Translated into English by W. D.

LONDON. Printed by RICHARD BADGER, for GEORGE LATHAM, dwel­ling at the signe of the Bishops­head in Pauls Church-yard. 1634.

TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE, IOHN Lord Mordant, Earle of Peterborough.

THis little Volume falling into my hands, and finding therein so much ancient cou­rage, liberalitie, and mag­nificence; and Phalaris re­presented in another shape, [Page]than that, which is given by such Historians as have writ­ten of him; who (either swayed with the universall hatred, wherwith all men (almost) in those times were possessed a­gainst such as subdued a po­pular Government under the command of one man) painted him for one of the most cruell and bloudie Tyrants of the world; Or the age wherein he lived, being of such antiqui­tie, that few write with truth or certainty his actions, which [Page]were many and variable, yet obscured by the iniquitie of time, hath appeared unto my fancie, as an ancient Statue found by chance in some rui­ned place of old Rome; which although it bee defective by losse, or breach of some part or member, yet there appeareth in it such a lively expression of shape, strength, or counte­nance; that it is esteemed in a farre higher degree, than the most curious peece of the most excellent worke-man of this [Page]time. And although these are in a plaine stile, savouring of antiquitie; yet doe they so far set forth the condition of the man; that I think no Histori­an, unlesse inwardly conver­sant, could so lively character him, as the many expressions herein, of his high magnifi­cence, fidelity, and other roy­all vertues: Amongst which, if any curstnesse or rather cru­elty of nature appear; it serves to confirme as a truth: That attempts against the per­son [Page]of a Prince, for the most part doe change his nature (though good with the best of men) into suspi­tions, and cruelties, and never or seldome faile to ruine the attempters. From hence my desire hath raised my boldnesse; with the best of my endevours, by conference with my great Masters in the Ori­ginall (for I confesse my ab­solute ignorance therein,) and by comparing of Trans­lations in three severall Lan­guages, [Page]to render them in our English tongue, as neere as I can in their ancient and na­turall plainenesse, without the polishing of these times; and to expose it to a publike view, under your Lordships patro­nage; to whom for your noble favours, freely, aptly, and lo­vingly done, I doe acknow­ledge my selfe uncapable of o­ther repayment: And doe therefore intreat you, my Lord, to accept thereof, as a pledge, that nothing but a [Page]hard winter, hath diverted into unknowne paths my feet (though never the eye of my affection) from waiting upon your service. And the better to assure your Honour therof; If J may perceive, that this manuel findeth grace in your eyes; I shall be bold, with all convenient speed, to offer to your hands a peece of an­other nature, not yet finished, through the constraint of ma­lignant interruption; But if otherwayes, I will give stop [Page]both to the birth and life thereof; The giving you con­tentment in any thing I un­dertake in this kinde, being the principall end of

Your humble and most devoted servant, W. D.


I. Phalaris to Alcibes.

POlycletes of Messi­na, whom thou hast falsly accused of Treason to thy fellow Citizens, hath delivered mee from a dis­ [...]ase, thought incurable. I know this newes will cause in thee a [Page 2]most extreame griefe; from whence I conclude, that neither Aesculapius, the Prince of Phy­sitians, nor all the other gods, can ever cure thee: for al­though, Art may finde a reme­dy unto the infirmity of the body; Yet the malice of the minde is not to bee cured, but by death; which shall be grie­vous and cruell unto thee, for those great wickednesses, which thou hast committed most wil­fully, and not by constraint, as I doe mine.

II. To the Megarians.

I Doe not complaine, that like ungratefull persons; In the difference which was be­tweene me and my neighbours about bounds, you testified fals­ly: [Page 3]But I accuse my ignorance; that having received many in­juries from you, I was so foo­lish, as alwayes to shew you good will and liberality, though I found you still forgetfull of good turnes.

III. To Thirsenes.

IF it bee most assured, that those, who constrained by necessitie, commit wicked Acts against reason and their duty, must expect grievous punish­ment; as thou didst main­taine before the counsell of Egestines when thou didst as­cribe my acts unto the divine providence; What oughtst thou to hope for, who volunta­rily and out of precogitated malice, givest thy selfe to all ini­quities?

IV. To Licinius.

IF I had beene present, to have answered thee, when in the assembly of the Leontines, thou demandedst, what I was, from whence I came, and who were my Parents? Thou wouldst not have committed so much folly as thou didst: For as I am knowne to be Phalaris, the sonne of Laodamantus, borne in Astipalesus, banished from my Country, a Tyrant in Agri­gentum, expert in many things, and unto this instant of an un­vincible courage: So cleane contrary, I know Licinius to be lascivious with children, a bug­gerer with young men, an adul­terer with women, rash in judgement, incontinent in his [Page 5]pleasures: a sluggard in Peace, and a cowardly runne-away in warre. To conclude, thou art he, who for thy foolish prating of me, and for the wickednesses and basenesse whereof I doe reprehend thee, shalt bee puni­shed by mee, if not suddainely, yet at the length, when the Le­ontines wearied with the warre, which I shall make upon them, deliver thee a prisoner into my hands.

V. To the Leontines.

IF you desire the warre, which I make upon you, should bee forborne, and that you should have no more feare, give me Li­cinius, that powring upon him all my wrath, I may lay by the displeasure which I have con­ceaved [Page 6]against your Citie, and bee you assured, I will inflict no greater punishment, than I know all of you desire should light upon him.

VI. To Zeusibus.

ALthough thou and thy Son have committed faults which deserve no pardon, yet I pardon thee for thy Age, and him for his youth; But if here­after, you correct not your rash arrogance, nor thou for thy Age, nor hee for his Youth shall bee spared; but for the same cause that now I thinke you worthy of pardon, shall you then bee grievously puni­shed.

VII. To Eveno.

AT the first I concluded to put thy sonne (whom I have prisoner) to death, and thereby to punish the injuries which hee did unto the Cap­taines of my army; but sithence I am minded to let him live, for I had rather the wickednesse of his life should bee a continuall hell unto thee, than that his death should bring thee to thy grave.

VIII. To Sameas.

BEcause I know the good­nesse of thy manners, the sweetnesse of thy nature, and thy great humanity towards all men, and how compassionately [Page 8]and courteously, thou doest esteeme thy neighbours felicity to be thy owne proper misfor­tune, and griefe; I doe briefly send thee word, that I have ob­tained the victory both by Sea, and Land, and finally vanqui­shed the horse. And I doe it, that by this newes thou mayst have perpetuall griefe. For it is very fitting, that a man of thy benigne and loving nature, shold be tormented with paines agreeable to thy malicious dis­position.

IX. To Cleostratus.

IT seemes unto mee ridicu­lous, that any man should be­come better by thy remonstran­ces: for he that would chastise another, should be free from all [Page 9]vice himself; yet although thou [...]rt tainted with the same wick­ednesse, which thou reprehen­dest in another, and with ma­ny more, yet blamest them no other wayes, then as if thou wert without fault.

X. To Lacrites.

ALthough thou doest appre­hend the death of thy Son with great sorrow, and inelan­choly, yet art thou to bee excu­sed; for in good faith, I have so great a feeling of it, that if I were of thy family, I could not bee more truely grieved; although I am naturally firme against such accidents, well knowing that beyond measure to bee troubled with griefe, bringeth many inconve­niences [Page 10]and los [...]es. Let it there­fore bee a comfort unto thee in thy adversity, that hee died in battayle, fighting valiantly for his Country; and that together with victory, his destiny gave him an honourable end: so that having lived without blemish, his death served for a marke of his vertue. Neither is it cer­taine, that hee, which is now an honest man, may not be altered with time; wee often seeing, that fortune is victorious, over the counsells and resolutions of men. From whence I con­clude, that hee who departeth this world without blame, ought to bee placed amongst those of highest praise. Per­swade thy selfe then, that hee hath repaied thee with grate­fulnesse, for thy begetting and [Page 11]nourishing him: and that thou shalt much more augment it, if with temperance and a firme re­solution thou doest patiently beare the sorrow, which thou conceavest by his losse.

XI. To Megacles.

I have sent thee horses fit for the Warre, with comman­dement to Teucreus, that hee should furnish thee with mony. Feare not to let me know what it is thou hast neede of: For thou canst not aske mee the thing (how great soever) which I will not most willingly send thee.

XII. To Aglas.

THe treasures which GOD hath given mee, against all changes of fortune, I have not laid them in the bowels of the earth, (as thou didst advise me) but in the bosome of my friends, who have not disdained my presents, as thou hast done; who hitherto hast shewed thy selfe so un-courteous unto me, that if I were put from my principallity, I could not ex­pect helpe from thy friendship; I therefore pray thee, hence­forth, refuse them no more, but accept the present, which I send thee; If not as thy owne, yet as deposited, and to keepe it for me: herein thou shalt doe the part of a friend; other­wayes [Page 13]it is not possible for mee to be assured in any part of the world, leaving behinde mee, more unstable then the dust, the best of my friends; who if they prosper, though I bee other­wayes afflicted, yet would I ac­count my selfe no lesse happy.

XIII. To Emuellus.

SEeing it is not unjust, for a man to revenge himselfe of one who hath injured him, thou who hast first injured mee, ex­pect the like from me.

XIIII. To Erodicus.

HEE that is injured doth seldome threaten revenge, because the offendor may not be in Iealousy, and consequent­ly [Page 14]upon his guard. But I thinke it not the part of a valiant man to assayle another unawares: for which cause, I give thee warning, that having injured mee, thou takest heed of my revenge, which will fall upon thee; and I doe it the rather, that thou mayest have double punishment; first the feare of the punishment, then the torment it selfe.

XV. To Ariphetus.

THy actions are commen­dable, and worthy of re­compence which I have sent thee, and will send thee grea­ter. But I pray thee forbeare inquiring of my affaires; for it is best for me, to have them kept secret.

XVI. To Amphionomus.

VVHen I send presents un­to honest men, I doe not thinke that I doe them a fa­vour; but rather, that they doe mee a pleasure in receaving them. Wherefore, in that thou hast vouchsafed to accept of what I sent thee, I doe not think I have bin gracious to thee, but that thou hast done me a singu­lar pleasure.

XVII. To Erithea his Wife.

I know well (my Love) that I am obliged unto thee, both for my selfe and our Sonne, whom I have left with thee; for my selfe, in that I being ba­nished from my Country, thou [Page 16]hadst rather continue a wid­dow than marry againe, al­though thou wert sued unto by many. For my Sonne, in that thou art his Father his Mother and his Nurse; Neither hast thou taken any other Husband than Phalaris, nor willing to have any other Sonne but Pau­rolas, contenting thy selfe with thy first husband in stead of a second, and instead of another Son, hast rather taken care to bring up him, which was be­gotten by me: Persevere then, and perfect that loving worke, which thou hast freely begun, both for the father and the Son, untill hee may neither neede fa­ther nor mother. I speake this out of great affection; not that I distrust the mother, or that I doe not know her most singu­larly [Page 17]care full of him, but as a father who having but one Son, is in great care for him, as in truth I am; If then by this my affection, thou doest consider the Fathers heart unto his Son, thou wilt excuse mee for wri­ting unto thee of him with so much tender passion. Fare­well.

XVIII. To Paurolas the Sonne.

SOnne, thou oughtest truly to love thy Father and thy Mo­ther, and beare great reverence unto them; for it is both honest and just, that the child should remember those who have be­gotten and borne him, and who have done him so many fa­vours. Yet if thou wert con­strained [Page 18]to quite thy filiall duty unto one of the twaine, it were fitter thou shouldest forsake thy Father than thy Mother; for in bringing forth, and breeding children, the fathers paine, and trouble is not comparable unto the Mothers, who, in concea­ving, bringing forth, and nou­rishing them unto a competent age, doe undergoe infinite sick­nesses, travels and labours. And when the child is brought up, the Father, who hath taken lit­tle or no care for him, hopes to receave no lesse fruit thereof than the mother. Now in thy case, in regard of my banish­ment, thy mother hath suffered more for thee then most wo­men have done for their chil­dren: For shee alone hath un­dergone all the care which wee [Page 19]both ought to have done. Ren­der then unto her alone all those duties wherein thou art obliged to us both, since she alone hath hath had all the vexation. And by shewing dutifull love unto her, thou shalt discharge what­soever thou owest to me: nei­ther will I, in respect of my selfe, require any more from thee, but rather freely confesse, that I have receaved many pi­ous offices from thee, for it is reasonable, if thou doest ac­knowledge so many benefits from thy mother, that thou shouldest have great thankes of thy father.

XIX. To the same.

ALL that a Father can rea­sonably doe for his Son, I [Page 20]have done for thee Paurolas; If thou, in like manner, dost not render unto thy father the duty wherein thou art bounde, thou committest a great fault. I write this, because thou makest little account of good learning, for which I have often reprehen­ded thee. If now thou any more despisest it, I will never hereafter request any thing at thy hands; for most assuredly know, that if thou doest mee this pleasure, the great profit which will arise thereby, will not accrew to him, who makes the request, but to him who shall yeeld unto it.

XX. To Erithea.

IF thou darest not send Pauro­las to Agrigent, because I [Page 21]live there tyranically; I pardon thee as a woman, and a Mother, who feareth that her onely Son should be in any danger. But if thou thinkest that thou alone oughtest to injoy him, as if thou alone hadst begotten him with­out mee, thou doest not truly judge of the generative cause; for it is already decided by strict reason, that the Son doth belong rather to the father than to the mother. Yet by a more benevolent respect, he is equal­ly from them both. But if thou thinkest, that in suffering the Sonne to remaine a little while with the father; the interest, which thou hast in him may be diminished. Iudge with thy selfe, what he may thinke, who hath not at all participated in the pleasure of having him. [Page 22]Make us equall partakers in him by sending him to me, hee shall in short time returne unto thee with all things fitting for Phala­ris and Eritheas Sonne; to the end that if not with me, yet without me, you may live toge­ther in plenty and aboundance. For what man will desire to in­rich himselfe for his friends, without any care of his Wife, or Son. Truly as it becommeth a carefull and loving father, I am determined to lay out for you, a great part of the riches, and wealth which I possesse, having nothing in so deare esteeme as you two. And this I will doe, within short time, for many reasons, but chiefely in respect of my Age and of my late sicknesse, which maketh me say; that I am a man to be [Page 23]every houre reduced to the last point of his life. Send mee then our Paurolas without de­lay; the Love of his Father being able to bring him from Candy to Agrigentum, with more surety, and so againe to returne him to thee, then all the feares and doubts which his mother makes, can doe.

XXI. To Paurolas.

I Have receaved the Crowne which thou hast sent mee, weighing six hundred crownes of gold, and I have willingly accepted it, as well in respect of thy good fortune, as to doe ho­nour unto his liberality, from whom I received it; I onely wore it upon that day we sacri­ficed unto the gods of our [Page 24]country, for our victory obtai­ned against the Leontines, after­wards I sent it to thy mother, not knowing any person more worthy of so precious a gift. But this would bee a Crowne more beautifull and more ho­nourable unto us to see thee exercise thy selfe in things worthy the desire of thy Pa­rents.

XXII. To Him.

VVHen I was in Hymera, about some necessary occasions, Stesicorus his daugh­ters sung some poesies unto me; some of them made by their Father, the rest by the little maides. It is true, that their verses ought to give place to their fathers: But if theirs had [Page 25]bin compared with any of the other Poets, they would have appeared much more elegant. For this cause I think him hap­py, having taught them so well, and them more happy, conside­ring their tender youth, to have attained unto so great learning beyond the course of nature; And thou Paurolas exercisest thy body in armes, in hunting, and in other labours, leaving thy mind, (which principally thou oughtest to exercise) un­tilled and unseeded with Greeke, or other good learning. It is true that care must bee had of the body, both for health, and to fortify the members, al­though it bee not exercised in combating in the publike and sacred agonall sports: But he which studieth to live in cheefe [Page 26]dignity of a Common-wealth, must diligently indeavour to furnish his minde with good manners. It may be thou desi­rest to make thy selfe a Ty­rant, as justly due unto thee; and for this cause thou nourishest the strength of thy body, be­leeving, that the forces of the body are necessary to maintaine a principality. If this bee thy opinion; I desire rather thou wouldest bee wise, and take ad­vice, from him who repenteth that ever he was a Tyrant, and continueth this life by con­straint and not willingly. For he who hath tryed what it is to bee a Tyrant, had rather bee a Tyrants subject, then one him­selfe, being so freed from all in­conveniency but the feare of the Tyrant, whereas a Tyrant is [Page 27]not alone in feare of those who being a farre of, lay wait for him, but his greatest misery is, that he is in continuall feare of those who have the guard of his body. For this cause I pray thee, taking my counsell, shew thy selfe just and courteous to all, and leave the desire of a kingdome (full of continuall feares and dangers unto thy enemies and their children. Yet, if out of thy small expe­rience, and out of thy youth, thou perswadest thy selfe, that a Tyranny is a pleasant and glo­rious thing and not a wretched fortune, thou doest abuse thy selfe out of ignorance. Pray therefore the gods, that thou never prove this estate.

XXIII. To the Cama­rians.

I Have sent unto the Gellians, and unto the Leontines, and doe thinke good to write unto you, that you would assemble not armes, horses nor men, whereof you say your Citie is unfurnished, but good store of money. So soone as the Le­ontines had receaved my mes­sage they sent mee five Ta­lents, and the Gellians have pro­mised mee tenne. And I may in reason thinke, that you will not bee slower than the Leon­tines, nor lesse liberall than the Gellians.

XXIV. To the Leon­tines.

LEonidas whom you sent as a spy, hath beene by me ap­prehended, and being in my power to put him to death; I have delivered him, and sent him unto you, that you may be no longer in trouble to know, what preparations. I have to­wards the Warre, which I in­tend to make upon you; For he in like manner did freely and without constraint declare your whole enterprise: telling mee that you were poore in all things, but of feare and famine; In which two, he hath by oath assured me, you abound.

XXV. To Ierosme.

THou demandest, how I can hope to vanquish the Leon­tines, who have committed ma­ny unsufferable insolencies in the land, which they have taken from mee. I will not tell thee, that I have a Iuster cause than they, and that I am not the be­ginner of the Warre, but a de­fender of my selfe: for these are not reasons which doe at any time prevaile with thee: But I will boldly say (although you Leontines make little account thereof;) I am assured to van­quish you, by force of armes, by strength and valiant men, with money, Shippes, and Horses: whereof you are in want; yet fight against an ene­my [Page 31]who in all these things, as also in good fortune is, most rich.

XXVI. To Nico­phemes.

THou sayedst in the counsell of the Leontines, those whom I put to death suffered miserable torment; and that I punished them onely because they were on the contrary side. But thou doest not observe, that the example of their miserable death maketh the Leontines more slow to undertake the Warre, which thou by all meanes doest labour to have them make; telling them, that to offer an injury against such an effeminat enemy as I am, is alone sufficient to obtaine the victory. [Page 32]Surely it cannot bee, that hee should be hated for his cruelty, who is taxed for his over much delicacy; yet if thy talkative­nesse bringeth thy desire to ef­fect, know that I doe not envy thee; neither will I disswade thee from making the greatest resistance thou canst.

XXVII. To Tymo­natus.

I Have conquered the Leon­tines in Warre: But that thou mayest bee able to support the griefe, and not kill thy selfe at an instant by hearing a relation at once of the whole successe, I was not willing to advertise thee of all that happened, nor how in the end I vanquished the Tauromenitans, and the Tan­cleans, [Page 33]who were their confede­rates: neither was I willing to let thee know that I delivered all the prisoners, having recea­ved for them a hundred talents. Fearing least, if I should adver­tise thee of all my happy suc­cesses, thou shouldest dye out of griefe, and I thereby, accoun­ted causelesly the Author of thy death.

XXVII. To Pytha­goras.

IT seemes that Phalaris his ty­ranny, is utterly opposite un­to Pythagoras his philosophy: yet if experience were had; no­thing could keepe us from pro­ving our selves: for continuall frequenting together may bring into the same state things, [Page 34]which doe much differ. That which I have heard of thy acts, makes mee beleeve thou art a good man; neither would I have thee passe thy sentence a­gainst me without tryall. And the false opinion which men have conceaved against mee, doth so much wound me; that I cannot with suerty goe to thee, being accused of tyranny: For if I goe disarmed and with­out my guard, I may easily bee taken; and if with great mul­titude, suspition will bee had of me. But thou being free from all danger, maist come without feare and prove me; then if thou doest consider me as a Tyrant, thou shalt finde me rather a pri­vate man, and if thou doest be­hold me as a private man, thou wilt know that I hold some­thing [Page 35]of a Tyrant, although by constrainte; for it is impossible to preserve such an estate with­out cruelty. Now if good­nesse can bee in surety with Ty­ranny, I desire for many rea­sons to bee with thee; for be­ing under thy guiding (if truth, together with Pythagoras his opinion, to whom I will give faith, doe promise me safety) I will indeavour to walke in a more delightfull way then I have done.

XXIX. To Torax.

I Doe not know, whether I should accuse my selfe, for writing obscurely unto thee, or thee, who out of malice wilt not understand me: yet know thus much that by our account [Page 36]thou art indebted unto mee twenty thousand frankes. If thou art willing to have it told more cleerely; Stay but a while, and I will shew it unto thee: in another manner then willingly thou wouldst know.

XXX. To Ari­phades.

THe ignorance, and rash­nesse of youth, hath ruined an infinite number of men; now I defire thou shouldest know, that thy Son is violently possest with these two evills. And although through them he hath done mee many and great injuries; yet I have with-held my revenge, not out of any love to him, but to doe thee a pleasure; many having assured [Page 37]me of thy incredible goodnesse; wherefore I could never con­sent, that the Sonnes malice should bring sorrow and heavy trouble to the innocent age of the Father. It being to be pre­sumed, that thou having but one Sonne, how wicked so ever hee bee, canst not forbeare to love him; I also consider, that his death, will determine thy succession, and that the love un­to a father ought to surmounte the sonnes malice. Yet if here­after hee doe not forbeare his rash insolences, obeying thy commands and my remon­strances; let him be assured to receave punishment for his re­bellion against us both; and be­cause he shall not pretend igno­rance herein, when he shall bee taken in fault, heaping offence [Page 38]upon offence, I doe let thee know, that what I write un­to thee, I have sent unto him.

XXXI. To Nice­netes.

IT may bee thou perswadest thy selfe, that what I have written to thy father, to divert thee from committing such fol­lyes, hath beene out of feare of thee; If there were no other cause, there would be no occasi­on for my writing now; but I heare thy father is a modest honest man; and that he hath no other Sonne but thy selfe, which hath moved me to com­passion: So that pardoning thee, whose ignorant youth is too too rash, I have beene hi­therto patient. Yet thou art [Page 39]without pitty or care of thy fa­ther, who having attained unto an Old age, is now in danger for his Sonne. And besides thou without any providence continuest in thy rashnesse. It may be this happeneth because thou hast not beene chastened by me; or that thou thinkest to be able to retire thy selfe at thy pleasure, which many more mighty then thou art, have not beene able to doe. Whatsoever it bee, which hath moved thee heretofore; choice being given, now take the most profitable, and have a care thou doest not imitate Timander, but follow rather the counsell of a profi­table enemy; then of a perni­tious friend.

XXXII. To Anti­magnus.

IF thou canst pay mee that which thou hast borrowed and doest it not, thou art wil­fully wicked; but if thou hast not wherewith to pay, yet thou doest mee wrong. And because a fault committed against ones will, is worthy of pardon in their mindes, who doe iudge with humanity; know that the pardon which I give thee, is on­ly to prolong the payment, not that I despaire of recovering what I have lent.

XXXIII. To Aristo­menes.

ALthough thy compassion and love bee most pleasing unto me, yet I intreate thee not to be troubled or grieved at my wounds; for so farre am I from apprehending them (although they were almost to death,) that against the opinion of the vulgar, unto whom death is odious and terrible, I would rather die in Warre, and hasten my end appointed by the good gods; then that they should grant me longer life than ordi­nary. For what can bee more acceptable to a noble man than to lose his life in fighting for vertue and victory.

XXXIIII. To Xeno­pithes.

THe vile and slanderous opi­nions, which are held of me doe not trouble me; because if I doe evill I am constrained thereunto by necessity, which admitteth of no law; where­as others commit wickednesse naturally. Wee differ also, in that I being a Tyrant, con­fesse my fault having power and liberty; whereas you, of a private condition, dare not con­fesse what you doe, fearing the rigor of the Law.

XXXV. To the Cataneans.

WHen some of your Ci­tizens were brought [Page 43]prisoners unto mee, and not one of a hundred hoping of life; I delivered them, because I saw you carelesse of them: not that I would have you thinke, I have forgotten my hatred towards you, (for I should want of my wit; if my revenge should bee lesse than my anger) but to the end, that when you shall have suffered sufficiently, deserved punishment, the greatnesse of your misery may bring to your memory, the evills which you have committed.

XXXVI. To the same.

YOu (it may bee) thinke you have suffered too much, for those injuries, which you did unto me and mine, because that [Page 44]for thirtie of my men which you have cruelly burned, you have lost five hundred men at armes, and in stead of seaven ta­lents which you stole from me, you are deprived of great rich­es by my meanes: But I would have you know; that what you have hitherto suffered, is but a beginning to what you shall suf­fer. So that you shall bee asha­med to confesse, the harmes which you have receaved through my meanes, ayde, and succour. Neither then, so long as that providence, which go­verneth the world, shall main­taine it in the harmony wherein it is, will I leave the hatred, which I beare you. Neither shall the Warre, which I shall make against you, be to vindi­cate my selfe, but the gods also, [Page 45]who have power to maintaine and ruine all things. For as all the other elements doe partici­pate of the fatall divinity, so al­so doth the fire of Aetna: Into which most iniquusly casting my innocent men, you have not onely made Phalaris your ene­my, but the Sun also who seeth all things.

XXXVII. To Chrito­phemes.

THou, and all those, who ex­cessively praise me, witnes­sing my force, and perswading your selves that the Leontines have beene conquered by my counsell and labour, doe the part of good friends; because honour is a spurre unto vertue. And I may boldly affirme I [Page 46]have not beene wanting in any thing required in so great a worke: yet the desired victory proceedeth from the hand of fortune: for there is nothing, how great or small soever in all humane acts, which is not confirmed by her ayde and fa­vour.

XXXVIII. To Po­lygnotes.

I Will henceforward for­beare, either writing or offe­ring any thing unto thee, to the end, thou maist leave those praises, with which thou doest indeavour to honour mee a­mongst men. For in effect thou doest blame me, in refusing my presents, and valuest me only in words. Knowest not thou that [Page 47] [...]mongst men of wisedome, [...]ords are but esteemed the sha­ [...]ow of the thing?

XXXIX. To Axi­ognes.

IT is not amisse to glorifie ones selfe of his Nobility, as of any other good; yet I know no other Nobility than ver­tue. All other things hold of fortune: And in truth he who is a vertuous man, although hee be descended of base Parents, is more noble, then hee who is a King, or then all others. So contrary, he who is descended of a most antient stocke and of most high lineage, and a vitious person, is more ignoble than any other, who is vertuous, in how base or low a degree soever hee [Page 48]live. For this cause, amongst the Siracusans doe thou commend the vertue of the mind, and not the nobility of the dead, which is lost by ignoble successors.

XL. To Demoteles.

I Excuse the remonstrances which thou hast made unto mee, in that thou having never beene a Tyrant perswadest mee to leave my Tyranny, without fortifying thy reasons with the authority of some god, to whom I might rather have gi­ven credit than unto thee; who wouldst be accounted the onely wise and assured counsellor in a matter of so great importance: yet doest not know that in the giving over such a principality, there is more danger than in the [Page 49]acquiring thereof; for as unto a private man, it is better not to become a Tyrant; So he, who is one, doth much better to keepe and maintaine the estate than to leave it. In briefe the same consideration ought to be had of a Tyranny, as is usually had of the birth and life of a man. For if it were possible for man to know before hee were borne into how many misfortunes and mischiefes hee should fall during his life, with­out doubt hee would never bee borne. So if a private man aspiring to a Tyranny, should first understand, what, and how many calamities are accompa­nying, he would rather choose a private life. Thus I know De­moteles, that not to be borne, is better than to bee borne, and a [Page 50]private life is better than a Ty­ranny; If before I had beene possest of the Tyranny, thou hadst given me this counsell, de­claring unto me the qualities of the evills thereof, assure thy selfe I would have obeyed thee; but being a Tyrant, and con­strained thereby to commit an infinite number of evills, so far is it from the power of any man; that none of the gods can perswade me to leave the arme of a Tyrant. For I know well, that in leaving it I should bee forced to suffer infinite and most grievous torments, and in the end a miserable and shamefull death by their hands, over whom, I have tyrannically ru­led.

XLI. To Epicarmes.

I Doe firmely beleeve, that thy counsell and Demotelesis, who perswade me to give over this Tyranny doth not proceed from any hatred towards mee, but from the small experience which you have in the world, because, one may desire the possession of a Tyranny; but not the quitting thereof, in respect of many unjust acts, therein committed. For it is not unlike to an Archer, when he hath lo­sed his arrow, he hath no power to stay it. But if you can bring to passe; that I never had exer­cised Tyranny, doe it and I will beleeve you. Yet it is more dif­ficult for your remonstrances to doe me good.

LII. Vnto the same.

THou who thinkest me just, art alone a sufficient testi­mony for me; though no man give faith unto thy words: be­cause I repute a man of thy in­tegritie to be a rule and law un­to all Sicīlie, and the sottish multitude I have alwayes estee­med as an empty vessell. Of which multitude to be accoun­ted evill, and worse than we are, is a thing (it may bee) of no small profit. Yet there are ma­ny like thee, whose vertue and not their number I take into consideration; which have con­curred with thy opinion of me. But if thou wert alone it is testimony sufficient, neither have I need of others.

XLIII. To Hipo­licion.

I Have permitted thee to come safely unto mee, with­out giving thee any safe conduct by oath; for I would in this, that my honesty should serve. But if thou doest not trust me, thou doest me an injury, grea­ter than that, for which thou wert accused unto me; because thou art assured, for any cause what ever, I have never broken my faith, and notwithstan­ding my permission, thou de­mandest a safe conduct, as if thou didst distrust me; I pray thee tell mee, in true religion, what difference is there be­tweene breach of a promise and breach of an oath; the [Page 54]minde only being that, which ought to confirme both.

XLIV. To Poly­timon.

IF in judging my manners, by thy evill conditions, thou do­est distrust me; thou doest not accuse my malice, rather thy prudence; but if thou accusest me by my owne manners, thou art in a great error, not truly knowing me. For I am so farre from breaking my faith, that measuring another mans heart by mine; and trusting in ano­ther, more than I ought: pre­suming he had beene faithfull, I have beene deceaved. Come then upon my assurance, with­out doubting of fraud or de­ceit; then mayst thou witnesse [Page 55]that Phalaris doth faithfully keepe his promise.

XLV. To Nicias.

THou hatest thy Sonne, be­cause he approveth not thy manners; and for this cause he is esteemed and beloved of all others. Be thou therefore assu­red, that all those who love him, hate thee.

XLVI. To Adi­mates.

I Heare thou debatest with thy brother, which of you two is the veriest Villan; by that which I have heard from thee of him, and from him of thee. I doe verily beleeve, and hold it for a firme truth; that hee is as [Page 56]bad as any, and that none is worse than thy selfe.

XLVII. To the Ege­stines.

TAke heede you doe not re­ceave those whom I have banished; for never man excee­ded Phalaris in retribution of good turnes, nor in revenging of Injuries. You may discerne something to this purpose, if you consider the Leontines and the Melitines; for wee have beene the cause of liberty unto the last, and of servitude unto the first: the Leontines drow­ned my Galley; and the Meli­tines indeavoured to save it.

XLVIII. To Antisthe­nes and to Theotine.

OF the presents which I sent, Antisthenes hath re­ceaved a part, but Theotine would not take any; wherein I am to thanke one, but not to complaine of the other; for he who receaved, did not despise my good will; and he who re­fused did me no harme.

XLIX. To Menecles.

IF thou wouldest bee thought free from thy fathers vices, doe not repent that thou art be­come good: other wayes thou wilt lose the good opinion which the Cammarians have of thee; who will beleeve that [Page 58]thou art not truly good, but that thou counterfeitest, and art on­ly a time-server.

L. To Epistrates.

THou writest unto me, as if I were a most fortunate and happy man: But I will briefly tell thee my estate; In my in­fancy I was deprived of my fa­ther and mother. In my youth (by my misfortune) banished from my Country and lost the greatest part of my estate; I was taught by Barbarous peo­ple: And to avoide injuries, I was driven to flye from all pla­ces; where I was not onely as­sayled by my enemies, but by those also to whom I had done pleasure. Last of all having at­tained to a Tyranny, I hate a [Page 59]Tyrannicall life. If this may be called happinesse; truely I am happy.

LI. To Oneston.

THou and all my friends shall doe mee a pleasure to forbeare looking narrowly in­to my affaires; and from sear­ching into things which doe no wayes concerne you; for such is the condition of my estate, that my enemies will have more cause to rejoyce by knowing it, than my friends to bee vexed or sorrow for their ignorance therein.

LII. To Eteonicus.

ACcording to thy counsell, I will no more remember my hatred towards those, who have injured me: because it is not fit (according to some mens saying) that wee being mortall, should retaine an im­mortall hatred. Yet Fithons in­juries to me shall neither in this life nor after death (which must certainely happen to all) ever depart out of my memory for amongst many other mar­vailous displeasures, he poyso­ned my Wife Erithea, because out of desire to follow me, [...] refused to marry him.

LIII. To Thraisonor.

THe castle, which thou lef­test defending it selfe, hath beene taken and ruined by Teu­creus and his soldiours, by a surprise; and know, that it was done in as small time, as I have beene writing this let­ter.

LIV. To Abaridas.

IT is told mee, that thou art come out of the mountaines of Tartary into our regions, led by a desire to converse with fa­mous men, and that thou hast spoken with Pythagoras the Phi­losopher, with the Poet Stesico­rus, and other renowned Gre­cians, from whom thou hast [Page 62]learned much goodnesse: And that thou desirest to find others, from whom thou mightest learne the stories which are un­knowne unto thee. But because at the first I have beene evilly reported, and thereby thou art perswaded, that I am such a man as my Slanderers doe speake me; it is no easy thing, to make, thee beleeve the contrary. Yet if thou canst be perswaded, that to know the truth of things, it is necessary to frequent men of long experience and know­ledge; come and stay with me, as many brave and gentle persons have done: and thou shalt finde by experience, that al things are better, more seemely, (and if without blame I may praise my selfe) with more humanity dis­posed, than is beleeved, and [Page 63]that Phalaris, who governeth these affaires, is not inferiour to some of them, who for such Acts are beheld with admira­tion.

LV. To Orsiloquus.

IF it hath beene ascribed as a fault unto me; That Pytha­goras hath never come unto me, although by me many times re­quired, thou alwayes perswa­ding him to shun my acquain­tance; Now that hee is come, and hath stayed with me in all contentment, for the space of five moneths, it must needs bee to my praise. For if my man­ners and his had not beene in some sort conformable, hee would not have stayed a minute of time in my company.

LVI. To Egesippus.

NOw there is no remedy in Clistenes his banishment, but only repentance; It may be, that thou and his other Parents, who are oppressed with sor­row, doe know that hee hath evill understood the affaires, for which hee is banished from his Countrey: but I seeing him la­bour in the affaires of the com­mon-wealth, with abundance of vaine glory, had great compas­sion of him, and by my letters did foretell him, what would happen. Yet he over-weening, and drawen by the delightfull hope of honour, made no reckoning of me, thinking my admonitions fooleries; as if I had no experience in publike [Page 65]affaires: Or that I did it to pre­serve my Tyranny; not willing to see any body governe well in a politicke state. And this was his beleefe untill hee being blowne up (more than was fit­ting) with the empty winde of honour, was therby flung head­long to the ground. Wherein he found to his great prejudice, that Phalaris was not ignorant of civill government, but rather hee himselfe; who in his short prosperity, not judging rightly of the nature of the people, which doth easily bring a man unto misery, and seldome or never hath the beginning cor­respondent with the end. I and all others who would not bee accounted fooles, ought rather desire to bee blamed then ho­noured by the indiscreete mul­titude; [Page 66]because their hatred i [...] easilyer quenched, than kind­led; neither is the short time of the vigor thereof so hurtfull. And that which ordinarily springeth from a popular love, is seldome any other thing but banishment, death, confiscation of goods, and things no lesse intollerable. I sweare unto thee Egesippus by the great god; that in my heart I never had other opinion than what I write. All multitudes, are rash, foolish and seldome or never effecting any thing, ever changing in their counsels, without faith, incon­stant, giddy, treacherous, and deceavours, an unprofitable voice, easy to blame or to praise; In briefe he that in go­verning a common wealth in­deavoureth to please the peo­ple, [Page 67]for the most part ruines himselfe, with shame in stead of honour; yet there are some so eagerly affected thereunto, that madnesse may rather bee as­cribed unto them, than rash­nesse. The father doth not love his sonne with so great af­fection, those that desire to mar­ry doe not looke upon their loves with that eager longing, others who love mony doe not seeke it with that diligence; and those who delight in armes, in War, in Horses to be victorious in the Olympick games, take not so much pleasure in any of these things, as those doe, who seeke after wretched glory, vaine ho­nour, and the peoples favour, to their most extreame dam­mage: But the friends of such as are so transported with this [Page 68]popular applause, ought exce [...] ­dingly to grieve, and their en [...] ­mies may most confidently re­joyce.

You then, who are Clisten [...] his Parents and kindred; if h [...] be in griefe comfort him, that h [...] may the better beare this adver­sitie as a humane thing: and al­though hee bee in a fault, whe [...] it cannot bee helped, remon­strate so unto him, that he may have no more desire to travail [...] in the like affaires.

LVII. To Antonie.

SO soone as I receaved thy letter, I sent thee the silver, thinking; that it was not alone a fit time to doe thee a pleasure, but that it was to bee executed suddainely. I have therefore [Page 69]delivered for thee, three Ta­ [...]nts; that thy Sonnes ransome [...]eing payed, he may be called [...]om his banishment, and be no [...]nger a vagabond in the world: [...]or by experience I have [...]nowne, how grievous and ex­ [...]reame a misery, banishment is. Further, out of my free good will, I have sent thee three Ta­ [...]ents more, to the end, that the goods by thee sold may bee bought againe. I also advise Clistenes, that hereafter he med­dle no more in publike affaires, nor in any such businesse, the profit whereof goes to the Common wealth, and the hurt to them who meddle therein. And if his own example be not sufficient, let him set me before his eyes, who am his couzen by the mother, and who out [Page 70]of the little knowledge which I had in governing publike af­faires, was banished from my countrie; where it was never in my power to returne, after I was become a Tyrant. And I doe assure thee, that there is not so much pleasure in being a Prince, as there is griefe in ba­nishment. I sweare also unto thee, by the great gods, I write not this out of any regreat I have, for the money which I send thee, but out of sorrow which I have, for the miseries thou sufferest. Neither doe I it, because I will not give thee ano­ther time; but, that I would not have thee imploy me, in do­ing thee pleasures, which are of no availe; for truly when my friends require any thing of me which make to their profit; I [Page 71]strive to gratifie them, with a better will, and more liberally.

LVIII. To Cli­stenes.

I Doe suffer in thy misfortune; yet I write not this letter, to reprehend thee for things, wherein (not beleeving my counsell) thou hast extreamely erred; although it is many mens fashion, when they are not able to profit by their re­monstrances, (their counsell wanting successe) they repre­hend those, who would not be­leeve them, wherein (to my judgement) they doe but esteeme their owne advice in too high a degree, and over­much lessen those who com­mit the errour; for my part, [Page 72]foreseeing the mischiefe which hath hapned; that thou mightst not bee oppressed, I familiarly advertised thee, and now seeing the evill which thou indurest, I thinke I have erred; and am in miserie with thee. And I in­treate thee to beleeve the reason why I foretold thee, was onely because it might not happen. But seeing, either by fortune, or by determined counsell, it is thus happened; I will not lay malice to thy charge: rather to witnesse that I beare an e­quall sorrow with thee; I have indeavoured, with all my strength, that thou shouldst not long abide in thy misery; as more plainely thou wilt un­derstand, when thou seest thy mother. In the meane time I will for beare reproaching thee, [Page 73]of a great villany; that seeing thy selfe banished from thy Coun­try, thou didst not vouchsafe in thy exile to rest thy selfe with me, being so true a friend, unto thee, as thou knowest I am. Yet if it were out of shame, and feare to be taunted, because thou didst not obey the counsell, which I gave when I foretold thee what hath now happe­ned; I am so farre from bla­ming thee, that I much rejoyce truely, seeing that thou art be­come wise: For it is to bee thought; that hee, who is asha­med of his passed faults, will carefully take heed he commit­teth not the like againe.

LIX. To Leonicles.

THou hast used many rea­sons to perswade the Ca­marines to make Warre against me, yet bee thou assured thou canst not prevaile, and that I will bee revenged of thee, not in vaine words, wherewith thou hast injured me, but by deeds; the feare whereof out of experience, hath kept the Camarians from falling into Phalaris his anger, whom they have found both gentle, and courteous, being a friend.

LX. To the Eunefienses.

I Doe perswade my selfe I am the cause of your liberty: for [Page 75]which although you are un­gratefull; yet I doe not repent mee, but would have you send mee the money which I have lent you, because I have so much need, that I am constrai­ned to send up and downe all Sicily to get in money. Some have freely lent me as the Le­ontines, and the Gelians; others have promised me, as the Hiale­fians, and Phintiesians. Vpon what doe you thinke? Seeing, that what I have willingly lent, you doe not restore me againe, in such a time, when those, who have receaved no benefit from me; doe succour me with their meanes. If those who have promised to lend did know; that instead of recovering my debts, I importuned them, who ought me nothing; doe you [Page 76]thinke they would lend mee. Yet I firmely beleeve, they will keepe promise with mee; and may peradventure thinke that hee who is negligent, in recovering his owne, will bee as slow in paying, what hee hath borrowed: If you weigh these things, you need not bee ashamed to pay mee my mony. And if this which I have sayd bee not sufficient to induce you thereunto, bee you assu­red, I will finde the meanes to constraine you; at the least, if to doe what is just and reaso­nable may be so termed.

LXI. To the same.

I Having told you, that of all the money, which I have lent, you should onely restore met [Page 77]eight talents, easing you of the rest, especially in a time of great necessitie, I thinke you observe no modesty: For of the eight; you keepe back foure, and with regreat pay me the other. Yet I sweare by the great gods, that I am only displeased; you doe not acknowledge the benefits I have yeelded you. For al­though I suffer the dividing of my debt, the dammage consi­steth but in foure talents, but your ingratitude amounteth to twenty: Yet, you professe you will pay them foure also, think­ing (in the meane time) you have obliged mee by what you have done; In which respect, I cannot ground any hope upon your ingratitude, if, having the meanes, you doe not speedily render them. But if you have [Page 78]the will to doe it, and that I un­derstand by your embassadours you are poore, and have collect­ed the moneys which you have sent, upon particular men; I will give the rest unto your Citie: And if you will receave them, which you have sent me; I am willing with all my heart to give them backe, provided they may bee imployed to the publike benefit, and not robbed away by those, who stealing from the poore people, make the common-wealth needy, and themselves rich. And whereas, by your Embassadours, you send mee word, you will erect statues in remembrance of the good turnes I have done you; I advise you not to bee at that charge; for beside my liberality now, and formerly, unto you, I [Page 79]will also pay the charges there­in imployed.

LXII. To the same men.

I Write this letter, not repen­ting of my liberality to you; but to the end that by punishing of Periander, you may acquire more favour from me. Yet if you have ready mony in your City, and by forged excuses, forbeare acquiting your debts unto such, who out of good will have lent you, it is a mani­fest signe, that (the saying your money was imbeseled) is not true. Neither is it reasonable, that those, who borrow money in their need, when they should pay, should like rich men hide it in great quantity for robbers. It were much more honest, to [Page 80]be rich to your Creditors, and poore towards the wicked: for, if as rich men, you give the mo­ney of your common-wealth to wicked men; and in the meane time, as governors there­of defraud your creditors: First, (a thing most evill) you injury another, who hath done you none. Secondly it is much better you should pay what you borrow, then suffer robbers to steale it away, thereby disap­pointing Phalaris make Perian­der, (befides many other plea­sures) become rich. It is for you therefore to resolve, that your money being not imbese­led, you render those kindnesses unto me, which you have recea­ved; or with the losse of those moneys, which you sent mee you bee constrained to part also [Page 81]with those which I have given you.

LXIII. To Hierom.

ALthough I could say a world of injurie of thee, and of the foolish, and ignorant speeches which thou utteredst of mee to the Leontines; yet I will only say; the Elephants of India, make no account of flyes.

LXIV. To Aristenetes.

AGe is not grievous unto mee, because it is not the Tyranny, but Phalaris which waxeth old: yet thy (beyond measure) fearing, frets me; see­ing what is destined must hap­pen; although Aristeneter fea­ieth more than is fitting. And, [Page 82]to write unto thee in Poetick termes, it is better to suffer with an undaunted courage, that which is expected with griefe and molestation, than to be al­wayes martyred with feare.

LXV. To the Milesians.

YOur Embassadors have per­swaded me to lend you mo­ny, though I have not much at this time, in respect of the Warre wherein I have dayly consumed it. Yet it is an old proverbe, amongst friends ex­cuses must not be used.

Wherefore I pray bee not like unto many who, when they borrow, use most gentle and faire words; but when they are intreated to pay, grow an­gry, shewing themselves, both [Page 83]unreasonable and ungratefull. For in equity hee who recea­veth a good turne, ought to re­member those who doe it, and untill it be repayed, not to think their creditors changed: So if their creditor be an honest man, l [...]t him bee payed as an honest man; if hee be wicked, yet let him be payed; for although he be not good, it is just and civill to pay debts. Beleeve it then my friends, that, in lending and gathering in my debts, I am al­wayes my selfe. Neverthelesse, those unto whom I doe plea­sures, change their manners as occasions are offered, like the Camelions changing their cou­lors, according to the object of the places where they are, and while they receave benefit from mee, they highly prayse [Page 84]me, as one of their gods, and benefactors; but when it is de­manded againe, they call mee villaine and Tyrant; which ma­keth me know, that if the man who lendeth his money be in danger of losing it, he were bet­ter lend it to a particular, then to a Communalty; for if a par­ticular man deceave him, hee getteth but one enemy, and hee a weake one; but if a Commu­nalty deny him, the losse is no lesse, and in stead of one, he shall have many enemyes. I have not hitherto found this malice in you, which maketh mee, all suspition set apart, send you what you demand; assuring my selfe, that in all things else you have a good memory, and are faithfull in merchandizing. Furthermore, I doe thinke you [Page 85]well know, it is a greater shame, for many to injurie one, then for one to injury many; It be­ing no way likely, that one should despise many, although it often happeneth, that a com­munalty makes light account of one man.

LXVI. To the same.

I Have not fent back your em­bassador with this letter, be­cause I reckon not of your prai­ses; but because my actions may not well permit this ho­nour; yet it may be, you make this high esteeme to incite other to hold the same opinion of me, who am assured that all men thinke evill of me but you, who justly repute mee good. Neverthelesse, because my me­rits, [Page 86]cannot be printed in other mens beleefe, (through a false opinion of men) I feare it may bee more hurtfull to you, than available to me, because every one is apt to say, you would ne­ver esteeme so much of a wick­ed man, if you were not like him. Wherefore because (though wrongfully) these your praysings of mee, may make you bee reputed evill, though I am never the better, I intreate you forbeare them as unnecessary.

LXVII. To Mnesicles.

I Doe truely rejoyce at thy [...]appinesse hearing (although thou didst desire a Sonne) thou hast a daughter borne, which I thinke, is the more pleasing in­to [Page 87]thee, because she may bee in stead of a Son. And in truth, daughters naturally, have more respect to their fathers, than Sonnes.

Concerning the gifts which I send thee, I shall thinke thou receavest them with the better heart, by thy free taking, not what I now send thee, but what thou shalt advertile me to send, my ignorance of what is ne­cessary having now withheld them; For I beleeve, in respect of thy daughter thou hast need of more and more pretious things.

LXVIII. To Alcandre.

DOe not thinke, that thou, o [...] any else whoever can feare mee, tither in word or [Page 88]deed: For I have experience in Warre, wherein I was never so bold, as to attempt an unjust thing, or any thing above my strength. I know the suddaine altering and changing of times: And can better teach others, than bee taught by any other, how unconstant fortune is. Moreover, I am as confi­dent of my selfe, as any other marrican bee; trusting in the great god, that hee will defend me from the injuries of men, and that hee will bring under my hand all those, who shall assaile me.

LXIX. To Licinius.

FOolish Licinius, wilt thoune­ver forbeare thy rashnesse? wilt thou never have care of thy [Page 89]selfe? Thou art thirtie yeeres of age, and yet continuest in thy madnesse and by diverse wayes stirrest up enemies, too powerfull for thy resistance. Thou composest verses and Tragedyes to my dishonour; as if I should bee vexed at them: but I would have thee take heed least thou be persecuted by ef­fects, more miserable and se­vere than any Tragedy.

LXX. To Cerbon.

How comes it to passe, that men should wonder, at the extreame punishments, which I inflict upon them, who injury me; yet those amongst you, cannot bee deterred from assayling mee? So, that with teares, you bewaile their for­tune, [Page 90]who are tormented, and doe not rather advise them, not to attempt against Phalaris. It were better for mee; you would not constraine mee to take such revenge, and more profit to you, not to be carried with such rashnesse against mee. But (if I truly understand your nature) wherein would not you have attempted against me, if in my revenge I had not beene ex­treame cruell? Seeing that without hope of finding mer­cie, you so desperatly expose your selves to all danger. I will then forbeare to bre cru­ell, when you abstaine from in­juring me.

LXXI. To Entimon.

THou hast said a truth in all these things which thou hast laid to my charge; and I doe freely confesse all thy accu­sations concerning the Siracu­sans: for, if I did not punish those who offend me in so high a degree, that they merit no pardon; and if you or others, were not so mortally enemyes to your selves and to me; neither should I bee taxed for wicked cruelty, neither should any one amongst you be moved to com­passion, by seeing your selves put to such intollerable punish­ments.

LXXII. To Cleobolus.

ALthough thou hast im­ployed the strength of thy spirit, to perswade the Camma­rians to undertake a war against me, yet canst not thou make them lay their hands to it; for they know truly that Warre is made by deeds, and not by Orators words; but if thou wouldest have them enterprise it indeed, demonstrate unto them, that thou art in effect, as thou art in counsell. If, by this meanes, thou canst not attaine thy purpose, change thy minde, and counsell the contrary: So (it may bee) mayest thou at­taine thy desire; For it is cer­taine, they neither reckon of counsell nor counsellor, which [Page 93]is not profitable. For this cause and fault alone, rest assured I will punish thee, not invaine words, wherein thou doest in­jury me; but by executing, and in such a manner, as those who have once tryed it, never after offended me. Which the Cam­marians well knowing, are not willing to feele Phalaris his an­ger, and the rather, because when they hold me for their friend, they finde me kinde and loving.

LXXIII. To Cleodicus.

THou intendest greater cru­eltie against me than is in thy power to execute; I pray thee from whence proceedeth this desire, which thou hast to offend Phalaris, thereby to gra­tify [Page 94]a Tanners neece, the Wife of Antand, who killed his fa­ther in Law? By meanes of which foule crime, against na­ture, hee is become rich. But my just anger shall not so farre transport me, as at this time, with multitude of words, to recount all his wickednesses; because judging him worthy of punishment, I will not in words, but in effect lay it upon him; And, for those things, which thou hast indeavoured against mee, I will make it fall upon thy head, and upon all thy race.

LXXIV. To Necolaides.

I Will not doe any displeasure unto thee: For I am adverti­sed, that thou hast rather done [Page 95]good than harme; but I intreate thee, that unto the best of thy actions thou wilt not mixe such things as may constraine me, to be other wayes unto thee, then I am now.

IXXV. To Polax.

I Gather by thy letters, that thou much wondrest at my alteration in the course of my life: In that heretofore I shewed my self more familiarly and ea­sily then was fit for the estate of a Tyrant; and now will hardly be seene, either to kinred or dea­rest friends; by all meanes flying from the company of men. But at these things thou oughtest not to marvaile; because that not alone in men, who have no relation unto me, [Page 96]but in my most private friends, I cannot find a sound and firme faith. And having with great difficulty proved all things, I say it is better dwelling in the deserts of Affrica, and in the wild woods of Numidia, only accompanied with cruel beasts, than to live with men; for I shall have a more safe aboad with Lions, and sleepe more se­curely with Serpents, than with men of this age. This I say out of the great experience, which by the malice of variable and unconstant fortune, I have gai­ned.

LXVI. To the same man.

THou speakest most truly, Polux, in saying, that the in­jury, which every one doth [Page 97]me, farre exceeds the revenge which I take; for I willingly have pardoned those twice, or thrice, who have attempted against mee. Yet of all those, who out of premeditated coun­sell have assaulted me, there is not one, who can be ashamed, to see himselfe taken in his wick­ednesse the second time.

LXXVII. To the same man.

IF those, who are prepared for Warre against me, to re­venge those, whom I have just­ly put to death, did plainely know the cause for which they doe it, they might thinke them­selves worthily revengers. Therefore thou who accusest me to the Siracusans, calling me a revengefull Tyrant (without [Page 98]any gravitie or modesty) ough­test to relate the reasons why I have put such men to death, who; by no wit of man, could be excused: that thereby, thou mightst stirre up the courages of thy Auditors against him of whom thou speakest. Now if thou art ashamed to discover the reasons of what thou accu­sest mee, what occasion have they to bring their Warre.

LXXVIII. To the Eginians.

I Doe thinke I have just cause to revenge my self upon you. Neither is my power wanting; And I ought to doe it, did I not feare their death, whom for three moneths space you have kept prisoners, onely, to please a wicked villaine, who [Page 99]abideth in your Towne.

LXXIX. To Nicippus.

I Yeeld thee many thanks, that thou hast vouchsafed to re­ceave the presents, for wch. thou sayest, thou art afraid the Sira­ [...]usans will punish thee: but bee [...]hou assured, that if thou hadst [...]efused them, I was determined [...]o accuse thee, as if thou hadst [...]eceaved them so refusing them [...]hou shouldst have run the dan­ [...]er which thou fearedst in ta­ [...]ing; And without doubt, if I [...]ad caused thee to bee accused [...]or taking them, I should have [...]eene beleeved; But if (as it is [...]rue) I affirme I have given thee [...]othing; Thou wilt be delive­ [...]ed, and held free from suspi­ [...]on.

LXXX. To Nicarquus.

THou couldest not have pro­voked the Cammarians to make Warre upon me, but to be vanquished by me. But they as wise and provident men, doe rather consider deeds than words, and whether they were able to archieve it, if they should begin it; for which cause they make little reckoning of thy vauntings; though thou art not ashamed, to bee more hurtfull unto them by thy words, than unto him against whom thou speakest.

LXXXI. To Leonciades.

IF thou thinkest, that by thy marriage, thou hast receaved [Page 101]favour from me, and that thou oughtest not to be ungratefull; I tell thee I would not have thee yeeld me any thankes: but pay me all, in perfectly loving thy Wife, in whom thou sayest our kindred first began.

LXXXII. To Timostenes.

LEt part of the Souldiers la­bour in the Castell, and ano­ther part make up the bankes against the high flouds of the Sea; that the course of the wa­ter being turned, the fields, which are barren, may become fertill. And we shall thinke our selves obliged to those, who shall have first finished their Taske.

LXXXIII. To Cleomenides.

VVEE have sent thee gifts fit for the Gimni of playes; to wit Iarres of oyle, and foure hundred measures of Corne; but the gifts, which are more agreeing to youth, as wine and Stesicorus his verses, wee send unto thy Son: Although it may be some Siracusan, may suspect, that these things are sent, by the Tyrant to stirre up some novelty.

LXXXIV. To Polycletes.

TO satisfie thy desire, I have delivered Calescreus, who had conspired against me, wch. he not only confessed, but also revealed his companions, [Page 103]adding farther, where, when, and how they were to assault me. For in truth I did thinke it the part of an ungratefull man to deny life unto any one, be­ing requested by him who gi­veth health unto others: I have herein done my duty, yeelding this favour unto the Physitian, who healed me, It being most fit that thou shouldst receave all grace, who art the chiefest in Physicke and healest all that have neede of thee. Yet let Calescreus consider, that beyond all mens opinion, (for thy sake) his life is spared, hee having un­justly taken life from another, for although fortune did deny him the execution of his wick­ed intent, yet he did all that was in his power.

LXXXV. To the Messinians.

I Vnderstand that you accuse Polycletes for treason against the Agrigentines; in that I being grievously sicke, he tookeupon him to cure me, and it being in his power to destroy me, he de­livered me sound and in health; for, insteade of commending his honestie you accuse him of ma­lice, and shame not to confesse it. Whereas all good men ad­mire his knowledge, much more his honesty and integri­ty. For when I came under his hands, I was at the point of death; and although I were ac­cused for a Tyrant, yet he was so farre from killing me, that he laboured to restore mee to my [Page 105]former health. Yet doe not you thinke that all your calum­nies can any way prejudice him; For my liberality hath made him one of the richest men in Sicily, and the acknow­ledgement which I have made of the pleasure which hee did me, doth (I know) make you ra­ther desire to be called traytors unto the Agrigentines, than the murderers of Phalaris.

LXXXVI. To Gorgias.

THy letters are full of wit, and doe witnesse the gen­tlenesse of thy spirit; yet the counsell, which thou givest me concerning things to come, it seemes to me superfluous; for in truth I neither feare death nor any punishment; propoun­ding [Page 106]to my selfe, that herein I doe well; knowing that fate is not governed by men. And to tell you my minde in a few words; I account him a foole, who first contrived these things or who hopeth or feareth, good or evills to come, or who doth perswade himselfe that things to come are to bee foreseene, and to be avoided. But if any one be of opinion they are to be foreseene, yet impossible to be avoided, to what purpose is the labour to foresee them? Seeing, that knowing them, or not, they must needs happen. Thou wilt tell me, that being foreseene, it is the more easily receaved, or de­fended and instead of one thing foreseene which is evill, the bet­ter meanes may bee used to in­terpose another, then that which [Page 107]should happen: which I cannot beleeve, because it is the worke of God and not of man; He then seemes wise unto mee, who is not troubled at his destiny, nor afraid of his death. Studie then as long as thou please, about these uncertainties to confirme the opinion, about which, there is no neede for thee to trouble thy thought; and be thou assu­red I make no account of it.

LXXXVII. To Nansicles.

I Have writ unto thee, that Hermocrates his labouring, together with the indeavours of all his partakers, could not keepe Philodemes his married daughter from receaving the presents which I sent her; So, that all their labour hath not les­sened [Page 108]but increased my ho­nour for hereby I being a Ty­rant and having no relation un­to her, am made equall in esteeme with her most neere and eminent kindred. Those then who in blaming mee doe say by presents I indeavour to get beleefe, may take for an­swer; That to those, unto whom one doth a pleasure, vio­lence is not used, rather true af­fection.

LXXXVIII. To Alaerites.

IT was no way needfull, that out of vaine and youthfull hopes, thou shouldst throw us into dangers, and grievous feares; neither doe I desire, by such difficult effects to have any [Page 109]further assurance of thy great valour. Yet seeing thy vertue hath surmounted my feare, pur­sue this good presage, all other things will suceed to thy wish. Not, that I am not in continuall feare and care of thee, though thou art in health; for untill thy returne I shall be still in doubts, still expecting thy letters. Wherefore I put thee in minde of what I told thee at thy par­ting, when thou lefts the City, that thou shouldst indeavour to keepe mee Lacrites, whom I doe hold more deere than Castles, Townes, and Tyran­nies, I (by the living gods) than my owne life.

LXXXIX. To the same men.

I Pray thee Lacrites, remem­ber the promises thou madst me, and bee carefull, that I bee not driven to remaine alone. Thou knowest how poore I am of friends: I write unto thee that I am in feare, but it is not of those who are inferior unto us, nor for the weakenesse of our confederates: For alwayes, and in all things wee surmount our enemyes. But it is of thy active and forward courage in ex­ployts of Warre, and because thou labourest, with too great violence and affection, to ap­peare too excellent above al, be­ing grieved that thou canst not, in one instant bee present at [Page 111]all the incounters. Remember, that at thy departure, I gave thee in charge to thy selfe, and thou didst promise to render thy selfe safe and whole into my hands againe; which now I most affectionately desire of thee; not that thou shouldest doe any thing unworthy of thy Noble courage (for that's impossible) but that thou shouldst in other more needfull occasions to shew thy gentle courage, and that thou art a Souldiour, who neither avoy­deth danger nor labour. And if thou thinkest this thy forbea­ring, may bee ascribed to want of courage; thou mayest in other things shew the excellen­cy of thy vertue.

XC. To Lisicles.

I Doe not wonder Lisicles, if thou doest not resemble thy Father, nor thy Sonne in any thing; For thou art not Lisicra­tes his Sonne, nor Neoptole­mus his Father. Which many Sicilians doe affirme hath beene assured by thy Mother and thy Wife; wherein they have ac­quired honour; for it is a most commendable thing and wor­thy of praise to speake truth to all, especially to those who know it.

XCI. To Timolias.

NOt to offend, is truly and properly attributed to god done: And to erre, and by the [Page 113]erring, to become wife, is a hu­mane thing. But truly he, who after his erring and thereby fal­ling into misery, yet becom­ming no more advised; I can­not conceave that he can be ac­counted other than most wret­ched, and infortunate. To con­clude then, hee partakes of a beast, that being made an exam­ple of rashnesse and folly, doth not, by his owne adverse and miserable fortune, become well instructed and wise in after times.

XCII. To Phedimes.

VVEE have three seve­rall times, made our selves beleeve, that thou hast not injured us; Although in every quarrell, raised by thee [Page 114]against us, it is knowne thou hast greatly erred. And if hi­therto we have accounted thee such as wee desire or as thou oughtest to bee towards us: esteeming thy accusers words false, though there were preg­nant cause to thinke them true; And that oftentimes, some doe suffer, who have not merited it, so that it seemes fortunes malice ought to be accused. I would then, that hereafter, neither thy manners nor thy fortune, may occasion us to be thy ene­my. And consider well (for we will no longer suffer thy malice to attempt unpunished upon our goodnesse) that what injury so­ever thou hast done us, we have alwayes used thee courteously, for which thou hast not beene so thankefull as thou oughtest. [Page 115]Strive therefore, that thou be not more in humane to thy self, than he is, who hath continual­ly shewed himselfe ready to do thee pleasure.

XCIII. To Agesilaus.

IT seemes unto me that Tele­sippa is grievously displeased at thy staying in Siracuse: She (like a modest and loving Wife to her husband) protested a­gainst mee; as if I did use too great authority over thee; And told mee shee could no longer beare with thy absence.

Besides she calleth her fa­ther to her assistance; It may bee thou understandest what she would doe: be thou assured that she will doe it: for she will no longer indure, that a hus­band, [Page 116]who ought to be wholly hers, should bee no more unto her than a stranger. She judg­eth that I, and I conceive, that shee can constraine thee to re­turne; for I cannot beleeve, that thou fearest Phalaris so much as thou doest Telesippa. Come then and give thy selfe unto those who desire thee, either for my sake or for hers, who (by the living God) is worthy to be infinitely beloved.

XCIV. To Polinestor.

LAcrites, hath given assured testimony of thy vertuous acts, which hath beene (as hee saith) glorious and in great number; especially the succors of thy foote, and how by thy direction, and the bravery of the assaylants, the Towne was [Page 117]taken: he also let me know that hee offered the horse unto thy command: which if thou hadst accepted of; all that I can give thee; yet by the immor­tall GOD, I should thinke my selfe obliged to thee: And if thou dost not receave my pre­sents, with the same affection, wherewith I send them, I must confesse, a private man hath overcome the Tyrant, so much that if thou doest not accept of the third part of the spoyle, which ought to bee divided a­mongst the Souldiours, and which thou didst refuse, when it was given thee by Lacrites, be thou assured, that herafter I will be more slow, not in liberality, but in receaving the noble fa­vours, which thou mayest doe mee.

XCV. To the same man.

NOw I know, there is no need to intreate thee the second time, and that fearing my threatnings, thou hast divi­ded the spoyles, giving the re­ward of dangers, unto those who underwent the labour. Wherein thou hast done excee­ding well, and I am very glad of it; having now a confident boldnesse, to request thy assi­stance in my affaires: thou thereby hast also beene the cause, that in time of necessity, the Soldiours will fight with more courage; For who wil­lingly will undergoe labour, and danger, without hope of re­ward? None such as have ex­perience. These presents are re­ceaved [Page 119]by thee to my profit; the Souldiours thereby being made loving, faithfull, and ready when need requires.

XCVI. To Lysander.

BEfore thy succours came, we had fought, the enemies being discovered before Euclids horses came: through want therefore of Soldiours, we had no advantage by the battaile; but onely, in reputation and praise, whereof we got much; for to a part of our army which fought, and not to all the victo­ry was to be attributed; So by thrusting our selves into the greater danger, we have gotten an excellent and a famous prize.

XCVII. To Arimagnus.

THe evill opinion which men of this time have of me, does not trouble me; for seeing every one doe unjust acts frequently, evill is rather esteemed Iustice, than equity it selfe: Not that I indeavour to hide my acts, but will freely publish them. For, that, which others doe but of their perverse nature, I doe by constraint. I doe also freely confesse, I am polluted, with many wicked affections, which are naturall in others: See here our difference, I being a Tyrant, having liberty and power to do what I intend, freely confesse it; and others being private men, deny for feare of punishment.

XCVIII. To Polystrates.

I Have sent for all my friends to come to Agrigentum, and doe also intreate thee most af­fectionatly to come before the Olympiads: For I am determi­ned (having assembled all my friends as formerly I have done) to settle a course for the conser­vation of my estate, and to de­liberate of great and weighty matters; in other affaires (for feare of troubling them) I will not imploy them, I my selfe be­ing sufficient in my particular. Yet I will not refuse your ad­vise, to the end that continuing the principality in the state wherein it is, I may often re­ceave you with safe and hearty [Page 122]welcome. And if other wayes fortune bee pleased, that this should be our last meeting, yet you may remember the love I have borne you. Come then without stay and shew the rea­dinesse of your affection to Phalaris, whom you wel know.

XCIX. To the same man.

IT shall never bee said that I will tell thee, or any other man, unto whom I have shew­ed my selfe liberall; Neither is it fit, (having an intent thou shouldest receave my presents, which hitherto thou hast refu­sed) that I should manifest those, who, (without cause, worthy) of reproofe or suspition of evill▪ have taken them; for I thinke a man cannot honestly recite th [...] [Page 123]pleasures, which he hath done to another, neither is it com­mendable to hear them related. Yet that many there are, who by force against my will, have unjustly robbed away my goods thou canst tell; many al­so have unjustly detained them, who afterwards have delivered them by constraint, and to a­voide a Warre: Others have kept them as things holily and justly gotten, while they were able to defend them; which could not be long, in regard of the many dangers which do ac­company evill gotten goods; so what willingly they tooke by force from me, they were for­ced though unwillingly to sur­render. Whom doest thou in­deavour to imitate, being not willing to receave, what I with [Page 124]a free heart give thee? Thy ex­cuses are weake and easily an­swered; For by the testimony of my very enemies, the mony is pure and holy, if thou doest make a difference, betweene what is got by unjust rapine, and what is offered as a pledge of affection. Take then (I most earnestly intreate thee) from a faithfull friend, that which in pure good will he sends thee.

C. To the Astipalesians.

ALthough, by infinite and unlooked for changes of fortune, I am grievously troub­led; yet I doe not remember, that in all my life, I either felt greater griefe, or greater joy, then now I doe; for if my heart were extreamely grieved, in [Page 125]that day wherein without cause I was banished from my coun­try; which you may well think, it beeing a thing almost unsup­portable even unto those who deserve it. I am now in as ex­ceeding joy, that in your com­mon-wealth, you have mee in remembrance, writing unto me of your affaires, as unto a friend, who loveth you; which you doe not (as I verily thinke) so much out of a hope to receave profit in this your publike deli­beration, as to give a true testi­mony that I am unjustly bani­shed, and that you layd the blame upon those who were the cause; for it is not probable, that a man should make request unto one, who hee knoweth doth hate him, or should hope from him, who doth not love [Page 124] [...] [Page 125] [...] [Page 126]him; Therefore, I have no cause to complaine of you, who in the time when you were my enemyes, made no request unto me, and now, you minister oc­casion for me to gratifie you, in granting your request: And withall know, that when you receave from me; I doe thinke, that you doe truly give me; in as much as I doe account your demand for a singular pleasure. For what greater glory can come to a man who loveth his country, than to doe good to his Citizens, which in thanke­fulnesse for your letters I have done. And if what I send, comes later unto you than is desired; I desire you, not to lay the fault upon me, nor upon your Embassadors; assuring you, it was neither want of di­ligence, [Page 127]nor of skilfull Marri­ners, but a most violent and tempestuous Winter, which hath occasioned this stay; wherefore if those things, which I send you, and have beene exposed to the mercy of the Sea, arrive in safety; you shall not doe amisse, if you give thankes unto fortune. Your Embassadours will give you all, and Eubolus, by whom I send my letters will tell you all things particularly; And when you understand from him the number and the quality, you may distribute according to your minde. As for the mo­neys, imploy them, in adorning and repayring your Towne; Not that you should doe it by my admonition, but by your owne proper counsell; for ne­ver [Page 128]any man became good, by the will of another, but by his owne. If then, you imploy that which is given you to one purpose, in other unnecessary wayes (which should bee un­worthily done by you) beleeve that your mis-imploying will procure you more blame than the praise unto the giver. Be­sides it is not convenient, that a banished man, should with his owne money cause the ruines of his City to bee repayred, nor that the inhabitants therein should neglect the rebuilding, especially, when it is at ano­thers cost. And if you shall thinke, that I have not sent my presents to you only, but to the people, to the City, and to the gods of the country, your opi­nion will deserve more praise, [Page 129]than he who sent them doth. For no man can bee ignorant, that gifts are the glory of the giver, but the well imploying them, doth raise to a farre high­er degree of honour, the recea­ver. For my part, I shall re­ceave perfect contentment, if you beleeve, I rather witnesse my love, than my liberality; the first, being an effect of the good­nesse of the minde, the other may bee understood (though finisterly) to bee a bragging of my riches.

CI. To the Athenians.

YOur curious Image-worker Perillus came, and presen­ted to us his workes, laboured with wonderfull art, wherein wee tooke singular pleasure, [Page 130]courteously receaving and gi­ving him many gifts, as well for the honour hee did us, in shewing his excellent art, as for his country sake. Shortly af­ter, he framed a Bull of brasse, greater than a naturall Bull, which he presented unto me: I tooke a singular pleasure there­in, as in a creature nourished with men, and usefull in his ex­ceeding labour. And in truth, it seemed unto mee a kingly spectacle, and a commendable worke, not yet knowing the secrets; but shortly, he opening the flankes, discovered a tor­ment of extreame cruelty, and more miserable than any kinde of death. Then exalting his worke, I judged his wicked nature worthy of punishment, and that he ought in reason to [Page 131]to make the first tryall of his worke, having never seene more malice in any art, than in his. I therefore caused him to be shut into this Bull, and (as he had instructed) kindled a fire about, to have an assured con­clusion of his most cruell art; wee having no sight of him, who was tormented, nor seeing any teares, nor hearing any noise, but his voice onely, (which sounding from within the hollownesse of the brasse) came unto our eares like the bellowing of a Bull. Since, I have heard, that you are much displeased at his death and ex­ceeding angry with me, where­at I cannot sufficiently wonder, verily perswading my selfe, that you ought not to bee any way grieved; for, if you accuse [Page 132]me, because I inflicted no grea­ter punishment upon him; I sweare unto you, by all the gods, I could not invent a grea­ter. But if you say, that he de­served no punishment, it seemes unto mee, that all of you, O Athenians, who glorifie your selves for your great humanity, doe now commend cruelty; Seeing that it must necessarily be, that this Bull was either the worke of one alone, or of all together. Now which of the two it is, will be knowne by the love or hatred which you beare me. For if Perillus hath meri­ted death, and that none of you are like him, in manners or in nature, you will not reprehend me. And if you say he is un­justly put to death, you con­fesse you are no better than he. [Page 133]I doe not therefore repent his putting to death, neither will I ever thinke I have done wrong, if first it doth not appeare unto mee to be against Iustice. And if it appeare unto others that Perillus is unjustly punished; I may as well thinke, that they goe about to take from me the firme and assured defence of my dignity; For I cannot bee perswaded, that either you or any other of the Greekes should thinke his punishment unjust, seeing it was most fit, that hee should first make experience of his engine, forged with such malice to the prejudice of o­thers; besides, in my opinion and in others also, by this pre­sent, he would manifest, that I was worthy this grievous pu­nishment. And although (in [Page 134]respect of those who conspire against mee) this permiscuous invention was for my profit; yet I (being to judge, of a thing whether just, or no, in the na­ture thereof) neglected that, which might turne to my ad­vantage, inrespect of what was naturally just in it selfe. Wher­fore hee hath beene worthily put to death in his owne worke by mee, to whom he did thinke it fit to bee presented; Yet ô Athenians, you (contrary to their opinions, who doe rightly Iudge that whosoever inventeth a torment wherewith to punish another, in justice ought to bee punished first therewith him­selfe) doe you thinke mee wor­thy to be punished by the infer­nall furyes, and that, that is not enough to pacifie Perillus his [Page 135]soule? But let mee desire you to weigh it well in equity, and you will finde that I doe not these things willingly: and that it is against reason I should be so traversed by the malice of fortune. For although by my Tyranny, I have full liberty to do these cruelties, yet I do well know they are not commen­dable, and I doe confesse it much displeaseth me that I can­not reduce these things to their first estate; And I would to God, that I were not by ex­treame necessity constrained to doe them. But ô you Athe­nians, which of you, or what man is there in the world, who finding a conspiracy against his life, will not prosecute with all revenge against the conspira­tors? From thence it happened, [Page 136]that I, finding Perillus to be such a one, have punished him; yet this comforts me, that I doe not these things willingly, as they doe upon whom I revenge my selfe. Truly, ô you wise and most antient Athenians, I have in this imitated your customes; and what hath beene done to Perillus, was very fit for us to doe being a Tyrant, and I have beene unto him (deserving it) not such as by nature I am, but as hee did imagine mee to bee. And bee you assured, that if I were a private man, I would not bee Perillus, nor if hee had beene a Prince, would he have beene Phalaris. More­over, your sorrow for his pu­nishment turneth to your shame, and if you doe not de­sire that wicked men, like unto [Page 137]him, should bee chastised, you will acquire a perpetuall blame; for hee having invented such a cruell torment, did an univer­sall injury to all men, and more particularly did brand you with a marke of cruelty; the spot whereof, doth spoile the naturall customes of your Country. I doe then verily beleeve, that every one will commend the manner of Pe­rillus his punishment, for so ought all good Citizens to doe: But if there bee any one, who doth dislike this his kinde of death; let him bee assured, that, therein we did not please Perillus.

CII. To Teleclides.

THou hast told many of my friends (it may bee that it might come to my eares) that after Perillus his death, I ought not to have punished any other with that torment, saying that thereby I had lost all the praise which I had gotten by his pu­nishment. Beleeve mee, I did never punish any for praise, or chastise any man for glory; Neither doth it trouble me, to be blamed, for punishing others with the same torment; for re­venge taketh not into conside­ration good or evill report. Yet I would have thee know, that to punish others in the Bull, I made experience of it in Peril­lus, whose worke in regard of [Page 139]the statelinesse thereof, was worthy of reward rather than of death; I would have them then who are therein punished, ascribe all unto those who in­cite them unto such wicked­nesse, as brings them to this mi­sery. Yet if any one (out of weake judgement) doth lay the fault upon me, I am no way vexed at it, so long as I can shew that those, whom I have put to death are justly punished. And what thou thinkest of the first, who was burned in it, think the like of all others: And if you commend the death which was inflicted upon Perillus; you ac­cuse me without reason for put­ting them to death in the same manner, who out of treason, and by the assistance of my ene­mies doe attempt against my [Page 140]life. Otherwayes I should be a very foole, if for injury done unto others, I chastise them, who pretend me a pleasure, and suffer those to goe unpunished who most treacherously offend me. Yet, for all these reasons, I yeeld to thy opinion; desi­ring thee neverthelesse, to la­bour no more in it; nor give unto me, or thy selfe any more travaile.

CII. To Nigeus.

THou doest not thinke, that either the Bull, or any o­ther instrument of torment, which we have, is painefull, or bitter; seeing that without any cause given thee, by thy con­tinuall invectives against us, thou hast extinguished and [Page 141]buried all pittie and compas­sion.

CIV. To Cleomedon.

I Doe heare, that blaming me without cease, thou doest be­wayle the miserable end of Cle­ [...]mbrotus; but I doe assure my selfe, that thou, who hast the boldnesse to doe things farre more wicked than what he did, and art every way of lesse pow­er, wilt also at last fall into my hands.

CX. To Lamack.

THou, in the counsell of the Camarians, hast bewailed the death of seaven and thirty, saying that, beyond all the cru­clty of mankinde, they mise­rably [Page 142]ended their dayes in the Bull: but I praying unto the Soveraigne God, that the num­ber be not increased, doe feare that there bee some, who by being overmuch busie will not suffer my prayers in that to be heard, nor that kinde of pu­nishment to end in them; for thou wilt constraine me to make up the number thirty nine, by adding thee and that foole Epi­terscus: And I would have you know, there is a great odds betweene your blaming mee in words behinde my backe, and my putting you to death for your wickednesse, which assu­redly I will revenge.

CVI. To Tymandre.

IT may be that the Camarians comming now against mee with a warlike army, thou art rejoyced instead of the griefe conceaved, because thou couldst not perswade them to make warre upon me for a small oc­casion; but when thou doest finde thy hope disappointed, thou wilt most justly be punish­ed with griefe; not for any thing thou hast done, but for what thou hast suffered. Tell mee now, what profit commeth un­to thee by this thy rejoycing? To say true, if I were to suffer, as thou doest foolishly thinke, thou hadst some reason to re­joyce, at the losse which might fall upon mee. But neither in [Page 144]this nor in any other thing hast thou given me the least cause of griefe; neither art thou of worth to bee punished by ex­treame torments, nor is it fit to give thee any other death, than the suffering under thy own mi­sery; and if it were possible, to let thee live a longer time, than Nature hath afforded thee.

CVII. To the same Man.

THe words, which thou hast used to the Camarians, and the great lamentation, which thou makest for those whom I have put to death, have con­strained me to torment Cleom­brotus his companions in the Bull; for I feared that delive­ring them, thou wouldest de­sist from stirring the Citie a­gainst [Page 145]me. Moreover, I suffer the people to intermeddle in the government, till they be­come wearie of Tymanders babling, whose advice, not a­gainst Phalaris, but against one of his meanest servants will be contemned. And although it were profitable for the Cama­rians to make war against the Agrigentines, yet is it not an easie matter to perswade them to enterprise it; seeing they know that warre is every way, more grievous and miserable, than the counsellor thereunto hath related: Besides, they know, the Oratour is not of small importance, to the bring­ing it to an evill end. Thou therefore wert best to declare the points, which may excite the people against mee, that [Page 146]thereby they may be perswa­ded to commit their Army to the warlike conducting, but I feare they will not bee drawne thereunto; for amongst many other reasons which probably they may use against thee, they will say that to maintaine war against me, thou hast sold the house, possessions and servants which thy father left thee, and being become a begger, woul­dest perswade the Camarians to the like folly; wherein thou dost most certainly manifest thy despaire, and indeavourest much evil, by perswading such a Citie as Camaria not to fol­low her owne good and wise counsell, but thy rash foolish­nesse.

108. To Epistratus.

SEeing I have thrice pardo­ned thee, doe not put thy selfe in danger, and constraine me to take revenge; for Pha­laris hath layd by his pitie, which thou peradventure maist with many prayers begge, yet finde nothing but the wrath of a Tyrant.

109. To Arimetes.

DOe not inquire after the number of those, whom I have put to death in the Bull; for if thou doest well consider their workes, thou wilt finde them to be many more, then thou shalt finde names; yet such as they were, they fell in­to [Page 148]my hands. Be thou also as­sured, that I am not minded, for thy sake, who art young, to abide the malice of those who are old, but will make knowne (as I have oft done) how wret­ched those are who without a cause offend me: And if thou have a desire to see and know the changes of this life; I doe admonish thee in the name of the gods, to consider it in o­thers, and remaine in quiet thy selfe: neither do I speak this, fearing I may receive hurt from thee; for Phalaris must not dye by a feminine hand: But I advise thee, that thou doest not increase the number of those, who have dyed in my Bull, and that my punish­ing thee, bee not a part of the accusation, which unjustly is [Page 149]layd to my charge for cruelty. If herein thou wilt not beleeve me, assure thy selfe (and the ra­ther because thou contemnest my admonitions) thou shalt be severely punished.

110. To Agemort.

NOw doe I discerne the na­ture of my counsells in my affaires; truly I have indu­red many labours by this illu­strious Monarchie: and tho­row my folly and love there­unto, I have wilfully thrust my selfe into infinite sorrowes and dangers: yet the greatest of my afflictions is, that no honest man will receive any benefit from me. For, if by chance I use liberality to any, who hath need, hee is instantly reputed [Page 150]wicked: And I doe verely be­leeve, that this is the onely cause, why you honest men do so shunne me; for what other occasion can there be, but be­cause I should not benefit you? In briefe, there must needes be some great cause why none of my schoole-fellowes, compa­nions and friends, would ever come at me, neither hath a­ny of them ever promised to come to me, but Calistenes, nei­ther am I certaine that he will come. Some others, because they would not openly refuse my kindnes, in excusing them­selves sayd they were sicke; o­thers that they were hindred by their Parents, and others by publike affaires. For thy part, I was unwilling to at­tempt the calling of thee, well [Page 151]knowing I should not prevaile; neither will I invite thee now, hearing of thy sicknesse, and that since my departure, Prau­lea hath brought thee a Sonne; of which sicknesse of thine, I sweare unto thee, I am much grieved, and am much rejoiced that thou hast many children. But what excuse canst thou finde, to avoide the seeming feare, wherein thou hast been, through my sending of gifts unto thee, so small, that (in truth) they were not capable of raising envie, nor to be seene of the Towne, or to be carried with songs and musike; It be­ing but a little gold sent at mid­night, and at unaccustomed houres; yet so soone as thou sawest it, as if it had beene a most wicked and abominable [Page 152]thing, thou diddest violently refuse it saying, it was not to bee received from a wicked man, who was so imbrued with humane bloud. Wherein thou hast shewed thy selfe, un­courteous, cruell, and without compassion of the affliction of Phalaris, whose misery is such, that having desired the Mo­narchie, thereby the freelier to use courtesie and liberality to my friends; and by the good­nesse of the great God, having attained thereunto, I cannot finde any one, who will suffer mee to shew unto him, the bounty of my heart, they ther­by utterly depriving me of this only comfort, where with I did hope, to content my selfe, and incounter all my mis-fortunes; neither will you favour me so [Page 153]much as to suffer mee to make any one of you partaker of my riches; but disdaining my pre­sents you constraine me to give them where I would not: and many times unworthily.

111. To Teucer.

POssession hath beene given unto Aristomenes. Hipoli­tion is delivered. I expect thee according to thy promise; I am well, if thou also bee in good health; I can boldly say, I have attempted many things, and more will follow; and in tespect of the evill, I repent me of the good.

112. To the same man.

WHen I had a purpose to speake to Cleonetes, Philodemons wife (thou know­est her) to marrie her daugh­ter; I was hindred by many occasions: about which I had thought to have sent for thee hither, but for this very busi­nesse, I determine upon thy stay at Siracuse; whereby thou maist easily know, that I doe not write without cause. Goe to her, and let her know, that to him who will marrie her daughter, thou wilt promise five talents for her dowry: this not to be by way of a present, but as paying unto Philodemon what I owe him. And if any should aske thee, how it hap­ned [Page 155]that I had so much money of him, say, thou knowest not; but referre it to me, who received it, and to him, who lent it. If thou canst, work that Leon may bee accepted Son in lawe; for he came unto me, re­questing my furtherance, to obtaine her to wife; and ha­ving promised him my best in­devour, I presently advertise thee thereof. Yet if the mo­ther have a better husband, promise him the dowry, and seeke no further; for I would not, by the dowrie which I give her, tye her to a husband against her liking. I also ear­nestly intreat thee, if thou fin­dest the mother determined to give her in mariage, make her the offer for her daughter; nei­ther would I have thee doe it [Page 156]negligently, as if thou wert to pay but with all cheerfulnesse, as if thou wert to receive five Talents. For, it is most un­pleasing to give with a kind of unwillingnesse, which witnes­seth that the gift is not out of that respect, for which wee with all our heart doe give it: Neither is my minde (I thanke the great God) subject to this basenesse, that having Philode­mon his mony, I should think, the great contentment & pro­fit, which the Mayd should have in mariage, should be my dammage. Although I verely beleeve, those who know mee not, doe suspect it in me; But I wish Phalaris could not be ac­cused for other crimes. When shee is to be maried, let her be led by foure maydes neere her [Page 157]owne yeeres, and give her the apparell for a wife which I have sent thee, and for that purpose have them ready. Be­fides as my gift, sixty peeces of gold. Let the mariage bee accomplished with diligence, it having been too long delay­ed already. Send the presents with speed and alacritie, that in Phalaris his affaires, thou maist acquire a particular grace. Let that which I command be ex­ecuted, as I write. Further­more, give all the honour you can unto Mother and daugh­ter, unto one as without a hus­band, unto the other as with­out a father, helping them in all things they want, and let the mariage bee sumptuously solemnized; that upon that day Philodemon and his friends [Page 158]may not otherwaies be thought then happy: For we will over­come his evill fortune, and be victorious.

113. To Cleonetes.

IT appeares unto me, that Philodemon thy husband, and my deere friends travel, addeth much unto thy honour, and bringeth a kinde of infelicitie to thy daughter, being twentie yeeres of age, because a ma­ried woman, remaining a yeere from her husband unspotted, acquireth a vertuous name, and a Mayd mariageable, and loo­sing her time gets dishonour. For, every one disesteemes a mayd who is past her tender yeeres and without a husband; but I thinke, thou keepest her [Page 159]unmaried, to comfort thy selfe in Philodemons absence, with the daughter of you two. Howsoever it be, to protract the daughters mariage, in re­gard of the fathers absence is not well done; seeing there is a great deale of difference be­tweene a wife without a hus­band, which in short time is to returne; and a mayd who ne­ver had tryall of a man. If her Parents should dye, and mony wanting, it were a token of great misfortune, if shee were not maried; wherfore I intreat thee by no meanes make triall. And that it may not happen, I advertise thee, that when Phi­lodemon went, he left with me, for his daughters portion, five talents, and more also; for Phalaris his money is common [Page 160]to him. Why then dost thou delay the mariage: it being no way needfull to attend the Fa­thers comming, nor of necessi­ty that he must be at the mari­age. Yet I am of the minde, that what meriteth his pre­sence, should be deferred un­til his arrivall; But what nature constraineth us to doe, if it be in our power, let us not hinder, although it bee something a­gainst our will; seeing the daughters yeeres, may not comport with our slownesse. If Philodemon have any great affaires abroad (as it is proba­ble, one who hath a daughter marriageable, must travell) this doth not excuse your longer staying within dores, beyond the custome: for the daughter hath more neede of a husband [Page 161]than a Father: Yet, it may be, thou wilt say, the wife ought to joine in the absent husbands fortune, as if shee were with him, of which opinion I am not; but rather, that thou shouldest raise a felicity to thy husband, and honour unto thy daughter: adding unto a num­ber of good workes, which thou hast done without him, this one speciall good, com­mon unto you both: in mary­ing thy daughter, wherin thou wilt merit the name of a pru­dent woman. Our Teucer will furnish thee with mony, when­soever thou wilt, and if thou hast neede of any other thing for the mariage, he shall helpe thee; thou maist onely com­mand, and pray that Philode­mon may bee returned by the [Page 162]mariage: not that the mariage be delayed by his absence; but that the desire of his returne in health, and such like wishes, may be a true token, that thy love to him is not diminished.

114. To Teucer.

BEfore I received thy let­ters, I knew that Philode­mons daughters mariage was finished: for report goeth fa­ster then those, who use grea­test diligence to give advertise­ment of what is done. And although this messenger god­desse hath brought mee from farre, this newes; yet I may justly complaine of her: For, although I be not such as o­thers speake; yet I am by her, and her occasion blamed and [Page 163]condemned of most great cru­elty, for shee publisheth to all the world, that I am wicked; which maketh those who ne­ver made triall of me, nor ever saw me, dispraise me beyond measure, as if I were a man, borne onely for the dammage and ruine of mankinde. This is my miserie. The house, wherin Leon and Theantes were first coupled together, I would have thee leave it to them for ever, and drive not Hymen the god of mariage, from the place vvhere hee vvas first knowne unto them. It beeing an apt gift for those who shall receave it; the place where the Virgine knot is untyed, being most pleasing to the maried couple. The reason why I de­sire it should be so, is, that Phi­lodemon [Page 164]may rather be envied than pitied; and that no man how great soever his felicitie be, shall be judged so happie as Philodemon, in his adverse for­tune. Let the greatest hatred be raised against me; I care not, I make no account of what cannot hurt me. I wil that this, which I have commanded be done, that every one may de­sire to finde such a friend as Phalaris, although they finde the contrary.

115. To Philodemon.

THou deceivest thy selfe Philodemon, to think, that I make so many vowes and prai­ers for thy return; that I might not loose the 5. talents which I freely gave at the mariage of [Page 165]thy daughter, not looking for it againe, for that had been un­worthy even of a mechanicke: yet if thou desirest thy daugh­ters portion should have been given wholly by thy selfe, It is enough for thee to say, the mo­ney was all thine: but if thou desirest otherwaies, adde five more, and write her dowrie tenne; To the end (at the least if thou thinkest fit) part may be out of Phalaris love, the other of her fathers wealth. In ac­knowledgement of this my good-wil, thy daughter Theana hath made honorable mention of me, which pleaseth me ex­ceedingly, in as much, as what shee received in her mayden­time, now she being a wife and mist is of a family, she acknow­ledgeth and giveth testimony thereof.

116. To Cleon and Theana.

THat out of your good wil, you vouchsafe to speak of Phalaris, with so much honour and affection you wonderfully please me, and although I inde­vour my uttermost, to make my selfe worthie of such spee­ches from others; yet fortune doth not permit it. For, in truth you shall finde, from my begininng, that my name was never worthy of blame or re­prehension; yet I am infinitely condemned for many foule things, which my perverse and fatall necessitie hath constrai­ned me to doe against my will. And my name is odious, be­cause, instead of obeying the Law, I am a Law unto my Ci­tizens. [Page 167]But if you will have a retribution of thankes, for what you have done; doe me the pleasure not to speake so of mee.

117. To the Messinians.

VVHen I sent the Del­phique plate, the Crownes of gold, and other pretious giftes to offer unto your gods, as a thankfull ac­knowledgement for the health which they have restored unto me; I did verily beleeve that of two things you would doe one: either religiously offer them, or depriving the gods of them (as you have done) di­stribute them amongst your selves, feigning to doe me an injurie, but indeed committing [Page 168]Sacriledge; as if the offerings, because of the offerer were not Holy. For what difference is there, in stealing things conse­crated to the gods, and those which are only addressed unto them; seeing both belong un­to them, and no more to those from whence they were sent. My acknowledgement there­fore, and your impiety is cleer­ly manifested; because, they know, that I thankfully gave, and that you stole. It shall sa­tisfie me, to see you cursed by the divine anger, for keeping my offerings from beeing pre­sented. Amongst other rea­sons, which move you to be­leeve, that it is good gaine, you confesse that in the things sent, there was nothing abominable; unless there should be a double [Page 169]quality in them; that is, if you divide them amongst you, good; if given to the gods, evill. You also plainly demon­stra [...]e, that, in your owne con­sciences you commit impietie, For your chiefe Magistrate re­ [...]e [...]eth unto the people, to de­liberate what shall bee done with the enemies treasures; and you, ô people, referre it to the Magistrate. And (which is most intollerable) you say, if the gods did receive a Tyrants goods, they were traytours to you, so soone as they did re­ceive them: wherein you ac­cuse the gods of wickednesse, at if they were subject there­unto; yet you punish none of your citizens, but account them good Governours of your Common-wealth, who, not [Page 170]onely once; but three severall times, would have given Messi­na into my hands, as absolute­ly as Agrigent is, if I would have given them the money, which they demanded. And the reason why you punish them not, is, because you are of the same minde that they are, and cannot proceed against them being principalls freely; you your selves being all to be corrupted with presents. And that you may not thinke, I speake these things, because my offerings are neither in my hands, nor presented to the gods; I will thinke no more of it; not doubting, but the gods, whom you have robbed, will timely and justly punish your rash boldnesse against me, and your impietie against them. [Page 171]And so I leave you to such a god as you deserve.

118. To Polycletes.

OF two things which thou Polycletes art endowed with; I doe not know which I should have most in reverence and in esteeme; either thy skill in physicke, or thy goodnesse of minde. For the one hath o­vercome the Tyrants sicknesse; and the other the gifts, which were offered to kill him. So thy Iustice and knowledge dis­covering themselves, have de­livered him, who was oppres­sed with two dangers, the vio­lence of my disease, and the malice of mine enemies. For if thou hadst neglected the gi­ving mee fitting medicines for [Page 172]my health, suffering me to die, it would easily have beene thought, the Tyrant had died by thy meanes; and if by this my disease I had not beene in danger of death, yet, to get the reward offered unto thee, thou mightest easily have killed me, for I tooke whatsoever thou gavest me as apt for my health: But thy singular goodnesse did rather choose a just praise, than an unjust gaine. Seeing then, that I was in thy power, to have done thy will with mee, I cannot give thee condigne praise for thy honesty; only I will assuredly hold, that thou hast beene instructed, to thinke most religiously upon the god, who found out the art of Phy­sicke. Vnto whose honour, and unto thy singular honesty, [Page 173]I have commanded that foure vessels of gold should be given, two cups of silver, wrought after an antick manner, ten paire of glasse drinking-bowles, twenty virgins, and fifty thou­sand Atticks. I have also com­manded Teucer, my Treasurer, to give thee as much wages as unto any of my sea Captaines, and unto any of my Guard: which (I must confesse) is but a small recompence for so great goodnesse. But in stead of satisfying according to thy merit; let it serve, that I con­fesse, it is not in my power to reward thee equall to the good thou hast done me.

119. To the Hymerians.

I Sent unto you, to send me presently, Stesicorus, Her­mocrates and Conon; but in stead of them, you have sent Sameas and Nicarques; whereby I well know, that if I were such a one, as you repute mee to bee, you would make me doe such mis­chiefe unto you, as should con­straine you, to send me them whom I required. But I finde you do not make small account of that villaine Conon's lewd­nesse, seeing that in his stead, you have sent mee Sameas and Nicarques, as men of small esteeme; whom neverthelesse I know are illustrious, and brave persons, and of a more honest life than any of you. [Page 175]Wherefore I considered, these honest men ought not to bee tormented, having done no­thing injuriously against mee, or the country. Neither will I violate the Common law of Greece, as you in divers things, and at divers times have done, especially in that, which most iniquusly you have executed against me; I need not recount the particulars, they are well knowne, both to me, and unto them, to whom I write. In which acts, truly, I whom you call a murderer, and a villaine, neither doe, nor will ever imi­tate you. I therefore returne you your Embassadours; al­though without difficultie, I could of two things have done one, either have constrained you to send me whom I requi­red [Page 176]in liew of these two, or in tormenting these which are in my hands, have powred out my wrath upon them; which thing, though I have not done, yet you repute me as bad, as if I had done it; and no better, for returning them safe. From whence I plainly see, that my good or bad acts, doe little a­vaile, to the acquiring the good will or hatred of men. Yet (shutting in my wrath, untill I may punish with justice) I would have you consider that I, being a Tyrant and angrie; having also in my hands, if not those whom I desire; yet, at the least such, as, if I should have put them to death, it would have beene very grie­vous unto you, have pardoned them, and lodged them with [Page 177]me, have sent them backe: Al­so, if you will be just in any thing, think it is better, the dan­ger should fall upon two or three, than upon a Citie. But if you resolve to keepe Conon (whose body hath dishonestly served all of you) in safety, re­solve also, that I wil ruine your City; For I will with all my strength labour to let you know, that I am as cruell as you repute me.

120. To Stesicorus.

I Have beene told, that when thou considerest with thy selfe, my great power, and what thou hast done against me, thou art mightily afraid; whereat I much wonder, and why thou shouldst beginne to [Page 178]feare now, rather, than when thou didst first bandy against me; and sayedst unto the Hy­merians, that thou would'st de­liver them from the unjust Ty­rant, hoping (it may be) thou could'st effect what thou spa­kest. If then thou despisest death, (as it was fit for a ver­tuous and wife man to doe) why then (foole as thou art) doth the feare thereof so much trouble thee now, seeing it is fit thou should'st abide that, which thou didst with so much bravery offer to suffer? But if thou wert naturally a coward, and fearefully disposed to suf­fer the paine, which I shall lay upon thee; what a rash fellow wert thou to cry out against me, calling me villaine, a mur­derer, and cruell? and what [Page 179]made thee bring into the open Senate thy sentences and verses against me? Why also, thou being a Musitian and a Poet, hast chosen a life contrary to thy study? Seeing thou migh­test have lived in quiet, with­out enterprising any thing of more difficulty than fitted thy Poetry. Yet, seeing, in stead of addicting thy selfe to that, thou desirest to governe a Common-wealth; I doe fore­tell that shall happen unto thee, not which unto Poets and unto Musicians, but what unto Go­vernours of Republiques, who are in their enemies hands, for foolishly attempting things beyond their strength.

121. To Him againe.

STesicorus, we are not Tyrant of Hymera, but of Agri­gent: wherefore, we give thee infinite thanks, that, by thy ac­cepting a small Seignury, thou hast given us a greater. From which reason be thou assured, that we being Tyrant of Agri­gent, can revenge our selves of our Enemies in Hymera.

122. To the same Man.

I Heare thou hast gone into Alontia, and to Alesia, and hast sent messengers round a­bout to raise men and money against mee: Being old, wilt thou not yet forbeare thy fol­ly, and medling in publike af­faires, [Page 181]having no respect unto the Muses, with whom thou sainest thy selfe to be in love? Truely thou doest vilifie them, making use of them against ho­nest men. Hast thou no com­passion of thy children, now growen up? Thou art excee­ding rash, thus to labour in thy age, to assemble men against so powerfull an enemie, who will overthrow them, and breake them as small as chaffe. Mee thinkes I see thee describing the returne of the Greekes, ex­ceedingly blaming the rash­nesse of the Captaines. Yet, in all this thy travelling, thou doest not consider whether thou canst returne in safetie from Alesia, to Hymera. But I will tell thee, that the Rockes of the Capharian Sea, the Ca­ribdes, [Page 182]and the armie of Nau­plius doe attend thee; neither canst thou escape my hands, al­though some god (as you Poets feigne) should make thee goe invifible.

123. To the Hymerians.

KNow that I have taken Stesicorus, Conon, and Dro­pidas, sailing from Pachi [...]a to Peloponnesus, for the Corinthi­aus; whither you had sent them. It may be wee will send you Dropidas. Con [...]n we instantly put him to death. But Stesicorus wee yet keepe alive, untill wee have considered what kinde of death he shall die.

124. To the same.

YOu have openly manife­sted your affection, in thin­king that there is no difference betweene Phalaris his love or hatred. God hath done justly; And I doe verily beleeve, that having given mee such begin­ning, the end also will succeed according to my defire. As I formerly writ unto you; I commanded Conon should in­stantly bee put to death, know­ing him to be both crafty and a villaine, having neither father, mother, nor kindred in your Citie. I send you Dropidas home honourably, as befitting him; because he is neither evill, nor had ever done me harme; for Stesicorus I will advise with time.

125. To the same.

I Have delivered Stesicorus, pardoning whatsoever hee intended against mee; not for love unto you; for, if there had beene no other respect, he should have died a thousand times: But for the Muses sake, who have a care of him; And for all the gods and demie gods, which inhabite the Land of Hymera: because I cannot complaine of them, but of you, who know well, what enter­prise he had against me: yet I was ashamed, that, with that vile harlot Conon, so sacred a man, (and who I doe verily be­leeve, is under the protection of the gods) should die. And I doe heartily wish of the great [Page 185]god, that it had beene in my power, to have preserved from death those, who were of con­dition like unto him. I coun­sell you therefore and com­mand you, no farther to trou­ble him, by laying upon him, the burden of your common affaires: For it is no way pro­per nor apt for him, as I have beene assured by those who went with him into Alesia; they telling me, that against his will, and forced by your pertina [...] [...]ie, he was employed in those affaires. Forbeare then to con­straine him, and imploy others more fit, leaving him at rest to tend his Harpe, without acqui­ring enemies like unto me. For it may be they will not use him as I have done. And if you have such need of men, to take [Page 186]in hand the government of the Common-wealth; choose a­mongst you such others, that when they are taken by me, I may punish them at my will, without any superstitious ap­prehension, wherein it may be you will thinke I doe you a pleasure.

126. To Stesicorus.

I Have not sent the oyle unto thee, but to thy nephew: be­cause his youth seemes unto me worthy of reputation; and that in the Gymnick plaies he should not yeeld to Agesilaus. And I desire that he may attaine the highest degree of perfection. As for thy selfe, who hast re­fused the money which I sent thee; If now thou doest not [Page 187]take it; bee thou assured, (al­though it be false) I will accuse thee of Treason to the Hymeri­ans; wch in my mind (if it should happen) would be farre worse, than the receiving that which I had provided for thee. More­over, I desire, that thou woul­dest apply thy selfe to these studies, which make thee (a­bove many other) honourable, admirable; In doing this, thou shalt forbeare other things, which (although thou art a­bove all others in teputation) make thee like unto the worst.

127. To the same man.

I Doe intreat thee Stesicorus, speake no more of me, be it in verse or other wayes: be­cause in all my businesse, I de­sire [Page 188]nothing more than filence. Of others thou mayest speake as the Muses shall inspire thee, and as thou pleasest, without reprehension. But above all things, shunne the government of the Common-wealth; set­ting mee as an example before thy eyes. For although I am of most men reputed happie; yet I know well the greatnesse of my paine and travell. And, if thou doest thinke, that be­cause I have, of my owne ac­cord possest my selfe of this Tyranny, therefore I ought worthily to suffer this great vexation and care; And that to thee, who by constraint too­kest this publike charge upon thee, no molestation ought to come: Lay aside all my acti­ons, and consider exactly thy [Page 189]owne; and that no wise man, who, peradventure, would walke more warily, than thou hast done, would willingly medle in publike affairs. Think also, apart by thy selfe, what thou hast suffered, and what thou mightest have suffered; if I had not been such an Enemie as thou foundest me; facill, and easie to appease. A man, who sailes in a quiet sea, and blowen with the prosperous winds of fortune, in reason ought not to put himselfe, for all that, whol­ly into the Arbitrement of for­tune. And if thou doest thinke, that; being no Tyrant, nor ha­ted of all men (as I am) thou oughtest for thy friends, and for the Common-wealth, to under-goe the burden, thou much abusest thy selfe; for a [Page 190]mans goodnesse, is oftentimes as headlong a step as his ruine, as his wickednesse: Beleeve me, I could wish to be an ex­ample unto thee, and (if it were safe) to become a private man, of a Tyrant; yet thou mayest well consider, what the love thereof hath made me suffer: If thou dost also behold them; who have received for good turnes, many injuries of their fellow citizens; and great in­gratitude, for all the dangers, which they for the Common­wealths sake have undergone, thou wilt well know; that hee, who forbeareth publike busi­nesse, and wholly intendeth his private, shall finde in himselfe great contentment.

128. To the same man.

THou oughtest not bee veued, because thou art ac­cused unto me by Eubolus, and Ariphantes, nor because they ascribe their affaulting of mee, unto thee, and to thy excellent verses, oughtest thou to be me­lancholy, although thou doest know the great danger, where­in I was at Hymera. But cleare contrary, seeing I had no great harme, it is fit, that against their intention, yet by their meanes, thou should'st have rather fa­vour, than griefe; As well be­cause these verses, wherewith the Muses have inspired thee, have had so much power, as because (if thou hast any me­mory of me) it renders me wel [Page 192]disposed; And as that which thou hast composed, is of more value by it selfe alone, than fung with the Harpe; So Pha­laris is of more power, than they are who would kill Ty­rants. When I was in extreame danger, and tooke the Tyran­nie upon me, thou preservedst thy friendship: wherefore I will nor complaine of thee, though by the wounds which I received, I should, (as I was neere) have died. Besides, I know, if so wicked an attempt had taken effect, it would not have beene a fit subject for Ste­sicorus his verses. Yet, it may be, that by thy divine verses thou approvest the killing of Tyrants; wherein every one praiseth thee, and thy verses. For my part, I blame not the [Page 193]killing of Tyrants, but of Pha­laris, because that were to kill a man, not a Tyrant: Knowest thou not that I can better de­fend my selfe from injuries, than offer any? Yet, nor Dro­pidas, nor any honest man whatsoever, no, nor Iupiter himselfe, who is the saver of others, and hath preserved my life, can be in surety in a Tem­ple, if Eubolus, and Ariphantes be there: To whom I have beene Iust, as I was to Conon, and Theagoras, who endevou­red to kill me, and as I was to Antimedes and Pericles, and o­ther their like whom I have put to death, out of a just reason of revenge. Let them say that I am a Murderer, that I doe not think there is a God, that I am a Tyrant, and that I am full of [Page 194]great and most foule malices; and if they can, let them yet say worse without sparing; If such villaines should esteeme of me, I should thinke I were to bee blamed by the good. Some of those whom I puni­shed, were burned in the Bull, some impaled, that they might serve for example to deterre o­thers; some had their eyes pul­led out; others broken and laid upon a wheele; and others had their heads scorched: To bee short, al that offended me, just­ly received a cruell death; So that to them I confesse I was a Tyrant; neither will I deny, that I desire this kinde of Ty­ranny; For in punishing the wicked, I shall never be other than as they account me; But to the good, I will be alwayes, [Page 195]such as I was, before I was a Tyrant. Doe not thinke there­fore Stesicorus, that in writing against a Tyrant, thou writest against me. Nor would I have thee neglect the embracing of the Muses, with all thy affecti­on; nor from speaking what­soever comes into thy fantasie of a Tyrant; For I desire thou should'st know, that nothing can kill Phalaris but his proper destiny, which although the Poets doe not speake of; yet from our birth wee carry it with us. Seeing, therefore of necessitie it must come, I will receive it as due to mee. But Eubolus, and such homicides, who, for reward, have assailed mee, I have given them their just reward, not such as, accor­ding to the Lawes is given un­to [Page 196]those, who in killing of Ty­rants seeke for glory: But such as was fit for a Tyrant to give, who was above the Lawes; Them, in the presence of the Hymerians, I caused to be im­paled up to the brest, letting them so remaineuntil morning in great torment. Now be­cause I doe not desire that thou should'st be put to the triall of these things, for thou would'st say it were causelessely done, I doe intreat thee to seeke the meanes to enjoy a happie, long, and peaceable life, and provoke not Phalaris against thee; but exercise thy selfe in the glori­ous labour with the Muses, sending mee of thy workes, wherewith, I may free my selfe from many thoughts, which doe oppresse me.

129. To Androcleus.

I Have writ unto Stesicorus, assuring him, that I am not angred with him, because Eu­bolus and his fellow conspira­tours, have slandered him. I doe also entreat thee, to assure him, that I have no evil thought of him. For I doe beleeve, that these conspiratours (as they confessed to mee) lay in wait for me, rather out of their owne malice, than incited by Stesicorus verses.

130. To Aristolocus.

IF my enlarging of Stesicorus and delivering him out of prison, hath incited thee to write Tragedies against mee; [Page 198]thinking I will be so mercifull to all Poets, thou art deceived; for I doe not esteeme ordinary Poets, but those who are ex­cellent; nor all enemies, but such only as are vertuous: Yet, thou, a wretched vile Poet, and a weake enemie, dar'st com­pare thy selfe in poetry, and goodnesse of heart to Stesico­rus; But in small time I will make thee know a difference; not because thou writest a­gainst mee; for if I should bee moved at thy foolish sottish­nesse, I were the poorest spiri­ted man that ever lived; but because thou being such an enemie, and so dull a Poet, da­rest parallel thy selfe with Ste­sicorus.

131. To Stesicorus.

I Beleeve thou knowest Nico­cleus of Siracuse, because such is the noblenesse of his fa­mily; that he cannot be of their number who are unknowne to Stesicorus, he is at this time (and not without great cause) in ex­tremity of griefe; his wife, (who was not only a wife, but by his sister a neece) is dead: This Nicocleus knowing the friendship betweene us, hath sent his brother Cleonicus to me, with a request, that I would intreat thee, to compose verses in honour of the dead; Of whose vertues, principally of her Chastity, the Syracusans have given mee so good testi­mony; that I doe not think her [Page 200]unworthy to bee sung in thy mouth. It is true, I confesse, thou hast abstained from wri­ting mens praises; because thou wouldest not have thy Muse esteemed mercenary: But the greatnesse of this womans ver­tue, un-imitable in our time, doth deserve, that thou shoul­dest set apart that Scrupulous thought in this cause; I there­fore intreat thee, that, laying aside the stiffenesse of thy opi­nion; thou wilt not deny my intreaty; For Stesicorus ought not to refuse Phalaris in what he doth demand: not that thou art any way obliged; but be­cause I desire thou wouldest confirme the opinion that the world holdeth, that I am thy friend. Doe me then this plea­sure worthy of thy Spirit; [Page 201]which I aske for my selfe, that I may receive it for a friend. If thou wilt doe it; This is the subject; That Clarista a Syra­cusan, the daughter of Equetra­cides, neece unto Nicocles by his sister, unto whom also, shee was a wife, and married at fix­teene yeares of age, shee lived thirty, she had issue two daugh­ters, and died by sicknesse. There remaines no more, but that I pray the Muses (who are alwayes with thee, and adorne thy sacred head) that they will inspire thee, whensoever, thou either composest verses, or songs; especially those which I desire, thou shouldest make in honour of Clarista.

132. To Nicocleus.

I Have written unto Stesico­rus about the Elegie which thou desirest, and have given him the subject. He hath pro­mised me, willingly to imploy himselfe to the uttermost of his skill, thinking (it may be) to bring some ease unto thy sorrow, by the excellencie of his spirit; but thy griefe is so waighty, and so unsupportable, that by words it is not to bee mitigated; being in one time two wayes doubly tormented, losing thy neece, by thy Sister, and thy wife; who was the top of goodnes, of most rare beau­tie, and of such chastitie, that there was no woman, to whom she should have been a second. [Page 203]From hence proceeds your sorrow (I may call it despaire) and all your teares, with care­lesnesse of life; But friends must heare one the other, from whence I beg of you to bor­row so much of your griefe; The heart of a vertuous man, (whatsoever the affliction be) ought not to let in more sor­row, than the spirit can beare. It were altogether unworthy of your vertue, to suffer your selfe to be captivated by griefe, and to murder your selfe for a disaster, which is not by mans nature to be resisted. Give end therefore unto sorrow, and consider the weak state of man, and with what condition he is composed. We are all borne, accompanied with infinite mi­series, which onely end when [Page 204]we leave the pilgrimage of this life. Yet we think it delightfull because we hope not to suffer in it, any thing so grievous as death. In which respect, wee pitie him, who is dead before us, yet we must shortly follow in the same voyage. Neither doe we know then, that wee ought speedily to lament for our selves. Such is the condi­tion of Humanity, neither is there any thing which more tyrannously joyneth to man; All humane Creatures are sub­ject unto it; neither can any in­chantment divert it or delay it. I, who am a Tyrant, and jud­ged of men most mighty, yet cannot avoide it. Nor will I employ my forces against it; but with obedience bee ready when it comes. Yet I could [Page 205]wish, I had power to governe it; not that I would deliver my selfe from death (for no doubt some judge me worthy thereof before my time: which I gain­say not) but that I might change the fatall constraint of such, whose vertue and good conditions, deserve to live long. Seeing then, that Death is a Tyrant over us, and that we have no power over it, let us pleasingly support it; not alone because teares cannot a­vaile, but because it is to be be­leeved, that if thy wifes soule did know thou wert so affli­cted; she would be much grie­ved: For she being alive was a great comfort, doing with a cheereful countenance and free heart, whatsoever shee found pleasing to thee. And in truth [Page 206]thou art not to complaine the losse of such a wife, rather shee the losse of such an husband, who, neither being the first, nor the only man, who fell into these afflictions, thou oughtest to thinke, that humane misfor­tunes ought to be borne pati­ently: If not by my example, who (oppressed with diverse travels) doe expect death with alacrity of spirit: Yet in respect of the equalitie which Nature herein useth; For death is com­mon to all, but marvellously feared by some; but specially by such, whose long lives, are accompanied, with ease, quiet, prosperity, health and riches.

133. To Stesicorus.

I Give thee infinite thankes, for the verses, which thou hast composed in Claristas praise: and that, at my request thou diddest it so willingly. Thou hast, in every part of them, witnessed the excellencie of thy spirit; And not alone with me, (who equally prise all Stesicorus his workes) but with the Agrigentines (a great num­ber of whom were at the rea­ding of them) thou hast ac­quired a great honour. Neither will thy verses live in the me­morie of those only, who are alive, but in theirs also, who shall be borne after us. I am therefore tyed to give thee thankes, that at my intreatie [Page 208]thou hast made verses, admired by all men of this time, and by al posterity; yet I beseech thee, in the name of Iupiter, the great god of hospitality, and by all the other domestick gods, that in thy workes thou make no mention of my good or evill, which in one of thy letters thou sendst me word thou wilt doe. For my misfortune hath made mee odious to all men. But let Phalaris be writ in Ste­sicorus his heart, either better than the common opinion which is held of him, or more wicked than hee is reputed, as thy judgement shall direct thee.

134. To Pelopidas.

I Will not for any thing in the world send unto Stesico­nus, about that which thou doest request me: For I know well, that, although I should request him, he will not com­pose verses in praise of any man that is dead. And it doth content mee, that he so much favoured me, as to write in ho­nour of Nicoclea's wife. Wher­fore, if thou desirest any thing of mee, aske that which is in my power, and not that, which dependeth upon another mans will.

135 To Stesicorus his Daughters.

VVHat greater comfort, (faire Maidens) can be given in your griefe, than the remembrance of your fa­thers vertue, whose death you bewaile? For Stesicorus is not worthy of Teares, but of ho­nour. Wherefore, weepe not for him dead; not, that it is not a common thing to weepe for all; but it is only fit to be done for the wicked, whose life, and not their death, ought to be be­wailed; And not Stesicorus's; who, for so many yeares, hath lived with the holy gods in songs and in musicke, whereby he hath gotten immortall ho­nour, and attained the highest [Page 211]degree of praise; neither in this age, nor in any after, will any approach to that height. For in truth Stesicorus his quality, seemeth to me to differ little from the quality of a god, who is immortall, and extendeth every where. You must there­fore (ô faire daughters of such a father) doe things worthy of him; which, beleeve it, is no small matter to effect. Bewayle not therefore any more the death of such a demy god, who ought to be sung unto (as unto one most happie) not onely in our time, but through all ages, nor take not from him, the marke of honour, which the Hymerians intend unto him, as unto a demy god. I know it was not displeasing unto him, to be drawne from us, by that [Page 212]irrevocable law of death: for he had infinitely commended worthy men, who died out of love unto honour and glory; And that by those verses wch are in your hands, and which serve for an example unto good life. You must also know, that when he was our prisoner, and wee his enemie, hee alwayes shewed himselfe of an undaun­ted courage, nor was ever aba­shed, as those are, who expect a grievous punishment: But, contrariwise, I knew him more vertuously couragious in our prisons, than when he was our enemie at liberty: By which meanes, his wisedome trium­phed over cruelty; neither could I worke him any griefe: For whatsoever I did, was ta­ken in good part: yet I imploid [Page 213]all my forces, and bent all my wits to take him; but when I had taken him, or rather, when I was taken by him, I was not contented, but in doing him pleasure; wherein I do not con­ceive, that he was beholding to me, nor in that I spared twelve yeares of his life (which is the time he lived after his taking;) But I rather think my selfe ob­liged to him, for having in ma­ny things confirmed my heart; but principally, (wherein hee hath exceeded al men that ever I conversed with) in building me to the contempt of death.

136. To Teucreus.

TO satisfie the requests, which have been made un­to me for the Tauromenitans, I [Page 214]would have thee deliver them their prisoners; not, that I doe it to pleasure them, but Stesico­rus: That hee, (having made this request for them) may have the thankes, for courtesie, which I doe for his sake; Yet I thinke, the thankes will not be given: Such I conceive their ingratitude to be.

137. To Stesicorus his Daughters.

YOu write unto me, that your father, upon his death-bed, gave you in charge; to intreat me in the behalfe of the Tauro­menitans. They are unworthy of all pitie; having, (without any injury (little, or much) done them by mee) unjustly moved war against me. Yet Stesicorus [Page 215]is worthy, not alone to obtaine the favour you demand, which is the ransome for the priso­ners; But any other thing, al­though it were (if it bee to bee done) greater than impossible. And although, to some men he seeme to bee dead, (which no prudent man will confesse) yet to me he is still living. Neither shall the hatred I beare unto the Tauromenitans have so much power, but that your fathers memory shall obtain for them, what he will of Phalaris, if it be in his power. For he did deserve to command over all men, es­pecially over me; who, among all men, that ever I converst with, never found any so gene­rous or good as he. Wherefore I have commanded that the Tauromenitans have their mony restored.

138. To Ctesiphus.

IN the beginning of the war, which the Tauromenitans made upon mee, I delivered their prisoners upon ransome, not to doe them a pleasure, but because I would not violate the common Law of Greece. Nei­ther was my rendering unto them the money, which I had in ransome; (as thou thinkest, and for which thou reprehen­dest me) in favour or love unto them; But to satisfie Stesicorus his intreaty, made unto me by his Daughters. Wherefore, let them think themselves obliged unto him, and acknowledge themselves to his good inclina­tion. For my part, I am so much obliged to him, for many great [Page 217]matters, that I may not deny the doing his will; For I know that his obtaining of this from me, hath done them a great pleasure, neither hath it beene [...]profitable to me; for there­by have I testified the benigni­ [...]ie of my nature; whereof ma­ny men thinke I have no peece.

139. To the Hymerians.

I Am ready to imploy my selfe in any thing, for Stesi­corus sake; I, (if need were) a­gainst the Destinies, to preserve the memory of this divine man, who for the sweetnesse of his verses, is praised both of you, and of all others. And whom the holy and sacred Muses have reverenced and honored, more than all other Poets; In favour [Page 218]of whom also they have pro­duced Odes and Songs in Mu­sike. You ought also to consi­der, that, wheresoever he be bu­ried, he is still a Hymerian; Al­though for his vertue sake eve­ry countrey challengeth him; yet hee will alwayes remaine yours. Thinke not that Stesico­rus is dead, hee lives still in his excellent works, which he hath made common to all. And re­member, ô Hymerians, that be­ing borne with you, hee was brought up, taught, and lived, exercising himselfe in compo­sing Hymnes and Songs. After he changing, he died with the Catanians, according to their will and power. Doe you ther­fore build him a temple in Hy­mera, to the perpetuall memo­ry of his name. As for his [Page 219]Tombe, it is already prepared in Catania, by the inhabitants. Yet you may doe what you please, assuring your selves, that you shall not want in any thing that I can doe; be it in money, armes, or men: But, I could ra­ther counsell, first to consi­der, that you Sicilians taking a towne of Sicily, get no honour: And if you doe not take it, you will acquire shame. Neither would I have you so much la­ment Stesicorus his death; For therein you may trouble his happinesse. And although his body be dead, his fame is still living, and glorious, and shal be through all time; (which can have no power of him) preser­ved happie in the memory of men. As for his verses, songs, and his other Poems; I coun­sell [Page 220]you that they may be al­wayes publikely read, and sung in your Temples, and privatly in your houses; for where there is memory of his verses, hee cannot be said to be dead. To keep him therefore alive, make many copies, and disperse them abroad: Assuring your selves, that the Citie, which hath had the felicity, to bring forth such a Poet, will be highly esteemed by all men for his sake.

140. To Trasibulus and Aphilantes.

YOu say, that you paid to Teucreus, the money which I lent you; and he denieth the receiving it. In truth I have no occasion, not to beleeve you, or to distrust him. He deman­deth [Page 221]a witnesse of the payment; you say you paid it as to a faithfull friend. Wherefore no other certainty being, and that you may not thinke that I di­strust any of you; I allow it in my accounts as payed to me. And I pray god, (whosoever be in the fault) the truth may be ever hid from mee, rather than I should discover fraud or malice in any of you. For mo­ney is a lesse losse than a friend, and of necessity it would fall out, if the truth should discover the malicious offender, that of my friend, he would become my enemie.

141. To Paurolas.

MY wealth is small to sup­ply thy bounty; yet I [Page 222]sweare unto thee by the great god, I do not think the summe great, which thou demandest; I onely pray, that thou layest it out, as thou pretendest: for if thou distributest in that man­ner, be assured, thou shalt ra­ther want friends to distribute unto, than gifts in abundance from thy father: For when great and excellent gifts doe precede, the possession of things worthy a great spirit do follow; Besides Fortune doth usually and quickely render, what is given or spent upon a noble friend, with francknesse of heart: nor suspect, that what I speak freely unto thee, serves to give sparingly, and in small gifts unto my sonne, for whom I have acquired, whatsoever I possesse: For I am so far from [Page 223]reprehending thy liberality to thy companions, that, the un­speakable delight which I take therein, makes me advise thee to use all the meanes thou canst to exercise this thy noble cour­tesie; and not alone in this time, but while this fortune of ours gives leave, that thou perse­vere in this thy magnanimous will. To maintaine thee there­fore in that minde, know, that what I send, I give most wil­lingly, assuring thee, thou shalt doe mee a pleasure, to spend in this commendable and hope­full manner.

142. To the Megarians.

VVIthout expecting any pleasure from you, I have set your Galley, which I [Page 224]had taken, free and at liberty; although I know shee was ar­med, and rigged out against me. If you can remember any courtesies done unto you; you ought not to forget, that here­tofore, I have also three times delivered you, when you were ready to be famished, out of scarcitie of Corne.

143. To Peristenes.

AT the first I had a great desire to put to death the wives of Eubolus and Ariphan­tes, who had conspired against me; And thou having taken them, diddest send them unto me, to that end. But I set them free; whereat I know thou wilt wonder. Yet when thou shalt know, that the cause thereof [Page 225]proceeded from the demon­stration which they made of their great vertue, thou wilt much more wonder: for when I asked them if they were pri­vie to the conspiracie of their husbands against me, they not onely confessed it, but affirmed that they were determined to come with their husbands to the doing of the act: then I de­manded what injury, great or small I had ever done them; they answered, no particular, but publike, for we thinke it a common injury to reduce free Cities to slavery: And when I asked what punishment was an­swerable to the hatred they bore me; they answered death: I hearing these answers, judged that they willing to dye so va­liantly, were worthy of life, [Page 226]not of death, and therefore pardoned them, commanding that all that was taken from them may be restored to them, sending them to their parents free from any complaint of any injury done unto them by us.

144. To Evander.

I Doe thinke, that though all the Hymerians, and the grea­test part of the Sicilians know, that in Hymera, many did con­spire against my life, and how when they assaulted me, I avoi­ded the danger, for I was more just than they: And god who cannot be iniquus, as they were who had the boldnesse to at­tempt this wickednesse in his Temple, would not have per­mitted, [Page 227]that they being the exe­cutioners of a just enterprise, should as malefactours have fallen into the power of him, who had justly deserved to die by their hands. Yet because I have heard Stesicorus is ex­tremely grieved, that Eubolus and Ariphantes, doe ascribe their enterprise against me, un­to his verses; I desire (although I beleeve it to be true) that hee would lay aside all sorrow; for if their mindes had beene guided by his verses, they would not have deserved to be punished as wicked; but rather rewarded for their vertue.


Jmprimatur: THOMAS WEEKES, R. P. D. Episcopo Lond. Cap. domest.

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