An acte made the fourth yeare of our Soueraigne Lorde, Kinge Henry the .viii. concerning Pewterers, and true weyghts and beames. the .vii. cap.
FOrasmuch as a certaine Acte was made and stablished in the Parliament holden at Westminster the .xix. yeare of the raygne of the last most famous Kinge your Father Henry the .vii. (whome God pardon:) Concerninge Pewterers and Brasiers, hawkinge and walkinge about the countreyes, and also concerning false beames, scales and weyghtes, with a prouision for casting of fine mettal and of perfit goodnes, which acte was made to indure to the nexte Parlyament, the tennor wherof insueth. That where many simple and euill disposed persons of this your Realme of Englande, vsinge the sayde crafts, daily goe about this your Realme from village, from towne, and from house to house, aswell in woods and forrests as other places, to buy Pewter and Brasse. And that knowinge theeues and other pickers that steale aswell pewter & brasse belonginge to your highnes, and vnder your marke, and to the Lords spirituall and temporall, as to other your subiectes of this your Realme, bringe such stolen vessels to them in such hid places to sell, and sel it for litle or nought, and about they bringe it to priuye places or into corners of Citties or [Page] townes, and there sell much part of it to strangers which carry it ouer the Sea by stealth.
Also the sayd persons so goinge about, and diuerse other vsing the sayd craftes, vse to make new vessels and to mixe good mettall and bad togeathers, and make it nought and sell it for good stuffe: where in deed the stuffe and mettall therof is not worth the fourth part that it is solde for, to the great hurt, deceyt, and losse of your subiectes.
Also diuers persons vsinge the sayd crafts haue deceyuable and false beames and scales, Nota. that one of them will stand euen with twelue pound weyght at the one ende, against a quarter of a pound at the other ende, to the singuler aduauntage of themselfe, and to the great deceyte and losse of your Subiectes byers and sellers with them.
For reformacion of the premisses, it would please your Highnesse of your most habundant grace, The ordinaunce. with the aduise of your Lordes spiritual and temporall, and the commons in this present Parlyament assembled, and by the auctority of the same, to enact and stablish that no person nor persons vsing the said craft of Pewterers and Brasiers, from henceforth shall sell or chaunge any pewter or brasse, new or olde, at any place or places within this your realme but onely in open Fayres or Markets, or in theyr owne dwelling houses: but if they be desired by the byers of such wares, vpon paine of forfeyture to our Soueraigne Lorde the Kinge, Penalt x. pound. for euery such default tenne poundes.
Also by the same auctority may be it established that no person nor persons of what condicion or degree so euer hee or they bee, Nota. from henceforth within the Cittie of London and Yorke or without, eyther caste or worke any Pewter vessels or Brasse, at any place or places, within this your Realm: but that it be as good fine mettall as is the pewter and brasse, cast and wrought after the perfite goodnes of the same within the Cittie of London, and by the statutes of the same ought to be, vpō paine of forfeyture of all such Pewter and Brasse so cast and wrought of woorse Pewter or Brasse than ought to be wrought in the same Citties. The one halfe of euery such forfeyture to be to the vse of your Highnesse, and the other halfe to the vse of the finders therof.
Prouided alwayes that this forfeyture in no wise extend to brasse or pewter, Prouisiō. beeinge in the possession of any person, other than the woorkers of the same, or such as haue the same to sell, and beeing of the craftes or mistery. Also that it may by the same auctority bee enacted and stablished that no māner of person or persons of what degree or condicion soeuer hee or they be, Nota. frō henceforth make no hollow wares of pewter. That is to say, Saltes and Pots that is made of pewter called ley mettall, but that it may bee after the assise of pewter ley mettal wrought within the Cittie of London. And y t the makers of such wares shall marke the same with seuerall markes of their owne, Penalt. to the intente that the makers of such wares [Page] shall auow the same wares by them (as is aboue sayd) to be wrought.
And that all and euery such wares not sufficiently made and wrought, and not marked in forme aboue saide, founden in the possession of the same maker or seller, to be forfeyted. And if the same ware be sold, Penalte. the sayd maker to forfeyt y e value of the same so vnlawfully wrought and solde, the one halfe of the said wares or the value therof to be to the vse of your Highnesse, & the other halfe to be to the vse of the finders or searchers of thesame.
Beames and weights.Also that it may by the same auctority bee enacted and stablished, that if any person or persons hereafter vsinge buyinge and sellinge of pewter or brasse, that hereafter occupy any deceable or false beams or weights of the sayd wares, that euery such person or persons vsing or occupying such deceiuable & vntrue beames or weightes, to forfeit twenty shillinges. The one halfe to the Kinge, and the other halfe to the party that therfore shal sue by action of det. And that in the saide action no protection nor essoyne shall bee allowed. And also the saide party so offendinge shall forfeyt his Beame to him that shall sease it. And if the saide offender or offēders be not sufficient to pay the saide somme or sommes by them so forfeyted, that then it shalbe lawfull to the Mayres, Baylifs, or other head Officers of such place or places where any such offenders shalbe found, to put them in the Stockes, and them so to keepe till the next Market day next adioyninge, and in [Page] the Market place to put them in the Pillory al the Market time. Searche. And furthermore that it bee lawfull by the said auctority, that the Mayster and VVardaines of the said crafte of Pewterers within euery Cittie or Borough of this Realme where such wardaynes are. And where no such wardains are, the head officers or gouernours of the same Cittie or Borough to appoint certaine personnes most experte in knowledge of the same, to make search within the said Citties or boroughs where they dwel. And ouer this the Iustices of peace, within euery Shire at the generall Sessyons holden at Mighelmas shall assygne and appointe two certaine persons hauinge experience therin, to make searche in the premisses in euery part of the Shire aswel within y e fraunchise as without, sauing in Citties or boroughs where searchers be appointed by the heads or gouernors of thesame. And that all such vnlawful pewter or brasse, as the sayde searchers shall finde, the one halfe to the vse of your Grace, and the other halfe to the searchers. And that in the default of the sayde Maisters and VVardaines of the saide occupacions not searching in forme as is aforesaid, and wherby that any such vnlawfull mettall is cast or made, or vnlawfull weightes vsed, that then it shalbe lawfull to any person or persons hauing sufficient cunning & knowledge in the sayde occupacions by ouersight of y e Maires, Bayliffes, or head Officers of the said Citties and Boroughs and townes, to search all the saide places, and to put those [Page] saide auctoritie and acte in execution, in forme aforesaide. Please it therfore your Grace and wisdomes in so much as y e saide act is thought good and profitable, that it bee ordained, enacted, and established by the Lordes, spiritual and temporall, and the commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the auctority of the same, that the said acte may endure for euer. And ouer that be it enacted by the sayd auctority, For true mettall and work manship. that if any vntrue or deceiuable mettall or workemanship of Tinne or pewter, bee founden either in Platters, Chargers, Dishes, Sawcers, Potengers, Trenchers, Basons, Flagons, Bottels, Pottes, Saltsellers, Goblets, Spoones, Cruets, or Candelstickes, or in any other such wares of tinne or Pewter, whersoeuer it bee cast, made or wrought within this Realme or without, and brought to bee solde within the same Realme. That then it shalbe lawfull to the Maire of the Cittie of London, and the Mayster and Wardaynes of the crafte of Pewterers of the sayd Cittie for the time beeing, and their deputies, to haue searche of the same within the Cittie of London and the Subbarbes of the same, and that in all other Citties, Boroughs and Townes where any Wardaines bee or shalbe, the Maires, Bayliffes, or head Officers and Wardaines to haue like auctority.
And where no wardaines bee, then the head Officers or gouernours of the same Citties, Boroughs, and Townes to appoint certaine persons most expert and cūning in knowledge [Page] of the same, to make search within y e sayd citties, Boroughs, and Townes where they dwell.
And if any such new wares wrought of Tin and Pewter as is aforesayd be found defectiue, Pewter being defectiue to be forfaited. and being in the possession of the seller, that then the same person or persons that putteth any such new wares of pewter to sale shal forfait the same wares, the one halfe to y e vse of our Soueraigne Lorde the Kinge, and the other halfe to the searchers or finders of the same.
Prouided alway that this act concerning y e forfaiture be not preiudicial nor hurtful to any persō or persons hauinge graunte of our Soueraigne Lord y e King, Prouisiō. or of any of his noble Progenitors by his letters patents of such forfaiture, but that they & euery of thē shall haue and enioy thesame according to their former graunts and liberties.
An Acte concerning Pewterers, made in the xxv. yeare of the reigne of our Soueraigne Lord, Kinge Henry the eyght, in the ninth Chapter.
IN their most lamētable wise showen, Petition. and pitteously complayne vnto the Kinges most royall Maiesty, and to this most highe Courte of Parliamente, the Kings most humble poore, & obeysaunt subiects, the Maister, wardaines, & pore fellowship of the craft & mistery of Pewterers, as wel of the Citty of London, as of all other places within this Realme of England, that where the said craft or [Page] mistery before this time hath bin one of the best handycraftes within this Realme, which hath not only growen & continued by mean of diuerse good acts & statutes made for the true exercise of the same, wherof one was made in the .xix. yeare of the Kinges most renowmed Father, whose soule God pardon. And one other was made in the fourth yeare of the Kinges moste victorious raigne, concerning the crafts of Pewterers & Brasiers, of and for the true makinge, mixting, and sellinge of good & true pewter, and brazen vessels. And also for exercising and vsinge of true weightes and beames to be occupied by the sellers of any such pewter or brazen vessels within this Realme, so that none of the Kinges Subiectes, nor any other person should by any sale of any false mixed brazen and pewter vessell, or any vntrue weightes bee deceiued, as by the sayd statutes more plainely doth appeare.
Which good Statutes duely put in execution, hath caused the sayde crafte to encrease and multiplye, to the great profite and vtility of a great number of the Kings subiects, & the commodity of pewter vessell much to be had in reputation in all straunge Regions and Countreyes, vntill now of late diuerse euill disposed persons, beinge the Kinges Subiectes borne, which haue beene apprentices and brought vp in the exercise of the saide crafte of pewterers, haue now of late for their singuler lucre repaired into straunge regions and countryes, and there do exercise the said crafte of Pewterers, teachinge straungers (not [Page] onely the cunninge of mixtinge and forginge of all manner of pewter vessel) but also doo teache all thinges belonginge to the sayde crafte of Pewterers. By meane wherof there is not onely brought (daily into this Realme) out of straunge Regions to bee solde, great number of thinges made of pewter vntruely mixted and made of Tinne, wherwith the Kinges subiects bee daily deceiued, and the people of straunge countries greatly instructed in the cunning of the said craft of pewterers, in such wise y e therby not only a great number & quantity of pewter vessel, & other thinges of pewter made in diuerse sortes and fashions, amounting to a great value, which was dayly and continually wonte to be caryed & conueyed out of this Realme by Merchants into straung regions and countreyes, and there to be solde and vended. Wherby the commodity of Tin made into pewter vessell, which hath beene had in great estimacion, as things very necessary and commodious, & the Kinges customes therby much aduaunced, is now like vtterly to cease and decay, and not to be esteemed as heretofore hath bin, but also the saide crafte of Pewterers, which at this day setteth and kepeth in woorke and occupacion a great number of people, shalbe vtterly vndone. And a great multitude of the Kings naturall Subiectes therby fall into idlenesse, to the great impouerishment of this Realme, if spedy remedy for the redresse of the premisses be not prouided.
In tender consideracion wherof, and for reformation [Page] of the premisses, Any maner of pewter wrought out of this Realm to be forfaited. it may please your highnesse, by the assente of the Lordes spirituall and temporal, and the commons in this present Parlyament assembled, and by the aucthority of the same, to ordaine and enact, that no person or persons hereafter, at any time now inhabitinge, or which hereafter shal inhabite within this Realm shall buy or otherwise take by exchaung for other wares, any wares made, or hereafter to be made out of this Realme of Tin, or mixt with Tin, as Platters, Search & seasure. Dishes, Sawcers, Pots, Basins, Ewers, Flagons, Goblets, Salte, Saltsellers, Spones, or any other thinge made of Tinne or Pewter as aforesaide, whatsoeuer it bee, vpon payne of forfaiture of the same ware, in whose handes soeuer it may be found or taken: and also lawfull money currant in this Realme to the value therof. The one halfe of the same forfaiture to be to the vse of the Kinges highnesse, and the other halfe to the vse of the finders of the same.
Penalte.And furthermore be it enacted, that it shall be lawfull to the Maister and VVardaines of the said crafte of Pewterers, as well within the Cittie of London, as within euery other Cittie, Borough, & Towne of this Realm where such wardaines bee. And where no such wardaines bee, to the head Officer or gouernour, head Officers or gouernours of the same Cittie, Borough, or towne for the time beeinge to appointe diuerse persons most experte in knowledge of the same, to make search and seasure, and to take into their handes and possession all such wares as hereafter shall be brought contrary to the true intent and effect [Page] of this present Acte, in whose soeuer handes or possession any such shalbe found.
And also be it enacted by the auctority abouesaide, Prētices or iorney mē strangers borne. that no person nor persons occupyinge the sayd crafte or occupacion of Pewterers, within this Realme shall set on worke or retaine in his or their seruice any person or persons to be his or their Apprentice, or Iourney man beeing straunger borne out of this Realme, vpon paine to forfait for euery such Apprentice and Iourneyman tenne poundes sterlinge. Straungers shall not work pewter within the realm And that no straunger borne out of this Realme shall occupy, exercise, or vse from the feast of Pentecost next comming, the saide craft of Pewterers, nor worke any manner of vessell or other ware aforesaide to bee made of Tinne or Pewter, within any place or places of this Realme, vpon paine of forfaiture of tenne poundes sterlinge. And also vpon paine of forfaiture of the same pewter or tinne so wrought, in whose hands soeuer it may be taken or found.
And also be it enacted by aucthority aforesayd, Exercise beyonde Sea. that no person nor persons beeinge borne within this Realme, occupyinge or exercisinge the sayd craft of Pewterers, shall at any time hereafter resorte to any straunge Regions or Countreyes, there to vse, teache, or exercise the sayde crafte of Pewterers vpon payne to lose the Priueledge & benefite of an Englishman. And if in case any of the Kinges Subiectes, at this presente time beinge dwelling in any straung Countrey or Region, and there occupying the sayd craft of Pewterers doo not repayre into this Realme within three Monethes nexte after request & warninge [Page] to him be giuen, by writing sealed with the common seale of the Wardaines of the saide crafte, within the saide Cittie of London, and here in this Realme continually from henceforth dwell & inhabite that then & from henceforth he shal be taken & reputed as no Englishmā, but shal stand & be from henceforth out of the Kings protection.
And forasmuch as sundry euil disposed persons which commonly be called hawkers, Hawkers by aucthority of the Kinges letters patentes or placarde, do not only goe about from place to place within this Realme, vsinge buying and selling of brasse and pewter. And by colour and pretence of the same Licences and Placardes, vse vnlawful and deceuable Weyghtes and Beames, but also do vse to sell both Pewter and Brasse, which is not good, nor truely, nor lawfully mixt nor wrought, to the great deceit of the Kings true lyege people contrary to the fourme and effect of the said good Act and Statute made in the saide fourth yeare of the Kinges most noble raigne. Be it therfore enacted by auctority of this present Parliament, that all such lycences and placardes heretofore had, made, or graunted to any such person or persons contrary to the true meaninge, forme, and effect of this Statute shalbe from henceforth by aucthority of this presente Parlyament clearely voyde and of none effecte. And where as in the sayd act of Parlyament (concerning the craft of Pewterers & Brasiers) made in the saide fourth yeare, for diuerse causes and cōsiderations in the same contayned, among other things it is expressed that no person or persons vsing the sayd craft [Page] of Pewterers or Brasiers should frō henceforth sell or chaunge any pewter or brasse, new or olde, at any place or places within this Realme, but only in open Fayres or Markets, or in their own dwellinge houses, but if they were desired by the buyers of such wares, vpō paine of forfaiture for euery such default ten poundes.
Forasmuch as the same forfaiture is to the only vse of the Kings highnesse, Hawkers and that any party searching or findinge the same is not intituled to haue any benefit therby, it hath not bin knowen that any person or persons haue taken any paine to insearch or make any inquire therof. By reason wherof diuerse & many euill disposed persons vsinge bying and selling both of Brasse & Pewter and not regarding the sayd good act, nor the sayd penalty, daily goe about from Village to village, Towne and towne, and from house to house, to sell such Pewter and Brasse, which is not good. And also vse deceiuable Weyghtes and Beames as they did before the making of the sayd acte to the great hurt and deceyt of the Kings true liege people and Subiectes. Penaltie for hawkers. Wherfore be it enacted by the aucthority abouesaide, that aswell the moyte of the sayd forfeiture of ten poundes limited in the saide estatute made in the saide fourth yeare, as also the moyte of all other forfeytures before expressed, and euery of them bee and shall be to the vse of the Kinges highnesse, his Heyres and Successors, and the other moyte of the same forfeytures and euery of them to the vse of him or them, that shall seaze, finde or present the said forfeytures or any of them, or that shall sue for [Page] thesame in any competent Court or Courtes, within this Realme by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, wherin the defendant shall in no wise be admitted to wage his law, or any protection or essoyne to any person or persons which shalbe impeached to haue offended contrary to the forme and effecte of this Statute, shalbe alowable. This acte to indure to the last day of the next Parlyament.
The annotacions of the confirmacions and renouacions of the aforesaide Statutes.
Confirmation.ANd it is to be noted that the sayd last act was renewed in the Parlyament holden at VVestminster the .viii. day of Iune, in the .xxviii. yeare of our sayd Soueraigne Lorde, to and amonge other actes. And that all clauses, articles, and prouisions therin contayned to stande in their force and strength, to the last day of the next Parlyament. And also the sayd act was renewed againe in the Parlyament holden at VVestminster the .xxviii. of Aprill, in the .xxxi. yeare of our sayd Soueraigne Lorde, amongst other actes, as is aforesaide. &c.
An acte concerninge Pewterers made in the .xxxiii. yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lorde Kinge Henry the .viij. Chap. iiij.
Recitall of the statute made the xxx. yere.WHere at the Parlyament begun at London the third day of Nouember, in the .xxi. yeare [Page] of the raigne of the King our Soueraigne Lord, and from thence adiourned to VVestminster and there holden, and from that time continued by diuerse prorogations vnto the .xv. day of Ianuary the .xxv. yeare of his most noble raigne, it was ordained and established by the assent of the Kings Maiesty, his Lords spiritual & temporal, and the cōmons in the said Parlyament then assembled, and by the aucthority of thesame, that no person or persons, from that time than inhabitinge, or which after that time should inhabit within this Realm should buy, or otherwise take by exchange for other wares, any manner wares made, or hereafter to be made out of this Realme, of Tin, or mixt with Tin, as Platters, Dishes, sawcers, Pots, Basins, Ewers, Flagons, Goblettes, Saltes, Saltsellers, Spones, or any other thinge made of Tinne or Pewter as aforesaide, whatsoeuer it were, vpon payne of forfaiture of the same wares, in whose hands soeuer it might be found or taken, & also lawfull money currant in this Realme to the full value therof, the one halfe of the same forfaiture to be to the vse of the Kinges highnesse, and the other halfe to bee to the vse of the finders of the same: And further it was enacted, that it should be lawfull to the Maister and VVardaines of the Pewterers, as well within the Cittie of London, as within euery other Cittie, Borough, or Towne within this Realme where such wardaines were, & where no such wardaines were, to the head Officer or gouernour, head Officers or gouernours of the same Citty, Borough, or towne for y e time being, [Page] to appoint diuerse persons, most expert in knowledge of the same, to make searche and seasure, and to take into their handes and possession all such wares as thereafter should be brought contrary to the true intent and effect of the sayd act, in whose soeuer handes or possessions any such should bee found. And it was also enacted by the auctority abouesaide, that no person or persons occupyinge the sayde crafte or occupacion of Pewterers within this Realme should set on worke, or retaine in his or their seruice any persō or persons to be his or their Apprentice, or Iourneyman estraunger borne out of this Realme, vpon paine to forfait for euery such Apprentice and Iourneyman tenne poundes sterlinge: And that no straūger borne out of this Realm should occupy, exercise, or vse, from the feast of Pentecost than next comming, the said craft of Pewterers, nor worke any manner of vessels or other ware aforesaide, to bee made of Tin or Pewter, within any place or places of this Realme, vpon paine of forfaiture of tenne poundes sterlinge: And also vpon paine of forfaiture of the same pewter or Tin so wrought, in whose hands soeuer it should be found or taken: And it was further enacted by the sayd aucthority that no person or persons being borne within this Realme, than occupying or exercising the sayd craft of Pewterers, should from thenceforth resorte into any straunge Regions or Countreyes, there to vse, teach, or exercise the sayde craft of Pewterers vpon payne to lose the Priueledge & benefite of an Englishman.
And if in case any of the Kinges Subiectes, at [Page] that time beinge dwelling in any straung Countrey or Region, & there occupying the sayd craft of pewterers, did not repaire into this Realm with in three Moneths next after request & warning to him to be giuen, by writinge sealed with the common seale of the Wardaines of the said craft within the saide Cittie of London, and here in this Realme continually from thenceforth dwel & inhabite that then & from henceforth he should be reputed & taken as no Englishmā, but should stand and bee from henceforth out of the Kinges protection.
And it was than further enacted, that where sundry euill disposed persons, which commonly were called hawkers, by aucthority of y e Kings letters patentes or placarde, did not onely goe about from place to place within this Realme, vsing buying and selling of brasse and pewter, and by colour and pretence of the same Licences or Placards, did not only vse vnlawful & deceuable Weyghtes and Beames, but also did vse to sell both Brasse and Pewter, which was not good, nor truely or lawfully mixte or wrought, to the great deceite of the Kinges true lyege people contrary to the fourme and effect of a good and laudable Act and Statute made in the fourth yere of the Kings said most noble raigne, that all such lycences & placardes afore that time had made or graunted to any such person or persons contrary to the true meaninge, forme, and effect of the sayd estatute, should be from thenceforth by the aucthority of the sayd Parlyament clearely voyd and of none effecte. And where as in the sayde [Page] acte of Parlyament (concerning the said craft of Pewterers and Brasiers) made in the saide fourth yeare, for diuerse causes and cōsiderations in the same act contayned, amongst other things it was expressed, that no person or persons, vsinge the sayd craft of Pewterers or Brasiers should from henceforth sell or chaunge any pewter or brasse, newe or olde, at any place or places within this Realme, but onely in open Fayres or Markets, or in their owne dwellinge houses, but if they were desired by the buyers of such wares, vpon paine of forfaiture for euery such defaulte tenne poundes. And so than the same forfaiture was to the only vse of y e Kings highnesse, and the party searching or findinge the same was not intituled to haue any benefite therby: it was not knowen that any person or persons had taken any paines to insearch or make any inquire therof. By reason wherof diuerse & many euill disposed persons than vsinge bying and selling as well of Brasse as Pewter, and not regardinge the sayd good act, nor the sayd penalty, went daily about from Village to village, Towne to towne, and from house to house, to sel such Pewter and Brasse, which was not good, and also vsed deceiuable Weightes and Beames, as they did before the makinge of the sayd act to the great hurt and deceyt of y e Kings true liege people and Subiectes. Wherfore it was enacted by the aucthority of the saide Parliament, that aswell the moytie of the sayd forfeiture of ten poundes limited in the saide statute made in the said fourth yeare, as also the moytie of all other forfeytures and penalties, expressed [Page] and specified in the said actes, and euery of them should be to the vse of the Kinges highnesse, his Heyres and Successors, and the other moytie of thesame forfeytures and penalties and euery of them to y e vse of him, or them that would seaze, finde or presente the same forfeytures or any of them, or that would sue for thesame in any competent Courte or Courtes within this Realme by action of debt, bill, plaint or information wherin the defendant should in no wise bee admitted to wage his law, or any protection or essoyne to any person or persons which should be impeched to haue offended contrary to the forme and effecte of this Statute, should be alowable, as in the sayd act more plainely appeareth, which act was appointed to indure onely to the ende of the next Parlyament than next followinge, and which act was after renewed in the Parliament holden at VVestminster, in the .xxviii. yeare of the raigne of our sayd Soueraigne Lorde, to indure vntill the ende of the next Parliament than next folowinge: And which act was also renewed at the Parliamente holden at VVestminster, in the xxxi. and .xxxii. yeares of our saide Soueraigne Lordes raigne to indure vntill the last day of the nexte Parliament than nexte ensuinge: Confirmacion. Prayen therfore in this presente Parliamente our saide Soueraigne Lordes true & obedient Subiects, the Pewterers of this his sayde Realme, & other the true commons of the same, because thesame acte is beneficiall and necessary for the common wealth of this Realme: That it may be enacted by the Kinge our sayde Soueraigne Lorde, the [Page] Lordes spirituall and temporall, & the commons in the present Parliament assembled, and by authority of thesame forasmuch as thesame, acte and euery thing therin contained, is good and beneficiall to the common wealth of this Realme, that all and euery the sayde actes and statutes, and all and euery, article sentence and clause comprised in thesame, may from henceforth stand & abide in as full strength and effecte for euermore from henceforth to indure, accordinge to the purport, tenour and effect of the same act & actes, as though the said articles sentences & clauses were specially limitted recited or declared in this presēt acte. VVares made & brought from beyond the Sea. And that no person ne persons from henceforth buy or take by exchange, or otherwise take into or within this Realme, to the intente to sell any such thinges or wares aboue rehersed, made or to bee made out of this Realme vpon paine of like forfaitures and penalties, as are and were expressed in the sayd seuerall actes, thesame penalties and forfaitures to be leuyed as is afore expressed.
Maister & VVardaines shall not be let to searche.And that it may be further enacted by auctority aforesayde, that if any person or persons doo vnlawfully withstand, interrupt, disturbe, or let the Maister and VVardaines, or their deputies of the sayd craft of Pewterers for the time beeing, or the head Officer or gouernour, head Officers or gouernours of Citties, Townes & Boroughs within this Realme, wherin no such Maister and VVardaines are or shalbe, or any of them in searching, seasing, and taking into their handes and possessions such wares as shall happen to bee [Page] bought or brought into this Realme contrary to the purport and effect of the saide estatute, made in the sayde .xxv. yeare of the raygne of our sayde Soueraigne Lorde, that then euery such person and persons so offendinge, in lettinge disturbing or withstanding the sayd seisure or taking of such wares as is aforesaide, shall lose and forfayte for euery time so dooinge the summe of fiue poundes sterlinge, the one halfe wherof, shalbe to y e Kings vse, and the other halfe to him or them that will or shall sue for thesame, by action of debt, writ, bill, plainte, or informacion in any the Kinges Courtes of recorde, in which action or suite no Protection, Priuiledge nor wager of law shalbe allowed nor admitted.
- Thomas Elyot Maister.
- Thomas Nogey.
- Thomas Hawke.