THE KING OF BOHEMIA'S VVELCOME TO Count MANSFIELD, AND INTO THE PALATINATE: WITH THE DEFEAT OF Bauaria's and Monsieur Tilley's Ar­my, since his Arriuall: (the King being there in person) Their resolution to March into BAVARIA: The Papists feare of his good successe, and further progression: And many other remarkeable thinges concerning BRVNSWICK and his Actions. Faithfully taken out of the Letters of best Credit.

Printed MDCXXII.

Si caelicolis furor arma dedisset,
Aut si terrigenae tentarent astra gigantes,
Non tamen auderet pietas humana, vel armis,
Velvotis prodesse Ioui: sortis{que} Deorum,
Ignarum mortale genus.
Lucan. lib. 3. Bell. Ciuilis.

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