Century 3. Numb. 20 The Nevvs for this week from Norimberg, Frankford and Holland. Wherein (amongst other things) is contained, these remarkable passages following: The great preparation of the King of Poland against the Turke. Some things done by the French in Italie. The Weymarish have pillaged all the Merchants goods of Frankford, which were going to Collen. The retreat of Banniers Army out of Bohemia, towards Misnia, with his slighting of the places he held there, and the feare they apprehend at Lipsick of his approach that way. Something from Brazil, and something from the low Countreys, and from France, and Denmark.
LONDON, Printed for Nathaniel Butter. Aprill 23. 1640. With Privilege.
The Printer to the Reader.
WE have againe reduced the methode of printing the forreigne weekly Avisoes, into two sheets, and do promise, for the content of the buyer, to sell them at a cheaper Rate, if a competent number shall be vented weekly, to recompence the charge, we shall continue them; if not, we shall be forced to put a period to the Presse, and leave every man to the pleasing of his own fansie, by a more uncertaine restrained way of private letters, or verball news, which cannot but suffer much alteration, according to the affection of the Relater.
From Norimberg.
Basel March 13.23.
THe Imperiall Ambassadours have desired of the Switzers, in their meeting at Baden, passe and re-passe thorow their Countrey, provision and certain troops of souldiers for their money; but they have received no answer as yet: in the meane time, the City of Rhynefelden, Shletstat, Colmar, but especially Bryssack, are fortified still more and more, and round about the Eckers Hill at Bryssack a strong wall is already built.
Venice March 13.23.
The French with some men, both horse and foot, have surprised in the suburbs of Cuneo six Spanish Companies of horse, dispersed them, and obtained above an hundred horses; whereupon, they pillaged the said suburbs, and other neighboring places, and afterwards fired them: they have likewise taken, contrary to their promise, from an Expresse comming from Millaine, who was going towards Thurino, as also from a barge, comming from Barcellona towards Genoa, all the letters.
Basel March 14.24.
Last Munday, the Imperiall Ambassadours delivered their proposition to the Switzers, in their meeting at Baden; namely, they desired some 1000. men, and a firme conjunction of armes for the recovering of Bryssack, and other Cities in Italie, and other things; but the Cantons would condescend unto nothing else, but that they should have leave to buy some 1000. sacks of corne in Switzerland, and that they should have free passage to carry the same away, but these demands in those particulars were absoultely denied.
From the River of Maine March 20.30.
Of the last thirty waggons, which were going from Frankford towards Collen, the Weymarish have not onely taken away all the goods, but also killed almost all the convoy and waggoners, [Page 4]for of the waggoners no more but two escaped alive, and nine souldiers came back againe to Frankford, and as we are certified, 43. men were buried in one hole; of the Weymarish were likewise many slaip, amongst which was their Commander, and many wounded; the losse of those waggons is an incredible losse, and will fall heavie upon many men: It is certaine that the Weymarish and French have relieved Bingen; the Electour of Mentz is very much incensed against Don Verdugo and other Officers, because they forsook so soon the siege before Bingen, and left the Artillerie behinde them; we heare nothing as yet, which way the Weymarish took from thence: At Hoechst they will suffer no more that any ship may go downward the Rhyne.
Vienna March 18.28.
The fourth of May the Emperour is to go from hence to Regenspurg, whether he will stay there or go further, is not known. Archduke Leopold William hath sent his Deputies hither to the Emperour to solicite money and quarter for the armie; and at this instant we heare, that ten Regiments shall be enquartered in Austria, the said Archduke Leopold William is to have his headquarter at Newhause, and Generall Piccolomini at Thabor.
Prague March 21.31.
From hence we have nothing else to write, but that the 13, 14, 15. and 25. of this moneth passed thorow this City great forces, together with the Artillerie, whom Archduke Leopold William followed the 16.26. of this moneth, his first quarter was at Shlan, foure leagues from home, and the second at Laun, three leagues from thence, and questionlesse they are now not far from the Swedish army, which lies about Caden, Cometau and Brixen; and being the Swedes stay so long there, many are of opinion, that he cannot go forward, others are of opinion, that he will expect there the Imperiall armie: The Swedish Officers are much discontented and incensed against the French King, that he keeps not his promise unto them; but what that promise is, we know not, and we heare also, that Bannier before he forsook Leutmaritz, [Page 5]hath not spoke a word with the French Resident within the space of a fortnight.
Erfurd 21.31. March
We feare, that Generall Bannier, who lyes yet on the frontiers of Bohemia will march hitherwards, because every one of the whole Countrie must bring hither presently and without any delay the halfe part of their corne and provision, and th'other halfe they shall keepe, till they receive further order, insomuch that many are of opinion that Generall Bannier will pitch his campe not far from hence on the river of Saala or Unstrat, because the Magazin heere must be fill'd with all speede, and by all appearance Generall Bannier strives to draw unto him the Weymarish and Hessish forces, and being the Swedish Colonell Coningsmark with his troopes is gone againe towards Quickaw, wherfore the Saxon Regiments are gone againe from Leipzigk towards Zeitz, Naumberg and other places to their old quarters. The Imperiall troopes under the command of Colonel Gils de Haas haveleft the siege before Masfeld, and are gone towards Coningshoven, because the Weymarish Colonell Rosa is gon with 1000. horsmen towards Mainungen. Betwixt the City and the Duke of Brunswick is likely to be a new warre, because the Duke will not permit unto the Citie to keepe the 2 new yearely faires or Marts, which priviledge was given unto them by the Emperour, they have contradicted it and protested against it, and they have likewise caused all the cattels to be taken away in the open field from the outlandish merchants, which they had bought at Brunswick. The King of Denmark will not diminish the custome in the Sound, but rather raise the same at Tangermund. 2000. Brandenburgish Souldiers passed the River of Elve to free againe the old Marquisate of the Swedes, but the Swedes draw likewise their forces together to oppose them.
Dresden 20.30. March.
The Imperiall Armie lyes now about S [...]atz, Cometau & other places there abouts; Many are of opinion, that the Swedish Generall [Page 6] Bannier cannot well get forward, who arrived the 17.27. of this month with his whole Armie at Annaberg; the prisoners relate, that Bannier is resolved to pitch his campe about Qwickaw and to expect there the imperiall Armie, to which end Colonell Coningsmark with his troopes is likewise marching againe thitherwards: the Swedish troopes, that lye in Kemnitz, keepe themselves in readinesse every howre to march forward, and the chiefest Townsmen of the said City are departed from thence.
Leipzig 21.31. March.
The Swedish Commanders in Kemnitz and Qwickaw demand a great summe of mony and great store of corne of the Townsmen, threatning them with fire and sword; the like hath done Colonell Coningsmark with those of Zeitz, Pegaw, Weissenfels, Naumburg, and other places, and made them pay great sums of mony, his souldiers dealt cruelly with the inhabitants which rose againe from their quarters the 16.26. of this month & march to Generall Bannier, who hath commanded some 100. men through the woods towards Egra and other places; and at this instant we receive avisoes, that Colonell Coningsmark with his troops is comming back again, whither he is forced by the Imperiallists to retire, and whether He intends to ruinate fully our Countrie, time will shew: which causeth great terror and lamenting amongst the Inhabitants. Some say, that there be but two Swedish Regiments, which are to conduct Generall Banniers Ladie and his daughter to Erfurd, the said troopes stragle already as farre as Altenburg.
Collen 22. March 1 Ap.
The Elector of Collen, who within these two dayes, will bee here or at Bon, hath caused throughout the whole Countrie to be published, none of his subjects shal take service under any outlandish Prince because himselfe intends to leavy eight Regiments, whereof the Colonells are nominated already; to what end is [Page 7]not knowne. From Spain is written, that a great part of Madril happened on fire which hath consumed a great part of the Kings Court with other costly things. Marquis de Leden is to goe as Spanish Ambassadour to Dusseldorp and to demand of the Duke of Newburg an absolute answer, whether He will remaine constant to the house of Austria or no, because he drawes the Hessish troopes so farre into his Countrie, which have taken already their quarter in diverse Townes in the Country of Gulik and Bergk, and into Siegberg shall likewise be put three companies.
Metz 16.26. March.
The Count of Enkenfort was to depart from Paris the 7.17. of this month, but being that Monsieur de Fequiers two sonnes arrived there and certified the French King of their fathers death, wherefore the said Count of Enkenfort, was carried againe to Boys de Viceneres.
From Frankford.
Venice 20.30. March
The differences betwixt the Pope and the French King grow still greater and greater, and it is likewise confirmed, that all the Clergie in France must receive their benefices of the French Bishops & not of the Pope: After the holidais the Governor of Millane is resolved to go to field with 24000. men both horse and foote, to which end He causeth a bridge to bee laid over the River of Ponere Valenza, and hath sent unto Prince Thomas of Savoy a succour of 2000. foote and 2000. horse, who hath block'd up the City of Chivas and ruinated already the mills. The French garrison in the Gastle of Thurino is not above 600. strong, the rest died of the sicknesse, wherefore the French Generall Count of Harcourt drawes together at Pignarola all the French forces, and gathers great store of provision and ammunition [Page 8]to relieve both places, which are in great distresse: through Languedok are marching also 15. French Regiments of foot and six Regiments of horse toward Piemont. The Turkes have taken not farre from Cadix two English ships with some 100 barrs of Silver to the value of 800000. Crownes, which were appointed for the Cardinal Infant in the Low Countries: two Turkey Pirats which were kept block'd up by our galleys at Modoy, are got of the harbour by a faire winde, but our Galleys persued presently after them, and sunck them: and from Constantinople they certifie, that fourty thousand Tartarians have already made an invasion into Poland, wherefore the King of Poland hath sent already diverse troopes and peeces of ordinance towards the frontiers to oppose the Tartarians, He hath likewise called a Diet against the 3.13. of Aprill. The letters from Basel bring no other newes, but that a great summe of mony is remitted to the French Armie, and that foure thousand foot and a thousand horse are marching thitherwards to reinforce that Armie.
Vienna 25. March 4. Ap.
His Imperiall Majesty is resolved yet, to goe from hence the second of May to Regenspurg, the report goes that He will not stay long at Regenspurg, but whether He will goe from thence, time will shew. The Imperiall Fieldmarshall Hatsfeld is departed from hence and gone againe to the Armie in Bohemia, whether He will goe into Wesphalia or against the Wemarish Armie, will shortly appeare.
Prague the 28. of March, the 7. of April.
At this time we have but little newes to write, onely we heare, that the Swedish Gen: Bannier is marching through Misnia towards Erfurd, whether hee will take his way from thence, is not knowne: Some Regiments of the Imperiall forces are to goe into Austria to refresh themselves. Erfurd the 27. of March. the 6. of Apr:
Gen: Bannier hath a very bad march in his comming back from Bohemia, and in these deep wayes he was faine to put before divers wagons loaden with baggage, 16. and more horses, and before divers peeces of ordnance, he was faine to put from 60. to 70. horses, yet they were not able to draw them through the mire, wherefore Gen: Bannier was forced to put his owne horses before the Canons, and hath cōmanded from 5. to 800. musquetiers to draw together with the horses and to get them forward: On wednesday last General Bannier had his head quarter at Qwickaw, and at this present he lyes about Altenburg, by al appearance, he wil march through Misnia,, and come to this Citie and pitch his Campe here abouts, to which end divers of his Officers as also his own Nephew are arrived heere with 400. horse men and divers other troopes are to follow them, on th'other side the Imperiall General Piccolomini followeth likewise close, who kept on Sunday last his Randevouz at Annaberg, but he hath onely his horse men about him, & the foot forces together with Arch-Duke Leopold William and the Artillerie follow as fast as they can, which puts these Countries into great terrour, every one in the Countrie must bring presently the halfe part of his provision into the Magazin, insomuch that Gen: Banniers comming into these parts prognosticates, that he will draw the Weymarish forces unto him, & if they doe not come unto him it is thought, that hee will passe againe the River of Elve and goe towards Lusatia, to which end Colon: Coningsmarck hath about him some 100. [Page 8]Carpenters to build not onely bridges over the River of Muldaw at Grimma and Coldits, but over the River of Elve at Torgaw, that he may joyne there with Gen: Major Stollhans, the said Col: Coningsmarck hath entertained the 15.25. and 16.26. of this moneth about Taucha a hot Skirmish with the Saxon troopes, in which those of Leipzig tooke many prisoners, amongst which was a Captaine of horse, and obtained 3. Standards, most men are of opinion, that Gen: Bannier will at once turne away, where they imagine lest of it, in the meane time the Countrie of Misnia and Duringen wil be fully ruinated. The Electour of Brandenburg his troopelie yet about Tangermunde, which are not yet passed the River of Elve, the reason is not knowne. The Duke of Luneburg makes great preparations to goe to field, who causeth his Campe about Northeim to be repaired, and in haste to be brought together 300. strong horses for the Artillerie, it is thought, that he intends, if any forces should come that way, to turne thē away betimes. In Prussia are likewislevied great forces for the King of Poland, Lievtenant General Baudissen hath likewise taken service under the said King. The King of Denmarck his forces lie yet in and about Pinneberg, many are of opinion, that some strange businesses will fall out that way, because the Count of Shaumburg is gone towards Holland, who as the report goes, hath taken service under the States.
Leipzig the 28. of March. the 7. of Apr:
After that the Swedish Generall Bannier was arrived the 18.28. of this moneth with his whole Armie and 72. peeces of ordnance at Annaberg and Grimma, hee enquartered his Regiments in those parts, and in the meane time commanded Col: Conings marck with 6. Regiments of horse, and 1 Regiment of Dragoners towards Pirna, which arrived thereabouts on Monday last, and the next day after they marched forwards towards Taucha, and from thence over the River of Bahra, and came within a league of this Citie, wherefore all the Saxon Regiments of horse together with 400. musqueriers of the Regiments of foot, that lie here were commanded [Page 9]abroad to surprise Colonel Coningsmarck with his troopes, which on Tewesday last about 6. of the clock in the evening skirmished together, in which skirmish 30. of the Saxons were slaine, many taken prisoners and many wounded, amongst the prisoners is Lievtenant Col: Callenberger & one Captaine of horse, and the Svvedes obtained the most part of the baggage of Colonell Shleinitz his Regiment, on the Swedish side were likevvise many slaine, for at Mockan they digged a great hole, and buried many in it, and fired thereabouts 2. Countrie houses, the Saxons obtained 2. Standards and many prisoners, whereupon the aforesaid Colonel Coningsmarck returned back againe to Grimma and from thence to General Bannier, because the report vvent, that the Imperiall forces vvere arrived about Mariaberg, vvherefore Gen: Bannier caused his Ladie vvith 4. Regiments of horse and foot to be conducted from Annaberg to Erfurd, & hath likewise called unto him al the foot forces, that lay at Kemnitz except 150. horse men, and to Pirna he hath sent for the safeguard, as also for other troopes that lay thereabouts to come unto him to Qwickaw vvith all speed, some are of opinion, that he aimes at this Citie of Leipzig, because hee hath alreadie sent about 200. Carpenters towards Grimmato build a bridge there, as also one at Torgaw to draw unto him the Swedish troopes under the command of Gen: Major Stollhans & Axell Lillie. Colien the 26. of March the 5. of Apr:
Th'other night hath beene heere and in the Countrie of Gulick and berg a great earthquake, which hath put every one into a great feare; The Hessish forces possesse now the whole Countrie of Berg excepting Wipperfurt.
Franckford the 4.14. of Aprill.
Gen: Bannierlies now with his whole Armie about Erfurd to expect there the Imperiall Armie, the Weymarish forces are drawing together from all places to joyne with the said Generall Bannier.
Prague the 14.24. of March.
The 7.17. of this moneth the Swedish Gen: Bannier forsooke the Citie of Brandeyes, burned and ruinated the [Page 10]mills and bridges of the Citie, and demolished all the works, the like he did at Melnick, and went from thence towards Leutmaritz where his whole Armie passed the River of Elve, where he ruinated the walls, gates, and all other fortications in the like manner: The bridge he tooke up, and all the provision, which he could not take along with him, hee spoiled: Because of this unexpected retreate our Gen: came th'other day hither again, & tooke his head quarter in these 3. Cities, the Crabats and other troopes were immediately commanded over the white Hill, and all the boates were carried towards Melnick to transport the Imperiall Armie over the River All the Regiments excepting Colleredos, Wallensteins, and Lesleys, which remaine heere for a guarrison, are marching with all speed towards the Imperiall Camps Teussing, Leutits, Plaan and Topel the Swedes have pilladged, and got of those places above 30000. Rixdallers, and thereupon drew all their Safeguards unto them.
Another from Prague the 17.27. of March
After that the Swedish forces for want of provision had risen from the River of Lippe, where they lay strongly entrenched, the Imperiall forces recovered and guarded again the Castle and Citie of Brandeys, where the Swedes had blowne up the walls on 4. severall places, the 8.18. of this moneth they recovered the passage of Melnick. The 9.19. the Citte of Leutmaritz and the 11.21. the strong Castle of Tershen, finding all those places without guarrisons, and all the fortifications and outworkes ruinated. From Leutmaritz the Swedes have taken along with them some Capucyn Fryers and other Clergie men, as also some of the Senate. Some of the Imperial troopes passed the River of Elve at Brandeys because the bridge at Leutmaritz could not so speedely bee repaired again. The 11.21. of this moneth passed through this Citie the Crabats to pursue after the Swedes. The 12.22. the Artillerie; The 13.23 the Hatzfeldish, and 14.24. the Piccolominish Armie, whereupon Arch Duke-Leopold William followed the next day after, the Imperiallists striue to cut off [Page 11]the passage from the Swedes, if so be they take their way to wards Annaburg or Mariaberg; Many wagons which the Swedes could not take along with them they broke in peeces and left them behind, and they have non ore along with them but 1500. wagons loaden with baggage. About Costelits were found 2. peeces of ordnance which the Swedes had sunk into the River of Elve. Holland. Iena the 18.28. of M.
Wee are here again in great distresse and miserie, and are like to be totally ruinated, because Colonell Coningsmarck with his troopes is gone through Gera towards Zeitz, and Colonel Slangh towards Pirna with a resolution to surprise the Saxons in their quarters. The Saxon troopes, that lay at Naumburg and in Voitland are all upon flight, and are retired by Magdeburg into the Principalitie of Anhalt. By this unexpected invasion all the winter corne in the field will be totally spoiled & ruinated, & the Inhabitants will perish for want of foode. Colonel Gilles de Haas writes to Duke William of Weymar, that he hath order from the Emperour to block up the Citie of Erfurd. The 14.24. of this moneth passed through this Citie of Ieva 300. Swedish horsemen, which relate, that Gen: Bannier with his Armie lay in a good posture about Cometaw, & that the Imperiallists lay yet far off from him. The Imperial Army is stronger then the Swedish Army, but the most part of them unexperienced souldiers. Yeasterday we received avisoes; that the whole Swedish Armie was comming towards Annaberg, which demands of the Citie of Altenburg 2000 quarters of corne. Erfurd the 19.29. of M.
Gen: Bannier writes from Cometaw to our Governour, that he shall gather a great quantitie of provision, which makes us beleeve, that the Armie will come this way.
Paris the 21.31. of March.
In Italie both Armies are not yet strong enough to undertake any thing. 2000. French horse & foote have defeated in the Suburbes of Cuneo 2. Companies of Prince Thomas his Life-guard, and afterward fired the said Suburbes.
Mounsieur Senantes is to leade 2000. foot and 500. horse [Page 12]towards Italie for the reinforcing of the French Armie; Monsieur de Bordeaux is gone towards Provenze to cōmād there the Armie by Sea and Land. The Prince of Conde is going towards Languedock, and Marshall de Chastilion towards Champaigne. Mounsieur de Milleray commands the greatest Armie in Piccardie, and the Duke of Chaune is to cōmand the Voluntiers. Vlussingen the 26. of M. the 5. Apr:
Captaine Abraham Corunissen is arrived here with Saint Malo ships, and hath met with no Dunkerkers at Sea. Heere lye readie 4. men of warre which are to goe to Sea with the first wind.
Mastricht the 28. of March, the 7. of April.
Yeasterday were brought in heere 18. horses together with 5. horsemen, which are in stead of hostages for some others, that were wounded. This partie being 43. strong was defeated in Braband by one of our parties, the wagons, which they conducted saved themselves, the aforesaid 18. horses are sold here for 2000. guilders.
Hamborough the 28. of March the 7. of Aprill.
From Bohemia we have received the confirmation, that Gen: Bannier hath forsaken Leutmaritz, fired the wooden bridge, taken along with him great store of corne, & the rest he hath sold unto the Magistrates at 3. yeares payment. The Castle of Brix & Rotenhausen Gen: Bannier hath taken, and found in it great store of provision, which hee tooke along with him, and forsooke the places againe, insomuch that the seat of warre will be againe in Misnia.
The Swe: Gen: Major Axel Lillie writes frō Witstock, that he lay for some weekes round about the said Citie being in hope to ruinate the Brandenburgish troopes, & to secure the River of Elve, but being he received Letters from Gen: Bannier, that he should send most part of the foot forces towards Silesia, wherefore he caused immediately a Regiment of 700 men together with an Esquadron of Iohn Oxenstern & other [Page 13]troopes to march towards Franckford on the Oder. Colonel Kerberg hath received order from the said Axel Lillie to leavie a Regiment of horse, whose Randevouz shall be in the Middie Marquisate. The City of Witstock is guarded by 200 foote and 1. Companie of Swedish horse. In Pomerania and Mecklenburg the Swedes continue to levie strong forces.
Franckford the 31. of March the 10. of Aprill.
Gen: Bannier writes from Annaberg of the 12.29. of Mar: as followeth: Colonel Slangh, who hitherto lay at Keden, with the Avantguard, to keepe back the enemie, hath met an Imperiall partie of 3000. horse under the command of Colonell Saradetzky, who marched at Melnick over the bridge & led the Avantguard to surprise Col: Slangh in his Poste, & after a long and bloodie fight Col: Slangh put the Imperiallists to flight, inso much that the aforesaid Colonell Saradetzky with much adoe saved himself a foot into the wood, all those that would not yeeld prisoners presently, were slaine, and many Officers, the number whereof are not yet known are brought prisoners into the Campe, and the rest that saved themselves by flight, the peasants made fully an end of them.
From Voitland of the 21.31. of March is confirmed the overthrow of Col: Saradetzky, & that he saved himselfe with 18. horsemen into Shlackawald. The 19.29. of Mar. Gen: Bannier was come within 6. leagues of Eysenberg, & went at Gera over the bridge towards Naumburg & Leipzig. Colon: Coningsmarck had his quarter at Mildenfort. Gen: Piccolomini is likewise comming towards Misnia.
Ambsterdam the 4. 14. of Aprill.
The great and heavie peeces of ordnance are carried from Dort towards Nimmegen, & the little shipbridge is likewise embarked. This weeke are arrived in the Texel, Some ships, which came from St. Haves, which bring newes, that the 10. [Page 14]of March wrs arrived there a barge with avisoe of newes, that reports he had seene 22 ships of Fernambourg, amongst which were some fire ships, which met and amounted with (upon the Height of Capo St. Augustine) 30. or 26. Spanish ships & Pinnaces, which had gone to Sea from the Bay in Ianuary, but could not tel who had gotten the victory, because he could not stay to see the end.
Captaine Peter Bancker an Adventurer of Sealand hath brought up at Rochal a prise of Rio Genero with 400 Chests of Sugar, wherewith he is expected in Sealand every day. Another Adventurer who went to sea without Commissiō hath likewise mastered about the Ilands divers Portugal barges. The great boates and shloopes are brought from Dort to Vlussingen, Some 100. Marriners with divers Shloopes are come to Santulikt which have some designe in hand, against which our Souldiers lye in waite.
LONDON, Printed for NATHANEEL BVTTER. Aprill. 23. 1640. with Priviledge.