Newes from the Low Countries, or a Courant out of Bohemia, Poland, Germanie, &c.

THe Polonians haue begun to warre with the Turks, and the new Generall Kotk­wits is gone with the whole armie to Podolia: the report goeth, that they haue had an hot skirmish with the Turkes.

The 24 of Iuly we had here a generall As­sembly, who made a new taxation.

At Nustermts two mile from hence, Beth­lem Gabor with the Turkes and Tartarians fell vpon those Hungarians which belong to the Emperour, and made a great slaughter of them. Posniak Thomas lost 400 men, and Ste­uen Palfi which led 700 Husars, and 300 foot­men was with his Ensigne-bearer runne tho­rough with a lance of his Husars, there esca­ped but 200. and of his footmen a very few. In like manner Howetferent which comman­ded 700 free booters, came off with no more then 200. the rest being all slaine, and Nicho­las Bele [...] which with three cornets of horse­men went to helpe Bucquoy: was taken and brought to Newheusell, and of three cornets of horse, there escaped but 25.

And now Bethlem Gabor marching forward with a great power of Turks and Tartars, ma­ny Townes, as the Berghstats and Villek, are yeelded vp vnto him.

This euening Bucquoys body shal be brought hither, many of his principall Officers and Gentlemen were slaine with him and taken, and great spoiles go [...]en by the enemy. Maxi­milian of Luhtensteene and Dieffenbach is in his place till another Generall be appointed.

His Maiestie hath sent vnto Munchen in Bauaria and other places, to get aid wherewith to reenforce his army. As oft as those of New­heusell doe take any Spaniards and Italians, they sell them vnto the Turkes, but they let the Dutch men haue quarter.

The Duke of Luhtensteene presented 4000 men vnto the vse of his Imperiall Maiestie: here is great want of armour in this place. It is credily reported that the Graue van Mans­velt is aboue 20000 strong, and that folke do daily repaire vnto him.

In the last victory that we had ouer the Ba­uarians, we burnt the towne of Sitigfur, and chased the Bauarians: but the 16 of this mo­neth the enemy got vpon a certaine hill about halfe a mile from hence, whereupon the Ge­all Mansfield with 20 cornets of horsemen and fiue regiments of foote marched thither to ioyne full battell with him; but the enemy that they might not ioyne battell, stopt the passages: but about eight of the clocke the musketiers met and skirmished till the eue­ning. The enemy being put to the worse, lost great spoiles and many men, among whom was the Commander Baur, with many other Captaines and horsemen.

The Lord Generall hath encamped neare vnto the Schans: men repaire vnto him very fast euery day: the Princes are shortly to come together to make an agreement about some things. Monsieur Tilli is come halfe way and so is the Graue of Solms too. The enemy sent a Trumpetter vnto vs to request a truce for foure weekes, but the Lord Generall granted it for foure dayes, and so it remaines.

It is certified vnto vs from Weenen that the Count Bucouoy with 80 horsemen, a­mongst whom were many of his most prin­cipall officers going to take a view of a cer­taine Schans neare vnto Newheusell, was in­uironed by the Hungarians who slue him and most of his men: his body being thrust tho­rough with a lance, was caried into his campe.

Thereupon they of Newheusell set vpon the Emperours Legher with all their might, and slue about two thousand men.

And Bethlem Gabors men being vpon the frontiers of Morauia, burnt the towne of Ol­mits.

Moreouer, that the Emperour had sent a generall pardon into Morauia, whereupon all the prisoners were set a libertie againe.

It is further signified vnto vs out of Silesia, that the Marc-graue of lagheren dorpe is six­teene thousand strong, at the charges of the Clergie, and hath besieged certaine townes in Bohemia to keepe the country in awe.

The truce in the Palatinate continueth till the fourth of August, in the meane time the countrimen are very much oppressed by the Spanish garisons, who will not suffer them to mow their corne without giuing them much mony, whereby the fruits of the earth are spoi­led, and the countrymen runne away.

The Spaniards doe fortifie themselues ex­ceedingly: many Dutch Lords being ioyned vnto them, which do make great preparation for warre; what the issue will be, the time will manifest. The souldiers in the Palatinate are for the most part marched to the Earle of Mansfield, who lieth by Withensell, hauing a very great army.

On Friday last the body of the Lord Baur which was slaine by Mansfield in the fight be­fore mentioned, was brought hither from the Bauarian Legher, and embalmed, and from hence was by a conuoy of 30 horsemen sent towards Wietsburgh: but about a mile from hence they were set vpon by two cornets of Mansfields horsemen and a hundred musket­tiers, who brought them vnto Waltsaxen with a good bootie also. Here are skirmish­ings almost euery day betweene Mansfields men and the Bauarians who are alwayes put to the worse.

The ship of warre which lately sailed by, lieth not far from the Schans of Papen-Muts, for what purpose shee lyeth there, is yet vn­vnknowne.

Here both parties begin to set vpon each other, for not long since two Capisaines with certaine horsemen were taken: and the re­po [...]t goes, that the Gouernours haue receiued commandement to ioyne battel with the ene­my, and to slay him or take him captiue.

All things are quiet in these quarters, men know not yet whether there shall be peace or war, but it will be knowne within few dayes, and then the corne shall be brought out of the fields with as much speed as may be.

The Gouernour Pithen of Gulick hath writ­ten to Graue Hendrick vanden Berg to retaine his horsemen, to the end that his souldiers of horse and foote might haue the freer passage, which if he doth, no man sustaining hurt or domage, he will doe the like for Graue Hen­dricks horsemen.

Wee vnderstand from Brussels that the In­fanta is not gone into the Cloister, but is de­tained by Pater Dominico: the Marquis would haue that she should remaine in gouernment till the 17 Prouinces are giuen to the dowrie, whereby they might gouerne and hold the land in good peace and vnitie, as they were left by the Arch Duke. Therefore there is a post sent into Spaine for to know the Kings resolution. Some doe thinke that Don Carlo his Maiesties brother shall be sent to take the gouernment.

They say that those of Rochell haue taken or spoiled 50 French ships; and that the Ge­nerall of the Popes Gallies hath taken a Tur­kish Pirates shippe, and made 35 Turkes slaues.

It is further signified from Venice that three men were lately taken and executed, which attempted to fire the ships in the harbour.

Printed at Amsterdam by Ioris Veseler. August. 9. anno Dom. 1621.

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