The Courant cut of Italy and Germany &c.
From Roome the 14. August, 1621.
THe Polish orater is departed from hence with good contentment / for that the popes holines hath graunted the King of Poland assistaunce of 20000. Fl. monethly / there vpon the firsts monet is 20000. Fl. is remitted all ready.
Mons. Montorio is gone from hence to Cullon to his Nuntiator.
The Sing: Duca de Palin hath sent 10000. Crownes to Germanie / there with all to ransom Sing. Torquate Corty who was taken prisoner in Hungaria before Newheusell by Betlem Gabor.
From Venise, the 20. of August.
Art Millanen are com 1000. Spaniards / for to laid in Garrisson here and there in Lomberdie / and there are so many more expected / Don Cio / shoulde likewise with all expedition levie o [...] Regiment of souldiors / to which ende 12 Captaines are prepared and 800. Cronwnes is given to [...] of t [...]em.
The Restitution of Peltoline is wholly unsertaine / for the same places are fortified Againe / because the Switsers Ambassadours will not yealde unto such conditions as are made unto them by the Deputies of the King of Spaine and the house of Austria.
From Spaine are sent great store of siluer som few daies agone to Insbrugh for to be quoyned.
From Constantinople is written of the 14. of this present / that many bridges were made over the Donoub, to the intent that the Ottamanisch host might more the better forwarde Againsts Poland so that a greate Company of Turkes have given themselves already unto the borders of Poland / but 8000. of the same are slaine of the Pall [...]cks who had hid them selves in an ambushment / likewise the Generall of the Cosackes hath sett upon 15000. Tartarians which were merching to the Turkich Armie / and scatered them here and there.
From Vienne, the 25. dito.
After that the Hungarians had burnt fom 200. Castles villadges and markett townes with much growing graine / they retired back and have besieged Presburg / which then have strongly began to shoote upon withe there peeces of Ordinaunce into the Citie and Castle of Presburg then 19. 20. 21. and 22. of this prenssent whic [...] shooting they continue yett those within defend them felves lustily / and haue resolved to Stand it out constantly to the last drop of there blood / if so be they can but receive assistance from the-Emperour with souldiors and provisiō and there are 8000. men allreaddy which have lien here and there in Bohemia and Moravia / with many folk from Sylesia / gathered at a place called the marckt in Moravia they also goe to Presburg to help those within Against Betlem.
The Budianies folk doe likewise greate harme on this side of the Donouw with Burning and roving they are within 4. or 5. legines of this Cittie / and the inhabitans or subjects in the Country runne away for yeare. So that all Kinde of graine in the fields spoiles for want of dressing / Brave Colaldo hath notwithstanding received commaundement to march against the newstad for to hinder such roving so much as possibly he can.
And after that the Emperour hath given a generall Pardon to the Moravians / and sert a libertie all those which were imprisoned / they have there uppon talken in hand to levie souldiors / and are resolved to defend there land from any further assaults / more souldiors are expected from other quarters.
Captaine Becker / who was taken prisoner of the Hungarians 3. weekes agone is gott free agayne and [...]e at this present [...]eere.
From Presburg 21. of August.
The 16.17. and 18. hereof hath the Enimie Puch his whole Camp in the fields by the Hagen within and without the wine mountaines against the Cittie / and taken in hand to shoote against this Cittie with there ordenauce / upon the 19. 20. and 21. hereof / for they lodged presently in the subburbs / and doe begin to fortifie themselves against the Cittie / here against these with in do not stand still / and have now; daies and night long without ceasing shote with there Canons out of the Cittie and Castle against / the Enimie doth the like against them of the Cittie and Castle so that on both sides many good souldiors are slaine / last night the Enimie hath brought 4. peeces of ordnaunce to the Schandorper street / where withall he hath this morning gearly / Bartered the Bolwerk by S. Michells Gate very much with shooteing / but with out any danger / for the walles at the same place are not only very strong and fast / but also the outer dwengers wall hath yet received no hurt so that they will not so soone make any brech with there shooting / likewise when any hurt is done by them it is presently repaired and filled againe with greate labour / every on is lustie and resolved to defend them selves to there utter most in deavour / hopeing alsoo that the Emperours Maj. will not forfake us with provision and more assisannce.
From Idem 22. hereof.
The Enimie Ceaseth not daie nor night / he hath shott aboute som 1500. shootes / and he draweth very neare to the steeple and Bolwarck by S. Michells Gate / and he shootes bulletts of 15.18.20. and more pounds / there against those of the Cittie and Castle doe answere them lustyly / we are in good hope that the Enimie wil shortly be driven to forsake his enterprize / because we are comforted to day with the Emperours assistaunce against to morrow.
From Prage, the 26. August.
The 19 here of in the morning aboute 9 a clocke / the late iudge of Ellenbogen / one of Stols D. Fredrich of Bespert and Doct Luycke the which [Page]besides other prisoners have lien heere in arrest / are in a open waggin with a convoy of horses carieo from hence to Burglits where they shall be kept prisoners henceforth till further resolution from the Emperour / what shall be done with the other prisoners / time will reveale.
From Tabor comes newes that the besieged defend them selves yett manfully / yesterday comes news that Don Baltasars folke have lost another storm against the besieged / 2. daies agone hath been sent from hence 150000. of Gunpouder to our folk before Tabor the Generall Paradiser who hath been maimed before Tabor / is brought hiether to be cured of his wound / as before yisterday the Bullet is cut out betweene his nose and eye / he reporteth that Tabor is not to be over com except by extraordinarie force and losse of many souldiors / and allthough our soldiors could get upon the walles / yett they with in have so fortified them selves so strongly / that it is almost impossible to com by them.
From the Palts, 3 September.
The Palts-Graves souldiors are retired from Steyn / by reason of waters / and they are lodged amile from thence in the Bergstraet being 5000. footemen / and the Horsemen lie at Hofheym a [...]d biblis / and they have a sentinelle to hold watch at Ste [...]n / there is many slayne on both sides the Paltsgrave hath 100. slayne and maimed / but the Emperours have loir many more amongst the rest were 2. Spanish Captaynes which are much lamented on there side / and they are caried to altzey / the Palts-Graves souldiors did stand to the water and fight with the Spaniards who stood upon a dam and after a brest defence / and yet not with standing driuen the Spaniards out of there advantage and taken in the same by force / they did not only encounter on both sides with Musquetts but also with pikes.
Obertrouts Horsemen have sett upon som sertayne Spanish Horsemen over Rij as by Dosthoven the which were gone out for fodder / and brought sertanne horses from the same.
It is thought that Overtrout is out this night with 300. Horses uppon an Enterprize towards Oppenheym.
From the Berghestrate 4. dito.
Two daies agone the Pals-Graves souldiors are retired back from steine / they coulde not plant any ordenaunce before the same / the Spaniards have the passe over the Rine / and there comes daily more folk over / they growe very strong and they have taken in Northeina and Wettenheym and taxed them to pay 1000. Fl. but because the women and Children are fled out of the same the Spaniards have sert fire thereon / in the Berghstrate lies greate store of souldiers in all the villadges round abouts and there resorts dayly more unto them.
From Amsterdam 18. September.
The letters from Lubec mention that the King of Suethland / doth hold the Sittie Riga in Infland yet strongly desidged both by water and by Land / and his souldiors doth labour hard about the same intending to sett upon them with all his might / because it is understand that the King of Poland is with all expedition seekinge to relieve and defend those of Riga.
We understand that the Sittie of Montaubon in Fraunce is yett besieged of the french King / and that he had taken the subberbs in / and was com under Sittie cannot stand our long / the King hath sent som part of folk to Rochell to burne downe al the milles there abouts and so in time besiedge them for to take a way al there defences and privilledges and so make them a pren for there enimies / who sought to bringe the Spanish help in to the land but those of Rochell are yet in good courage / they gad on greate Gallion ready and they prepare more.
We understand that som sertayne Merchants ships of Holland coming from Ittalie and thinking to passe thest ait of Gybralter and with the most part to goe to the Margaret in West-Inges to fetch sallt there came 9. great Ships and say led Amongst them / first shooting with powder alone as if they did in tend no hurt / but beeing Amongst them they presently shot as Enimies att them the Hollanders sayled most of them presently / out of the fleet / and the remainders defended themselves valiantly / because the Spaniards had very greate ordinaunce and beeing to strong for the other / so that we here they have taken and sonck 3 Hollanders: now whether this shal be suffered / that the King of Spaine shall acknowledge us for free Lands and yett attempt as Enimies against our Merchants Ships with deceit / time will reveale.
The passages and waies which are serviceable to the Prince of Orenge are made ready through the Berger-dyke to Doesburghe / and we shall see now what the Enimie will take in hand / whose enterprise for this yeare is thought to be disapoynted. The Prince of Orenge / with his experienced Generalls / and Ingeniors / have beene above and about Rees / to view and espie all things / and given order to make those things / which are most needfull for them. Our Shipps of Warre are most sayled to the Sconse's Gravenweart / where there is made a faire Bridge over both streames. The Prince lies above Embrick by the old Rijne / betwixt Embrick and Rees over against Griet / where he hath first caused his Tent to be pitcht this weeke. The Soul diors lie ronnd aboute in the Dilladges in the Hetter / as at Dornick / Wellingen / Haften and Meeren.
At Rees are divers more new Comp a nies in quartered with in the Cittie and with out in the sconses. The Marcquis Spinola lies with his forces at Wesell / Burck / Santen / and Berck etc. and staieth for Grave Henderick vanden Berghe who is thought to be 7000. strong and he hath over com the house at Raid aboute Gulick / there Captaine Dietvort lay with his companie so that it is Admired at that they gave it so soone over. His Maj. of Bohemie lies yett in Embrick / he doeth rides somtimes to the Prince but commonly comes in to the Cittie agaiue the same night.
AT AMSTERDAM Printed by George Veseler. The 18 of Septembre. 1621.