¶ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation declaring His Maiesties Royall Grace, to confirme to His Subiects of the Realme of Ireland, their defectiue Titles, and to establish their Estates and Possessions by His Commission vnder his great Seale of England.

WHereas the Kings most Excellent Maiestie out of His Princely care of the generall quiet, prosperity, and good of all His louing Subiects of all and euery His Realmes and Dominions, hath an equall respect and fauour to those His Subiects of Ireland, as to those of England, and vpon all iust occasi­ons, is, and will be ready and willing to expresse the same, and His Maiestie conceiuing, that there is no stronger motiue to inuite His Subiects of that Realme to submit themselues willingly to the Lawes, to entertaine peace, and conforme themselues to ciuility, industry, and good order, nor better meanes to make them opulent, rich, and happy, then by the generall setling and securing of their estates and possessions which is their liuelyhood: And His Maiesty finding that many petitioners resort from thence hither into England, for securing of their estates by new particuler Patents, and that there are dayly suitors heere to His Maiestie for grants of Lands in that Realme, vpon pretence of Concealments, Intrusions, or defectiue Titles, for obtaining of which grants, the Suitors offer large considerations by way of Fine, and increase of Rent, and other Seruices to the Crowne, to his Maiesties great aduantage, and some of these persons haue of late obtained Letters vnder the Priuie Signet, to passe part of the premisses by Letters Patents vnder the great Seale of that Realme of Ireland in Fee. His Maiestie of His infinite grace and goodnesse, foreseeing how full of danger and trouble it might bee to His good Sub­iects of that Realme, to giue way to such priuate Suits, although some profit should accrew there­out vnto His Crowne; And preferring in this point the generall quiet of His people before His owne benefit, hath been graciously pleased, not onely to make stay of passing the premisses, and all other Lands within that Realme, and of all Suits of that nature, but also out of His ten­der care and respect of His said Subiects, and of their peace and prosperity, for their exceeding benefit, and yet with some expectation of profit for the increase of His owne Reuenue within that Realme, whereby Hee might the better support His ordinary charge there, and ease His people thereof, Hath thought meete in his Princely wisedome, to settle and secure for euer here­after their seuerall pretended Estates and possessions, by a Commission of grace vnder the great Seale of England, in very ample and beneficiall manner, and in such manner as by the like Com­mission of grace heere in England, for setling the possessions of His Subiects of this his Realme of England, as a marke of His equall fauour towards his Subiects of that Kingdome, as of this.

His Maiesties gracious pleasure therefore is, and so hee doeth by this His Royall Proclama­tion declare the same, That if any of his Subiects of His sayd Realme of Ireland, doe, or shall [Page]conceiue, or feare their Estates or possessions to bee subiect to his Maiesties iust aduantage in Law or equity, They, before the first day of September next ensuing, are either in person, or by their Attourneys, or Agents sufficiently authorised and instructed by them, to make their repaire into this Realme of England, where they shall finde his Maiesties Commissioners ready to en­tertaine their seuerall Suites, and to whom if they shall resort, they may according to their seuerall Cases, settle and secure such their Estates and possessions as shall be defectiue or doubt­full, according to such instructions as his Maiestie shall giue to His Commissioners to that pur­pose, and vpon such reasonable and gracious conditions, as the said Commissioners in their good discretions shal thinke fit, (without preiudicing any such future Plantations as shall be found iust and honourable for his Maiestie to proceede in) and for the safety and benefit of the Countrey, and shall stand with the quality of the seuerall Cases of such as shall become suitors, wherein they shall be receiued to make their finall peace and settlement of their Estates and possessions, either for a reasonable Composition in money, or new increase of Rent, and other Seruices, or for both, as shal be thought fittest, and be agreed vpon; and withal what shal be past vpon this Com­mission, his Maiestie doeth hereby declare, that Hee will bee pleased to giue His Royall assent, aswell to confirme the same at the next Parliament to bee holden for that Kingdome; As also that the Statute of Vicesimo primo Iacobi Regis, made heere in England, for limiting His Highnesse Title to sixty yeeres, shall bee then enacted there, but the same to extend onely for the benefit of the Patentees that shall passe vpon the sayd Commission, and that all speede shall bee made for the dispatching of all the premisses vpon the sayd Commission, if they His sayd Subiects of Ire­land shall bee forward on their parts therein, to the end that the Parliament there may the soo­ner begin.

But his Maiestie doeth further declare his Royall pleasure by this His Proclamation, that Hee will take his iust aduantages against all such persons as shall neglect, by the time prefixed, to repayre hither, and in conuenient time after to compound for passing their Lands vpon the sayd Commission, and vpon such neglect his Maiestie resolues to dispose thereof for His best pro­fit, either to such persons as shall be Suitors for the same, or otherwise at His pleasure.

And Hee doeth also by this his publike Declaration straitly charge and command, that vntill the sayd first day of September, and after as long as the sayd Commission shall bee continued heere for this seruice, No person or persons do presume to make suit vnto his Highnesse for Grants or Confirmations of Estates of any Lands or Hereditaments, or other matter touching his Estate or Reuenue within that Realme, nor passe any of the premisses but vpon the sayd Commission.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: and by the Assignes of Iohn Bill. 1630.

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