God saue

I In memorable brasse let there be writ
A An euerlasting storie of a King:
M Maruell of men! wonder of chiefest wit!
E Eternall glorie doth to England bring.
S So let his stile be fram'd, and he be said,
E Englands true King, successor of a Maide.
K Know forraigne powers: Englands true loyaltie,
I Is bent in seruice to her Soueraigne King:
N Nor shal the fierce allar'ms, nor frowne of enemy
G Giue alteration, or daunted courage bring.
O O no, she shall, first in a scarlet flood,
F Fight to the lips, with losse of dearest blood.
E Euen as the day which first proclaim'd his name,
N Neuer as yet did seeme to make an end:
G Glorious with bon-fires pyl'd on stateliest frame,
L Lookt like the morning, the Sun, the night: which
A A quiet raigne, & happy to our King; (did pretend
N Neare ceasing Ioyes and his aeternizing.
D Do therefore England, marching in stately traines,
E Englands true Leige-lord, welcome bid (King Iames.)

God saue King James.

THE COPIE OF the K. Maiesties letter to the L. Maior of the Citie of Lon­don, and to the Aldermen and Commons of the same.

TRustie and welbelo­ued, Wee greete you heartily well. Being informed of your great forwardnesse in that iust and Honourable action of proclai­ming vs your Soueraigne Lord and King, immediatly after the decease of our late dearest sister the Queene, [Page 2]wherein you haue giuen a singular good proofe of your ancient fidelitie (a repu­tation hereditarie to that our Citie of London, beeing the Chamber of our Jmperiall Crowne, and euer free from all shadowes of tumultuous and vnlaw­full courses:) We could not omit with all the speed wee might possible, to giue you hereby a taste of our thankefull minde for the same: And withall, assu­rance that you cannot craue any thing of vs fit for the maintenance of you all in generall, and euery one of you in par­ticuler, but it shalbe most willingly per­formed by vs, whose speciall care shall euer be to prouide for the continuance and increase of your present happines: Desiring you in the meane time to goe constantly forward in doing all and whatsoeuer things you shall finde ne­cessary [Page 3]or expedient for the good go­uernment of our said Citie in execution of Justice, as you haue bene in vse to doe in our said dearest Sisters time, till our pleasure be further knowen vnto you.

Thus not doubting but you will do as ye may be fully assured of our gracious fauour towards you in the highest de­gree, we bid you heartily farewell.

Iames R.
To our trustie and welbeloued Robert Lee L. Maior of our Citie of London, and to our welbeloued the Aldermen and Commons of the same.

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