Cent. 3. Numb. 48. THE CONTINVATION of the Forraine Occurrents for 5. weekes last past, containing many very remarkable Passages of Germanie, France, Spaine, Italy, Sweden, the Low-Countries, and other parts of the World. Amongst which are these following Particulars.
- 1 The Rebellion and falling away of Catalonia confirmed, with their Conjunction with the French.
- 2 The Revolt and Crowning of a new King of Portugall (the Duke of Briganza) by the name of IOHN the Fourth.
- 3 The proceedings of Bannier and the Swedish Armies in Germany.
- 4 The taking of Carthagena and the Plate Fleet in the Harbour there by the Hollanders.
- 5 What hath lately passed at the Dyet at Ratisbone.
Examined and Licenced by a better and more Impartiall hand then heretofore.
LONDON, Printed Ianuary 11. 1640 For NATH: BVTTER, dwelling at St. Austins Gate.
The Printer to the Reader.
Wee had thought to have given over printing our Forraigne avisoes, for that the Licencer (out of a partiall affection) would not oftentimes let passe apparant truth, and in other things (oftentimes) so crosse and alter which made vs almost weary of Printing, but he being vanished (and that Office fallen vpon another, more vnderstanding in these Forraine affaires, and as you will finde more candid.) We are againe (by the favour of his Majestie and the State) resolved to goe on in Printing if we shall finde the World to give a better acceptation of them, (then of late) by their Weekly buying them. It is well knowne these Novels are well esteemed in all parts of the World (but heere) by the more Iudicious, which wee can impute to no other but the discontinuance of them, and the vncertaine dayes of publishing them, which if the Post faile vs not wee shall keepe a constant Day every weeke therein, whereby every man may certainly expect them, and so wee take leave,
Ianuary the 9th. 1640.
THE Continuation of the Forraine Occurrents for 5. Weekes last past, containing many very remarkable passages of Germany, France, Spaine, Italy, Sweden, the Low Countries, and other parts of the World.
Lyon the 15.25 of November.
AT Paris they meet daily together in Counsell and labour how to raise 86 millions of Livres, because the King of France intends to maintaine next summer 30000 foot and 30000 horse. The Catalonians buy up in France abundance of provision, ammunition and armours, the Spanish Colonell Signieur Aunaij with 1000 horsemen hath stragled as farre as Narbona, and done great harme and mischiefe with plundering and burning up and downe in the Country to the value of 10000 crownes.
Millaine the 18.28 of November.
After that the Spanish army had beene mustered and reformed, a generall exchange of all French and Spanish prisoners was likewise concluded, and the prisoners on both sides were set at liberty, but the French Treasurer remaines yet heere, till our Governour Marquis de Leganes doth come hither, and the prisoners do safely come to their quarters. The 8.18 of this moneth, the Duchesse of Savoy made her entry in great state and pompe at Thurin, whereunto the King of France allowed and bestowed upon her 200 Mules, and the Magistrates of Thurin 50000 [Page 420]Crownes, shee desires now of the Magistrates of the said City to recall the Imperiall declaration, which they have published in favour of the Princes of Savoy about their administration, she strives also to master with the helpe of the French Fleet the Fort of Nizza di Provenza vnder a pretext of an amity, which she hath treated vpon with the Cardinall of Savoy, and in stead of that she will deliver vp vnto the French, Momegliano. By an English ship, which came in 5 dayes to Genoa, newes is brought, that about Fortona divers encounters have passed betwixt the Castilians and Catalonians, in which the Castilians had alwayes the worst, and that therevpon the French had made an invasion into the Kingdome of Arragon, and mastered in it divers places, which causeth great feare through the whole Country.
Brunswick the 25. of November, the 5. of December.
After that the Fort of Liebenburg without any neede was surrendred to the Duke of Luneburg, the said Duke enquartered his forces in the next neighbouring Villages to Wolffenbuttle, where he doth entrench himself, to which end some 1000 Peasants are already arrived before it, and divers other Swedish troops are yet expected, and all manner of preparations are made to assault the City of Wolffenbuttle with fire and sword.
Northausen the 27. of November, the 7. of December.
Within this houre an Officer came hither from Generall Bannier, who certifies, that yesterday Generall Bannier hath kept his generall Rendevouze about Einbeck; and that the next day after to morrow we are to expect him hereabouts, and the report goes, that he will goe further towards Duringen and Misnia; and questionlesse from thence towards Bohemia.
Erfurd the 28 of November, the 8 of Decemb.
At this instant letters came from Generall Bannier, wherein he certifies, that after that he had kept his generall randevouze about Einbeck, he intends to be with his Army vpon Monday next about Northausen, and to take his way from thence hitherwards into Misnia and so forwards into Bohemis, insomuch that we expect him here in person within few dayes. The death of the Count of Schamburg will cause great alterations, a flying report went, that a Duke of Holstein and a Landgrave of Hessen had likewise beene poysoned in a Banquet at Hildesheim, but it was but a fable. The said Count of Schamburg having entertained this long time, his Melancholike humours, fell into a burning feaver, and within two dayes dyed of it, the King of Denmarcke hearing of that newes, presently seazed vpon the County of Pinnenberg, whereby he can plague those of Hamborough very much. The report goes very strong, that they treate vpon a marriage betwixt Prince Casimier of Poland, and a Princesse of Brandenburg.
Collen the 29. of November, the 9. of December.
Fieldmarshall Hatifelds and Generall Major Lamboys troopes begin now to goe to their Winterquarters, fouredayes agoe the said Imperiall Fieldmarshall Hatzfeld came hither againe from Mentz, and on Friday last Generall Major Lamboy, and the Generall Commissary Boehemer also, the said Hatzfeld and Lamboy can as yet not agree about the quarters, in the meane time the Hessens strengthen themselves daily more and more, and come still nearer and nearer to the Rhyne, and begin now to take their Winter quarters in the next neighbouring places in the Country of Cleave, to which end they came againe [Page 422]before the little City of Santen, which they mastered presently.
Collen the 29 of Nov. and 9 of December.
The French Ambassadour at Liege was rob'd in his lodging at night by force, insomuch that the said Ambassadour saved his life narrowly, which the King of France takes very hainously, and therefore have arrested all the goods belonging to those of Liege, throughout the whole Kingdome of France, and all the commerce with those of Liege is prohibited.
Angspurg the 24 of Novem. the 4 of Decem.
Some few dayes agoe arrived heere with 60 horsemen the Cardinall Ginetti, who was resident at Collen for foure yeares together, and was ledged in the Cloister of St Vlrick, where he lay at his owne charges, and the other day hee departed againe from hence: his Highnesse the Duke of Bavaria sent unto him his High Steward the Marquis Palavicino and a Count of Ortenburg, to invite his Excellence to come to Munchen, and to tend upon him in the way, but being by reason of the continuall raine and snow the waters and rivers betwixt this city and Munchen grew very high, and was dangerous to travell that way, the said Cardinall was forced to goe about and to take his way directly towards Landsperg, and durst not venture to goe the directest way to Munchen. This day sevennight the Swedish Gen: Fieldmarshall Gustavus Horne was brought from Burghausen to Munchen, and was lodged in the pallace of the Prince of Rechberg, which is called the Ambassadours house, where he was tended upon by the court Officers and Pages sumptuously entertained, the next day following hee was brought to the Duke to have audience, where not onely all the Counsellors and Officers but also the Magistrates of the city were to tend upon him in the [Page 423]Knights hall, and hee was suffered to have his Sword on his side; after hee had had audience the Marshall of the court Count Curtz tooke him along with him home, entertained him sumptuously: the third day being Saturday in the afternoone the said Custavus Horn was carried to Ingolstadt to remaine there so long in the Castle, till they heare, that the King of Erance hath sent Generall Iohn de Werth towards the river of Rhyne, to conclude there in one or other place, which the King of France himself shall appoint about the exchanging of both: the Duchesse her selfe and Duke Albrecht saw Gustavus Horn through secret holes.
Norimberg the 2.12 of December.
By closing up the letter wee receive avisoes, that the Swedish Gen. Major Pfuel is risen againe with his forces from Misnia, and gone for Bohemia, before his departure, hee press'd great summes of mony out of the Inhabitants; Generall Bannier wee heare now followeth him with the maine Army with all speed.
Collen the 21 of Nov. the 1. of Decemb.
The city of Friedberg after three dayes siege was surrendred unto the Imperialists. With the last letters from Antwerp they write, that they have received newes from Spaine, that the King of Spaine was not yet come to Saraguze, and that the Cataloniers re-iuforce themselves daily more and more, and that they had published a Manifesto, wherein they doe declare themselves that they will live and dye in their purpose, and whatsoever they have agreed upon with the King of France, they will maintaine; they solicite more Canons, monies and ships, they will pay the French troupes themselves with their own money. Their Deputies have been with the Prince of Conde at Persenes, where Marshall de Schomberg was likewise present. The [Page 424]said Deputies brought likewise along with them money to leavie horsemen, three of the chiefest in Catalonia are expected at Paris to confirme the accord & to erect a free Republick, whereby the King of Spaine looseth his best Sea havens and commerce with Italy.
Arnheim the 23 of Nov. the 3. of Decem.
The Imperialists under the command of Gen: Major Lamboy, after that they had made above 100 Canon shots upon the Castle and made a great breach, the said city was surrendred unto them by composition, Kervendonck, Vdem, Vriesbergh and Wisem they have pillaged and forsaken againe, onely Kervendonck they have strongly guarded, and in the pillaging they have likewise not spared the Nunnery, they have likewise mastered the Castle of Kalbeck, in the aforesaid siege before Sonsbeck, the Hessish in the castle defended themselves stoutly, and during that siege Lambey lost above 100 of his men, amongst which were 4 Constables, Colonell Beck who was likewise slaine before it is buried in the Nunnery. The city of Cleve is warned in to raise within the space of 24 houres 1400 Rixdallers for Lamboy. On Wednesday last Lamboyes troupes mastered likewise after 7 Canon shots the city of Santin, and enlarge their quarters now in the countrey of Cleave. In Calca lye 2000 Hessish souldiers, under the command of Colonell Rapenhuff, the commanded Hessish troupes which is to succour those of Calcar in time of necessity, lye betwixt Wesel, Rees, and the way up towards Boeckhold.
From the Bishoprick of Munster, the 23 Novemb. the 3. of December.
Generall Bannier is at this present rising with his army, which way hee will take is not knowne. The Elector of Collen offereth 3000 men to the city of Munster for their defence, but the Magistrates of the said city will not accept of it.
An Extract of a Letter from Franchford the 29. of Novem. the 9. of Decemb.
As for newes wee have but little, since the Imperialists have taken Friedberg they attempted nothing else, but lye still hereabout this City, and ruinate the whole Country, for yesterday they tooke by force the little Towne of Pomes, which was guarded by this City, where they made quarter according to their owne pleasure, but now the report goes, that they will goe to their winter quarter all except 6 Regiments, which are to besiege Crentznach, in the Dukedome of Wirttenberg, Palatinate, and Franconia the Imperialists and Davarians are to have their quarters, and the Spanish troopes on the other side of the Rhyne, so that the poore Palatinate, and other Countries thereabouts will be utterly ruinated againe. The Duke of Bavaria hath commanded Heidelberg and the whole Country to deliver up their accounts, what hath been contributed to the warre since the yeare 1622. which amounteth to a mighty summe of money, and the said Duke of Bavaria brings it all into his owne account at Ratisbone, to shew thereby how many tunnes of gold the Palatinate hath cost, though the Palatinate paid the mony it selfe, so that any one may easily see, what mind he hath to restore againe the Palatinate, in the meane time the Spanyards use great cruelty in the Palatinate, insomuch that the poore subjects must give all what they have, and it is to be feared, that those of Heidelberg will have a hard winter. In the Dyere at Ratisbone the Ambassadours of the Imperiall Cities have agreed to contribute great summes of money for the maintaining of the Imperiall Army, which is to cut their owne throates.
Franckford the 23 of Nov. the 3. of Decemb.
Yesterday the Castle at Friedberg was surrendred by composition to the Imperialists, and this day they are to march out with 7 peeces of Ordnance, & display'd colors; At this present Piccolominies Army is marching towards Franconia, the Artillery is transported the River of Mayne neare Steinheim.
From the River of Rhyne the 24. of Nov. the 4. of Dec.
The report goes very strong, that Gen: Bannier intends to march towards the Bishopricke of Paderborne and Munster, wherefore the Imperiall Generall Major Wael on the other side of the River of Rhyne desireth a speedy succour. The 20.30. of Nov. Fieldmarshall Hatsfeld came to Bonne to the Electour of Collen, of the Regiments, which he was to bring along with him, we heare no talke. The Hessens lye enquartered throughout the whole Country of Bergk, the Hessish Lieutenant Generall Count of Eberstein, demands great contribution of the Countries of Gulick and Bergk.
Amsterdam the 30. of Novemb. the 10. of Decemb.
From Germany we have no other newes, but that the 22 of Nov. the Castle at Friedberg was surrendred by composition to the Bavarian Generall Gleen, the Weymarish garrison in it marched out the 23. of Nov. about 8. of the clock in the morning with 7. peeces of Ordnance, displayed colours, bay and baggage, and withall what is allowed by the custome of warre, and were conducted towards Ziegenhayn. The city of Franckford was forced to build in all a bridge over the River of Mayn for the Imperiall horsemen, which received order to lye not still in Franconia, but to march forward day and night towards Franconia, because it is certaine, that Generall Bannier hath mustered his army at Minden, & the 8. Regiments of horse [Page 427]under the command of Gen: Maier Pfull being compleate 3000. strong, whom other 1000. horsemen, together with a strong troope of foot followed, have relieved already Zwickaw, and have joyned already about Egra with Gen: Major Stelhans, who is likewise 8000. strong intending to make an invasion againe into Bohemia, and to prevent the Imperialists, or to ruinate fully the Imperiall army by the continuall marching, they write of the foote forces, that they have but a small remnant left, and of the horsemen Col: Rosa in the last encounter hath defeated the chiefest, insomuch that by all appearance it will prove shortly a great alteration, and the Imperialists have hardly ever been in a poorer case then they are now, for Bannier, who hath got of the Duke of Luneburg above 6000. fresh horses, is likewise risen with the maine body of his army, and as the report goes, is going towards the Bishoprick of Munster, and Paderborne to bring them fully under his devotion. From Silesia they confirme the overthrow which the Imperialists had neare Hirshberg, and that they have saved very few of the foot forces. The Swedes have summoned a Dyere to be kept at Stetin in Pomerania, where unto all Swedish Governors and Commanders both of vpper and Lower Pomerania upon paine of losing their places and Offices are called to appeare, they talke of very strange alterations, which they have in hand, they coyne now Rixdallers, upon one side stands a Salvador Mundi with the Pomeranian armes, on th'other side the Queen of Sweden, they intend to place in Pomerania a Vice Roy, which will be a dangerous aspect to the Electour of Brandenburg; The Hessish army growes daily stronger and stronger, and enlargeth the quarters.
Venice the 25. of Octob. the 4. of Novemb.
From Constantinople is written, that the 1. of September, betwixt Friday & Saturday night a Iewes house hapned on [Page 428]fire, and being the Jew was more busie to save his goods, then to quench the fire, the fire encreased so much, that within the space of 14 or 15 houres time and lesse about 4000. houses were burned downe, the Emperour of Turky himselfe in person, together with all the Veziers according to their custome came immediately likewise to the place, and gave great gifts to the Ianitsaries and Bastangis, which did great service in the quenching of the fire.
From Lusatia the 11.21. of Novemb.
It continueth yet, that the Swedish Generall Major Stolhans, after that he had succoured and relieved the City of Hirshberg in Silesia, hath taken his garrison together with all the Townesmen out of the said City, and afterwards forsaken the same, and from thence hee tooke his way towards Buntzell, it is thought, that he will march from thence towards Wapden, the Imperiall army under the command of Gen: Goliz is following after him, and is passed already by Hayn, and gone towards Glogaw, insomuch that both Armies have already laine for divers dayes together within 3 leagues one of the other, what they will attempt one against the other, wee shall heare within few dayes.
Weissenfell in Saxony the 15.25. of Novemb.
After that the Swedish Generall Major Pfuel with his commanded troupes had passed at Naumburg the River of Saala, he tooke his way directly towards Zwickaw, which City, being the Saxon Colonell Vugar, who lay before it not above 1500 strong had left the siege, and retired from thence towards Kemnitz, he relieved and victuall'd again, and yesterday many Swedish Officers came already from Zwickaw to Bernaw, Began and other places thereabouts demanding the contribution money, which they are yet behind. In Naumburg lyes the Lieutenant Colonell of Lieutenant Generall Torstensons Regiment with 300. dismounted [Page 429]horsemen, which City is to furnish them all with new and fresh horses, and pay besides vnto them 30000 Rixdallers because in the passing by of Generall Major Pfull, they shot and kill'd some of his horsemen, insomuch that the City of Naumburg and all other Cities in Misnia and Saxonie, are in a miserable condition, and a worse they have yet to feare, for Generall Bannier with his whole Army is to follow, because the Dukes of Brunswick and Luneburg will have their Countries clear'd and suffer no enquarterings. The Saxon Colonell Vngar, who lyes now at Kemnitz, hath divers times skirmished with the Swedish troupes, that very hot encounters passed betwixt them, Generall Maior Pfull lyes with his troupes yet betwixt Zwickaw and Altenburg on the River of Moldaw, and it is to be feared that they will likewise seek their quarters at Grimme, Eulenburg, and Luben, as also about Torgaw on the River of Elve.
Erfurd the 21. of November, the 1. of December.
Generall Bannier makes great preparations in the Country of Brunswick to rise from those parts with his Army, towards which end great store of Brread is bak'd, & a great number of Beefes kill'd and powdered, whetheras the report goes, he will march towards Duringen and Misnia, or into Westphalia, it is not knowne as yet, onely this is certaine that his horsemen are bravely mounted againe, for Generall Bannier got in the Country of Brunswick above 10000 horses, and hath now concluded an absolute league with the whole house of Brunswick and Luneburg. At this instant we receive avisoes, that Generall Bannier is comming hitherwards with his whole Army, Misnia and Saxonie are like to suffer much this Winter, if so be they doe not quickly advance into Bohemia, Generall Major Pfull with his troupes lyes yet about Naumburg, Zeitz, and [Page 430]other places thereabouts expecting Generall Bannier. The strong Fort of Lewenburg, after that it had beene put hard to it with shooting and flinging into it Granadoes and fire-balls, the Imperiall garrison in it came the 18.28, of this moneth to a composition, and some of the Luneburgish Regiments are marching already towards Brunswick, and divers other troupes both of horse and foote comming from the Dukedome of Mechelaburg, are passed the River of Elve, they are all marching towards Wolffenbuttle to block vp the said City, in the meane time the Imperiall garrison in it makes likewise great preparations for its defence, because they have intercepted a letter written by the Swedish Governour of Wismar, wherein he doth write, that for the blocking vp of Wolffenbuttle he is sending 200 men. The Letters from Hamborough bring no other newes, but that Prince Mauritius brother to the Princes Elect our Palatine is expected there every houre to goe from thence to Generall Bannier.
Ratisbone the 25. of November, the 5. of December.
The Emperours Brother Arch-Duke Leopold William together with Generall Piccolomini is expected here within three dayes, for whom lodgings are provided already, and the report goes as yet, that in the late encounter betwixt the Swedish Generall Major Stollbant and the Imperiall Generall Goltz not farre from Hirshberg in Silesia, the said Goltz himselfe was slaine, and from Bohemia we are certified, that the Swedish troupes vnder the command of Generall Major Pfull straggle continually very strong towards the frontiers of Bohemia, and doe great mischiefe with burning, and pilladging.
From Silesia the 16.26. of November.
The Imperiall Army lyes betwixt Liguitz and Glogaw, and Generall Major Stollhans with his Army lyes againe [Page 431]at Bentten to keepe a watchfull eye to the actions of the Imperialists, and by all appearance they will go by the eares together within few dayes, at Lemberg, Butzlaw, Goerlitz, and other places, yet Swedish garrisons, of their departure we heare nothing as yet.
Leipzigk the 22 of November, the 2. of Decemb.
The Swedish troopes vnder the command of Generall Major Pfull intend to stay a long time in these parts, to which end they ransack all Cities & places for many 1000 Rixdallers, put the whole Country vnder contribution, and those that refuse to pay it, they threaten to destroy with fire and sword, they are already agreed amongst themselves about the quarters, and Gen: Major Pfuls order runs to provide quarters for 3. moneths, the principality and City of Altenburg are to pay vnto them 30000 Rixdallers and besides the City must maintaine yet 2 Regiments, the like are to doe those of Begaw, Grimme, and other places, to which end, 40, and 50. and more horsemen in a company go to take possession of their quarters, to squease out of the Inhabitants the contribution mony, as also many horses with their Sadles and furniture, notwithstanding they are likewise in some fire, they lye now somewhat closer together, and Generall Major Pfull himselfe lyes yet in and about Roglitz, to keep a watchfull eye to the Saxon Col: Vngar, who is continually abroad with strong parties, the report goes, that some Imperiall Regiments are to come out of Bohemia towards Kemnitz to succor the said Col: Vngar as also that the 2 Tawbish Regiments of horse are to come vnto him from Silesia. Some few dayes agoe went from hence some troupes of horse against the Swedish quarters and returned hither againe with rich booties.
Callen the 22. of November, the 2. of December.
Yesterday the remainder of the horsemen of the King of Denmarcks sons Regimēt departed frō hence, wch are to be [Page 432]put vnder Generall Major Lamboys troupes, who intends now to take his Winter quarter in the Country of Gulick, as also some Regiments of Fieldmarshall Hatzfeld his forces, which are passed the River of Rhyne above Andernech.
Paris the 12.22. of November.
Our Armies are now all marching to their appointed Winter quarters, the Generals are yet with the Armies, onely Duc de Channe is come hither into this City; The report goes; that Duke Charles of Lorraine departed from Brussels vpon a suddaine with much discontent, and hath taken along with him his Lady Madam de Contaeroix, and is gone towards the River of Mosell, because the Pope intends to excommunicate her against his will.
Roan the 14.24. of November.
Letters from Spaine certifie, that the Catalonians are still resolved to continue in their resolution in erecting a Republick amongst themselves vnder the protection of the King of France, and to defend themselves as well as they can against the King of Spaine. At Barcellona is expected a great French Lord to treate with them in the name of his King.
Koningsberg in Prussia the 14.24. of November.
The Electour of Brandenburg lyes now very dangerously sick, insomuch, that most men doubt of his recovering. The States and Peeres cannot agree in the Dyete here, and they have as yet agreed vpon no point, the report goes also, that Arnheim lyes very sicke at Fishhausen, three leagues from hence.
Dantzick the 15.25. of November.
Few dayes agoe arrived here Colonell Bock, and divers other Officers with commission to leavie new forces, but where they will have their Randevouz is not knowne as yet, in these parts hardly will be permitted any to them. In Moscovia a new tumult ariseth, because by the instigation of the Emperour of Turkie, the Tartars have made an invasion there, done great mischiefe, and afterwards departed againe with a great booty.
Vster in Hessen the 18.28. of Novemb.
The Weymarish Colonell Rosa, who was commanded towards the Wetteraw by the Duke of Longeville to reduce in order the new leavyed horsemen and the Regiment of Dragooners, which he did accordingly, and after that they had beene mounted and brought in order, hee would not suffer them to lye idle, as divers encounters testifie; For whereas the Imperiall army begun then to approach into those parts, and the said Colonell Rosa for want of forrage durst not venture to stay in Friedberg, wherefore according to his order which hee received from the Duke of Longeville, he retyred towards Ziegenhayn, where he put himselfe in posture, and from thence sent word to the aforesaid Duke of Longeville of his necessity, who with all speed gave order to the old Regiment of Colonell Rosa to joyne with him, and assoone as it was done, the said Colonell Rosa rose from thence, and surprised yet the same night betwixt 11. and 12. of the clocke the Lockish Regiment of Croats and the Rablanders Regiment of Dragoniers within an houres going from the Headquarter, and dispersed both Regiments, obtained divers standards, and fired their quarter. And albeit the Imperiall Gen: Maior Breda [Page 430] [...] [Page 431] [...] [Page 432] [...] [Page 433] [...] [Page 434]with 24. Squadrons, spared no paines and hast to be revenged of him, but pursued after Col: Rosa, and met with him about Ziegenhayn, notwithstanding Rosa had good successe againe in the very beginning, and forced immediatly the Avantguard consisting of 3. Squadrons to retire in a great confusion, and withall compelled Gen: Maior Breda to give over, and to lye so long at Newkerck till more foote forces and Artillery might come unto him, but being 800. fresh commanded horsemen were sens to Rosa to succour him, he would not suffer them to lye there, but marched thitherwards with his 16. Squadrons, and assaulted Generall Major Breda in his quarter, and totally routed and dispersed his troups, in which encounter above 800. were slaine upon the place on the Imperiall side, and on Rosa's side about 200. slaine and wounded, and the rest of the Imperialists retired to the Imperial army, which was then marching towards Franconia, besides 500. which were taken prisoners besides the Officers, the list whereof you had in the former Curranto.
Franckford the 1.11. of Decemb.
After the Weymarish Col: Rosa had plai'd his part bravely in divers encounters, which he entertained with the Imperialists, especially in that against Gen: Maior Breda, whose forces he totally routed and defeated, and Breda himselfe was slaine, he would not loose much time and let his men lye idle, but presently looked out an occasion for another encounter, and yesterday with 3000. horsemen & a 1000: Dragoniers lighted unawares upon the Imperiall Col: Galle his Regiment, which he totally routed and defeated again, the Count of Galls Sericant Malor was kill'd with a shot, and the Count himselfe was shot through one of his armes and taken prisoner, and Col: Rosa obtained 10. standards and all the baggage not only of this but also of Lamboys [Page 435]and another Regiment, the Lamboyish Regiment consisting of 9. Companies in all but 250. horsemen strong, and 5 other companies consisting of 140 horsemen fled hither to this City, unto which the Magistrates of this city granted free passage through the city to passe the Mayn and to goe to th'other side, else they likewise all have been cut in peeces, because Col: Rosa pursued close after them & chased them to the very gates of this city, who takes it very ill that our Magistrates granted them passage through the city, and we feare, that he will be revenged of it, this losse hath caused a great confusion and terrour amongst the Imperialists, this encounter hapned about the little City of Pomes an houres going from hence, in which encounter Col: Rosa obtained above 400. horses, and if so be hee had come somewhat sooner, he would have lighted upon 40 other Regiments, which had gone a little before his comming towards Ashaffenburg, this day the Weymarish and French appeared with strong parties hard by this City, what opposition the Bavarian Gen: Gleen, who hath the command now over the army in the absence of the Arch-Duke Leopold William and Piccolomini, which are gone to Ratisbone, will make against them, time will shew.
Ratisbone the 2.12. of Decemb.
Being the Swedish Generall Banniers intent is to march againe towards Bohemia, the Imperialists are consulting how to prevent him, to which end divers Regiments are already sent towards Bohemia to keepe a watchfull eye to their enemies actions, and divers other Imperiall Regiments have order to follow those that are gone already, & the generall opinion is, that being Gen: Bannier hath moved from his quarters, the Imperiall Regiments will not have leasure to go to their assigned winter quarters, but be sent all [Page 436]towards Bohemia, to which end divers Regiments, which were marching already to their Winterquarters, are commanded backe againe.
Ratisbone the 2.12. of December.
The report goes, that the Turkes have made an invasion againe into Hungary, and done great mischiefe with pillaging and burning, and carryed away prisoners some 1000. Christians.
The States and Peeres treat heere yet of the maintainance of the Imperiall army, the Emperour hath demanded of them 1500000. Rixdallers to be paid yet before Christmas, many are of opinion, that they will gratifie the Emperour herein as much as possibly they can, if they may know first, whether the armies shall be left together or be divided, It is certaine, that the Swedish Fieldmarshall Gustavus Horn shall be exchanged for the Imperiall Gen: Iohn de Werth.
Norimberg the 20.30. of November.
The Leipzigker Poste hath now staid 2 dayes longer away, then it used to doe, which make us absolutely beleeve that Generall Bannier is marching with his whole Army towards Saxony, and that he will strive to passe the River of Elve to joyne with Generrll Major Stollhans, and so to march againe into Bohemia, whereby he will make a great diversion amongst the Imperialists.
Brunswick the 27. of Novemb. the 7. of Decemb.
It is certaine, that the Fort of Lewenburg is surrendred unto the Duke of Luneburg, and this day many Luneburgish and Swedish troopes arrived about Wolffenbutle to block up the said City. The 14.24. of Nov. Landgrave Christian of Hessen departed out of this world at Buckenberg, and the next day after the Count of Shaumburg. Generall Bannier is now marching forward towards Misnia and Bohemia.
From the River of Rhyne the 28. of Novem. the 8. of December.
That the Swedish Generall Major Pfull hath relieved the City of Zwickaw and forced the Saxons to retire into Kemnitz, is confirmed from all places, he lyes now with his forces about Zeitz, Gera, and Naumburg, From Berlin they write, that the Swedish Gen: Maior Stollhans hath sent his forces to their Winterquarters, his head quarter is at Beutten, and the Jmperialists have their head quarter at Great Glogaw. Every one doth highly wonder at, that the Weymarish have so quickly surrendred the Castle at Friedberg, if they had maintained that place but 4. dayes longer, the Imperialists would have beene forced to leave that siege for want of clothes and shooes: The Imperialists lye now round about Franckford, and mount themselves as well as they can, yet the most part of their forces is gone towards Franconia. Yesterday Gen: Maior Lamboy came to Collen, to conferre by word of mouth with Fieldmarshall Hatzfeld, some troupes of the said Hatzfeld, his forces are come into the jurisdiction of Collen, which City provides them with stockings, shooes and bootes, they shall be enquartered in the Country of Gulick, Lamboy is to goe with his troupes towards the Maes and Eyffell to enquarter them there.
Antwerpe the 29. of Novem. the 9. of December.
From Dunkerck of the 4 of this moneth new style is written, that 8. of their ships are come in there very much battered with divers dead and wounded men, which have fought against 7 Sealand men of warre. They certifie also, that the Dunkerck Fregats have taken vpon the coasts of England, two ships comming from Caracou with salt, hides, and Tobacco, and another prize with hides, from which they have brought 19. prisoners to Dunkerck, and [Page 439]the prizes they expect there every day.
From Millaine they write, that Prince Thomas of Savoy is yet at Invrea, the Spaniards offer to him great sums of money to remaine constant to the Crowne of Spaine. The Vice Roy of Naples hath remitted to Marquis de Leganes 150000 Crownes, and is resolved to raise 12000 foote and 2000 horse for the continuation of the Warre the next Spring, which shall be sent into the Dukedome of Millaine, in the meane time the Frenchare masters in the field, and doe great mischiefe about Vercelly.
From Barcellona is written, that a free commerce betwixt the French and Catalonians is published there, and they trade openly into Languedock and Provenze. The Duc d'Aloy was come with 6000 French foote and 1500 horse into the Dukedome of Rosigliano, and with the helpe of the Catalonians they have entertained divers skirmishes with the Spaniards betwixt Salze and Perpignano, which continued for divers houres, at last the French became masters, and marched towards Fortoza, to oppose the Spaniards, which intend to make an invasion there. The 2. of November the King of Spaine was gone in person to Saraguza to view his Army there.
Hamborough the 28. of November, the 8. of Decem.
From Leipzigk is written, that the Swedes demand 30000 Rixdallers of the City of Naumburg for a ransome, threatning, that if so be they doe refuse it, they will burne downe their Gates, they labout very hard to lay againe a bridge over the River of Vnstrut.
From all places is confirmed, that Generall Bannier hath in hand a great march, to which end he hath caused a great store of Bread to be bak'd, many Beefes to be kill'd and powdered, questionlesse he will march towards Misnia, Duringen, and Bohemia.
Bergen op Zohm the 30. of Novem. the 10. of Decem.
Th' other day 23. Musquetiers came from Lyer into the Village of Merxem neare Antwerpe, where they were surprized by 11. of our horsemen, having about thē 2 Trumpeters, which tooke 15. of them prisoners, the Spaniards thought, that being the Trumpeters blew continually the Alarum, another great troupe was at hand, and therefore yeelded themselves willingly prisoners. Neare Brussell in the Sunninger Forrest a Spanish Paymaster having about him a great summe of mony was rob'd and pilladged by the King of Spaines owne souldiers, and all the mony taken from him.
Arnhem the 1.11. of Decem.
The Imperialists have now taken all Castles from the River of Maes, as farre as the River of Rhyne, and guarded them, in the Castle at Goch lye 80, souldiers: The Castles of Loe, Driesberg, Wessem and Alphen are likewise put full of souldiers: The City of Lenep vpon the request of the Duke of Neuburg, the Hessens have forsaken, onely Ratverwald they fortifie still more and more.
Amsterdam the 5.15. of December.
The report goes here, that a Marriage shall be concluded betwixt the sonne of his Highnesse the Prince of orange and the daughter of his Majestie the King of great Brittaine.
Another of the 6.16. of Decem.
Our men of Warte 9. in number, we heare, have beene fighting with 8. Dunkerck men of Warre, they have battered one another soundly, some say; that the Dunkerckers are come home, others say, that they are still pursued after in the Sea by our men of Warre.
The ship called the Hope, belonging to the West-India Company comming from Fernambouck, which was expected here many dayes, and many feared, that it was cast away, is safely arrived here this weeke.
The ship Great Horn and the Fame comming likewise from Brazill lye in the Harbour at Plimmouth, and the ship called the Salt Hill in Valmouth, some of our men of warre are gone thitherwards to conduct them home together with the French Fleet.
The last letters from Venice bring newes, that a great tumult and vproare is in Turkie, and that the Ianizaries have already burned downe many hundred houses.
From Rotterdam with the last Letters they write, that they are making ready there the ships for 3. Holland Ambassadours, as namely the Lord Brederode, Aertsen, and Beveren, to come for England to treate about the Marriage.
From Paris they write, that the Catalonians have sent sixe Hostages to Paris, and that the King of France his Army hath now fully joyned with the Catalonians, they write also from thence, that Prince Thomas of Savoy hath now agreed with the Duchesse of Savoy, and takes now the King of France his part against the King of Spaine, and that by his meanes, the French have taken already from the Spaniards, the strong Castle of Asti.
Ships that came from Lisbone bring now certain newes, that the Portugalls being desired by the King of Spaine to raise some forces against the Catalonians, and having brought together an Army of 20000 men, are now likewise in rebellion against the King of Spaine, and will be no more vnder his Subjection and Yoke, they have chosen and crowned already the Duke of Breganza being of Royall blood to bee their King, which was done the fift of December new style, the report goes also that those of Arragon are about it to doe the like.
From Besiers the 21. of Nov. the 1. of Decemb.
The Lord of Henugman, master of the Camp, is chosen by the King of France, Field-marshall of the Army, which the said King hath sent to succour them of Catalonia: and the 14.24. of Novemb. hee went to receive the hostages of Catalonia, which gloried much of the strength of their countrey, and the great resolution which they have taken against the Crowne of Spaine.
Lyon the 22. of Nov. the 2. of Decemb.
The Catalonians make preparations of 36 regiments of foot, and 3000 horse, to oppose the King of Spaine, whose army is arrived at Saragosa. The Prince of Conde hath order from the King of France, to joyne unto the Catalonians his 6000. foot, and 1500. horse, with 12 peeces of ordnance, six ships, and 200000 crownes in money, which are lent them. The King of France is resolved likewise not to enter into any treaty of peace with the German Emperour, unlesse the Elector of Tryer be first restored.
Gluckstat Novemb. 23. Decemb. 3.
After that the Count Otto of Schamburg was departed out of this life at Buckenburg without heire, the Count of Pentz went from hence the 18.28. of Novemb. with some forces, and certain peeces of ordnance, to take in possession the Countie of Pinnenberg, in the name of the King of Denmark, and to goe from thence further over the river of Elve, and to make himselfe master of the passages in the Bishopricke of Bremen, and in the Countie of Oldenburg, lest the Swedes, as they purpose, should there take their winter quarters. The widow Queen of Sweden is yet in Denmark, how long she will continue there is not knowne.
Goerlitz in Lusatia Novemb. 24. Decemb. 4.
The Swedish garrisons at Buntzel, and here, lye yet still; of their departure is no hope as yet: and the report goes also, that the Swedish Generall, Major Stollhans is broke up from Beuten, [Page 442]with the most part of his horse, and gone towards Berlin, to ransome the countrey thereabouts.
Freyberg in Saxony Nov. 24. Decemb. 4.
The Saxon troops, which under the command of Colonell Vugar, lay before Qwickaw, are put into garrison, some into Kemnitz, some into Pirna, some into great Hayn, and some staid here in this Citie. Yesterday Lievetenant Colonell Stritzky passed through this citie with five companies of Dragoniers, taking his way towards Magdeburg, with the rest of the troops. Colonell Vngar hath taken his quarter in Oshatz, from whence he commands daily his parties downwards towards the river of Mulda, which take up here and there the Swedish safeguards. Some are of opinion that Colonell Vngar will command some troops of Dragoniers from Oshatz, towards Eulenburg, to maintaine that passage over the river of Mulda; meane time the Swedish Generall, Major Pfuel hath his head quarter at Bernaw, and his troopes in the next neighbouring villages, and in the Cities along the river of Mulda; they ransacke all places for many thousand Rixdallers; and besides, burne down many places, so that nothing is heard but of fire and sword: they take away all the cattels and horses, and use the inhabitants very ill.
Millaine Nov. 25. Decemb. 5.
On Friday last our Governour Marquis de Leganes, together with the Cardinall Trivultio, came hither from Pavia; where, upon Sunday following, the French Treasurer Monsieur de Argenten was fetcht from the Castle to the Governours table, and set againe at liberty. On the other side, the French at Cazall have likewise set at liberty 24 Spanish officers, amongst which are two Captaines, and 11 Ensignes, and 50 common souldiers; but when they thought to goe upon the river of Poe, towards Valenza, they fell neer Breme, upon a rocke, which made the ship fly in peeces, and all the souldiers (except two, which saved themselves by swimming) were drowned. The [Page 443]French have exceedingly fortified Monte Chiaro, and S. Damiano neare Altea, and they have likewise mastered Tune, which lies not farre from Asti, whereby they can the better victuall the citie of Cazall, and by that meanes they can cut off the passage from Asti and Villa nova.
In the diet at Chur, they have granted the King of Spain to take up of that nation, a regiment of foot for the Dukedome of Millaine.
Berlin Novemb. 26. Decemb. 6.
The Swedish Generall Major Stollhans, hath been with some regiments at Crossen, which are now marched upwards againe. A troop of horse of Colonell Goldackers regiment, went from Spandaw towards Swede, where they tooke prisoners some Swedish souldiers: the rest of our horse and foot, which lay at Stendel and Werben, is sent for back againe.
Leipzig Novemb. 28. Decemb. 8.
The Swedish Generall, Major Pfuel, hath hitherto had his quarter at Borna, three leagues from hence, and there is no hope that he will depart from thence as yet: yesterday in the afternoone the most part of his horsemen arrived in the neighbouring villages in the way towards Altemburg, Grimme, Eulenburg and Wortzen, from whence they have driven away all the cattels and horses: yesterday in the after-noone, and this forenoone, some of them came so nigh to this citie, that wee were fain to play with our Canons against them from the citie walls, and from the castle. Our horsemen which lye here in the suburbs, together with some muskettiers, went into the field, and entertained a skirmish with them; in which divers were slain on both sides, and some taken prisoners. Some of the Swedish troops went in the meane time towards Eulenburg, to ransacke that citie in like manner for some 1000. Rixdallers: they carry a great baggage with them.
Leipzig Novemb. 29. Decemb. 9.
The Swedish Generall, Major Pfuel, hath his head quarter yet [Page 444]at Borna three leagues from hence, yesterday he arrived with 7. regiments consisting of 3000. horsemen, within halfe an hours going from hence, and thereupon he commanded immediately abroad diverse squadrons, which went towards Sletwitz, and the next neighbouring places, pillaged all villages, drove away above 4000. horse and Cattles, that this Country will now totally be undone and ruinated, and it is to be feared that Generall Bannier will likewise come hither with his whole army. We heare as yet of no succor at all, the Saxon troups under the command of Colonell Vngar are put here and there into the Cities: this day our horsemen skirmished with 4. strong Swedish squadrons hard by this City, and we were forced to play with our Canons amongst them: from Silesia they write, that Generall Major Stolhans hath commanded his horsemen from Beuten towards Berlin to burne and spoile the Countries thereabouts.
Collen the 30. of Novemb. the 10. of Decemb.
The troope of the Imperiall Field-marshall Hatzfeld, and Generall Major Lamboy, are taking now their winterquarters in the Country of Gulick, albeit the said Generall Major Lamboy, hath received order from Arch Duke Leopold William to goe towards the Bishopricke of Tryer, and to take his winterquarter there, meane time in Holland they consult daily about the continuation of warre, in which Country 4000. horsemen are to be leavied for the King of France.
Altenburg in Saxony. the 1.11. of Decemb.
Here in this City lyes a Swedish Lievetenant with 20. horsemen for a safeguard; of their departure there is no appearance as yet, because Major Pfuel lyes still at Bernaw. The City of Qwickaw the Swedes provide with all manner necessaries, in which City command yet Colonell Shleile and Behr.
Grimme in Saxonie, the 30. of Nov. the 10. of Dec.
This day were carried from hence 7. wagons laden with provision to Borna, where the Swedish Generall Major Pfuel lyes [Page 445]yet, with them went along 10. horsemen of Colonell Duwalts regiment, which hitherto lay here for a safeguard, onely the Captaine staid here with two horsemen more; and the report goes, that he staies for money, which is to be raised yet. The report goes also, that Generall Major Pfuel will keepe to morrow his randevouze about Borna, whither he will goe from thence, we shall heare by the next. Some few dayes agoe, when the Swedes came very strong towards Leipzigk, they sent also a party towards Eulenburg, where they caused the bridge over the river of Mulda to be throwne off on this side of the city, and the contribution money to be received; and that they might doe this the safer, they went very strong towards Leipzigk, to keepe in there the Saxon garrison. The Saxon Colonell Vngar lyes yet at Leipzigk, whose parties come daily hitherwards: the other day they tooke prisoner a Swedish Standard-bearer, together with 6. horsemen, which were coming hitherwards with 150. Rixdallers, contribution money, which the aforesaid Captaine had sent hither to fetch the money from thence. In the Castle at Rochlitz lyes Colonell Bruun with his Dragoniers. The Castle at Colditz the Swedes have likewise fortified, in which lyes a Captaine of horse with forty or fifty horsemen.
Zeitz in Saxonie, the 1.11. of Dec.
From Duringen we are certified, that the Swedish Armie was to have his headquarter this day at Erfurd: some are of opinion, that they will goe towards D [...]ssaw, and the river of Elve, to joyne there with Generall Major Stollhans, and to hinder and stop there the passage upon the rivet of Elve, towards Magdeburg, and those parts. Some write, that the left wing of the said Armie is marching towards Hall, the right wing towards Eysenberg, and the maine body towards Naumburg. Last night, two expresses, comming from Generall Bannier, passed through this Citie, and went towards Borna, to Generall Major Pfuel, which give out, that within few dayes we should [Page 446]have the whole Swedish Armie in this Country.
Lipstat the 2.12. of Dec.
The report goes here, that the Imperialists, which lye enquartered in the County of Gulick; because Generall Bannier is risen from his quarters, are likewise risen from thence, and to morrow their horse is to follow them, which will give a great ease to the Countrey. Our Generall, the Count of Eberstein, drawes likewise his forces together to dislodge, in like manner, from his quarters, within few dayes; to which end, he hath sent for some 1000. men more to come unto him from East Friezeland: most men are of opinion, that he will passe the river of Rhine, and goe towards the Country of Cleave, to looke out there good winter quarters for his Army.
Leipzigk the 2.12. of Dec.
The Swedish Generall Major Pfuel lyes yet at Borna, and his Regiments thereabouts, and ruinate the whole Countrey, and worse is yet to be feared, because newes come from all parts, that Generall Bannier is likewise coming hitherwards, and arrived at Erfurd; his intent is, to march towards the river of Saala and Elve. Some say, and feare that he aimes at this Citie, because he bringeth many fireworkes along with him: here in this Citie commandeth yet the Saxon Generall Commissary Shleinits: and for a garrison, lyes here his regiment of foot reasonable strong, together with a Company of horse, and some few Dragoniers.
Ratisbone 2.12. of Dec.
Archduke Leopold William, and Generall Piccolomini are expected here within few dayes: Lodgings are likewise provided for the Dutchesse of Bavaria, which will be here about Candlemasse day. In the Imperiall Counsell here, they have further treated upon nothing else, but about the winter quarters for the Imperiall Army; but with the next sessions they will take in hand againe the generall treatie. Being the Turkes have made againe an incursion into Hungary, and done great harme with [Page 447]burning and carrying away captive many Christians: wherefore and extraordinary Embassador shall be sent to him, who is to depart from hence this day.
Frankford Decemb. 3.13.
The Weymerian Colonel Rosa having recevied certaine intelligence, that the citie of Friedberg was surrendered unto the Imperialists, marched in all haste with a thousand horsemen, and some troops of Dragoniers, towards the river of Maine, leaving behinde him the rest of his troops at Hungen, with all the baggage, with an intent to surprize young Lamboys regiment lying at Hogsstate; and in his march he met with the Weymarish garrison, which under the command of Colonell Latomo, had marched out of Friedberg, which hee joyned to his troops: but betwixt Bergen and Selbach he lighted upon the Imperiall Colonell Count of Gall, having about him two regiments, and there being at that time fallen a very thick mist, they came one upon another afore they were aware on't; wherefore the said Count of Gall asked, what forces they were: the Weymarish presently told him what they were; whereupon the said Count of Gall gave immediatly fire at them, and pressed very vehemently upon them, thinking to disperse them presently; but the Weymarish gave him such entertainment, that he was forced to retire: whereupon the said Rosa assaulted him with his troops on all sides, so that hee was forced to breake his battell aray in a great confusion, the said Count of Gall himself was wounded, and together with many other high officers taken prisoners, his Sergeant Major Brentsen, a stout souldier, with many other officers, was slaine upon the place: and of those two regiments above a thousand horsemen were ruinated, though the said Rosa obtained but six Standards, because one regiment consisting of Dragoniers, had not colours: he got also all the baggage of foure other regiments, together with the coach of the Count of Gall, and his silver waggon, for which silver waggon the said Count of Gall hath offerd 60000 [Page 448]Rix dallers, because he had upon the same many costly jewels. The booty, which is extraordinary great, is carried to Ziegenhayn, onely many waggons were left in the field, which are carried away by the Boores. This over-throw caused such a terrour amongst other Imperiall regiments, that the Magistrates of this citie were faine to grant passage to Lamboys, and two other regiments to march through this citie to the other side of the river of Maine, else they would have sped no better then the Count of Gall did. In a word, the terror is so great amongst the Imperialists, that not one souldier staid on this side of the river of Maine. The Duke of Longueville is now taking his quarter in those places which the Imperialists have forsaken. Don Gonsago remaines with some Imperiall regiments, on the river of Rhyne.
Collen Decemb. 3.13.
The Imperiall Generall, Major Lamboy, after he had made seaven Canon shot against the towne Santen, hath taken the same, and takes now his quarter in the countrey of Cleave: the citie of Cleave he forced to pay unto him within the space of 24 houres, 1400 Rix dallers. In Calckar lye yet 2000 Hessish souldiers, under the command of Colonell Rapenhufft. The commanded Hessish troops which should succour those in Calckar, in case of necessity, lye now betwixt Wesell and Rees. Marquis de Lede hath received order from the Cardinall Infant, to assist in like manner Generall Major Lamboy in case of necssity, no question but both parties will visit one another in their winter quarters.
Duringen the 4.14. of Decemb.
Yesterday about evening one of Generall Banniers Pages came to Erfurd, who certifies, that the Army is arrived about Northausen, and that last night Generall Bannier in person staid at Langen Saltza, and that this day he would come to Erfurd; which way he will take from thence, and how long hee will stay there, we shall heare in time. Some of Generall Major [Page 449] Pfuls troopes have driven away divers horses and Cattles out of the Suburbs at Leipzigk.
Franckford the 4.14. of Decemb.
Colonell Rosa hath brought the Imperiall Colonell Gall, whom he tooke lately prisoner, into the Castle of Braunfels, and is gone againe upon an entrprise with a strong party: the report goes, that the Waymarish, Luncburgish, and Hessish Armies shall be enquartered hereabouts, and the head-quarter shall be at Marpurg, which questionlesse will daily visit the Imperiallists in their quarters in Franconia. The Imperiall head quarter shall be at Heylbrun, the Bavarian at Dunkelspiel, the Artillery shall stand at Nordlingen. Piccolomini shall have his quarter at Winsheim, and Gleen at Wartzburg.
Erfurd the 5.15 of Decemb.
The City of Wolfenbuttle is now blockd up by sixe Luneburgish regiments, which expect more forces to joyne with them, the besieged shoot fiercely out of the City, and have sallied out already divers times, and done great harme.
The King of Denmarke after the deccease of the Count Shaumburg tooke presently possession, Binnenberg and other places are already sworne unto himn, which those of Hamborough doe not well like. In Swedland is arrived the young Count of Oldenburgs Embassadour, who presented unto the young Queene a faire coach with sixe horses. At this instant Generall Bannier arrives here in this City, who is to stay here some few dayes, and his Army is arrived about Hornungen and Northausen, whereof three regiments have besieged the Castle of Heldrungen, unto which are sent from hence some peeces of Ordnance, and Morter peeces to assault the same by force, and being the Weymarish Army staid behind, it is thought that Bannier with his Army will take his winterquarter in Misnia and Duringen.
From the River of Rhyne the 5.15. of Decemb.
The Imperiall Field-marshall Hatzfeld and Generall Major [Page 450] Lamboy are yet at Collen, they have now agreed amongst themselves about the winter-quarters: Lamboy with his troopes shall remaine so long in the country of Gulick, till the quarters in the Bishopricke of Tryer are appointed for his troopes. A Hessish party of Ralverwald hath surprized in the wood neare Mullem an Imperiall party, slew some of the Imperiallists, and tooke 30. prisoners. The Sconce of Hesendam is surrendred into the Duke of Luneburg. The Hessish Governour in Ralverwald hath by a stratagem the castle of Huckeswagen, which he guarded with 80. fire-logs, yet the 6. of this month new stile, he forsooke it againe, demolishing all the fortifications, and all what he liked hee brought along with him into Ralverwald to fortifie the said city the more.
Hamborough the 5.15. of Decemb.
The Swedish troopes under the commands of Generall Major Pfuel have taken their quarters in Misnia: as namely in the cities of Colditz, Rochlitz, Doblen, Milweyda, Altenburg, Borna, Pegan, Grimme, and other places, from whence they have victualled againe the city of Qwickaw; Generall Bannier is likewise to goe thitherwards with his whole Army.
At Crackan and other places in Poland, great forces are levyed for the Emperour to form: an Army; their randevouz shall be in Prussia to goe against the next spring towards Pomerania. At this instant we received advise that the city of Leipzigk is begird by the Swedes, and that Generall Bannier is gone thitherwards with his whole Army.
Mastricht the 5.15. of Decemb.
The Hessish troopes domineere in the country of Liege as they please; they have take prisoners some townes-men of Wesel, and other places, as also the Baylife of Liege, Gastet and other places, which they forced to pay a great reansome. The Hessens come daily in and out. The 1.11. of this month another party of 50. men went abroad againe, wherefore all the inhabitants throughout the whole country of Liege are [Page 451]mustered with order to give quarter to no Hessish souldier, but to knocke them downe as many as they meet withall.
Antwerp the 6.16. of Decemb.
From Artoys is written that the French have beene very strong abroad in the said country, and thought to surprise at Francy the regiment of Crabats, but they failed of it. Into Arras are come 30. companies of French horse more, their intent is to bring the country Hennault, Artoys, and Flanders under contribution. At Brussel is arrived an extraordinary Spanish Embassadour, who relates that a great summe of mony is following him.
Bergenopzoom the 6.16. of Decemb.
By order of his Highnesse the Prince of Orange, all companies must be compleat against the first day of March. Every where in the Spanish garrisons mony is very scarce; the Cardinall Infante hath given order to the Counsell of Braband to raise monies amongst particular men, the Merchants of Antwerp alone must raise 300000. gilders.
Frankford the 8.18. of Decemb.
After that the Imperiall Army was gone over the River of Maine towards the country of Wirttenberg, Swaben and Franconia into their winterquarter, Colonell Rosa returned likewise with his troopes towards Cassel and Ziegenhaine, and the report goes that a great summe of mony is remitted againe from France to the Duke of Longueville.
Antwerp the 8.18. of Decemb.
Seeing there is great poverty and misery in Braband and Flanders amongst the soulders, who have received in a long time no pay, that they are forced to beg from house to house, and to steale and rob, therfore the Magistrates of Antwerp have published that all souldiers which are begging in the streets should be apprehended and imprisoned, and feed for a whole month with nothing else but water and bread, which make us feare every where, that it will cause a mutiny [Page 452]amongst the souldiers, yea some Citie which are burthened with garrisons, are afraid, that their houses shall be pillaged because of bad paiment.
Ratisbone Decem. 9.19.
The Electours Princes, and Peers, have hitherto not agreed as yet about the sum of money, which the Emperour demands to be paid within the space of 5. monthes, they pretend still, that they are not able to raise such a sum of money: The Electorall, and Princely voices, and vote, runne in generall that way, that the commanders which are maintained here are there with great charges, shall be cashierd.
Amsterdam Decem. 12.22.
This weeke arrived in the Texel, and in the Maase, a great number of ships, which came from France, and our Admirall Tromp with a squadron of his fleet hath conducted them home.
From Antwerp they write, that the King of Spaine hath remitted 4. millions towards the low Contries, and two for Germany: one of our patties consisting of 50. horsemen hath enquartered about the Grave with 85. Spanish musquetiers of the garrison of Stevenswerth, which our men defeated, and slew them all saving 9. which had quarter.
It is reported, that the day of pacification here before appointed, to be kept at Collen, shall goe on, and it is certaine, that the Emperour hath nominatad already, the Bishop of Wurtsburg, to be there in the Emperours name.
Duke Charles of Lorraine, hath enquartered his forces, in the Bishopricke of Trier, and in the Country of Luxenburg; the Captaines every where are strictly charged, and commanded, to make their companies compleat with all speed.
From Paris they write, that the hostages of Catalonia as namely, men of the chiefest of the Country are arrived there.
Lignitz the 1.11. of Decem.
The Swedish Generall Major Stolhans, lies with his Army [Page 453]yet at Beutten, and the Imperiall Generall Coliz, at great Rotzen: the other day an Imperiall party, surprised a Swedish party, slew some, and tooke som prisoners: the Swedes report, that their Generall is resolved to fight with the Imperiallists for the winter quarters, if they can meet together in the open field, then may fall great blowes betwixt them.
Drunswick the 1.11. Decem.
The blocking up of Wolfenbuttle goes on, to which end, the Weymarish Army is likewise marching forward to assist the Luneburg, and Brunswick troopes, Generall Bannier is now gone with his Army for Misnia, and Bohemia, which cause the great terror, and feare, amongst the inhabitants in those pars.
Millaine Decem. 2.12.
In all these countries great forces are leavied, that as is said, the Spanish Army may be twice as strong, as it hath been last summer. On Saturday last, the Spanish Treasurer Count of Sangia, departed here out of this life, and on Sunday following, the Venetian Embassadour Nicolas Sagredo went thorough this City, for Spaine. The French in Piemont, enlarge their quarters, as far as Cuneo; wherefore the Cardinall of Savoy, hath sent thither from Nizza, a Regiment of Switzers, to secure the same place: It is reported, that an agreement is concluded, betwixt the Princes, and the Dutches of Savoy.
Madeburg Decem. 2.12.
The 26. of November, Generall Bannier kept his randevouze at Enbeck, and it is said, that he carrieth along with him upon wagons, above 200. small boates, each of them can containe no more but 4. persons, it seemeth, that he hath some speciall enterprise in hand; a flying report goes also, that hee aimes at Tergaw, Wittenberg, and this City of Magdeburg, to surprise them unawares.
Lower Saxony Decem. 2.12.
After that the Forts of Luneburg, Shladen, and Hessenthamb, had been surrendered unto the Luneburgish forces, they begun [Page 454]to block up the city of Wolfenbuttle, with 6. Regiments, and they expect before it, more Swedish forces, as also some Regiments of the Weymarish Army; they make all manner of preparations, to force the besieged with fire workes to a composition; in the meane time, the besieged shot fiercely out of the city, and sally continually forth, and doe great harme amongst the Luneburgist forces: It is confirmed, that the yong Count of Schaumburg is deceased, and that the King of Denmarke hath given order to the Count of Pentz to take possession, and to guard with some companies, the Fort of Pinnenberg: In Dantzick are arrived Colonell Botte, Cracaw, Apffelman, Mitzlaff, and others with many officers, to leavy new forces, which are to have their randevouze in Pomerania.
Narbone Decem. 2.12.
Some few daies agoe, Monsieur de St. Aunes came out of Perpignano with some troopes of that garrison, and burned downe the Castle de la Tour, neer Ostagel: the 16.26. of Nove. 2 Regiment of Espinan, marched into the Country of Illa, to goe from thence toward Barcellona, and within few daies, 5. other Regiments are to follow, which must make up 7500. foote: The Cataloniers will have every Regiment to be 1500. strong, Captaine they will pay 60. Barceloneser pounds a month, unto the Liefetenant 40. to the Ancient 20. and to every Sergeant 16. The Galleys. which have been upon the coast of Catalonia, have landed at Coliourre, 800. fresh souldiers, which are put into the Castles at Perpignano, and Salze.
Naumburg Decem. 3.13.
The comming of Generall Bannier with his Army hitherwards causeth great feare in these parts amongst the inhabitants, because it is confirmed from divers parts, that he intends to march towards the River of Saala, and Elve, the cavallerie is marching towards Hall, and the foote hitherwards, and that the other day Bannier arrived in person at Erfurd.
Eulinburg Decemb. 3.13.
About thirty or forty Swedish Dragoniers have stragled towards Meissen and Dresden, where they have fired divers villages: in their returned towards Borna, they have been invitoned by the Saxon Colonell Vngar, and all taken prisoners, who sent them to Dresden. The report goes, that Colonell Vngar is to take his winter quarter on the other side of the river of Elve in Lusatia.
Leipzick Decemb. 5.15.
From Borna is written, that yesterday morning the Swedish Generall Major Pfuel, rose from thence with a strong party, and went towards Colditz, and doubtlesser from thence he will goe towards Oshats to attempt something against Colonell Vngar, because his Dragoniers took along with them from Borna many axes; but his baggage was carried yesterday from Borna towards Zeitz: they drove also along much cattell, which they intend to drive towards Naumburg, and from thence towards Erfurd. Yesterday Colonell Dubalds, whose regiment came to Grimme, and a partie thereof went immediatly from thence towards Eylenburg. A party of Gustavus Hornes regiment, which lies at Weissenfelt, hath been last night in the suburbs of Lutzen, where they burned downe some houses: they threaten to fire the whole citie, if they doe not come and bring money; they demand of the said citie 12000 Rix dallars: not far from thence they have likewise fired the villages of Gerau and Roeckeln. At Pegaw lies the young Landgrave of Hessens regiment, and Colonell Braun with his Dragoniers, lies in the castle of Rochlitz.
Another from Leiprick the 5.15. of Decemb.
The Swedish General, Major Pfuel, is gone with 6 regiments towards Zeits: from thence they say he intends to goe towards Gera, and so on into Voitland, to attempt something against the Imperialists: and because it is assured that Generall Bannier is comming hitherwards with the whole Army, into Misnia, it [Page 456]is feared he will attempt something against this citie: he carried along with him a great number of small boats, upon waggons, which makes some thinke, that hee will make an attempt upon one or other place on the river of Elve. Some of Generall Major Pfuels regiments lye yet within three or foure leagues of this Citie, and ransacke the whole countrey for great summes of money, threatning withall, that they will fire and burne downe all the townes that refuse to pay the demanded contribution. All former invasions of the Swedes have not been so terrible to this countrey, as this now is made by Generall Major Pfuel: and besides, the cities that are almost totally ruinated, must provide twenty or thirty or more horses, to mount againe the dismounted horsemen, and they must likewise provide for them all the furniture. Of the city of Hall alone, they demand 100000 Rixdallers, and fiftie horses to mount againe so many dismounted horsemen; or else if they doe not pay the money, they will ruinate the whole citie: we heare as yet of no aid or succour.
In Silesia both Armies lye yet still in their old quarters, onely the report goes, that Generall Major Stolhans intends to demolish the citie of Beutten, and to seek his winter quarter in the Marquistate of Brandenburg and Havelland.
Duringen Decemb. 7. 17.
After that Generall Bannier had risen, the 30 of November, old stile, from Northeim with some regiments, hee marched towards Dutterstat, Heiligenstat, Mulhausen, and yesterday himselfe in person arrived at Erfurd, but his army lay last night about Frankenhausen, Greussen, Dutterstat, Sangerhausen, Sonderhausen, and other places thereabouts. Yesterday some troopes of the Swedish army came before Heldrungen, with some peeces of ordnance, to assault it by force: the Saxon garrison that lies in it, is not above 80 strong, so that it will not be able to hold out long.
Letters from Leipzick certifie, that the Swedish Generall, [Page 457]Major Stolhans lies with his Armie yet at Beutten, and Generall Golts with his Imperiall army about Lignitz, and they intent to fight for the winter quarter. Generall Major Pfuel is gone with his baggage, and much cattell from Borna towards Zeits and Gera, to what end is not known.
Ratisbone Decemb. 8. 18.
Archduke Leopold William is daily here expected: on Sunday last, the Brunswicke, Luneburg, and Hessish Embassdours arrived likewise here: the States and Peeres treat about a generall pardon. At Collen are likewise provided lodgings for the French Embassadours.
Hamburgh Decemb. 9. 19.
From Dresden is written, that the Elector of Saxonie hath given order to Colonell Vngar to guard strongly the cities of Oshatz, Eylenburg, and others, afore the Swedish forces did come thither.
From Ratisbone they write, that they are expecting here the Luneburg and Hessish Embassadours: as soone as they are arrived, they intend to take in hand againe the first point concerning a treatie of peace: the said Embassadours are passed already through Norimberg. The States and Peeres could not agree as yet about the contribution money. The Luneburgish troops lye round about Wolffenbutle.
Erfurd Decemb. 11. 21.
The Swedish Generall Major Wrangel with his eight peeces of ordnance, hath battered downe all the Pallisadoes before Heldrungen, after that the Swedish souldiers got over the yee, and by force over the wall; whereupon the Saxon garrison retired into the castle and yeelded to the Swedes upon discretion, insomuch that this strong castle, provided with double moats and walls, was quickly taken. The Swedes have now round about begirt the castle of Wendelstein, and being there is now a great frost, the Swedes will the better bee able to get forward their Artillery. Generall Bannier will not stay here above two [Page 458]dayes longer, because his army is this day arrived already about Kahla, Iena, Salfeld, and other places thereabouts. The Weymarish army, which is now commanded by Field marshall Shmitberger, and Generall Major Tupadell is likewise following, and this day it is expected about Mulhausen, and Lange, Salza, these forces are joyntly strong 16000 horse, and 11000 foot.
The other day Prince Mauritius, brother to the Prince Elector Palatine, is arrived here, who followeth now the warre, and Conte de Guebrian is expected daily; but the Duke of Longeville lies yet sick at Cassell.
The strong city of Wolfenbuttle continueth still blockd up by sixe regiments of the Duke of Luneburgs forces, before which they have builded already foure Sconces, and those regiments which lye yet about Winsen, and other places thereabouts are likewise to come before it, and then they intend to assault it by force; to which end they continue still to make great preparations of sire-workes at Hildsheim, amongst which are Granadoes of 350. pounds, they hope by that meanes, because a great store of furre is in that towne, to doe the more mischiefe, and to force the besieged the sooner to come to a composition; for the report goes, that the Duke of Luneburg will have that city againe, though it should be burnd downe to the ground.
Duringen the 11. 21. of Decemb.
The 6. 16. of Decemb. the Swedish Generall Major Wrangel begun to assault the strong castle of Heldrungen, out of which the Saxon garrison hath done great harme and mischiefe with stranggling to and fro to those of Erfurd. And the 7. 17. of Decemb. hee gave fierce fire with his two great and sixe small peeces of Ordnance, caused the Pallisadoes to be battered downe, and an assault to be given, and when his souldiers had got over the ice and moules and mastered the wall, the Saxon Commander in it with his souldiers presently retired over the draw bridge into the castle, and desired to come to a composition, [Page 459]but he was at last forced to yeeld upon discretion, himselfe was taken prisoner, and his souldiers were forced to take pay under the Swedes; whereupon the Swedes besieged likewise immediately the castle of Wendelstein, in which lies likewise a Saxon garrison.
Generall Bannier is in person yet at Erfurd, his army is arrived about Armstat and Gotha, they expect their Arrillery, which few dayes agoe was brought to Mulhausen: which way the said Army will take, every one longs to heare.
Yesterday Prince Mauritius, brother to the Prince Electour Palatine, arrived at Erfurd: this day Duke William of Weymar, and Conte de Guebrian are likewise expected here. The Weymarish army is marching hitherwards: the 6. 16. of Decemb. they had their head quarter at Osteroda, it seemeth that they have a great designe in hand. Yesterday a new Swedish Commander was sent from Erfurd to Heldrungen, which place the Swedes have strongly guarded. Generall Major Pfuel with his regiment, lies now betwixt Kemnits and Freyburg, and along as farre as Tschoppa, and hath made an incursion into Bohemia, and is returned againe with a rich booty. Those of Leipzick make great preparation for their defence.
Vlussingen the 10. 20. of Decemb.
Our Fleete which came from Rochel and Bordeaux conducted by foure men of warre, is well arrived here; Captaine Mangelar in setting out to sea hath taken a Dunkerke Eregat with 8. peeces of ordnance, and about 50. or 60. men.
Some few dayes agoe the French in Artoys had a designe in hand against the little city of Lens neare Doway, they had flung the skaling ladders already upon the wall, and had all manner of Military instruments with them; the garrison hearing the noise, made an Alarum, and got their weapons into their hands, whereupon the French leaving behind them all their skaling ladders and instruments, were forced to depart againe.
From the River of Rhyne the 12. 22. of Decemb.
The Count of Lamboy is risen from Esh, where his troopes had their randevouze, and hath given out patents to take up 600. fresh horsemen.
The Imperiallists under the command of Generall Goltz in S l sia have encamped themselves on a certaine passage at great Kotzen betwixt Lignitz and great Glogaw expecting order to take their winter-quarter in Lusatia and Havelland; two regiments of foote are marched over the mountaines towards Shweinitz to joyne with the said Generall Goltz and then he is resolved to visit Generall Major Stolhans in his quarter, the said Stolhans lyes with his Army yet at Beutten.
Out of Bohemia is written, that the Subjects in the same Kingdome complaine very much of the great contribution, which the States and Peeres of that Country are demanding of them, if it be not in time remedied, a generall revolting is to be feard. The Swedes are absolutely resolved to visit not onely Saxony, but also the Kingdome of Bohemia. Generall Bannier hath sent a Trumpeter into the city of Leipzigk with heavy threatnings, and that hee will come and keepe the mart with them, his Army consists of above 15000. horsemen besides the Infantary: Generall Major Pfuel leading the Swedish Avantguard had his head quarter at Born [...], and out of the next neighbouring townes he tooke above 500. horses, and hath likewise enquartered his troopes at Began, Grimmo and Colditz: of the city of Eylenburg he demands 3000. Rixdallers, of Moersburg 5000. of Naumburg 10000. and of all other cities as they are able to pay, insomuch that the souldiers mount themselves bravely againe. The 2. 12. of this month Generall Bannier passed with his whole Army by Northausen, the traine was so great, that the march dured from morning till five of the clock in the evening, afore all could passe by.
This march causeth already great terror and feare amongst the inhabitants in Bohemia, and most men flee with their best [Page 461]goods towards Tabor, Pilsen and other strong holds. Some Imperiall Regiments are meeting together at Egra, yet they will not bee able to hinder the Swedes in their proceedings: some Imperiall regiments, which were sent to their winter-quarter are contermanded, with promises they shall receive the promised pay, and then goe against the Swedes, to which end both Bishopricks, Bamberg and Wurtsburg have paid already some 1000. Rixdallers. At this instant we receive advise that Generall Bannier is passed already by Erfurd, so that by the next post we shall heare whether he will besiege Leipzigk. The Brandenburgish troopes with some peeces of Ordnance are gone to assault Saltzwedel: In Ianuary next a Dyet shall be kept at Stockholm in Sweden. The Swedish ships which passed through the Sound, and would not strike, arrived well at Stockholm.
Collen Decem. 13. 23.
Here are divers officers to take up new forces, Generall Major Lamboy, and Field marshall Hatzfeld, but they get but very few, that will serve: Generall Major Lamoy with his troopes, is to go towards the River of Mosel & Eyffel, but Fieldmarshall Hatzfeld 50. companies are enquartered in the Country of Gulick & 32. companies in the County of Berk: the City, and Country of Aken have agreed with them about the enquarterings, and to be free they pay 25000. Rixdallers & deliver unto them a 1000. pair of pistols, & 1000. firelocks, which within few daies shall be delivered unto the Commissarie of the Imperiall Army: the city of Kalckar the Hessens keep yet in their possessions.
Ratsibone Decem. 16. 26.
After that, last weeke his Highnesse Arch Duke Leopold William, and Generall Piccolomini were come hither on post, the next day after their arrivall, divers state, and Peeres, which were burthened too much with the winterquarters, had audience of the said Arch Duke, and desired a mittigation of their too great burthen, but they will hardly obtaine any thing; he pretends, [Page 462]that the present State, and occasion will permit it, and it is not knowne as yet, whether the said Arch Duke will continue here for a time, or whether he will returne againe to his headquarter.
Because the Imperiall forces are now all gone to their appointed winterquarters, divers Embassadours, by reason of the charges, are called home by their principall. The 1. of Decem. new stile, the Electour of Brandenburg, departed out of this life, at Coningsberg, in Prussia: the Swedes are in good hope of his sonne being 22. yeares of age, that he will conclude a peace with them, and take their part.
Norimberg Decem. 18. 28.
Hereabout this City lie enquartered 3. Imperiall Regiments, under the command of Don Conzago, which is a great burthen to this City; but being Generall Bannier is gone with his army for Bohemia; we hope, that they will shortly depart again from hence, and go for Bohemia, to oppose the Swedes.
Amsterdam Decem. 19. 29.
This week the Prince Electour Palatine, went from hence towards Gluckstat, to the King of Denmarke.
The 15. 25. of this moneth, the Lord of Beverwerth, went from the Hage, to Sealand, to goe from thence, with the first good winde to France, as is said, as Embassadour of the Lord States.
Three Dunkerck men of warre have mustered about the Vse 7. or 8. of our ships comming from the East Countries, amongst which are three, that came from Stockholm.
From Stockholm in Swedland is written, that in the said Kingdome so great preparations for warre, are made by sea, the like hath not been by mens memory. Item, that against the 7. of Iannuary next ensuing, all Prelates, and Nobles, are called to a diet, which is to be kept at Stockholm, which makes men to thinke, that they have matters of great importance in hand.
The King of Spaine writes to the Cardinall Infante, that he [Page 463]should take up with all speed 6000. new souldiers to send them over Dunkirck for Spaine.
All our companies must be compleat against the first day of March new stile.
The 14. of this moneth, we received advice from Breda, that 50. of our horsemen lighted upon 50. Spanish musquetiers, the musquetiers retired presently into a morasse upon the heath; our horsemen offered quarter unto them, but they thought to escape and would not yeeld themselves prisoners; our horse perceiving it, sent to the Bosh for some musqueriers, which forced the Spaniards at last to yeeld themselves prisoner, insomuch that not one escaped.
The last letters from France confirme, the revolt of those of Portugal, from the King of Spaine.
From Rochel they write, that they have received newes there, that Houtebeen Admirall for the West India company in Holland, hath taken Cartagena, and obtainen in the harbour there, the whole Spanish plate fleet, the certainty hereof we must expect with the next ships that come from Brasil.
At Ratisbone the States, and Peers, have now agreed together about the contribution money, for the maintaining of the Imperiall Army.
Lisbone the eighth of December 1640.
SIR, I cannot let passe, to give you a briefe rehears ll of the sudden alteration here, viz. Vpon Saturday last the pro currant the Secretary Migel de Vas Gonsaluez was slaine in his quarter in the Palace by the Nobility, and throwne out at the window in the Terrara de passa, where his corps did remaine all that day and night following, being footed and stript by the people, his beard, eares, and some of his members cut off: and next morning it was conveyed in most abject manner to the Misericordia. Presently when the Secretary was slaine, the Gentry [Page 464]rode through most streets of the citie, well accompanied and armed, crying, Viva Don Guan quarto, which was so generally received by the people, that there appeared not the least oppoposition, all taking armes in the cause, appearing under their colours in the Terra de passa, to wait the command of the Nobility, now Governours. The day was solemnized with joy, by ringing of bells, and discharging the great ordnance of ships in the river, which for the most part were English. Sunday the second of December, the castle of Lisbone rendred to the Nobility, and two dayes after the castle of Bellyne, for want of victuals, and now they are upon S. Guans, that doth yet hold out, but within few dayes will be forced also to render.
The King came to the citie two dayes since, and now is a stage building upon Terra de passa, for him to bee sworne and crowned, which the King doth desire to doe in the view of the world, to shew, as he saith, that hee comes to enjoy his right, which hath been so long detained from him.
The Portuguezes have showne such celerity as is to bee admited, there having not been in this accord, passing three or foure slaine, which made some resistance upon the comming of the Nobility to the Secretary.
The post from Spaine, Madrid, and Sivell, do not now goe, which will breed much alteration in trade, especially with such as are Cambia-dores: and likewise I doubt we shall find [...] much alteration for our English commodities, all now changing the fashions of apparrell, leaving their owne, and imitate the English and French fashions what possibly they can. Thus beseeching God that all may be for the best, to whose most holy protection I commit you, and rest yours to command: