By the Maior.
Orders set down by the right Honorable, Sir Iohn VVatts Knight, Lord Maior of this Citty of London with the cōsent of the Aldermen his brethren concerning the rates of Cariages with Cartes within this Cittie and Borough of Southwarke, At the Guild Hall the xxv. day of Nouember. 1606. & the same to continue vntill the feast of S. Michall th'archangell next ensuing. And then to be further considered of as shalbe thought expedient.
WHereas, there is, and hath beene often complaint made both by Marchants and other Citizens of the Excessiue Rates demanded and receiued of Carmen, for exceeding such prices as hath beene heretofore set downe for Cariages within this Cittie and Borough of Southwark, vpon special cōsideratiō had as wel of former times, as of the times present, wherin the prices of things are risen and inhanced beyond the Rates aforded in times past, it is ordered and decreede by the said Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen, with the consets of the Carmen, that all Carmen trading with Cars within this Cittie & Borough of Southwarke, shall receiue for euery Cariage or Loade after these Rates following.
Item from any of the wharfs between the Tower & London bridge to Towerstreet Gratious street, Fanchurch street, Bishopsgate within, and places of like distance from any of the said wharfes vp the Hill with xvi. C. Waight or vnder, and for euery pack of xx. Clothes vi. pence, and backwardes to the said wharfes v. pence.
Item from any of the wharfes to the foresaid places or short of the said places for any kind of lading beeing aboue xvi. C. waight viii. d. and backwardes to the said wharfes, vii. pence
And being aboue xxi. C. vvaight the Marchant to agree with the Carman.
Item frō any of the foresaid wharfes to Alhallows in the wall, to Lothbury, to the stocks, to the old Iury, to Iremonger lane, to walbrooke, and so to Dowgate and other places of like distance or short of the said places beeing xvi. C. waight and vnder, viii. pence, and backwardes to the said wharfes, vii. pence.
Item from any the said wharfes to the foresaid places for any kinde of lading aboue xvi. C. waight and not aboue xxi. C. x. pence, and backwardes to the said wharfs, ix. pence.
Item frō any of the said wharfs to Criplegate, the Crosse in Cheap, Brooks wharf or short of the said places, and beyond the foresaid places for xvi. C. waight and vnder, ix. pence, and backwardes to the said wharfe viii. pence.
Item from the foresaide wharfes to the foresaide places (that is to say) to Criplegate, the Crosse in Cheape, or Brooks wharf, or any place of like distance, or short of the foresaid places and beeing aboue xvi. C. waight, and not aboue xxi. C. waight, xi. pence, and backward to the saide wharfes, x. pence.
And for euery pack of xx. Clothes backward to any the wharfs or keyes aforesaid, ix. pence. Item from the foresaid wharfs to Smithfield bars, Hoshorn bridge & Fleet bridge beeing xvi. C. and vnder, xii. pence, and backward to the said wharfes x. pence.
Item from any of the foresaid places wharfs to Temple bar, or holborn bars, or any of the bars on the north side of the Citty, & of the like distance or short of the said places & beyōd the foresaide places, fourteene pence, and backward to the saide wharfes, twelue pence.
And going beyond the foresaid places the Marchants to agree with the Carman.
Item from the 3. Cranes wharf, Queene hith, & Brooks wharfe, betweene London stone, and Ludgate or to any place of like distance with Carriage vp the Hill with xvi. C. waight or vnder, or with 3. hogdsheads of wine, vi. pence, & back ward to the said wharfes v. pence.
And from the same wharfs or any of them to any the like places with aboue xvi. C. waight to xxi. hundreth waight and vnder, ix. pence, and backward to the saide wharfe viii. pence.
Item from any of the saide wharfes to Leaden Hall, London bridge foote, Bishopsgate, Moregate, Aldermanbury, Criplegate, Aldersgate, or to any place of like distance with xvi. hundreth waight or vnder, viii. pence, and backward to the saide wharfes seuen pence.
And from the saide wharfes to any of the said places with aboue sixteene hundreth waight to twentie one hundreth waight eleuen pence, and backward to the saide wharfes x. pence
For Carriage of Seacole.
Item frō any of the wharfs between Lōdon bridg, & the Tower, to tower street Fāchurch street, Grations street, Aldgate, or to any place of like distance, or shorter by the load, vii d.
Item from any of the saide wharefs to Bishopsgate, Alhallows in the wall, Lothbury the stocks, Walbrook, old Iury & Dowgate or to any place shorter of the same like distance. ix. d.
Itēfrō any of the forsaid wharfs to Morgate & Ludgate, or to any place of like distāce, xii. d.
Item from any of the saide wharfes to any place beeing without the Gates and within the bars apperteyning to this Citty, fourteene pence.
Rates in and out of Southwarke.
Item from S. Mary Oueryes dock to the further end of Barmondsey street to blackman street, or to horsey downe with xv C. waight or vnder, backward or forward x. pence.
Item from the place aforesaid to any of those places before mentioned, or to places of like distāce, backward or forward, beeing xv. C. and not aboue xxi. C. waight, twelue pence.
Item from S. Mary oueries dock so far as Saint Georges church, or to place of like distāce with xv. C. waight or vnder, backward or forward, viii. pence.
Item frō S. Mary oueries dock so far as S. Georges church or to any place therabouts of like distance with aboue xv. C. waight & not aboue xxi. C. waight backward or forward, x.d.
Item frō S. Mary oueries dock so far as the Coūter in southwark, or to any place of like distance or short of the said places with xv. C. waight or vnder forward or backward, vi pence
Item from Saint Mary oueries dock so far as the Counter aforesaid or any place of like distance with aboue xv. C. waight and vnder xxi. C waight backward or forward. viii. pence.
Item from Cheker wharf, Mores wharf, Skinners wharf or any other wharfs between the bridge and pickleherring with any Cariage to Barmonsey street or long lane in Southwark, Blackman streete Kent street or any place of like distance with xv. C waight or vnder xii. pence.
Item frō the places aforesaid to S. Georges church or on this side Barmonsey street, or to any place of like distance backward or forward, x. pence.
Item from any of the wharfs aforesaid to stone bridg, the Coūter in southvvark or on Lōdō bridge or places of like distāce vvith xv. C. vvaight or vnder backward or forward, viii. d.
Item, for Cariages of Kentish or Essex vvood from the vvharfes betvveene the Tovver and London bridge by the loades according to the rates aforesaid! In like manner for Cariage of Kentish or Essex vvood from the vvharf aboue the bridge by the lodes according to the rates aforesaid.
God saue the King.
Imprinted at London by Iohn VVinder, Printer to the honourable Citie of London.