CORANTE, OR, NEVVES FROM Italy, Germanie, Hungarie, Spaine and France. 1621.
From Lyons the 6 of Iune 1621.
OVr King in person lies before S. Iohn Dangely, wherein the Duke of Roans brother is gouernour; whereof the Towne issued out 2. mile towards their enemie: First Beamont regiment, and after them a company of light horsemen, after that a truce for 8. dayes was made therein to intreate for peace: In the meane time preparation is made to besiege Rochell, and the Duke de Guise is gon to Marsellis, there to prepare an armie by Sea, to besiege Rochell by water, Monsiere Ladigniera is not permitted to goe from the Court, it may be, because they feare, that he being a Souldier of great experience might seeke to aide those of the religion; it is sayd that there shalbe a new gouernour chosen in his place of gouernment in Daulphinois.
In Parris in regard of certaine marshall matters, the spiritualtie assembled together, and as the Bishop of Bollonia desired to haue obedience before the Parliament, as he begunne to frame his Oration, his speach beganne to faile him, and when he would haue giuen it in writing, he could not doe it, but within three houres after he died speachlesse.
From Venice the 21 of Iune 1621.
From Millane it is written, that although there hath 2. commissions already bin sent out of Spaine to restore Valtelma againe; the gouernour to the contrarie sends more men thether, the like doth the Arch Duke Leopoldus, and see that 14. companies of Switzers entred into Leopoldus gouernement; and therein burnt an Abby the restitution is stayed, yet the Spaniards were forced to giue backe, who wonder much, that the Duke of Sauoy musters many Souldiers, and they know not his intent.
From Constan [...]inople it is written that the great Turke with his principall officers, is gon to Adrianapolie, with a great number of Ianitzeries and Spaggyans his armie, besides the Tartarians being 3 [...]O thousand strong, that haue taken 4. millions and a halfe of Suldanes out of the treasurie with them to pay their Souldiers, and he hath deliuered 4. hundred thousand Suldanes to his generall of the Seas, who with 70. shippes or gallies is gon into the blacke Sea, to keepe the Cossackers backe, that with their gallies vsed to goe almost to Constantinople, and other lette [...]s certifie, that the great Turke, will goe into Polonia with 150. thousand men, and will send 100. thousand into Moldauia, and as many into Hungaria, to withstand the Emperor of Germanie if he attempteth any thing.
From Lentsch in Hungarie the 4. of Iune, 1621.
Heere is great trouble, there are 400 Dutch souldiers in the Towne, and there shall 1200. more come, which will trouble vs much.
The 6. of Iune at Eperies there shall an assemblie be holden without doubt, because Bethlem Gabor is desirous to know of the Nobilitie there small resolution, whether they will hold with him or n [...]t :it is thought, that the 15 of Iune he will march forward with all his forces, and that the Marquis of Ia [...]e [...]nedors will ioyne with him strange things will shortly be heard of, whosoeuer liues to see them; seeing hee can doe nothing in the treatie of peace, because they sought to betray him: it is sayd that 30 thousand Turkes, and 20 thousand Tartarians are marching forward, that are to fall vpon Krain and Kaeneten, God be mercifull vnto vs, if it comes to that, that the Turkes and Tartarians should destroy this goodly Countrie, God turne it all to the best.
From Lentsch the 10 of Iune 1621.
To morrow the generall assembly of the States is to begun at Eperies, and this day there are certaine letters come, one from the Emperor, wherein he writes very friendly vnto the States, another from the Lords Palatine, and the third from Se [...]schi Georgen, with all in a manner are sent vnto Bethlem Gabor as there King. What answere shall be giuen them, and this assemblie will effect, we shall heereafter know.
From Neis the 13. of Iune 1621.
On Whitsunday his grace let Balthaser Hoffman Van Gorlitz that was agent for the Emperor heere, vntill this present, goe out of prison, who was forced to deliuer the key of his Masle, and it was opened to see what was therein.
Lieutenant Lohaue hath a good number of men by him againe, yesterday caused 10. barrels of beere, and some wine to be sent into his quarter, a great number of men come to him with his grace, entertaines, and the money giuen them in hand is payd in Bethlemish duckets, and Rhe [...]s gold Nobles; he giues a horse man 15. Florins in hand; it is thought that they will shortly goe to Otmachaw a mile and a halfe from hence, which for that it is a strong Fort, therefore they intend to fortifie themselues therein: Leischwicz was yesterday more then halfe burnt by fire that fell in a Malt-house.
From Neis the 20. of Iune 1621.
It is said 6. or 700 of these stubee Souldiers horsemen shall come hether, yesterday about 2. of the clo [...]ke at night there came 3. Posts hether to what end we know not, but all the Captaines that were here in the Towne, were sent for to the Marquis, and presently posts were sent into the quarter, and the people willed to come. The Towne-gates were kept shut till nine of the clocke in the morning, and at last none but the gate vnder the toll Towre was set open, and all the company that lay in the new Towne, stood still in armes about 10. of the clocke, the same company came in hether and were set before the lanet Captaines house, with commandement to charge there peeces, after that they were sent into the Castle, and therein also are some of the Burgers with them that lay therein before, while this company went into the Castle, the Lorrehouse company, stood still behind the Castle, which procured no small feare.
Yesterday it was reported, that Beuten belonging to the Marquis was burnt by the Polanders, and Iagerendorp taken by the Emperors forces, whether it be so or not, by the next we shall know: Since the gilders are daily caried by the Captaines and Commaunders into the quarter to pay the Silecian Souldiers.
From Vianna the 25. of Iune 1621.
Although Stentzel Tuerso is in treatie with Bucquoy, the Hungarians in Newheusel will not grant to yeild, but will rather cut Tuerso in peeces, then graunt to yeild: Therefore great store of great Ordinance, bullets and powder are this weeke sent thether to batter the Towne; there is likewise 600 thousand Florins in money, and 200. thousand Horns in iewels sent, to giue euery one of our Souldiers 3 moneths pay: in the meane time the Hungarians daily skirmish with our men, and it is sayd that Bethlem at Caschew prepares a great strength to releiue Newheusel, and that Setschy George seekes to stop his passage.
On this side the Earle of Colaldo hath gotten the Budianers goods out of the inuincible Castle called Gossingen, where he himselfe is, whereof there is a deale of corne and wine come, which is sent backe to Papa and the comischlien borders.
In Morauia, there are more principall Lords and Burgers committed to prison, whose expectation, as also in Prague of the prisoners shall this weeke be done, and Erasmus & George Van Laudaw shall be brought prisoners hether.
The Emperors iourney to Prague shall begin the fift of Iulie, and the Rickes day at Regenspurg shall begin the 1. of Semptember.
From Prague the 26. of Iune 1621.
The seuenth of this moneth, as 8. daies since it was written, old Sruewin, one of the imprisoned directors, in the night time threw himselfe headlong out of the white Tower into the ditches and there died, his body was yesterday cut in 4. [Page]quarters, and hange in 4. places of the high way, his head and hand nailed vpon the Gibet in the Towne, and it is sayd that the execution of the rest next Monday or Tuesday shall be done: It is said that Silesia the Souldiers are discharged, and that there are certaine Captaines sent thether with gold to take vp men for the Bohemian states; who at their owne charges will raise an other Regiment of Souldiers for the Emperor; it appeares that the Marquis of Iagerendors, makes great preparation for warre, and that with him is the young Earle of Thorne, the barron Van Lumpenburgh, Colonell Stubenwoll, Tscheretin and others.
Thabor holds out still, and daily make sallies out, and neither side holds quarter; but if on either side they take any Souldiers, they straight hang them vp, and Colonell Francke is still heere.
This Fronlichnam feast, was holden by the Catholickes in the presence of the Prince of Liechtensteen and others, principall Lords, with a stately Procession, and in the old Towne, or by the old Bohemians or Hussites held by two banners of handicrafts men.
From Reinhausen the 22. of Iune 1621.
This day the Rheingrates Ottains 10. cornet of horse, being well armed & mounted by Lyence of his grace lodged in the Bishop of Speres Territories.
Thursday next at Crentznach, and Sunday after at Openheim there shall be an open Procession made, and all the inhabitants that are not Catholikes, and will not goe with the Procession are commanded to be quiet and not to stir vpon paine of death.
From Bergstrassen the 24. of Iune 1621.
The Rhingrate Ottains horse men that are discharged, that serued the Vnion goe from hence to Wetteraw, and the Kniphaushe Souldiers are come into the Territories of Wurtzburg, and 1000. horses ioine with them, which robe and rantsancke all about the Countrie, and while the Souldiers that are taking vp Continewes; they imbolden themselues to goe in troupes together.
Out of the vpper Palatinate the 19. of Iune 1621.
The Earle of Mansfields souldiers doe great hurt by robbing, rantsacking and burning of houses, and for that the Towne of Weyden that should haue giuen 4000. Florins refuse it, the Earle of Mansfield will lay his campe betweene Weyden and the new Towne on the Walduab, what the Duke of Newburg or Sultzbach will say to that, we shal hereafter know, and for that the Lords of Weymar haue ioined their forces with his, the Earle of Mansfield is about 15. thousand horse and foote men strong, and st ll more Souldiers come to him, it is thought hee will breake vp his campe at Thaus, and goe further into Bohemia, and leaue 2. Regiments of souldiers in the Palatinate, and if Pilsen Eelenbogen and Eger were with him he would goe towards prague: this day there hath bin iustice done among all the Colone [...]s, Captaines of horsemen, and Captaines touching Colonell Franckenstand, or Malefitz who was cited to appeare, and if he did not, to be prescribed Doctor Leiminger, did much complaine of him, saying that he was the cause that Pilsen gaue ouer: The Bauiarn souldiers spoile all about Elenboghen and Romigsweeret, and many runne away: They want prouant, and many of them die and so doe Mansfields men, Thabor, Klingenburgh, and Wittengaw hold strong still, if they had good Garrisons.
From the Hage the 28 of Iune 1621.
By the last out of France it is written, that they of S. Ihon Dangely haue issued out vpon the Kings forces, and haue slaine some hundreds of them, and that the Prince of Guiuille and other Lords were hurt, whereby the Kings forces were forced to retire 4. miles backe; in the meane time the Duke of Roan in Langedor, Guienne, and those places there abouts, raiseth a great armie for those of the religion, and euery day more Colonels ioyne with him, and make great preparation for the warre, while they see it will be no otherwise, God helpe them in their iust cause, and send them good issue. The King, that is still incited and moued by the Priests & Iesuites, to hold war, and contribute to the same, takes vp 10. or 12000. men more, wherupon not onely they of the religion but also some peaceable Papists iuggle strangely of such and the like counsellers.
Yesterday a Polish Ambassador (that had bin in France, and Brabon and there long frequented with the Spaniards) came hether and was according to the maner stately receiued, on Saturday he had audience giuen him in the generall states counsell his Excellencie being present, who as I vnderstand, spake to them to this effect, that for as much as the Turke prepared great forces to inuade Poland and other Christian Countries, that they would graunt some aide, to direct him from thence, and doe their best therein, as a so that they would graunt to a long time with the Spaniards, that so the house of Austria might employ all their forces against the Turke, what answere he had, is not yet knowne.
That the Zelands men of warre haue brought in 5. Spanish shippes laden with all kinde of wares, and that ship of warre for the States are layd before all the Sea hauens of Portugall and Spaine.
For that they of Hertogenbuske, did take the gouernour of the Graues watch and horses, he sent out certaine Souldiers to enter into a Village belonging to the Bush called Osy: Where as then there was a Fayre, which he rantsackt and spoiled, and his Souldiers with great bootie and many prisoners came home to the Graue againe.
To morrow the States Proclamation touching preparation to be made for the Armado, to goe to the West Indes at euery mans costs and charges shall be proclaimed.
From Bon the 1. of Iuly 1621.
By our last we haue newes out of Fraunce, that they of the religion prepare a great armie, to that end gathering great troupes together, and many resort vnto them, to aide themselues in their iust cause.
Two dayes since the Lords and Officers of Bohemia that are come out of the Countrie, and now in the Netherlands, had audience first of his Excellencie and after of the generall States, and by the chiefe Chauncelor, were much commended (that made a long Oration vnto them to that end) for their fidelitie, and most friendly welcomed, and so conuaied to their lodgings, and there when the King goes to Church or to the Court, honorable attend him.
This day an Arminian preacher who apparelled like a souldier. preached at Gouda, was committed prisoner.
The Bishop of Collens Ambassadors haue once had an exedition, and haue moued the Newtralyte there, to appoint a certaine time when they would take order for reparation to be made for the Turkes deteriments.
The Zelanders haue brought in 3. shippes more besides 5. others, Spanish ships laden with Oyle, Suger, and other wares, and not long since there is a great Zeland ship come thether called Wallacher, out of the East Indes richly laden, and 2. others are comming to Amstelredam.
The west Indian Marchants patent is proclaimed euery where.
Printed at Amstelredam by Broer Ionson, dwelling on the new side behinde Borchwall in the siluer Can, by the Brewery, the 9. of Iuly. 1621.