¶ To the right honorable, and renowmed Shepheard of Albions Arcadia: Robert Earle of Essex and Ewe, for his vvelcome into England from Portugall.

Done by George Peele. Maister of arts in Oxon.

[printer's or publisher's device]

AT LONDON; Printed by Richard Jones, and are to be solde at the signe of the Rose and Crowne, ouer against the Faulcon. 1589.

❧ THE RIGHT HONORA­ble Earle of Essex his welcom into England, from Portugall.

Piers. Palinode.
Dicite Io Paean, & Io bis dicite Paean,
In Patriam rediit magnus Apollo suam.
HErdgrome, vvhat gars thy pipe to goe so loud?
Why bin thy bookes so smicker and so proud?
Perdie plaine Piers, but this couthe ill agree,
With thilke bad fortune, that ay thvvarteth thee.
That thvvarteth me, good Palinode, is fate,
Yborne vvas Piers to be infortunate.
Yet shall my Bagpipe go so loud and shrill,
That heauen may entertaine my kind good vvill.
Jo Io Paean.
Sot I say, Lose I, leudest of all svvaines,
Singest thou proud Paeans on these open plaines?
So ill sitteth this straine, this loftie note,
With thy rude tire, and gray russet cote.
Gray as my cote is, greene all are my cares,
My grasse to drosse, my corne is turned to tares:
Yet euen and morrovv vvill I neuer lin,
To make my crovvd speake as it did begin.
Jo Io Paean.
Thou art too crancke, and crovvdest all to hie,
Bevvare a Chip fall not into thine eie:
(Man) if Triumphals heere be in request,
Then let them chaunt them, that can chaunt them best.
Thou art a sovvre svvaine Palinode perdie,
My Bagpipe vaunteth not of victorie:
Then giue me leaue, sonizance to make,
For chiualrie, and louely learnings sake.
Io Io Paean.
Thou hardy Herdsman, darest thou of Arms chaunt
Sike verse I tell thee, ought haue a great vaunt:
Then hovv may thy boldnes scape a fine frumpe,
Warres Laud, is matter for the brasen Trumpe.
Of Armes to sing, I haue nor lust nor skill,
Enough is me, to blazon my good vvill:
To vvelcome home that long hath lacked beene,
One of the iolliest Shepherds of our Greene.
Io Io Paean.
Tell me good Piers, I pray thee tell it me,
What may thilk iollie svvaine or shepherd be?
Or vvhence y comen? that he thus vvelcome is,
That thou art all so blithe to see his blisse.
Palinode, thou makest a double demaund,
Which I vvill ansvvere, as I vnderstand.
Yet vvill I not forget, so God me mend,
To pipe lovvd Paeans as my Stanzaes end.
Io Io Paean.
Thilk Shepheard (Palinode) vvhom my pipe praiseth,
Whose glory, my reed to the vvelkin raiseth:
He is a great Herdgroome, certes, but no svvaine,
Saue hers that is the Flowre of Phaebes plaine.
Io Io Paean.
He is vvel alied and loued of the best,
Well thevved, faire and francke, and famous by hys Crest:
His Raine Deere racking vvith proud & stately pace,
Giueth to his flocke a right beautifull grace.
Io Io Paean.
He vvaits where our great Shepherdesse doth vvunne,
He plaieth in the shade, and thriueth in the Sunne:
He shineth on the plaines, his lustie flocke him by,
As vvhen Apollo kept in Arcadie.
Io Io Paean.
Fellovv in Armes he vvas, in their flovving deies,
With that great Shepherd good Philisides:
And in sad sable did I see him dight.
Moning the misse of Pallas peereles Knight.
Io Io Paean.
With him he seru'd, and vvatcht and vvaited fate,
To keepe the grim Wolfe from Elizaes gate:
And for their Mistresse thoughten these tvvo svvains,
They moughten neuer take too mickle paines.
Io Io Paean.
But, ah for griefe, that iolly groome is dead,
For vvhome the Muses siluer teares haue shed:
Yet in this louelie svvaine, source of our glee,
Mun all his Vertues svveet reuiuen bee.
Io Io Paean.
So moughten they Piers, and happilie thriue,
To keepen this Herdsinan after death aliue:
But vvhence I pray thee, tel me, come is hee,
For vvhome thy Pipe and Paeans make such glee?
Certes Sir Shepheard, commen he is fro far,
Fro vvrath of deepest Seas and storme of War:
Safe is he come, O svvell my Pipe vvith ioy,
To the olde buildings of Nue reared Troy.
Io Io Paean.
Fro Sea, fro Shore, vvhere he vvith svvinck and svveat
Felt Foemans rage, and Sommers parching heat:
Safe is he come, laden vvith Honors spoile,
O svvell my Pipe vvith ioy, and breake the vvhile.
Io Io Paean.
Thou foolish svvaine that thus art ouerioied,
Hovv soone may heere thy courage be accoyed:
If he be one come nevv fro Westerne coast,
Small cause hath he or thou for him to boast.
I see no Palme, I see no Laurell bovves,
Circle his temples, or adorne his brovves,
I heare no Triumphes for this late returne,
But many a Herdsman more disposde to morne.
Pale lookest thou like Spite, proud Palinode,
Venter doth losse, and vvarre do the danger bode:
But thou art of those Haruesters I see,
Would at one shocke, spoile all the Philherd-Tree.
Io Io Paean.
For shame I say, giue Vertue honors due.
Ile please the Shepherd, but by telling true:
Palme maist thou see, and Baies about his head,
That all his flocke, right forvvardly hath led.
Io Io Paean.
But vvoe is me levvd lad, fames full of lies,
Enuie doth ay true honors deeds despise,
Yet chiualrie vvill mount vvith glorious vvings,
Spite all and nestle neere the seat of kings.
Io Io Paean.
Base thrall is he, that is foule slaunders slaue,
To pleasen all, vvhat vvight may him behaue:
Yea, Ioues great sonne though he vvere novv aliue,
Mought find no vvay thilk labour to atchiue.
Io Io Paean.
Well plead'st thou (gentle Lad) for this great peere,
Then tell me sith but thou and I am here?
Did not thick Bagpipe man vvhich thou dost blovv
A farevvell on our Souldiers erst bestovv?
Hovv yst then, thicke great Shepherd of the field,
To vvhome our svvaines, sike hūble beisance yeild:
And thou these Laudes and labours seriouslie,
Was in that vvorke, not mencioned speciallie.
Harke Palinode, me dare not speake to lovvd,
Hence vvas he raught, vvrapt in a fierie cloud:
With Mars his Viceroy, and a golden Drake,
So that of him, me durst no notice take.
Jo Io Paean.
But novv returnd, to royallize his fame,
Whose mightie thoughts, at Honors Tropheis aime:
Least vvorthily, I moughten vvitned bee,
I vvelcome him vvith Shepherds country glee.
Io Io Paean.
And of his dread aduentures here sing I,
Equiuolent vvith the Punic Chiualrie:
That brake his Launce, vvith terror and renovvne,
Against the gates of slaughtered Rhemus Towne.
Io Io Paean.
And vvas the first of many thousands more,
That at Penechia vvaded to the shore:
There couthe he lead his landed flocke so far,
Till a vvas left of men approoued in vvar.
Io Io Paean.
O Honors fire, that not the brackish Sea,
Mought quench, nor Foemans fearefull Larums lay:
So high those golden flakes done mount and clime,
That they exceed the reach of Shepherds time.
Io Io Paean.
What boot thy vvelcomes, foolish hardie svvaine,
Lovvder pipes then thine, are going on this plaine:
Faire Elizaes Lasses and her great Groomes,
Receiue this Shepherd vvith vnfaigned vvelcomes.
Honour is in him that doth it bestovve,
Thy Reed to rough, thy seat is all to lovve.
To vvriten sike praise, hadst thou blithe Homers quil
Thou moughtest haue matter equall vvith thy skill.
Tvvit me vvith boldnes, Palin as thou vvilt,
My good mind be my glorie and my guilt:
Be my praise lesse or mickle, all is one,
His hie deserts deseruen to be knovven.
Io Io Paean.
So cease my pipe, the vvorthies to record,
Of thilke great Shepherd, of thicke faire yong Lord:
Leaue him vvith lucke, to those vvell tuned Laies,
That better ken to sound sike Shepherds praies.
Io Io Paean.
Novv time is neere to pen our Sheepe in folde,
And Euening aire, is rumaricke and colde:
For my late Songs, plead thou my pure good vvill,
Though Newcome once (Braue Earle) yet welcome still.
Io Io Paean.

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