatechisedBaptisaint catechisa [...]os ad confessionem fidei. Quirinus the captain converted. them, caused water to be brought and baptised them vpon Confession of their fayth.
Idem Ibidem. Quirinus Captaine in Rome vnder Traianus the Emperor. Tooke Alexander the Bishop, and the noble Hermes Prisoners, But Alexander spoak to him so much of Christ and his Gospell, that the holie Ghost so wrought, espetiallie when as he sawe that his sicke Daughter miraculouselyCatechisati in religione baptisabantur. received her health that they both beleeved and after they weare Catechised & instructed in the Christian Religion they weare Baptised.
Item Hermingildus lived in Spaine An. Christ. 700. In theConversus ad Catholi [...]am professionem baptisabatur. dayes of Tiberius the seconde, who by the preachinge of Leander Bishop of Hispala, was Converted to the Catholique Religion and was after the Catholique manner afterwardes Baptised.
Idem ex libris Alfridi Episcopi: Lutgerus borne of Christian parents, (his Father was named Lutgerus and his mother Liburga)Lutgerus havinge imbrased the Christian fayth was baptised. imbraced and learned the Christian fayth in Frannce, & received afterwardes the sacred Baptisme.
Idem ex codice Mariano Torpes was Converted to the fayth [Page 18] in the dayes of Nero the Emperor, and was baptised in Christ.Torpes beleeved and was baptised. Nemesius. Idem ex codem codice▪ Stephen the first beinge Pope in Rome vnder Valerian and Galli [...]n Emperors, Catechised Nemesius toge [...]her with others, and accordinge to the Costome of the Church after they had fasted, those that beleeved weare baptised.Credentes Baptisanit.
Idem Basillica an honest and vertuos mayde in Rome in the dayes of the Emperor Gallien, learned the Christian fayth ofBasillica instructed in the fayth was baptised. Those in times past that weare Baptised weare first instructed in the fayth. Eunuches, Protus, and Hiacinthus and was baptised of Cornelius the Pope.
Erasmus in annotationibus in Lucam: Those who in times past weare to be baptised weare first of all instructed in the misteries of the Christian fayth and weare caled Catechumenos or such as weare scollers or discyples and their teachers weare caled Catechiste susceptores and Campatres that is instructers susceptors and Godfathers.
Polidor de inventoribu rerum. Lib▪ 4. Cap. 4. Yt was the Costome in the owld time, to baptyse those for the most parteIt was the costome to baptise at Easter and Pentecost. that weare come to there full growth, and after their baptisme they weare apparaled in a whyte garmēte and this was done at Easter and Pentecost, and in the meane time before the Feastes, they weare instructed in the misteries of the fayth and weare caled [...]atechumeni [...], and when they had Apprehended the sayd misteries they weare baptised and fed with milke and honnie.
Beatus Rhenanus in annot: super tertull: VVryteth to the sameAdultri lavacro regenerationis baptisabantur. Comandement not to baptise but at Easter and Pentecost. effect. That the owld costome was that those that weare come to their full groweth weare baptised with the bath of regeneration which Costome was observed vntill the time of Charles the greate and Lodowich Emperors, (as by the statutes by them established apeareth) who ordeyned and gave expresse Comanndement that the Priests showld not baptise anie but at the Feast of Easter and Pentecost, except in the exstremytie of sicknes and danger of death.
Beza in annatationibus super Math. Iohn taught those thatQuum Sacramenta sint sphragides, recess [...] est vt praecedat doctrinam quam obsignent. weare to be baptised, and admitted none to baptisme, but those that gave testimonie that they beleeved, the forgivenes of their sinnes such Confession was also in the primative Church required of the Catechumens before baptisme. For in that the Sacraments are seales it is requisyte that Doctrine or instruction showld goe before the vse of those thinges by which the Doctrine it selfe is to be sealed.Luther in Chronica▪ Seba: Franck. Mar. 16. 15. Idem in his booke of worship
Luther in his booke of the ciuil Magistrate: The Sacraments neyther canne nor maye be received without fayth, but with greate hurte. VVherefore we holde our selves to the wordes of Christ he that beleveth and is baptised, so that eyther before or elce even then presente when baptisme is administred there must needes be fayth or elce there is a Contempt of the devine maiestye. VVho offers his present grace when thereis none to receive it.
4. That by the Auncient Fathers in the primative Church. The Children both of the faithfull
and elce, weare comonlie first instructed in the fayth, and afterwards vpon acknowledging [...] and Confessinge of the same they weare baptised.
Proofes out of the Auncient and latter Teachers.
TErtullian in libro de Baptismo wryteth: That infantes or younge Children shold not so speedelie be baptised. And vpon the sayinge of the Lorde: suffer littell Children to come vnto me and forbidde them not: he thus speaketh: Let them come when they are growen, and when they are able to be instructed. VVhen they can learne to knowe Christ then maye they be Christians for if that youth be not [Page 20] so hastelie to be put in trust with earthly goods. VVhy withInuptis baptismum procrastinandum. the heavenlie lett them therefore first knowe how to desyer that which is for their good. To thintent that it beinge desyred it maye be given them. In like manner Tertullian Counseleth that Baptisme showld not be administred vnto younge vnmaried Maidens, Whyles they yet suffer temptation.
In decretis de consecrat. Des [...]inct. 4. ex consilio, Gerundensi CōcerningeCatechumeni baptised at the Feast of Easter and Pentecost. the Catechumenes or those that are instructed in the fayth it is ordeyned that they showld all come at Easter and Pentecost.
Ibidem ex concilio Laodicensi. The Disciples or scollers in theBaptisandosoportet fidei symbolum discere & Episcopo reddere. fayth who are to be baptised, must before learne the fayth & then vpon thursdaye the last weeke in Lent must acknowledge the same before the Priest or Bishop.
Ibidem ex Concilto Martini Papae: Those that are to be baptised must learne first the Creede, the which vpon the fift dayeQui baptisandisunt symbolum discunt & Episcopo reddunt. in the last weeke in Lente they must rehearse, eyther before the Bishop or Priest.
Ibidem ex Augustini sermone. Neophitos (id est Iuniores or yongmen before we dowched or dipped your bodye in the sacred water. VVe asked: beleeve you in God the Father Almightie?Baptisme vpon fayth accordinge to the Comanndement of the Lord Ies. Christ. And you Answered I beleeve. Moreover we asked: beleeve you in Iesus Christ his son̄e, which wat Conceived of the holie Ghost, and borne of the virgin Marie, to which you answered in like manner I beleeve. Item we asked you, beleeve you in the holie Ghost, vnto which everie one amongest you answered I [...]leeve, and this have we done accordinge to the Comanndement of our Lorde and saviour Christ, whoMat. 28. 19 Comannded his Apostells to goe and teache all nations bapsiginge them in the name of the Father of the Sonne and the holie Ghost.
Rupertus Tuitiensis lih. 4. de divinis officijs cap. 18.
In former times the Costome in the primative Church was that they Administred not the Sacrament of regeneration, [Page 21] but onlie at the feaste of Easter and Pentecost, and allCuncta ecclesiae proles, audiens regulam fide [...] in solēnitate baptisterij se [...] symbolum reddebat. the Children of the Church which through out the whole yeare, throughe the worde weare moved when Easter came gave vp their names, & weare the followinge dayes tyll Pentecost [...]nstructed in the rules of fayth, rehearsed the same by their baptisme and dyinge thus with Christ roase againe with him.
Cassander in libello de infantium baptismo: It is certayne thatCertum estnonnulli fideles in liberis fuit baptisareaetatem Paule provectiorem quam vtconque intelligere & meminisse possit expectasse. some beleevers in times past have with holden Baptisme from their Child [...]en, vntill they weare growne growne and Cold vnderstande and remember the misteries of their fayth, yea also Connseled not to administer baptisme as by Tertullian and Gregorie Naziansene apeareth.
Zwinglius in his booke of articles Artic: 18. In the owld time Children weare openlie instructed. VVho when they came to vnderstandinge weare caled Catechumens. That is such as are instructed in the worde of salvation. And when they had imprinted the fayth in their hartes and made confession thereof with their mouthes, they weare admitted to baptisme.
Beza. Vpon the wordes of the Apostel. 1. Cor. 7. 14. But noweIn tota veteri ecclesia prius oportet catechumenum esse quam baptisare. your Children are holie. Out of this place Contradictors of the truth are reveyled, as first of all those that make baptisme to be the first entrance to salvation. And secondlie those that permit all Children to be baptised, which was vnharde of in the primative Church wheare as everie one ought to be instructed in the fayth before he weare admitted to baptisme.
Wicelius in Choro Sanctorum: Dionisius travayled with PancrutsCatechisatos in fide Christiana baptisauit. (the sonne of Clion à Christian) towardes Rome, and as they went they came to the mountayne Celius, vnto Pope Cornelius who Catechised and instructed them in the Christian Religion. And twentie dayes after, baptised them in Christ. Pancratius beinge then 15. yeares of age.
Pontius the sonne of Markus à Christian, was Catechised [Page 22] and instructed in the Christian Religion, and afterwardesPontus instructed & baptised by Pontiano. was Baptised by Pontiano the Bishop.
Item Nazarius the sonne of à Christian woman caled Perpetua, Nazarius was instructed and Baptised of Lino. imbrased and followed his mothers Religion even from his tender age, who beinge Catechised and instructed by Lino the Pope, received also baptisme.
Item Leounilla a Christian woman beinge Grandmother to three of her Sonns sonns, named Sosippus, Cleosippus, andSosippus Cleosippus Melosippus Catechised and then baptised. Ann. 224. Melosippus, intreated Remigius that they might be Catechised in the Christian Religion and then Baptised which was also performed Anno. 224.
Tecla and Erasma Daughters to Valentian a Christian of Aquilea, weare (in the dayes of Nero the Emperor) instructedTecla & Erasma beinge Catechrsed weare baptised. in the fayth by their Father and brought vp in the feare of God, who beinge Catechised by Harmagora weare baptised in a runninge water.
Fusca a holie virgin whyle she was yet younge in yeares had a desyer to the Christian fayth, the which desyer of hers sheFusca. made knowne to Mauro a Mayde servante, who also was in wardlie moved to seeke Christ, thease both beinge instructedMauro. in the Christian Religion by Hermolao the Priest at Rauenna weare then Baptised.Honoratus a heithen.
Honoratus borne of Heathen parents learned the Evangeligue fayth, of Caprasio the Hermit and beinge Catechised wasRogatian instructed in the Christian Religion by his brother Donatian was behedded before baptisme. Neophite ante Sacramentum decolatur. Euirentiana beleeved and was in sufferinge martirdom baptised in her owne bloode. baptised.
Item Ragatianus an Italian was conuerted to the Christian fayth by Donatian his brother, and whyles he was yet vnbaptised he was persecuted imprisoned together with his brother and beinge a Neophite or Catechumener vnbaptised, seeinge he knewe he must dye, wished to him selfe the holie baptisme but Donatian his brother besought God that his blood might be to him in steede of the Sacrament of Baptisme and so the daye followinge they weare both beheaded.
Item Euirentiana the holie and virtuous virgin, was a Catechumema [Page 23] and albeyt she beleeved in Christ, yet was she vnbaptised, when as God caled her to his Kingdome through martirdome wher she was baptised in her owne blood.
5. That accordinge to the institution of the Lorde Christ and the Apostells and Auncient
Fathers right vse, the teachers required fayth with baptisme, and that he that was
Baptised must him selfe acknowledge and confesse the same and call vpon the name of
the Lorde.
Proofes out of the Holie Scripture.
MAthewe. 28. Christ comaunded his Apostells to make all nations to discyples and Baptise them in the name of the Father, of the Sonne, and of the Holie Ghost.
Marke, 16. Hee that beleeveth and is Baptised, shalbe saved.
Actes the 8. Phillip opened his mouth and preached to the Ethiopian Eunuch the Gospell of Iesus, And as they went on their waye they came vnto a vvater. And the Eunuch sayd behold heare is vvater what hindreth that I may not be baptised, Phillip answered and sayd, if thou beleevest with all thy harte thou mayest, And he sayd: I beleeve that Iesus Christ is the Sonne of God. And they wente downe both into the water Phillip and the Eunuch and he baptised him.
Actor. 22. Sayth Paule, Annanias sayde sonne: The God of our Fathers hath apointed thee, that thou sholdest knowe hisBaptisare invocato nomine Domini. will, and see that juste one, and sholdest heare the vayce of his mouth. Now therefore why tariest them, arise: and be baptised and washe awaye thye sinnes i [...] callinge on the name of the Lorde.
Acts. 19, Paule sayde to certayne Discyples at Ephesus have you received the Holie Ghost since you beleeved, and they sayd vnto him we have not so much as harde whether there be an Holie Ghost or not. And he sayd vnto them vnto what weare you then baptised? And they sayd vnto Iohns baptisme Thē sayd Paule Iohn verilye baptised with the Baptisme of repentance, sayinge vnto the people that they showld beleeve in him that showld come after him, that is in Christ, so when then hard that they weare baptised in the name of the Lorde Iesus, and when Paule layde his hanndes on them they received the holie Ghost.
1. Peeter. 3. Baptisme saveth vs, not that puttinge awaye of the filth of the flesh.
An explanation and Confirmation of the saide proofes of scripture out of the Auncient andBaptise in the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holie Ghost. Hilar. praieth that he may always retaine that which in the Sacrement of regeneratiō he hath received. Through Baptisme wee must denie and forsak the Divil with all his pōpe & Angells. latter teachers.
HIllarius lib. 2, de trinitate. The Lorde hath Comannded to Baptise vpon the name or in the name of the Father, the Sonne and the Holie Ghost. That is vpon Confession of the beginners the onlie begotten and him that was given.
Item 12. Booke de trinitate. Hilarius prayeth thus to God: O lovinge Lorde preserve my fayth and the testimonye of my Conscyence, so that I maye allwayes keepe what I have confessed in the Sacrament of my regeneration when I was baptised in the name of the Father, the Sonne, and the Holie Ghost, namelie that I maye worship thee. O God our Father with thy Sonne and stirre vp thy Holie spirit in me which proceedeth or goeth out from the.
Tertullian de corona militis when we come together to the water, and a littell before then dowe promise there in the hande of the minister. That we will renounce the divil his pompe &c. and be douched 3 times & saye no more therto [Page 25] then what the Lorde Comaundes in the Gospell. And as we goe out of the water wherein we are baptised, we eate milke and honnie together, and refraine the whole weeke from that daye forwarde from washinge and bathinge.
Idem Ibidem: The sowle is not Clensed with washinge but with the testimonie of a good Conscyence.
Ambrosius de spiritu sancto lib. 2. In our Sacrament there isA three folde confession before baptisme. three questions propounded, and three Confessions made vvi [...]hout which [...]hree Confessions no man can be washed.
In decretis distinct. 4. ex Augustino ad fortunatum when a Catechumenus is baptised he makes Confession of his fayth, and gives answere to that which is asked.
Idem ex laodicensi Bracharensi & Antersi Consilijs.
Idem ex Martini & Nicolai Paparum Placites. The Catechumeni The Creede must be rehersed before baptisme. shall learne first the Creede, I beleeve in one God, &c. So that afterwardes when they are to be baptised, they can repeate the same to the Bishop or Priest.
Idem ex Concilio Carthaginensi. 4 Those that are to be baptised,He that is to be baptised must give vp his name before baptisme Mark: when baptisme is to be administred. shall give vp their names, and after that they are wel examined. And with layinge on of handes sufficyentlie proved. Let them be baptised
Arnobius in Psalme 146 Thou art not first baptised and then beginnest first to affect and imbrace the fayth, but when thou art to be baptised, thou signifiest vnto the Priest what thy desyer is, and makest thy Confession with thy owne mouth.
Lodo vicus vives in Augustinum de civitate Dei Lib 1. Cap. 26. No man in times past was brought to be baptised, but those that weare come to theirfull grovveth who havinge learned what it concerned, of their owne accorde desyred the same.
Luther vpon the receivinge and givinge the Sacramen [...]e Tom. 3 fo [...] 168. In times past it was thus, That the Sacrament vvas administred to none except it vveare to [Page 26] those that acknowledged and Confessed their fayth and knewe howe to rehearse the same, and this is verie necessarie to be done, because that the Sacramente is instituted externallie to be vsed, that the fayth be confessed and made knowne to the church for by God it was suffycient that vve beleeved the Gospell but he would also that we should serve our bretheren vpō earth and manifest that our fayth which we have in our hartes by externall signes viz baptisme and the Lordes supper, for with the mouth must we confesse the Gospell and receive the Sacrament for à witnes or signe that the world maye knowe that weare Christians, and therby we are for our persons secured and asshured that vve have a mereyfull God and have given also satisfaction vnto the world.
Bucerus in Annotationibus super 4. Iohan. Anno. 28. published. So much as in the Apostolicall vvrytinges are wrytten of Baptisme, it is aparante that Baptisme was administred to none by the Apostells but to those of vvhom, they (concerninge their regeneration) made no dowbt. And therefore Phillip vvould not Baptise the Eunuch vntyll he had acknowledged that he beleeved in Christ.
Ruffinus in expositione symboli vvryteth: That those at Rome and Aqui [...]a that weare to be baptised must first acknowledge & Confesse the 12 Articles of the fayth.
Eusebius Eccless: Histor: lib. 7. Cap. 8. There vvas vvith vs a brother which beleeved, vvho beinge presente amongst those that wee are to be Baptised, & hard howe they vveare questioned and how they answered, he weepinge came to me, and desyred of me to be clensed and washed by Christian baptisme.
Augustinus 8. Lib. Conf [...]ssion: vvryteth) of Victorino thus: An Orator is become a Child of Christ and a younge man of the vvater (that is the baptisme of Iesus) vvho vvhen he vvas instructed in the first princyples of the misteryes of fayth not longe after he gave vp his name, that he through baptisme migh. be [...]egenerate, and as he came in the Church vnto the [Page 27] place where he should make Confession of his fayth. TheVictorinus Confessed his fayth freelie and was there vpon baptised. Priest offered him to heare the some of his Confession in private, and in the styll, as the Costome was to those that weare bashefull, the which Victorinus refusinge to doe, openlie acknowledged the true fayth vvith greate boldnes and there vpon vvas baptised.
Wicelius in Hagiologio. Aprouianus Alaylor to whose (costodyeAprouianus beleeved & desired to be baptised. Sisinnius the Deacon was comitted) vvas inlightened and spake to Sisinnio, I coniure thee by Christ whom thou vvorshipest that thou vvouldest baptise me, vvho Catechised him & afterward set him in the vvater and sayde to him. Beleevest thou in God the Father, the Sonne & the holie Ghost, he Answered I beleeve, then spake Sisinnius, Iesus Christ inlighten thee, and there with he lift him out of the vvater.
Idem Ihidem Ciriacus Deacon to Pope Marcellus instructedTobia the Kinge of Persias doughter beleeved & was baptised. Tobiam the Kinge of Persia his daughter, and as he was to baptise her in a silver fonte, he sayd vnto her, Tobia beleevest thou in God the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost. Tobia Answered I beleeve. Ciriacus sayd beleevest thou also the Resurrection of the bodye? she Answered, I beleeve, & when as she beinge baptised was lifted out of the vvater she sayde Certeynlie Iesus vvhom Ciriacus preacheth is God.
Idem ex Mariano codice: Gayus the Pope Catechised ClaudiusClaudius ad his wife was commanded to fast before he was baptised. a Romane and vvhen as he and his wiffe desyred to be baprised Gayus vvilled him to fast, and then beinge aboute to baptise him, he asked him whether he did from his harte beleeve the Articles of the Christian fayth vvho answered I beleeve, & standinge naked in a vvodden vessell of water was asked the seconde time concerninge the Apostolique fayth and as he answered I beleeve. Gayus cast three times vvater vpon him. After this, Gayus harde one by name called Maximus preache the vvorde of the Lorde vvho desyred of him Baptisme, to whom Gayus sayd, dost thou from thy harte beleeve? forsakest and leavest thou the pride of his vvorld the [Page 28] Divill and his Angells? Maximus answered: I forsake the Divill and all his workes and will followe your example, and when Gabinus the Priest had Catechised him openlie in all the Sacraments, he vvas afterwardes baptised by Gayus.
6. That Christ neither gave Comaundement for Baptisinge of Children, nor instituted the
same and that the Apostells never Baptised anie Infants.
Proofes out of those teachers ovvne vvritinges▪ which observe and vse Childrens Baptisme.
ERasmus in his booke of the vnion of the Church. TranslatedThe Apostells baptised no Children. by Capitus: Yt is no where expressed in the Apostolicall wrytings that they baptised Childrens.
Idem in annotationibus supra [...]. Cap ad Romanos: Baptisinge of younge Children was not as yet in vse by S. Paules time.In Paules time Children weare not baptised.
Roffensis Contra Cap. Babilon. The first rulers in their Church have vsed such manner of Baptisme as Christ never vsed in his Church.
Doctor Eck. Against the newe Church orders in the vpper Marquesdome and territories of Normburgh wryteth that theThe institution of Childrens baptisme is scripture Lesse. ordinances Concerninge the Baptisme of Children is without Scripture, and is founde to be onlie a Costome of the Church.
Item in Cinchiridi [...]n he wryteth that the Baptisme of Children is not to be proved out of the holie Scriptures, and ConcludesChildrens baptisme the ordinance of man. thus against the Lutherians: VVhat are you such fooles to take on you the ordinances of man.
Iohannes Fu [...]usius in Dialogue Dedycated to the honorable and noble friderick of wirtschbergk. Yf now Baptisme of Children [Page 29] showld be objected to the Lutherians, what wold they sayeThe baptisme of Children cannot be p [...]o [...]e [...] by the Scriptures. I [...]fants weare not baptised in the Apostells time. thereto, seeing [...] the same cannot by plaine Scripture be showen. To which agreeth well that which O [...]igen [...]ayth in lib. 6. in Rom: and Augustine of the Sacrifice of the. Masse de fide ad Petrum. Cap▪ 19.
Cohelens de baptismo parvulorum: Iesus tooke a Child and placed him in the middest of them. Now what Childe vvas it. I thinke not that it was a younge or newe borne Child▪ and [...]hat the same was not baptised for Infants weare no [...] in those dayes baptised but such as beinge come to their full groweth confessed their sinnes.
Staphilus in [...]pitome. That younge Children shold be baptised is not expressed in the holie Scriptures.
LVther in the Epistell of Annabaptisme wryteth: VVe canIt cannot be proved by Scripture that Children beleeve. not prove by anie place of Scripture, that Childten do beleeve. Neyther do the Scriptures cleerie o [...] plainlie wi [...]h thease or the like wordes saye: Baptise your Children for they beleeve: VVherefore we must needes yeeld to those that drive vs thus to the letter because we finde it no where written.For the space of 1200. yeares men have erred concerninge Childrens baptisme.
Pomeranus in his booke of Children vnborne sayth: That for the space of 1200 yeares men have erred concerninge Children the which we cannot yet willinglie would baptise.
Melanthon. In his treatise concerninge [...]he Doctrine of the Annab: wryteth there is no plaine Comaundement in the holie Scriptures that Children showld be baptised.
Zvvinglians & Calvenistes.
ZWinglius in his booke of the movers of sedytion: when we speake of Childrens Baptisme: So it is ha [...] there is no plaine wordes in the Scripture, wherby the same is comaunded.
Idem de vera & falsa religione: He wryteth that in formerBaptisme administred in the extremitie of sicknes. times, m [...]nie weare baptised in the exstremytie of sicknes.
Idem Christ instituted not the manner of Baptisme as the learned in thease our times do judge.
Idem in his booke of Articles. Article. 18 he sayth: Albeyt I knowe that the Auncyent wryters affirme that Children weare divers times baptised in the owld time, yet was it not so common as now it is. But the Children weare allwayes openlie instructed. And when their fayth had made impression in their hartes and they Confessed the same with their mouths, then weare they admitted to baptisme, & this Costome of teachinge I wishe weare in vse in this our time.
Bucerus in his booke intituled the growndworke and Cause, &c. In the Congregation of God. Confession of sinnes is allwayesConfessiō before baptisme. the first, the which in time past wente before Baptisme, for comonlie Children weare baptised when they came to their vnderstandinge. And againe in the begininge of the Church, no man was baptised and received into the Congregation, but those that throughe hearinge the vvorde wholly gave over and submitted them selves to Christ.
Idem Super Mat. Christ hath no where comaunded to baptise Infantes.
In the Vlmish Catechisme sett forth by Oecolampadio, it standeth thus: Concerninge baptisinge of Children we have no other Comaundement of Christ then Love, which is the institution of Childrens baptisme.
Calvinus in Institutionibus lib. 4. Cap. 16. Confesseth that it isNot a childewas baptised by the Apostells handes. Dathenus of Childrēs baptisme. no vvhere expreslye mentioned by the Evangelistes that anie one Child was by the Apostells handes baptised.
Dathenus in the franken dallische Colloquium fo. 549: VVe beleeve that Christian Children ought to be baptised, albeyt it stande no where plainelie with suche wordes wrytten: That Christian Children shall in the Newe Testament be Baptised.
And folio. 605: Nowe we have plainlye Confessed that vve [Page 31] have no such expresse Comaundement that: you should Baptise the Christians Children.
And fol. 663. Also in Protocol. Printed in Ne [...]herlandishe,No example that the Apostells baptised Children. 274, 1. He confesseth that there is no evident example that the Apostels did baptise Children.
7. That the Baptisme of Infantes and sucklings is a Ceremonie and ordinance of Man brought
into the Church by teachers after the Apostells time and instituted and Comaunded
by Counsells Popes and Emperors.
Proofes out of the Auncyent and latter tachers. Childrens baptisme a tradition of the Church. Childrens bap: A comon costome of
the Church. Childrens baptisme A traditiō of the Fathers.
ORigen Calleth Baptisme of Children a Ceremonie and [...]radition of the Church. In leuit. Ho. 8. In Epist. ad Rom. lib 5.
Augustine Calleth it. A Common costome of the Churche. De baptismo contra dona: lib. 4. Cap. 23. Et de Genes [...]ad literam lib. 10. Cap. 23.
Pope George the. 4 Calleth it a tradytion of the Fathers. In decretis distinct de consecrat.
Erasmus lib. 4 de ration Concio. Sayth: that they are not to be condemned that Doubt whether Childrens baptisme was o [...] deyned by the Apostells, and thinke that the same is to be received as the placita Scholastcorum theologicorum which cannot be proved by sacred scripture.Childrēs bap: A Comaundement of man.
Eckius Calleth it a Comaundement and ordinance of man. In Enchiridion.
Luther in his booke of Annabaptisme acknowledgeth that it cannot be proved by sacred Scripture, that Childrens baptisme vvas instituted by Christ, or begonne by the fi [...]st Christians after the Apostells. For 1000, yeares since it came to be in vse [Page 32] in the Churche and vvas established by Pope Innocentius. Childrens baptisme ordeinen by P. Innocentio. Childrens bap. 300. yeares after the Apostells time.
Cassander in his booke de infantium Baptismo sayeth That it came to be vsed by the Fathers which lived 300 yeares after the Apostells.
About the yeare of our Lorde 248 and after the deperture of Iohn the owldest Apostell 158 yeares, lived a Priest caled fidus, the same would that mē showld accordinge to the manner ofBaptisme vpon the 8. daye. Ciprian ordeined children showld be timely baptised. Childrens baptisme instituted. circomsytiō, baptise younge children vpon the 8 daye. Against whom Ciprianus with 66. Bishoppes and elders more gathered together opposed them selves ordeyninge that everie one vvithout delaye showld receive Baptisme, and that the younge Children showld timelye be brought thereto.
Bullingerus inex Augustino contra Iulianum lib 1. Cap. 2. The Carthagenian Counsell concludeth thus to Innocentium for as much as vve beleeve that Christ the Sonne of [...]od vvas holylie borne of the pure virgin Marie, to fulfill and ratefie the promise of God which exclude [...]h not Children from salvation, but much rather comprehend [...]s the same within the Covenant. VVe will therefore th [...]t [...]hey be baptised.
In [...]omis Concylliorum & synodorum Ex concilio Carthag. 5. Cap 6 Concerninge Infants we will if there be no certayne wittnes to testefie that they wi [...]hout all dowbt are baptised, and that they of them selves are of no such yeares to give answer them selves as towchinge the Sacrament, that then they showld be baptised.
Item Georgeu quantus Pon [...]f [...]cio, Those younge Children whose parents are absent or vnknowne, whether they be baptised or not, let them accordinge to the tradition of the Fathers be baptised.
Idem ex Epistola Concillij Carthaginensis ad Innocentium Papam: Those that will not that the Children for their saluation sake (which in Christ Iesus is given) should be baptised they kill the Children for ever with deadlie doctrine, in that they promise them life everlastinge without Baptisme.
Ibidem: VVho so ever denyeth that younge Children are not by baptisme freed from damnation and thereby brought vnto everlastinge salvation let him be accursed.
Franck ex Historijs antiquis: The Counsell holden in AffricaThe Affrican counsell condēneth all those that dislike of Childrens baptisme. as the Carthagenian Adrimetine where as Augustinus Atticus and Armelius weare the Cheefest presydents, did ordeyne: that those that sayde that Children weare not to be baptised to the forgivenes of their sinnes because they have no sinne, and that originall sinne defyleth them not, let them be accursed And that the Children which weare baptised by the Donatists should nor be baptised againe. If so be they came o [...] by their parents weare brought to the Romane Church, And that the Children of whose Baptisme men stood in doubte should be baptised againe.Baptisme ordeined in the steed of Circumsytion.
Innocentius 3 Papa Are Archi Episcopo: Baptisme is come in the steede of Circumsition. And therefore not alone the oulder sorte but also the younge Children which of them selves neyther beleeve nor vnderstande shalbe baptised and in their Baptisme Originall sinne shalbe forgiven them.without Baptisme Children cannot be saved. Haec citat in decretis distinct. 4. De consecra [...]. salvation de [...]ied [...]o [...]en [...] cha [...]e [...]o [...] bap [...] sed.
Augustinus ad Hieronimum Epistola. 28. Therefore do men hasten so with the Children to baptisme, because they beleeve they cannot otherwayes be made alive in Christ.
Idem de Baptismo parvulorum: As those weare Circumcised that weare borne of Circumcysed parentes, even so should they be baptised that are borne of parents that are baptised.
Idem in Enchiridio from the younge to the ould, no men shalbe denyed baptisme. For salvation is not promised to younge Children but through Baptisme. And if so be that throughe the Sacramēt they come not amonge the faythfull, [Page 34] they must remayne in everlastinge darkenes.
Idem Augustinus & ceteri Episcopi mile tani Concilij ad Innoc [...]ntium. Those that affirme that younge Children receive everlasting life albeyt they be not by the Sacrament of Grace or baptisme renewed they are in a wronge opinion.
Ex Concilio Miletano cui interfuit Augustinus & Anselmus Romae Those that will not consent that Baptisme of Childrens is a washing away of Originall sinne are condemned. Ecclesiae legatus: It is also our will that all those that will not that Children which are newe borne from their mothers wobe should be baptised to the washinge awaye of Originall sinne, let them be excommucated.
Idem leo Papa ad Episcopum Aquigelensem: Lett younge Children be baptised because of Originall sinne.
Decretalium Epist. lib. 3. tit. 43. Alexander 3. Papa If anie one do dippe or douche a Child 3. times in the water in the name of the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost: and sayth not. I Baptise thee in the name of the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost: That Child is not baptised.
Ex tomis Conciliorum Franck in Chronologia. In the secondeAnno, 610. was Childrens baptisme ordeined as a necessarie thinge. Bracharense Counsell holden, 610. Baptisme of Children was adiudged and holden to be needfull.
Iustinus Imperator (sive ut alij volunt Iustinianus) in Novellis constitutionibus. It seemeth good to vs. That whē the Sama [...]tās that desire the vnspotted baptisme, that they for the space of 2 yeares together be instructed in the fayth & the holie Scriptures, & thē vpon their repentaunce to be admitted therto. But as cōcerninge the Children which in regarde of their yeares cannot receive doctrine, they shall without delaye be made worthie (or pertakers) of Baptisme.
Leo Imperator Constitutione, 17. Concerninge Newe borne Children we ordeyne, that the grace of Illumination over them deferred tyll the 14 daye, (so far forth as the same be not preiudiciall) but will anie that the sacred washinge be performed vpon the 8. daye. Let it be rather then that they should departe from hence without it.
Tuicensis de Divinis officijs lib. 4. Cap. 18. In times past the Children in the Church weare throughout the whole yeare instructed in the worde. And at the feaste of Easter to rehearse the fayth which they weare to make Confession of at their baptisme. But that Christendome might increase and befilled with the worde of God. The Church hath thought good for mortallyties sake, that the Children of Christians should be timelie baptised.
Iohannes Bohemius lib. 2. De Gentium moribus: In times past itMarke The chainginge of Baptisme. was the Costome to Administer baptisme alone to those that weare instructed in the fayth and seven times in the weeke before Easter and Pentecost Catechised, or asked questions, and then vpon Confession of their fayth they weare Baptised. But afterwardes when it was thought and adjudged needfull to everlastinge life to be baptised, it was ordeyned that newe borne Children should be baptised and that Godfathers, or shuertyes weare apointed who should make Confession of their fayth. And renounce the Divill in their behalfe.
Bilander de trinitate. Iustinianus the Emperor ordeyned Novella institutione. 144. That Children should be admitted to Baptisme, & those that are come to their full groweth should be taught before they weare Baptised.
8. That younge Children or Infants ought not to be baptised, and that none ought to be
brought driuen or compelled therto.
Proved by the holie Scriptures, and out of the writings of the Auncyent and latter
teachers, who have and at shis time do vse and maintayne the baptisinge of Children.
CHRIST comaunded his Apostells first to teache & afterwardesMat. 28. 10 Mar. 16 15 to baptise those that weare taught and instructed in the fayth.
Mat. 28. Goe and make to Discyples all nations and baptise them.
Hicronimus in hunc locum. The Lorde comaunded his ApostellsFirst teach. And then baptise. that they first should teach all nations, and afterwardes they should baptise those that weare instructed in the Sacrament or misterie of fayth.
Calvinus in institutionibus. The Lorde Comaunded his Apostells in their sendinge forth vnto all nations, that they should first teache and afterwardes Baptise.
The Infants and Sucklinges cannot be first taught in the fayth.
Luther in Postell. Younge Children heare not, nor vnderstandInfants cannot be instructed in the fayth. the worde of God out of which fayth Cometh, And therefore if so be the Comaundement of Christ be followed, Children ought not to be baptised.
Dionisus in Ecclesiastica rarchia. It is (ridiculos) or to be esteemed as a lest. that the bath of regeneration should be commucated to younge Children which neither vnderstande nor can hea [...]e to learne the misteries of God.
Bucerus in Mathew: Christ hath no where plainlie comaunded that Children should be baptised.
HOnest, Lovinge, simple, and Impertiall Reader Heare have we showen and signified vnto thee in brieffe both out of the holie Scriptures and ould and newe teachers, the principall Grounde and meaninge of our Lorde Iesus Christ concerninge baptisme, and how his Apostells servantes and the first auncyent Church after them have vsed the same, which is that thoase that weare baptised weare first taught and instructed in the fayth, accordinge to the Comaundement of the Lorde Christ. Now let the Impertiall Reader knowe, that we have made this treatise for no other cause, but that the truth might be brought to light which hath beē so manie yeares obscured by the distroyer. To thintent that they that are bounde might be loosed, that the blinde might be showen the right waye, that the hongrye might be fed, & those that straye might be brought to the true shepharde Christ Iesus. That the name of God may be praysed and exalted. VVherefore beloved Reader I praye thee, as thou lovest Christ Iesus and thine owne salvation, that thou wouldest not dispise this our labor, in that it opposeth it selfe against the learned men of the world, but prove it first dulie, and examnie i [...] with the Lorde Christ & his Apostells owne wordes. VVhether it have not the right scence ground meaninge and contents of the Holie Scripture, as we have before showen. And if you finde it to be right followe then that which agreeth with the Scriptures and regarde not the Clamorose wrytinges of the learned. Followe Christ & his Apostells in the right vse of the same, without respect of personne, or longe Costome, (brought in by Antechrist the Child of perdytion) the feare of tirantes, and the Clamors of the learned. But let vs looke vnto the Almightie and everlastinge God before whom everie knee must bowe, let vs serve and be [Page 38] obedyent vnto him, and lett vs harken vnto the voyce of that true Shephearde Iesus Christ and followe him. And let thy harte be Impartiall and thy judgement vpright and agreeable to truth. And God that mercyfull and gratious Father, through his beloved deare Sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde vouchsafe you all the giftes and graces of his holie Spirit. That you maye reade this our smale worke and true service of our love, with such a harte that you maye search after and beleeve with sober scence and earnest desyer the pure and vnfalsifyed truth, and that it maye bringe much fruite in you and that the same your fruite maye remaye to eternall life & to your everlastinge saltion, Amen.
Faults escaped in the translatinge and Printinge.
PAge, 6. line, 21. reed namely for nameles. In 7. page 3. line rede whether for wether, in the same page line 14. red prescribed for presoribed. Line, 17. red reste for roste.
Pag. 8. Faults in the Greeke translated and Printed.
Pag 9 line 21. rede his for my. In the same pag. rede matheth usate for mathetheose.
Pag. 10 line 24. red without for which oute.
Pag. 11. line 22. red with for which, allso in 23. line red with for which.
Pag. 12. line 17 red to worship, same page. line 20. red the for thy. 27. line, the for theme.
Pag. 13. line, 27 red taught for thought.
Pag. 14. line. 1. read faith for fahte.
Pag. 17. line, 11. red reioyced for reieyed.
Pag. 20. line, 22. red was for wat.
Read page. 8. in the Margeants.
Actorum. 22. 16. Anastas baptisai cai opolousaistas amartiasou ecpicalesamenos to onomatou curiou.