A TREVVE DESCRIPTION OF the nobill race of the Stevvards: succedinge Lineallie to the Croun of Scotland vnto this day: And novv this yeir 1603. vnto the Croun of England: vvith thair lyvvelie portraturs, declaring exactlie vvhat tyme thay begane to reigne, hovv lange thay reigned, and of vvhat qualities thay vvere.
RObert the secund sur-named Blear-eic, the first of the Stevvardes, son to VValter Stevvard, & Mariorie Bruyse K. Robert Bruyse his daughter, succeedit to his mothers brother, in the yeir of the vvarld 5341. in the yeir of Christ 1371. A gud and a peaceable Prince. He maried first Eufeme daughter to Hug Earl of Rosse, vvho bare vnto him David Earl of Strathern. VValter Earl of Athol, and Alexander Earl of Buchan, Lord Badzenoth: After her death for th' affection he bare to his childern, begotten before his first mariage, he maried Elizabeth Mure, daughter to Sir Adam. Mure Knight, VVho had borne vnto him Iohn, thereafter called Robert 3. Earle of Carrict Robert Earle of Fife and Menteith, and Eufeme vvife to Iames Earle of Dovvglas. He died at Dun donald the 19. yeir of his reign, & vvas buried at Scone.
RObert the thred sur-named Iohn Farne-yeir, succeded to his father, in the yeire of the vvarld 5360. in the yeire of Christ 1390. A quiet and peaceable prince: He maried Anabel Drummond, daughter to the Laird of Stobhall, vvho bare vnto him David, the Prince, Duke of Rothesay, that died in prisone of verie extreame famine, at Falkland, and Iames the first taken in his voyage to France, and deteined a captive, almost the space of 18. yeires in England. He died of displeasure at Rothesay, vvhen he heard of the death of th'one sonne, and captivitie of the other, and vvas buried at Paisley, in the 16. yeir of his reigne.
IAmes the first began to reigne in the yeire of the vvarld 5394. in the yeire of Christ 1424. He vvas a gude, learned, vertuous and just prince. He maried Ieane daughter to Iohn Duke of Summerset and Marques Dorcet, sonne to Iohn of Ghent, 3. sonne to Edvvard 3. the victorious King of England, vvho bare vnto him Iames the 2. and sex daughters Margaret vvife to Levves II. the Daulphin, thereafter King of France, Elizabeth the Duches of Britaine, Ieane countes of Huntley, Eleonor Duches of Austria, Marie vvife to the Lord of Camp-vere, & Anabella. He vvas slaine at Perth traiterouslie be VValter Erle of Athole, and Robert Grahame and their confederates, in the 31. yeire of his reigne, gif vve count from the death of his father: and in the 13. yeire, gif vve count from his deliverance out of England, and vvas buried at the Charter-house of Perth quhilk he builded.
IAmes the secund succeeded to his father, in the yeire of the vvarld 5407 in the yeire of Christ 1437. a prince subject to great troubles in his youth. He maried Marie daughter to Arnold Duke of Geldre, Sistres daughter to Charles, surnamed Audax, the last Duke of Burgundy &c. VVho bare vnto him three sonnes, Iames the 3. Iohn Erle of Mar. Alexander Duke of Albanie, and Marie vvife first to Thomas Boyde, Erle of Arrane, and after his decourting to Iames Hammilton of Cadzou. He vvas slaine at the sege of Roxburgh in the 24. yeir of his reigne.
IAmes the thred, succeeded to his father in the yeire of the vvarld 5430. in the yeire of Christ 1460. A prince corrupted by vvicked Courtiers. He maried Margaret daughter to Christianus 1. surnamed Dives, King of Denmarke, Norvvay and Svveden. He vvas slaine at the fielde of Bannock-burne, in de 29. yeire of his reigne, and vvas buried at Cambus-kenneth.
IAmes the feird, succeeded to his father, in the yeire of the vvarld 5459. In the yeire of Christ 1489. A noble and courageous Prince. He maried Margaret, Eldest daughter to Henry the 7. Erle of Richemond, King of Englnnd and Elizabeth dauchter to Edvvard the 4. In vvhose tvva persones the tvva houses of Lancaster and Yorke vvere vnited, and the bludie civill vvarres of England pacified. He vvas slaine at Flovvdon, in the tvventie five yeire of his reigne.
IAmes the fyfte succeeded to his father in the yeire of the vvarld 5484. In the yeire of Christ 1514. A just prince and severe. He maried first Magdalene, daughter to Frances 1. King of France, vvho died shortlie thereafter vvithout succession. After her he maried Marie of Lorayne, Duches of Longe-ville, daughter to Claude Duke of Guise. He died at Falkland in the 29. yeire of his reigne. He vvas buried at Halirude-house.
MArie succeeded to her father Iames the fyfte, in the yeire of the vvarld 5513. In the yeire of Christ 1543. a princesse verteouslie inclined. She maried first Frances 2. Daulphine, thereafter King of France, then after his death, returning hame to Scotland, she maried Henrie Stevvarde Duke of Albanie, & Lord Darley, sonne to Mathevv Erle of Lennox (a comelie Prince, Pronepnoy to Henrie the 7. King of England) to vvhome she bare Iames the 6. She vvas put to death in England 8. Feb. 1586. after 18. yeires captivitie,
IAmes the first of England, and sext of Scotland, a gude, godlie, and learned Prince, succeeded to his Mother in the yeire of the vvarld 5537. In the yeire of Christ 1567. And nove to his cousinge of Blessed memorie Elisabeth, lait Queine of England in the yeir of the vvarlde 5563. in the yeir of Christ 1603. He maried Anna Daughter to Frederik the 2. King of Denmark, &c. And Sophia, Vlricus the Ducke of Mekelburgh his only Daughter, quha hes borne vnto him alreadie Henrie Frederik, the Prince, the 19. Febr. 1593. Elizabeth 19. August. 1596. Margret 24. Decemb. 1598. Charles Ducke of Rosay 19. Novemb. 1600. And [...] He is novv presen the King of England, Scotland, France and Irland, and this yeir 1603. is the first of his reigne in England &c. and the 37. yeir of his reigne in Scotland.
ANna daughter to that nobil Prince of vvorthie memorie Frederik the 2. King of Denmark, &c. marijt vnto Iames the sext, in the yeir of Christ 1590. vvho hath borne vnto him alreadie fyve childrene befoir mentioned. The Lord in mercie indevve thame and [...]hair posterities vvith sick measure of his grace, that not onlie the Kirk of Christ in thair dominions, bot also in vvhole Europe, may [...]ind a blessinge in thair happie Governement, Amen.
Printed in Amsterdam, Ad the expensis of ANDRO HART Buikseller in Edinbrugh. Anno 1603.
Cum privilegio Regiae Maiestatis.