The Despairing Lover,

Whose minde was much tormented,

Because of his True-Love

Hee thought hee was prevented.
To the tune of, Aime not too high.
[nobleman with sword]
[noblewoman with fan]
BReake heart and dye, I may no longer live,
To enioy this world nothing that I will give,
I live forlorne my ioyes are from me fled,
I have lost my love, alacke my heart is dead.
Each thing on earth continueth with his Love,
The pretty Pigeon and the Turtle Dove,
And divers others in the world I know,
But my Love will not séeme to love me so.
I little thought what now I true doe finde,
I did not déeme my Love would be unkind:
But 'tis no newes, for many prov [...] untrue,
And so doth mine, for she bids me adieu.
But séeing 'tis so, Ile turne a Palmer poore,
And I will range abroad the World halfe ore,
To sée if I can find some dismall Cave,
There will I dwell, there will I make my grave.
I will goe travell in some other Land,
To France, to Spaine, or Turkie out of hand,
Where unto strangers there will I complaine,
How that my Love hath me unkindly slaine.
If I doe land upon some other shore,
Whereas no man did ever land before;
Then shall I thinke my selfe a happy man,
Because my death no man shall understand.
There will I write my fill of my true Love:
Did I say true? What fury did me move,
To count her true, that alwayes proves unkind,
And is as fickle as the wavering wind?
Since she was faire and lovely in my sight,
She was my ioy and all my hearts delight:
But now her smiles are turn'd from frownes & i [...]
To kill my heart with woe is her desire.
Bright Phoebus beames are darkned in the ski [...]
When as the stormes of Boreas doe arise:
Yet he doth quickly shine after the raine,
But my coy Mistris will not love againe
I would I were ith' middest of the Seas,
In some broken Vessell if the Fates did please,
Where neither love nor comfort can be found,
But every houre expecting to be drown'd.
My spéeches all doe but prolong my paine.
For I did never saile the Ocean maine:
Nor will I suffer life in me to bide,
So long to wait the time of winde or tide.
Séeing 'tis so, toth' Wildernesse Ile hie,
Among wild beasts, where I intend to dye,
Where Lyons, Beats, & other wild beasts mourne
The Dragon, Elephant, and Vnicorne.
Thus many wishes have I wisht in vaine,
But none of those will rid me out of paine:
This piercing Poniard now shall and the strifs,
And kill my heart, that loathes this mortall life.
This being spoken forth his Love did rush,
Beholding him with many a changing blush:
O hold quoth she, and heare what I must say:
Doe not despaire, nor worke thy lives decay.
You Maidens faire I pray come lend an eare,
And you shall heare how true she doth appeare:
She gave him comfort in his troubled mind,
And ever after proved loving kind.
A constant and a kinde Maid.

Which saved a proper Young-mans life,

And after proved his loving Wife.
To the same tune.
COntent thy selfe my love and doe not dye,
Thy life I love, thy death I doe defie;
Live then in ioy, and seeke to banish paine,
Take a good heart, and I will love againe.
All things on earth doth love its chosen Mate,
And thou contemnest me and sayest I hate;
Men love by fancie, Birds they love by kind,
Then fancie me and thou shalt favour finde.
For all the good that ever Craesus wonne,
I will not seeme to leave my love alone;
No, no, my Love, I will not prove untrue,
Nor will I change my old friend for a new.
Thou shalt not need to turne a Palmer poore,
For I for thee have Gold and Silver store;
Instead of finding out a desart place
Thou shalt have me within thine armes t'imbrace
Thou shalt not travell to another Land,
For I am she that am at thy command:
Thou shalt my deare have no cause to complaine,
For I with ioy thy Love will entertaine.
If thou hadst landed on some forreine shore,
Then I would never have enioy'd thee more:
But being thou art here arriv'd with me
Thou shalt not goe hence dangers for to see.
What wouldst thou write of me thine own true lovs,
Feare not my Love, for I will constant prove,
I am thine owne, and so thou still shalt find,
To thee I will be loving, true, and kinde.
As I was faire and lovely in thy sight,
So will I prove thy ioy and hearts delight,
I will not seeke my dearest love to kill,
But I will [...]eeld vnto thy wished will.
Sweet I have listened to thy moanes and cryes,
Wéepe thou no more, but dry thy watred eyes:
The stormes are past and Sun Shines after raine
And I doe vow to love thee once againe.
If thou wert in the raging Seas so wide,
Vpon a Dolphins back faine wouldst thou ride:
Desiring Neptunes succour out of hand,
To be thy Pilot to some certaine Land.
Swéet Love much danger doth abroad ensue,
The Seas and wildernesse bid thou adue:
Nere seeke to write, or thinke of winde or tide,
But live with me, and I will be thy bride.
Oh stay at home sweet Love, and goe not there,
Wilde Beasts in pieces will thy body teare:
When I behold them for to sucke thy blood,
They shall have mine, my Love, to doe thee good.
Loe thus to thee my Love I doe make knowne,
Vowing hereafter I will be thine owne;
Loe stay thy hand my Love and doe-not kill
Thy gentle heart, that I could love so well.
Then strait he tooke his Love into his armes,
Which had preserv'd him from such dangerous harms
Welcome (quoth he) I love thee as my life,
And quickly after he made her his wife.
Thus have you heard my song of woe and ioy,
Let Maids and young men listen to't I pray:
Make you no vowes, but have a speciall care,
For fear yu wound your Mates with deep despair

London, Printed for F. Coules, dwelling in the Old-Bayly.

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