Our holy ffader pope leo that noie is considering that wher ii brethern iohn̄ Busset & Richard Busset m̄chaintz; of [...] in tym of conueying of there m̄chād [...]se by the see to the Citie of valentyne wyth dyuers other Cristten people beyng in thereship after A long Contritacion̄ & fyght̄ or batell wyth man slaughter by A day & a nyght ayenst the marinirs & the in fideles wre taken̄ by the said mariners Also Our holy ffadr Considering that the said iohn̄ & Richard by the Reason of that captyuyte were conueyd & addued to the {per}iles of the infidels to thee [...] terabull seruitute & also considering that where ā the said mariners by cause that they myght exacte and extorte sū somē of money of them dyd put the said iohn̄ & Richard to cruell tortures & turments by reason of the wch the said iohn̄ & ¶ Richard so that they myght be relased of so gret paynes for fere of the sayd torturus & turmens dyd {pro}myse vnto the sayd mariners the som̄ of viiii ¶ Hundred ducat of gold for there releaxation̄ & redemption̄ Also where as the said Iohn̄ Busset fyndyng sufficient suretie was delyuerd & released vnder this effecte & condition that he shuld gather the Almes of Cristen people & to pay the forsiad som̄ of viii hundred ducatis And bycause the said iohn̄ & Richard by reason of the forsaid spoylyng & Robbyng & losse of there goods be made so powre that they be not sufficient to pay the forsayd som̄ wyth out the cheritable helpe of cristen people And also by Cause the said Ihon̄ syns the tyme of his dely [...]aunce ounder the condicon̄ aboue said hath ben vexed wyth many Infyrmyties & sykenes and also at the tyme of these [...]rim̄tes was vexed there for Our holy ffader the pope seyng hym self only not to be sufficient to Releve all soch poure & oppressed people convytyng the said iohn̄ & Richard to be Releued & realeased from there Captiuite and that Cristen people shuld be more redyer to put there helpyng handes for therer redemption of the said {per}sones in that the shall see theym self plentifully to be refressyd wyth the gyste of the hevenly grace trustyng of the mercy of almyghty god & the Auctorite of saynt peter & paule and lyke wyse by his own auctorite to eūy Crestyn man & woman gevyng of their goods truly gotten As often as they shall do It thir Cheritable almes for the releasyng & there im̄cion of the said Iohn̄ & Richard beyng in Captiuite hath released vii yeres & as many lentis of penance en Ioyned Comaundyng also all Archiebisshops bisshoppes Abbots priours prechers of the word of god {per}sones of {per}issh Thirthes Chapeleinz and other {per}sones eccliāsticall to iohoū this pn̄t writing shall Cō vndre paynes and censures of the holy Churche to publice in there churches and open places or cause to be publiced the said grauntis of our holy father As often As they shalbe required by the said iohn̄ beyng released as is Aforsaid or els by his deputies And also to depute ii discrete men for to gather the Meke & devoute Almes of Cristen people ī ther chirches places duryng the space of iii yers from the date of his bull now last renewyd the which is the yere of our Lord .M.v.C.x.v. and the xxviii. day of August And these ii men so deputed to haue auctorite to gather the Almes of Cristen people and to take the said iohn̄ so cōmndyd vnto geue their ayd and fauor vnto these thyngz aforsaid and that these .ii. men be no other gatherer other wyse vulgarly called {per}doners be letted in that behalf and these .ii. men also oither deputies to geue a good & laufull Accompte of their Receyts vndre the paynes & cēsures of the holy churche As as aboue said