IT is certified from Palermo in Sicilia, that Don Francisco di Castro, as future Vize-Roy, is gone with his Gallies to Gaeta, to be admitted therin, and that the said Country hath determined to disburse 12000. crownes, to be imployed for the entertaining of him as a welcome thither: but he would not permit them to doe it, neither would receiue the Presents that they of Palermo presented vnto him, nor once suffer the common people to be burthened with any expences.
The Vize-Roy of Naples, by reason of the vprore made there because of the great dearth, is yet in the Castle of Saint Ermo, and hath come to a parly with the people, and in the meane time hath sent a Post into Spaine, to certifie the King of the want of Corne, and the disorder touching the monies, and hath further taken order, that euery Citizen shall haue fiue loaues of bread dealt out to them euery day, and euery stranger but one loafe a day.
The Popes hath sent out Commission, that all the spirituall persons that had promised to giue the tenth peny of their reuenewes vnto Pope Paul the fifth, for the seruice of the Catholike league in Germany, should presently disburse and pay the one halfe thereof.
From Turnio it is written, that the Duke of Sauoy hath giuen his Horsemen two moneths pay, and causeth the Garison in Asti to be renforced on Saterday in Saint Anthonio. The new Gally called Torre di Mar, was lanched, to be rigged and armed, and so to be sent vnto the Armado, and Andre Ferlerichi Captaine of the Vstochen, was seene in the gulfe of Dalmatia, where he tooke one of Niclaoes Gardinegees Barkes, and cut off the head of Stephano Roccouichi the [Page 2]Captaine, which he set vpon the Bandite Stoane, but his Souldiers saued themselues.
A Post out of France brings newes, that the King will haue Valtolino restored againe, and that to the same end, he prepareth 80000. foot and 10000. horsemen, to inuade the Hugonites, and Monsieur de Lesdigincres with his men are ready to march.
The newes is, that vpon the 17. day old and 27. new stile of Ianuary, in the morning about 8. of the clock, the noble Prince Erust a Prince of the Empire, Earle of Holstein, Schaumburg, and Sterburg, Barron of Geshmen, &c. to the great griefe and sorrow of his wife, Statholder, Chancelour, and Counsell, as also of his faithfull Subiects, and adherents, departed out of this world: and although that by meanes of his death, his said Wife, Country, and Subiects, were much grieued, and sorrowfull, yet they were presently comforted againe, because that vpon the 7. day old stile and the 17. new stile of February, by Gods prouidence, the Lord Iobst Herman, Earle of Holstein, Shaumburg, and Sternberg, Barron of Gehmen and Berghen, &c. was receiued by the Counsell and States of the Countrey, for their Lord and right heire of the land. This happy election being made, the body of the aforesaid Prince Erust which sumptuously & solemnly buried, vpon Thursday being the 21. old stile and the 31 of March new stile, God send him a happy resurrection, and peace and plenty vnto his Subiects.
Vpon Friday the 4. of March, the Lord Iohn Baptista Weber, one of the Emperours Counsell, rode vnto Hungarian Bergstar, to receiue the said Towne for the Emperours vse, and to appoint Officers therein.
Bethlem hath sent all the men of Bergh from thence into Siebenbergen, there to build his hill worke: Since that [Page 3] Bethlem lay at Caschau, to whom there came a Turkish Ambassadour, and it is agreed that the Crowne of Hungaria, and the regall Ensignes, shall be deliuered vnto the Emperours Ambassadors, to the which end he hath caused them to be brought from Etschet to Caschau.
It is quiet and peaceable at Vianna, but there shall be more forces sent against the Earle of Mansfield, and at Lintz there are 2000. horsemen, and at Steyer 1000. soot men mustered, which shall all goe to Elsas.
The Saxon Regiment lie still in Presburg, and for that the Burgers therein are much oppressed, they haue sent an humble Petition vnto the Emperour, to desire the sending away of the said Regiment, what will be done therein, wee shall heereafter know. It is reported that the Hungarian lands day, shall be holden in Edenburg.
From Prague there is no speciall newes to be written, but that dearth and want of all things daily encreaseth, which is most pittifull to thinke on. The Souldiers and poore people haue great want, and can hardly liue. There is no order taken, and it is feared that it will rather encrease then diminish. Touching the sending away of the Emperours and strange Souldiers out of Morauia: there is some speech made, sometimes it is agreed vpon, and then againe it is put off. The strange Souldiers doe great hurt vnto the Inhabitants of the Country, and although many complaints are made, yet no remedy is had, nor no punishment inflicted vpon them. The poore Pesants in great numbers, for want of victuals, die euery day. The Subiects and Pesants goe alway to sowe and till the land, and in the meane time they are robbed of all they haue. The labouring men and seruants are gone, and die for want of worke and maintainance, there is no ground plowed nor sowed, and therefore there is no hope of bettering, but rather a great dearth to [Page 4]ensue. The Duke of Lerchtensten is expected to come to Pragne within eight dayes, whose comming they hope will be a meanes of great reformation: God graunt it.
It is written from Heydlebergh, that eight dayes past, being the fifth of March, the Bauarian souldiers, set vpon Nuseloch, Waldorof, and Laimen Villages lying about Heydleburgh, and tooke them: whereupon some of the soldiers in Heidlebergh in the night issued forth, to set vpon the Bauarians in Laimen, and finding that the Bauarians were gone from thence again, about some other enterprise, they entered into the same, and driuing out all the Cartle they found therein, put a Garison into the Village, and so kept it from being suddainly surprised againe by the Enemie: there were also a good number of Bauarian soldiers seene about Dilsperg Minnenburg.
Out of Spiers it is written, that Generall Tilly had taken two Villages in the Palatinate, and hardly beset Wiseloch, but could not preuaile against it: but when Mansfield drew neere to Manheim bridge, Tilly being not strong enough in the field, he retired againe, whereby the affaires remaine in antiquis terminis, so that no man can write any certainty thereof. Colonell Ouertrant is at Germersheim with his forces.
To Lindenburg there are many Saylers, Carpenters, and Bridge Masters, come from Stein, to set the ship bridge ouer the Necker. There shall be no bridge ouer the Rhine at Stein, but at Oppenheim. The Earle of Mansfield is daily expected at Manheim, whose intent is, with halfe his Army, to march the Berghstrate, and with the other halfe to goe to Oppenheim.
From France it is confirmed, that Monsieur de la Force, hath ouerthrowne Monsieur St. Lurks Regiment, and that some places in Languedor are besieged and taken by the [Page 5]Barron de Sonbise: since that the Hugonites haue take the Towne of Neracagaine, driuen the Garison out of it, and killed many of them. They of Rochell haue cut off the passage of sending any thing to Burdeaux by water, & are gone with their Army by sea else where; yet in Paris they speake of a peace.
Colonell Pithan hauing ouer night supt with the Prince of Orange, by commaundement of the Counsell of State, was the same night arrested by the Marshall of the Court being in his lodging, and it is said that hee is put into the place where Barnfeld was committed prisoner, and it appeareth, that others also will be brought thether, for all the Captaines that were in Gulick, are sent for the ther.
There are two Souldiers of Hensden, and three horsemen of Gertrudenbergh, that are suspected to be acquainted with the Treason that is discouered, and are brought prisoners to the Hage, who haue beene rackt to make them to confesse their fault.
There is preparation made here for an Army by land.
There came a Letter from Midleburgh in Zealand to Amsterdam, that they of Sluce in Flaunders haue cut certaine sluces of water, and thereby haue not onely enclosed all the Spanish Sconces, but also the Towne of Bruges and Gant round aboutwith water, whereby many thousand Akers of land are drowned, and great hurt is done in the land. And that there are Armes for 15000. men sent to Breame for Christian Duke of Brunswick: and since that, that there are as many more bought for 6000. men.
The Lords, the States Proclamation was proclaimed in Amsterdam, whereby they prohibit all Iesuites and other Priests, as well Strangers as naturall borne Subiects, within sixe dayes after the publication thereof, not to come into, nor stay within the vnited Prouinces, but for such naturall [Page 6]Priests as dwell there: they are permitted to stay therein, certifying their names and lodgings vnto the Magistrates of the places where they are resident.
From Cullen it is written, that after the taking of the Towne of Geiseck, the chiefe Lieutenant Colonell Erwitte went backe againe with certaine thousand Horsemen to Paterborne, and tooke the Townes of Peckelsheim, Bergenrich, Bercholt, and Warburg, vpon the 10. of March, and of them of Carpegan newly taken, suddainly surprized and killed 1000. horse and foot men, and tooke some of the Officers prisoners.
The Bishop of Haluerstads force haue fallen vpon foure Companies of the Lutische Regiment, whereof they tooke some prisoners, and did great hurt vnto the horsemen: it is said, that the Bauarian Souldiers haue taken Paderborne againe.