THE PICTVRE of Christ.
THE WONDER OF Meditation, the Earnest of Eternitie, the Touchstone of Faith: Or, A Counterbuffe to despaire.
Gathered from the great fountaine, and store-house of liuing waters, the most ancient, sacred, holy, authenticall, selfe-assuring, and canonicall scriptures, of the old and new Testament.
Come vnto me, all yee that are weary and laden, & I will ease you. Mat. 11.28.
For the promise is made vnto you, and to your children, and to all that are a far off, euen to as many as the Lord our God shall call. Act. 2.39.
Imprinted at London by G. Eld 1611.
TO THE RIGHT Honourable, Noble, and no lesse vertuous Lady MARY STEVART Countesse of Mar.
STRAYING I know not by what chance, in the most pleasant and delectable of all gardens (whose continuall spring and sweet smelling flowers, neither [Page] the extreamitie of Summer, nor colde of Winter, can any whit annoy: the sweet flowers and simples whereof, (remaining still the same) comfort all commers, applyers, gatherers, distilling vertue to all, yet loosing nothing of their former admirable excellencie; still giuing, yet rich as before: often [Page] pulled, yet nothing missing) I happened heere and there on diuerse sorts, whose seuerall exceeding sweetnesse, forced mee to binde them togither. So that the more I gathered, the greater my desire was: vntill at last, hauing gathered & bound togither this pleasant Nosegay (the surpassing sweetnesse [Page] whereof ouer-cloying me) I was glad to get mee gone, not staying for any moe. Which I offer vnto your Ladyship: not that it can any way ballance your Ladiships vndeserued curtesies, long since bestowed: but onely as a poore token of my loue, and hatred to all-abhorred ingratitude, Wishing that it may [Page] alwaies smel sweet vnto your Ladyshippe, chiefly againe and againe, redoubling the super-aboundant vigor and efficacie therof by the secret working and instigation of your Iesus immortall Spirit, in the houre of dissolution: that therby resting most assured whom you haue serued, you may ioyfully [Page] leaue this poore pilgrimage and vaile of misery, for that eternall, new, glorious, caelestiall Ierusalem, the felicity whereof, cannot be knowne, vntill possessed.
To the Reader.
BEcause, gentle Reader the confirmation of things inuisible, wherevpon the eternitie of life or death dependeth, can neuer bee too recent in memorie; things surpassing reason being so subiect to obliuion. And that the soule of it selfe is so insatiable, neuer vpon earth hauing found any such contentment, but it still aspyred to some-what higher and more excellent; yea, euen then when it hath that, which it so earnestly but now desired, in full possession, becommeth weary of that: with Alexander when it hath all which earth can affoord, wishing for moe worlds. Thus farre the Heathen. But the [Page 2] Soule, that is troubled with the greatnesse of sinne; that goeth crookedly, whose eyes faile (as Baruch speaketh) findeth this to be most true, when in the midst of all tentations, tribulations, crosses, and all other calamities whatsoeuer incident in this life, or raised by the Prince of darknesse; it onely hath recourse to things surpassing reason: there it stayeth: there it hopeth: there it beleeueth: and there onely it findeth rest; but chiefly, in the free promises of the inuisible-visible God of all glory. This confirming promise, reposing vpon things inuisible, to the Christian soule is a salue against all sores▪ no earthly thing can content it, vntill it rest vpon this promise, opposing it as a buckler against all miseries whatso euer. This doth the Prophet [Page 3] Dauid, the true patterne of Christianity, in his booke of Psalmes notably expresse: but chiefly in that hundred and nineteenth; where he at length declareth, that all his confidence did onely relye vpon the promise: Sometimes, in these words, Remember the promise made vnto thy seruat, wherin thou hast caused me to trust. It is my comfort in my trouble: for, thy promise hath quickned mee. Somtimes againe, Mine eyes faile for thy promise; saying, when wilt thou comfort me? And a little after, How sweete are thy promises vnto my mouth! yea, more then hony vnto my mouth. In another place hee saith, I haue hid thy promise in my heart, that I might not sinne against thee. How often in that Psalme doth he challenge the Lord of his promise in generall? [Page 4] as it were, forcing the kingdom, in these words (according to thy promise.) And Iob, speaking of his obedience to the commandements, saith, that he esteemed these words more then his appointed food. All which, shew the vnexpressable power, and surpassing sweetnesse of the promise to a troubled soule, when faith hath once apprehended the truth of the promiser. Many are the examples, tedious to relate, how euen parcels of the promises haue exceedingly comforted the children of God. The Scriptures are full of such places, where the height of consolation, is placed onely in the free promises of God in Christ: in whom (as the Apostle speaketh) all the promises of God, are yea and Amen. And because it is not giuen to euery one to search, nor in searching to find, [Page 5] nor in finding to apply, nor applying, to apply aright, without a harmonie. Therefore haue I (by the grace of God) as thou seest, gathered togither a heape of the cheefest promises: that when the soule in extreame anguish is readie to cry out (at it is in the Prophet Isaiah) who among vs shall dwell with euerlasting burnings? and with Iob, that changes and armies of sorrows are against her; her eye casting out water, because the comforter that should refresh her soule is farre from her (as the Prophet in the Lamentation speaketh) the Lord for the time seeming couered with a clowde, and Sathan for his part hauing hid all the gratious and sweet promises of mercy, representing nothing vnto the sight, meditation, memorie, but horror, curses and woe, and [Page 6] the cruell reuenge, of a terrible thundring God, armed in the seuerity of his iustice, to throw it downe into the pit of hell with the deuill and his Angels for euer: She may also heerein presently behold, that same God, which thundred in Sinai, clothed with flesh, reconciled to vs, and his vnspeakable wrath appeased in his Sonne, who is the end and fulfilling of the law for righteousnesse to euery one that beleeueth; Finding also sufficiently therein, if the diuell assaile thee by Scripture (following in this our Sauiour Christ) to dash the lye with Scripture in his teeth againe. Which I offer vnto thy milde censure; not that therein thou shalt finde any perfect order or collection of the heads gathered (for who can iudge as hee should aright, of such a bottōlesse, boundlesse, neuer-sounded depth?) [Page 7] much lesse I, the vnworthiest of all): But onely as a morsell of some dainty dish, the sweetnesse wherof may stir vp & allure thy appetite (if it be not already) to drinke at will of the great fountaine it self. But chiefly I intreat thee (who hast not onely this, but a great deale more in thy memory, euen ye whole frame it selfe, and canst bring it forth hand in hand, in well ordered squadrons and battel array, as time & opportunity fitteth; either to confound the proud, or raise vp the humble; to beat down sinne, banish tentations, or any other thing that shall oppose it self against this mighty word) to whom the Lord reuealeth his secrets; whose lips should & do preserue knowledge, to whom the spirit of prophecying is subiect; why (by thy heauen-a-spyring meditations, and then [Page 8] Spirit-assisting power) canst, as it were, Metamorphose the hearts of the hearers, forcing some-times, a bribing Foelix, or prophane Agrippa (much more a true Israelite) to tremble and cry out, thou almost perswadest me to be a Christian, to leaue my sinnes, &c.] to looke here-vpon with a gentle aspect: and (although thou thy selfe with thy Eagles winge, soarest aboue high mountaines) not to disdeigne him, who farre off, looketh after thy flight in the low valleys: wishing to follow thee; but that fearing Icarus reward, hee durst not presume with waxen wings.
But to draw neerer the marke (because the promise shall auaile nothing, without assurance of the verity of the things promised) [Page 9] thou hast first of all, a view of the perfection of the said word, by the word it selfe; the most assured testimony that may be. For, vnlesse an internall reuerence of this word (procured by it owne maiestie, and secret operation of the holy Ghost) assure thee of the excellencie and verity thereof (causing thee to cast aside all humane inuentions and reasons; onely beleeuing, and not carping, why, nor wherefore this nor that?) in vaine shall all other helpes and proofes bee. And therefore the Prophet Dauid, in meditation thereof, had such delight therin; that hee confesseth that it was a Lanthorn to his feet, and a light to his paths: that it was most pure; the righteousnesse thereof euerlasting; the beginning and entrance therevnto, truth and vnderstanding. [Page 10] In another place, that it was as siluer tried in a fornace of earth seuenfold: being perfect, conuerting the soule, giuing wisdom vnto the simple, reioycing the heart, giuing light vnto the eies. And surely it is no meane assurance vnto vs of the vndoubted verity therof, that albeit it beat downe our damnable lusts & affections (being so contrary in all things to our vile & corrupt nature) yet notwithstanding, we reuerence & imbrace it, as vndoubted Oracles: because a certain venerable maiest [...] shining therin, doth with such attractiue power, hale and draw the heart & affections vnto it, beyond all other writs kindling therein ioy vnspeakable, assuring, that such strange effects as it worketh, could not proceed, but from the spirit of God. Therefore it is our part in all calamities and miseries to rest vpon this word; since the inspirer & author [Page 11] thereof is eternall, and the begining and antiquity therof before al writts: and the rather if we shall a little neerer consider that well-ordred harmony of the two Testaments; how in the Old, the Law & Prophets do all point at the Messias to come; all their types figures, offrings & sacrifices, being to end with his comming; all their then perfectiō, consisting in his perfect oblation, sacrifice, & free offering to come: Againe, how in the New, the Messias being come, requiteth their hopes, fulfilleth all their prophecies. pointeth back again at thē as need required, citing the law & Prophets for confirmation of his doctrine; establishing the law Morall, taking away the cursse thereof, abrogating what was needfull of the Ceremoniall; Lastly, to make all sure, giuing, as behooued, his life for his sheepe; crying [Page 12] vpon the crosse that all was finished; and returning, whence (as a Father speaketh) he as God neuer was absent. This word hee himselfe commanded vs to search; therein to finde eternall life, Moses calleth it our life; and the Apostle Paul, the power of God vnto saluation; in another place telling, that it is able to make the man of God absolute and wise vnto saluation. What should I say of it? It is all in him, who is all in all.
But heere, the monster of men, the all-abhorred Atheist (either that hee may with the more libertie cloake his knauery, or that hee will not beleeue but what by reason is demonstrated) of set purpose opposing himselfe against all that is of God, standeth vp with open mouth, denying all at the first [Page 13] push, making a iest of this most holy word, and all the Miracles therein; dreaming of (I know not what) absurdities. The Creation hee cannot abide, because it must presently lead him to the Creator. But, if there be any so impudently wicked in this our miserable Age, let vs grant it for a while, (which yet were abhominable blasphemie to maintaine) that the heauens and all the inuironing regions of the ayre were from euerlasting, (shewing notwithstanding the contrary, by their continuall motions leading vs to the first vnmooued moouer): yet would I onely know of them, from whence this little world, Man, did spring, if hee had no creation? setting aside all other vnreasonable creatures; one man leadeth vs to another, vntill by degrees wee come [Page 14] back to the first: and here I aske where hee had his beginning? for from eternitie he was not: which, his miserable and perishing nature, so subiect to changings, well sheweth: but chiefly his dissolution; eternity and change, like light and darknesse beeing so directly contrary. It were most absurd to thinke, that the woman and he did spring like a leafe, an hearbe, or a stalke of corne out of the earth: for then why might not the earth still haue produced such fruite? what needed then this change in begetting one of another? Neither dare he (for his excuse) confesse a fall, whereof alteration, misery and change might haue ensued, and so the course of nature bee changed: vnlesse hee bee also forced to confesse One, from whom they had fallen. Then must we of necessitie, [Page 15] finde for Man a Creator (since he had a beginning, and a time wherin he was not) who (as the Spirit of God by Moses affirmeth, and all the Christian world euer since bebeleeued, yea and Heathen also) onely was God. Now, that omnipotent Power, who (with such wonder) of a peice of earth, to his owne holy image created him, was euen as able to create all other things before him, for him. But since wee are none of these miscreants, let vs leaue these men (whatsoeuer in their disputations, life, or sayings they maintaine) with Caligula to hide themselues at a crack of thunder; resting assuredly vpon these scriptures: assuring our selues, that the vnserchable Depth Soule-quieting power, great Antiquity, Maiesty, Vnity, perfit Harmony, Sweet Simplicity, admirable Excellency, rich Pouerty, [Page 16] graue Modestie, most holy Beautie, and heart-inflaming feruency of them, are sufficient proofes against all Principalities and Powers opposite, of their absolute perfection.
Heere I would willingly haue passed to the next; but that the mysterie of iniquity, the purple whore, the mother of abhominations, the triple-crowned man of sinne (who vnder colour of the seruant of the seruants of God, exalteth himself as King of Kings and Lord of Lords) came in with his worme-eaten and dung-hill Traditions; which hee maketh equall vnto this word, in all places where his word may passe for a law, or where men will beleeue that black is white, if he will haue it so; wresting these Scriptures, to whatsoeuer crooked sense hee [Page 17] and his Parasites pleaseth; like vnto a piece of waxe making it receiue any impression; sealing it vp in an vnknowne toung from the vulgar, forbidding it vnto them on paine of damnation (as though they had no soules to saue) not without great policie of the diuell their grand Captaine; that the poore soules (being ignorant of this heauenly food, and onely Truth) might the better receiue, as Oracles, whatsoeuer lyes should thence-forth proceed from their blasphemous mouthes: contrary to the expresse command of our Sauiour Christ; who commandeth vs to search the Scriptures, Neither is it lawfull to say, that our Sauiour spake onely to the learned Rabbies, but also to the poore people, to all, making no exception of persons; vnlesse also [Page 18] they dare affirme, that hee came onely for the redemption and saluation of such. Who, but mad-men, durst impute imperfection to this word? since the Apostle to Timothie, commendeth, it to be able to make the man of God absolute and perfect vnto all good workes. Yet no maruaile hee and his Baalamites dare not abide the open touch of this word, closing it vp in a strange toung, in this, shewing them-selues truly to be false coyne: not daring to abide the cleare shining of that light, whose brightnesse freed from the clowds of darknesse, (where by their falshood it was long detained) hath so shamed this age past, and yet doth their kingdome of darkenesse. No maruaile I say, for in it they heare no rules giuen for the subuersion of states, stirring vp of [Page 19] rebellions, killing and poysoning of Princes: discharging of subiects from their lawfull obedience to their Princes and Gouernours: massacring of thousands, men, women, and children, to appease their neuer-appeased furie: no foundation of their wicked carnales Cardinales, abhominable and idolatrous Masse, their world of prophane ceremonies: and lastly (for what yeares could reckon all?) of the sanctitie of Sathans last thunder-bolts, the Locusts of the bottomlesse pitte; sent post from Belzebub, for the vnderpropping of his now-falling kingdome.
I meane the Iebusites,Non cum Iesuitis, si qui itis cum Iesuitis. A Iesuitis: (Iesuites I should haue said) who beeing a vermine but now (to speake truely in respect of antiquitie) creept vppe: the [Page 20] more to deceiue the world tooke vnto them the name of Iesus, that like Wolues in this lambes skinne, they might the better deuoure the flocks: since which time they haue so multiplied Proteus-like transforming themselues into innumerable shapes: that like the Frogges and Grashoppers of Egypt, they are a plague vnto all kingdomes where they remaine: not onely to the ground, (the best whereof by their good-will they ioyne to their Colledges) but also to soules and bodies, with the breath of their venemous doctrine, which they euery where sow, vnder coullour of fained holinesse and long prayers, (as our Sauiour speaketh of their brethren the Scribes and Pharisees) deuouring all Lords, Knights, Ladies and Widdowes houses, who once giue [Page 21] eare to their inchanting Syren songs. Like vnto their father the diuell, if they can but get in one foote, will shortly bring also their body: (there-after ruling the roast,Bella sonat, sonat arma, minas sonat: omnia martis. as the Prouerbe speaketh) But let them and their Bellum arma minans (famous like Erostratus for impiety) the diuell, and all, doe what they can: this word which already hath made such a breach in Babels falling towers, shall ere long finish that which it hath so happely begun.
What should I say more of this barbarous, vncomfortable religion? our Sauiour Christ hath left vs a true note to know it, and them in it: (that hee that speaketh of himselfe seeketh his owne glory.) What I pray you hath the Church of Rome and all the Hierarchie thereof beene doing these [Page 22] hundreds of yeares past, but seeking their owne glory? incurring that fearefull woe of the Prophet Ezekiell, to those sheapheards which neglect their flockes, feeding themselues with the wooll and the fatte: killing those who are fed. And in Mathew (to know them by their fruites) where hee affirmeth, that a good tree (as they pretend to bee) cannot bring forth euill fruite. If wee shall examine some of their supererogating fruits (to leaue Antiquitie, and haue recourse to bleeding memorie) Bartolomeus flet, The numerall letters make the year 1572. the yeare of the massacre. quia Gallicus occubat Atlas: leauing also Saint Bartholomews bloodie massacre (quia animus meminisse horret, &c.) we may behold two royall Henries wallowing in their dearest bloud: (would God all succeeding Henries would [Page 23] learne to tame, and not trust, such wild beasts) the first killed by a Iacobine nouice, the seconds tragedie, most cruelly begunne by a Iesuite, who strooke him in the teeth (a bloodie presage of what ensued) and (who doubteth) finished by their close politick knauerie. But I had almost forgotten that horrible (yet silence shall best expresse it) Powder-treason: who can excuse them in this? since their Prouinciall Garnet, old in wickednesse, was cheefe Confessor to chis damnable action. Whose excuse was, that it was reueiled to him, vnder the sacred seale of confession; therefore not daring to disclose it.
What monster could hee bee, which made such a lawe so directly against the whole booke of God? was it not lawfull in such [Page 24] a case to reueale? should so much mischiefe haue beene committed that good might haue ensued? thus might Lots daughters incest with their father, and the like bee excused. But his Maiestie in his Apologie cleareth this c [...]ntrouersie, where hee prooueth that Garnet heard of it walking with another Iesuite, and what manner of fained confession such a walking one could bee, th [...]se who are accustomed to crouchings and kneelings to their Confessors at the like times well know. Yet why? It may be all was intended of meere loue, because our hereticall religion (as they terme it) could not haue brought vs vnto heauen: out of their cha [...]itable affection, chiefly to his sacred Maiestie, Queene, & royall progenie, Bishops, Nobles, Barons, Iudges, and whole body of [Page 25] state: working a worke of supererogation, like vnto Eliah, to haue sent them all vp for the more celeritie, like a whirle-winde, in chaires and seates conducted by fire vnto the clowds, for the more state, wearing a crowne, and in Robes. Belike to shew vnto God that royall magnificence; doubting least his all-seeing eye, which so long had spared them in the powder-mine, had now become dimne, not able other-wayes to beholde them.
If th [...]se bee of the supererogating workes of th [...]ir perfectest, such as they esteeme their Iesuites and Iesuited ones to be; for which their powder-martyrs and traytors are so extolled, who notwithstanding haue all suffered, for high treason, contempt and breach of the lawes, let them all so perish- [Page 26] For it is no great thing (as the Apostle speaketh) since Sathan him-selfe is transformed into an Angell of light: though his ministers transforme them selues, as though they were the Ministers of righteousnesse; neither tree nor fruite beeing good. Euery tree therefore (as our Sauiour speaketh) that bringeth not forth good fruite, is hewen downe and cast into the fire. Cursed be that tree, and let neuer fruite grow vpon it, which barren of good fruite, hath so long deceaued the world with a faire shew of leaues onely: and let all true hearted subiects for euer beware of such a Iewish, Heathnish, Turkish, Hypocritish, Diuelish, kill-King Religion.
As for the Prophecies of Christ, begun presently after the fall, continued to Abraham: that of [Page 27] Iaakob, Moses, Balaam, and all the Prophets: how fully all were fulfilled is apparently in the Euangelists to be seene. Let the wandering, desolate, runnagat, misbeleeuing Iew, say what hee will: as the Papists in vaine dreame of another Antichrist, so in vaine doe they looke for another Messias; their true, hauing come as it was prophecied, iust when the Scepter (according to Iaakobs Prophecie) was departed from Iudah: Herod a stranger, by the Romanes, hauing obtained the kingdome, ordaining what high Priests hee pleased, the abhomination of desolation, prophecied by Daniel, then beginning to worke.
But one of the chiefe causes of this their error was, that they looked for a temporall glorious King; [Page 28] and not for one so poore in shew, found in a cratch, entring Ierusalem vpon an Asse, not hauing wherin to hide his head, his kingdom, as they supposed, not being of this world. And if we consider, how his death & their blindnesse was by the Prophets fore-prophecied, by whom it was to bee act [...]d, that for our saluation, redemption, and eternall glorification, it must (as it was prophecied) bee finished, euen by the inhabitants of Ierusalem and the [...]r rulers; and the cursse and vtter desolation vpon people and country euer since inflicted: wee shall no wayes doubt thereof: For to vs their affliction and wandering is a most assured testimonie, that the brasen gates of death are broken a sunder: and a sure path-way for euer opened vnto the fountaine of grace. And [Page 29] because our faith can neuer be too strong in this our pilgrimage, which is assaulted with so many doubtings: leauing Scripture, if wee will but cast our eyes vpon histories of all sorts, it shall be no little ease: beholding the Prophecies of Sybils, hundreds of yeares before the incarnation of Christ: cited by Augustine out of Lactantîus, so venerable amongst the Romanes, dcfended by great Constantine: as Eusebius reporteth. How she prophecied briefly of all that happened vnto him: of his comming, life, actes, abusings, death, resurrection, second comming. How at that time all Oracles did cease, giuing place to the greater. How Iosephus speaking of him, doubteth if it was lawfull to call him a man: saying further, (not that they said hee [Page 30] appeared aliue vnto them the third day, according as the diuine Prophets had fore-told. How Augustus visiting Apollos Oracle when he grew aged (as Nîcephorus reporteth) could receiue no answer but with doubled Hecatombes. The Oracle at last answering, that an Hebrew child (ruling ouer the blessed Gods) commanded him to leaue that place, departing to his infernall region. Wherevpon returning to Rome, hee builded an Altar in the Capitoll, with the inscription of PRIMOGENITO DEI, the Altar of the first begotten Son of God. How Plinie also reporteth of Christs starre which the wisemen saw, vnder the name of a Commet: worshipped in Rome by Augustus, for that good which, as hee thought, it pretended vnto him: the Pagan concluding [Page 31] as Caiphas did, though in another fort▪ that if we will confesse the truth, it was a good, hapy, & helthfull presage vnto the whole world. How Appolophanes the Sophist, as it is reported, being with Dionysius at the time of that wonderfull darknesse and Ecclipse of the Sun, contrary to the course of nature, in Heliopolis a towne of Aegypt▪ burst forth in these words, (O good Dionysius, these are the alterations of heauenly things) as also that of Dionysius him-selfe, when that great earth-quake and darknesse was, at the passion of our blessed Sauiour, (the vnknowne God, in fleshly shape suffereth; for whose cause the vniuersall world is darkned & shaken) what should I speake of Tiberius wonderfull proposition to the Senate, vpon Pilates letter? euen to receiue [Page 32] Christ for a God: Quia, vetus erat decretum, ne qui Deus [...]b Impe [...]atere consc [...]raretur, nisi a [...]c [...] atu prob [...]rc [...]ur. who, notwithstanding their deniall, gaue free passage to the Name of Iesus: as Eusebius and Nicephorus in their Ecclesiasticall stories relate. It were tedious to search, or reckon vp all, which might serue for this purpose, onely let it suffice thee, that since God himselfe, his holy word, heauen and earth, Angels and men, diuels and oracles, the consent of so many hundred yeares, haue all confessed that thy blessed Sauiour did once come to take away the sinnes of many (as the Apostle speaketh) as assuredly to looke for him the second time: without sinne vnto saluation:
Durst I now but aduenture to touch his Eternall God-head? surelie heerein silence were best Oratorie, in so vnsearchable a mistery. [Page 33] Yet since the disciples of that ancient-condemned-foe Arrius, by so many generall Councels, holy Fathers, and graue Bishops: dareth yet now and then, spew out some dregs of their ancient venome, heere and there in corners. It shall not be amisse, by his grace and thy patience, as I thinke, to brandish once againe aboue their heads, that sword, which long since did after a great skirmish, so ouerthrow, shame, wound, and put them to silence. How copious the Scriptures euery where are, to set out, extoll, and maintaine this eternall God-head, is well knowne to euery indifferent reader: this word, this Angell of the New Testament, shining so brightly in the Old. At first Creating, discoursing and appearing to the Fathers, working such wonders and [Page 34] miracles. For what else could doe it, but his eternall wisdome counselling, and his mighty word effecting? and when could euer this wisdome and word haue beginning? which of necessitie, from all eternity had residence in the bosome of the Father. How in so many places thereof, that name of Lord, of God, which is spoken of the Father: is also sometimes meant, and vnderstood of God the Sonne. Dauid calleth him Lord, the Lord said to my Lord, &c. the Prophet Isaiah, calleth him Wonderfull, Counseller, The mighty God, the euerlasting Father, the Prince of peace. And Ieremiah, Iehouah our righteousnesse: then which what more can bee said? The Prophet Micah also giueth him a begining, but he immediatly addeth, that that beginning was frō euerlasting.
I omit how often through the Prophets there is mention made, chiefly in that of Isaiah; of Iehouah thy Redeemer, thy Sauiour, yea sometimes, Sauiour and Redeemer: which two names, properly and only belong to God the Sonne. For although God the Father, as the fountaine of the Deitie, may after a sort bee said to redeeme and saue: because of the eternitie of his loue, first consulting with his eternall wisdome and word, for our redemption and saluation to be clothed with flesh, and after sending of it. Yet was there no action of performance, but in the person of the Sonne: properly therfore no redemption. Iohn saith, that that word was God, and that all things were made by it: and that with-out it, was made nothing that was made.
Where now (O wretched Arrian!) canst thou find a beginning of the essence of this Iesus? vnlesse thou also derogate from the eternitie of the Father. Take away this Iesus eternitie, and thou shalt neuer see the Father. What power could create this admirable All; but eternall? what horrible blasphemie were it in thee, to thinke that God created God? returning againe to Paganisme, and pluralitie of Gods. Which thou must needs doe, if thou deny either the Vnity or Eternity of the Sonne with the Father. This Iehouah in the forty fourth of Isaiah saith, that hee is the first and the last, and without him there is no God. Yet I hope, hee doth not there exclude the God-head of the Sonne▪ who so often in the Appocalips assumeth vnto himself to be Alpha [Page 37] and Omega, the first and the last: (for we must alwayes beware that one Scripture confound not another, so smelling of imperfection and lying.) The like might be said of many moe. Know vile wretch, that their vnseparable vnity can suffer no maner of deuision: without confusion of the Dietie. This Iesus saith, That whatsoeuer the Father doth, that doth hee also. And in other places of the said Chapter; That the Father raiseth the dead, and quickeneth them: also, That the Sonne quickneth whom hee will. That all iudgment is committed to the Sonne, that all men should honour the Sonne, as they honour the Father? How commeth it now O Arrian! that Iehouah, which in the forty two of Isaiah saith; That he will not giue his glory to another, and is [Page 38] euery where so iealious of his honour: is now become a sharer with another, false of his word, if thy opinion should passe for current? doth hee not heere still gather all the honour and glory vnto himselfe, in honouring his Sonne? Yes verily, for Christ himselfe saith, Vnlesse hee be honoured with the same honour, the Father hath no honour: and in honouring him, we also honour the Father. Saving further, that hee that seeth him, seeth him that sent him. And to Philip, that hee that hath seene him, hath also seene the Father. And a little after, That he was in the Father, and the Father in him: which he confirmeth in that prayer a little before his passion, vnto his Father. Where, with Caluin we must remember, that so oft as hee in the person of the [Page 39] Mediator speaketh to the Father, vnder the Name of God, is comprehended also the Godhead which was his.
Farther the Apostle Paul saith, that being in the forme of God, he thought it no robbery to be equall with God. That he is the image of the inuisible God, who Created all things, beeing before all things, all things consisting in him: all the treasures of wisdome and knowledge being hid in him: the fulnesse of the God-head bodily dwelling in him, calling him further, Prince onely, King of Kings, Lord of Lords. In another place adding, That hee created the worlds, vpholding all things by his mighty word. And in the Reuelation, Hee that saith I am Alpha and Omega, sayeth also that hee was dead, (speaking [Page 40] of his humane body) but now is aliue for euermore. Wonder thou brain-sick Arrian, or whatsoeuer thou art, that darest impugne this glorious eternall deitie! neither on paine of thy damnation aduenture to search the causes of so high a mistery: perhaps thou wilt not beleeue, because thy reason cannot find it out: but I tell thee vnlesse thou subiect thy reason to Faith, thy reason shall lead thee to hell. Knowest thou not, that wee by our owne knowledge are beasts? all the imaginations of our hearts being euill continually: all of vs gone out of the way, drinking iniquitie like water; our righteousnesse as filthy clowtes, our iniquities like the winde hauing taken vs away; Our yeares as a thought, our life like the winde, our dayes swifter then a post, of short continuance, [Page 41] vanishing as a shadow, all of vs lyers: in our best estate altogether vanity, and what more miserable? Our miserable weaknesse beeing thus, how darest thou impugne the truth of God? or curiously search out the secrets of so high a misterie? but if thou wilt needs bee curious, begin at his creatures, beholding what the Lord saith vnto Iob, when hee made him to confesse his misery euen in searching of those: let be the vnsearchable misterie of the Trinity; Lay thy hand with him then vpon thy mouth, resoluing, that though thou hast spoken blasphemie, thou wilt speake so no more: repenting in dust and ashes, and with the Prophet Dauid confessing, that thou art fearfully and wonderfully made, and that his knowledge is too wonderfull for thee. Thou indeed [Page 42] alleadgest Scripture, so did the diuell to our Sauiour Christ, all to one end, to diminish his glorie. But thou darest not abide to be tried by a harmonie, to let Scripture bee expounded by Scripture: but fliest to some odde corners, like vnto the Papists, and all other the like Heretikes, who to saue their reputation in shew to the world, haue recourse to some pieces of patched Apocrypha, or other places of stented Scripture to their false glose. But if thou werest not mad, thou mightest heare that same voice which pronounced, the Father is greater then I (meaning as he was man) telling thee also, that the Father and he are one as he was God. If the one be true, shall not the other be as true? where he setteth, as Caluin saith, the Father in the higher degree; insomuch [Page 43] as the glorious perfection of brightnesse that appeareth in heauen, differeth from that measure of glory, which was seene in him, clothed with flesh. And that it was expedient thus to be, he declareth in another place, where citing Iraeneus, he saith: That the Father which is vnmeasurable, is in his Sonne measured: because he hath applied himselfe to the measure of our capacity, least he should drown our mindes with the vnmeasurablenesse of his glory. To which agreeth that saying of the Apostle to Timothy, that he is that mystery of godlinesse, God manifested in the flesh, iustified in the spirit, seen of Angels, preached vnto the Gentiles, beleeued on in the world, and receiued vp in glory. But if vaine wretch, thou wilt maintaine thy opinions against ye brightnes of so [Page 44] many testimonies; know, that when this Iesus with all his holy Angels shall appeare in the clowds, in flaming fire and vengeance to all such as thou art: he shall bring with him a Scepter of yron to crush thee in pieces: when the mountaines at thy intreatie shall not couer thee from his presence. Since in thy life-time, thou wilfully opposed thy selfe against such a clowde of witnesses, of the word it selfe, so many learned diuines of all ages: who all haue agreed (that euer spake truly). That he is coeternall, coessentiall, coequall with the Father: of one selfe-same euerlasting—eternall—substance, continuance, being, state, condition, and degree: in nothing differing, but by way of relation.
What should I speake of that tempest-calmer, ease of sorrow, [Page 45] nurse of ioy, delight of the soule; heauen-forcing prayer? who did euer yet sound aright, the depth of this bottomlesse Ocean? who euer yet knew perfectly the windings, turnings, ebbings and flowings, heats and colds, mournings and ioyes, accompanying it at once, or by turnes, as the motions of diuers passions enforceth? all which, as euer by any (Christ excepted) are by the Prophet Dauid at large expressed in the booke of Psalmes. Some-times in his owne person, some-times in that of the Church. Sometimes mourning, confessing, requesting, in anguish demanding: exhorting, comforting, and assuredly triumphing. Yea sometimes when he appeareth to be altogether lost, and vtterly voyde of consolation▪ as it were from the pit of dispaire, and gates of hell, [Page 46] (so lowe doth the Lord oft-times bring his owne) rising to a full assurance of mercy.
Certainely this Princely Prophet in his booke of Psalmes, sheweth a most perfect patterne of prayer, (remembring still the former exception) and of a Christian praying. For if wee looke for Humility, who more humble then he? I am a worme and not a man, a shame of men, and the contempt of the people. If of Patience, who more patient then he? exhorting so to patience. If of Fearing, trusting in the Lord with assured confidence, what heapes of places are there to this purpose? If of praying, what infinit (as it were) well-framed petitions. If of a forsaken Christian, seeming neere the brinkes of dispaire: who nearer then hee? If againe, of one hauing, [Page 47] and hoping to ouer-come all these sorrowes: who more gloriouslie triumphing then hee? of all which thy owne meditation shall more aboundantly satisfie thee; where thou shalt see, how alwayes hee hath recourse to the promise: thereby shewing, that there can be no well grounded prayer, but on the word applyed, nor no assurance therein, but what it hath from the free promise of mercy in Christ. Which promise, beeing rightly and in due time applyed worketh wonders, forcing that kingdome, which of it owne accord suffereth violence: arming thee further to assaile it, neuer returning without mercy, or assurance thereof. To bee short, fearing I haue alreadie passed, and shall passe the bounds of an Epistle: so the grauitie, height, [Page 48] and aboundance of the matter in hand intangled me: the waues of this bottomlesse Ocean, in which, I know not how vnawares I lanched: in tossing mee too and fro, heere and there, that as yet I could not get any sight of land: in consideration whereof, yet a little while I intreate thy patience: calling to thy remembrance onely one instance (which shall serue for all the rest) of that man of God Moses. Who, when the people had grieuously transgressed, causing to bee made, and worshipping a golden Calfe in his absence with God in the mount: after that the Lord had told him of his, to Moses seeming intention, (for the misconstruing of the second causes, proceedeth certainly of our ignorance in the first) How doth he insinuate the memory of the promise? what [Page 49] strong arguments doth hee vse to mooue the Lord to mercy? Sometimes of inconstancie, crueltie, in destro [...]ing those, whose conuoy out of a strange land, he had so graced with wonders and miracles. Of his ensuing reputation and impotencie in the mouthes of the Aegyptians. Next of his othe and promise made to Abraham, Isaack, and Iaakob: and in them to all true beleeuers. And lastly to make all sure, after the Lord had granted his request, seconding it with a thing impossible, by reason of the Lords eternitie of election and loue: If hee would not, to race him out of the booke of life.
If euer any, did not Moses here force this kingdome? how could hee choose but finde mercy? Neither did the Lord heere change his minde indeed: but of his infinite [Page 50] mercy applying him-selfe to our capacitie, speaking after the manner of men: (for how could we haue beene able otherwayes to vnderstand so high misteries in the language of that heauenly Canaan? as in other places is attributed vnto him parts of a bodie: whom notwithstanding our Sauiour Christ in the fourth of Iohn, affirmeth to bee a spirit: therefore to be worshipped in Spirit and Truth. (It being a changing onely, of a threatning in mercy: and that in great equitie, after so strong a batterie,) as is before shewed. Because as Diuines agree, in euery threatning or promise of life or death: there is alwayes some secret condition annexed, either reueiled, or vnderstood: vpon the vse or abuse whereof, life or death dependeth. As was certainly in [Page 51] this, for if the Lord had beene minded then, as at other times to destroy: when thousands, and hundreds of thousands perished in his wrath, nothing could haue staied their destruction. Which the Lord at first expresseth vnto Moses, whom, before he threaten, hee inuiteth to intercession: in these words, (Let me alone) implying a contrary, Let mee alone and I will, Let mee not alone and I will not.
As though the Lord should haue said, this people indeed hath grieuouslie sinned against mee, wherefore according to the seueritie of my Iustice, I will vtterly consume & destroy them: vnlesse some meanes of reconciliation for appeasing my wrath be vsed: some intercession by Prayer: applying [Page 52] my gratious promises in Christ, by thee, for them: but if this sweete incense smell once in my nose, I cannot choose but bee mercifull. Since then the Lord is so gratiöus, so willing to heare, to grant, how should it stirre vp euery one to seeke vnto the Lord for mercy, by prayer? since there are so many gratious promises to incourage vs: prouiding diligently for armor, by all meanes to offer violence vnto this kingdome. Some may perhaps obiect, that it is a hard taske: which I willingly grant. Yet I againe appeale vnto them, whether the ioy after the performance, and the sweete rest and peace of conscience thereby ensuing, bee not a super-aboundant recompence, for any care, for row, or other vexation they finde therein? It is true also, the Lord [Page 53] many times suffereth his children to crie long, without any shew of hearing: yet is it as true, that hee euer hath crowned perseuerance with a ioyfull victory. This patient Iob well knew, when in the middest of all his sorrowes, hee burst forth in that wonderfull speach: Although hee kill me, yet will I trust in him, &c. for certainly the Lord by this delay, letteth them know them-selues by degrees, whereof by nature they are ignorant: teaching them humility, patience, perseuerance, the tryall of tentations: assurance of his loue, in preseruing them amidest so many dangers: assured confidence for euer in the like stormes: armeth them with inuincible arguments, when the forteresse of their faith is assailed by Sathans lyes: of the trueth [Page 54] of their faith, hope, loue, constancie, or the like. And further that beeing strengthned, they may strengthen their brethren. How this duty is omitted, which should bring with it all other blessings, the impietie of this frozen age well sheweth: iniquitie like a streame ouer-flowing the hearts of most, would God not of all. But yet how farre they are ignorant of these passions of prayer, and the true moouing causes, is lamentable: the most part thinking they are fafe enough, if they doe say, Lord helpe me, in the morning: not caring what they doe all the day: but certainly where is no progresse, there must needs ensue a back-falling.
Some also, as I thinke, by reason they are vnaquainted, with the extremitie of the voyce in [Page 55] prayer, a parcell of the highest passion: thinke it strange, yea neere a fit of madnesse. For my part I dare not iudge of the misteries of a troubled soule. Yet why may not the extremitie of passionate sorrow, breake the bounds of moderation? the vehemencie of en-kindling carying the worke of the toung with it (as one speaketh.) And who can appoint limmits, to the vnknowne mounting transported flight, of the inlightned soule, in her ardent loue to her so desired home? why should any then bee ashamed heereof hauing so much grace? for although wee read of a silent Moses, a muttering Hannah, a chattering Hezekiah: yet hast thou also a roaring Dauid for the griefe of his heart.
To touch all, would fill vp a volume, I leaue them therefore, touching onely the last two: the first wheereof, to confirme all, letteth thee see the trueth of the promiser. The last, assuring thee, that hee who effected this great worke of Creation and Renouation, in respect whereof, all other miracles seeme nothing: is still as able to doe whatsoeuer hee in his holy word hath promised.
Yet least these pearles should be deuoured of swine, prophane hated Esau, presuming to pull, as well as godly loued Iaakob: giue me leaue to warne thee, the swaggering, swearing, domineering Gentleman, or whatsoeuer thou art: the dispiser, at least, the flowter of pietie and professors thereof, making no conscience of thy wayes, loosing the bridle to all licenciousnesse, [Page 57] that thou presume not to apply these promises vnto thy selfe, without repentance. It is not thy prophane life, but a broken and a contrite heart, which Dauid saith God will not refuse. Thou that canst not abide to heare of thy more then Iewish cruelty, in tearing and renting that blessed bodie, no part therof remaining free from thy blaspemous mouth: nay which is yet more horrible pearcing vnto his very soule, of thy open and vaunting sinnes, of fornication, adultery, and the like: but the gentle admonisher, must receiue a mock for his paines.
Doost thou thinke so long as thou continuest thus, these promises do appertaine vnto thee? they indeed shall bee vnto thee the sauor of death vnto death, and not of life vnto life: if thou presume [Page 58] to apply them vnto thee without a true repentance. How neere in thy scoffing doest thou incurre that fearfull woe pronounced by our Sauiour Christ, against the hypocriticall Scribes and Pharisees: shutting the kingdome of heauen before men, neither entring thy selfe, nor suffering those that would, so farre as thy reproches may hinder? heerein gallopping on horse-back to the diuell, where others vse to goe on foote, or ride softly: vnlesse the Lord of his infinite mercie stay thee in the way, as hee did to persecuting Saul.
Shall the Prophet Dauids eyes gush out with riuers of water, because prophane men in those daies tooke no care in obseruing the Law? Shall Phineas being zealous for the glory of GOD, by [Page 59] killing of Zimri and Cozbi, when Israel coupled themselues in fornication with Baalpeor, turne away the wrath of God, which had already destroied foure and twenty thousand of the people; obtaining further, a blessing to him and his seed? And shall it not be lawfull now in this crooked age, obseruing manner, time, and place, to admonish, according to that precept of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians, to haue no fello [...]shipp with the vnfruitefull workes of darknesse, but euen to reprooue them rather? I deny not, but the hypocrisie and misbehauiour of some, hath beene, and is, a great helpe to the reproch of all. Yet why should all bee blamed? Christ had twelue, one of them being a diuell: should he therefore be a reproch vnto the rest?
And the diuell will sowe tares amongst the wheate, which will grow vp, making a faire shew: and who can helpe it? Yet our Sauiour willed all so to remaine, vntill the great haruest, that hee himselfe made a separation, gathering the wheat into his barne: least as it is there expressed, the indiscretion of men, should pull the wheat with the tares.
My loue to all wisheth thee to forbeare betimes: and then when God shall inlarge thy heart, thou shalt wonder with those conuerts in the Actes, at that which thou now so dispisest, as contemptible in thy eyes, because of thy blindnesse and surfet of sinne, wherin thou liuest. And remember, if thou wilt not: that the Lord is a consuming fire, that hee will not iustifie a wicked man, and that if [Page 61] the righteous by imputation, shall scarcely be saued: where shall the vngodly and sinner appeare? If thou bee in Christ, hauing a continuing striuing repenting sorrow, all are thine. If not I present thee with a dish of woes, feed where thou list: once more troubling thy patience, with that fearfull saying of the author to the Hebrewes; Follow peace with all men, and holynesse, without which none shall see the Lord.
I might heere bee thought partiall, to spare the Ianus-faced Pharasaicall hypocrite: who professing Christianitie, yet liueth, as though there were neither heauen nor hell, God nor diuell: not caring if the out-side of the platter be cleane, how foule the in-side be: a part of the mistery of whose [Page 62] iniquitie, I would by the grace of God aduenture to shew, but that it were presumption after Appelles pensill.
Yet giue mee leaue, to warne thee also prophane hypocrite, that these promises pertaine not to thee; because thou art the most detestable wretch that liueth. For if a dissembling Matchauilianist with men, be so hatefull to most on earth, what shall he bee that dareth dissemble with God, in the Court of heauen? Thou makest a shew vnto the world, of new birth, and I know not what sanctitie: and yet in secret, how canst thou reioyce in thy sweete darling sinnes? (I speake not of any poore humbled sinners, dayly cast downe with the horror of their sinnes: striuing continually, whither as yet they can by no meanes attaine) [Page 63] for, (who can say I haue cleansed my heart) but of such (who haue taken vnto them-selues a setled habite of hypocrisie, beeing pleased therewith, liuing at ease with a seared conscience.) Thou canst perhaps forsake all, so farre as mortalitie may: onely with Naaman wishing the Lord to bee mercifull to thee in this, when thou bowest thy selfe in the house of diuelish Rimmon.
For all this thou (perhaps) prayest often: thou dooest well: but I aske thee, what kinde of prayer thou canst make without a true confession? what true confession, without vnfained repentance? and what true repentance, with-out it bee continuat, totall, bringing with it an vnappeasable hatred and forsaking, which by degrees it worketh out, [Page 64] studying all meanes, how to crucifie this serpent. The diuell by thee gets double aduantage, seeing there is no sinne where-vnto hee more tempteth, then that one professing Christianity should turne hypocrite. Which conquest hauing once gained, O how hee triumphs for by thy hardened heart, which increaseth dayly more and more, as thou continuest, hee thinketh him-selfe sure of thee, and by thy dissembled life, which how close so euer thou conceale it for a time, peepeth out at last at one corner or other: slander ensueth to others. Perhaps thou thinkest, that when thy moneths of vanity are past, thou wilt amend all, and repent fully: yet remember that thou canst not tye the Keye of repentance to thy girdle: that there is a time, when though thou wouldst [Page 65] seeke it as Esau did the blessing, thou shalt not finde it: when the doore of repentance shall hee shut, all the wise Virgins gone in, after which there shall be no opening to the foolish: when hee shall bee couered with a clowde that thy prayer cannot passe through. The Lord loueth truth in the inward affections, the Kings daughter is all glorious within (saith the Psalmist) and the Lord craueth the heart chiefly (saith Salomon) yet behold, thou wilt not bestow vpon him, but a counterfet outward shew: in what estate art thou, iudge thy selfe? What hast thou then to doe O hypocrite! to take this couenant in thy mouth, since thou hatedst to be reformed: and hast cast his words behinde thee? remember this, if thou forget God; least hee teare thee in [Page 66] pieces, and there be none that can deliuer thee. Remember if thou yet hope, what is said in the booke of Iob: that the hypocrites hope shall perish, that the hypocrite shall not come before God: that the congregation of the hypocrite shall be desolate, and his reioycing but for a moment: what fearfull woes our Sauiour Christ also thundereth in the Gospell to this purpose. If thou yet leaue, repent, forsake, and continue sorrowfull, thou knowest the gates are not yet shut: all are open, all these gratious promises are thine, and Christ with them. If no, none of them belongeth vnto thee, vnlesse it be the woes.
But vnto thee, vvho art cast downe with the sight of thy innumerable sinnes, wallowing as it were in the dust, heauen, earth, [Page 67] and hell, seeming to conspire against thee: whom crosses and afflictions, like Iobs messengers, assaile to dash thee from the for tresse of thy faith. Whom pinching pouerty, a dissembling world, the malice of men, the falshood, or losse of friends troubleth. Who fighting against thy innumerable sinnes, art for the most part foyled: crying out with the Church-militant, (I would but cannot). In whose way the scoffes of men, the allurements of the flesh, the tentations of Satan, the ignominy of the crosse, the hardnesse, longnesse, and narrownesse of the way: the delaying accomplishmēt of the promises: the smalnesse of the flock the heapes of vaine delights, the weaknesse of the soule, the terrors of death, with innumerable doubtings accompanying, standeth vp [Page 68] like mountaines betwixt thee and thy Christ; doth this picture of Christ chiefly submit it selfe; wishing that once therein in thy most need, thou maist finde a word in due time: finding also at last, that all these things come for the best vnto thee, although in the meane time thou canst not see how. How by these and many moe, the Lord maketh his power perfect in thy weaknesse: when by one affliction and deliuerance hee strengthneth thee more and more, with experience and patience for the next: by degrees shewing thy selfe vnto thy selfe. Euery fall of thine, Antaeus-like, redoubling thy strenghth, as thy experience best knoweth. (Yet not that any should sinne (as the Apostle speaketh) that grace may abound, for sinnes of presumption hardly come [Page 69] to repentance: let be the working of any such effects.) Onely it pleaseth the Lord, helping thy infirmities and fallings, weaning thee dayly from the pleasures of this world, that thou mayest set thy heart on a better: conforming thee vnto his sufferings more & more, by so rough a way to bring thee to glory: in all these spirituall dissertions furthering thy saluation.
Let patience therefore sweeten thy whatsoeuer estate: since it is most expedient that things be so; For if the Sunne should alwayes shine, wee see how the earth becommeth drie and barren, how euery one wisheth for raine: whose sweete distilling showers beeing come, how the hardened, drie, and barren earth becommeth fruitfull againe: returning to her former [Page 70] mediocritie. Euen so the Sonne of righteousnesse, shining for a long time, and by his spirit hauing residence in the heart: ouer cloying it as it were with ioy, the soule becommeth carelesse in prouision for the retaining of so glorious a guest, which it thinketh it hath after a sort in possession: with Dauid in prosperitie, saying, it shall neuer be mooued. It presently vpon this presumption, findeth a great alteration: her loue hideth himselfe for a time, seemeth to be gone; Thou hidest thy face said Dauid, and I was troubled. Then beginneth the soule to toile and moyle, finding that her ioy, her loue is remooued, inquiring and searching diligently the causes, pondering all reasons: finding her neglect the cause, shee resolueth to seeke him againe, [Page 71] with the spouse of the Canticl [...]s, neuer to leaue seeking vntill shee finde him. Then commeth Dauids roaring, then falleth the showers of teares, such as is reported of Luthers vehemencie, moystening this barren ground: then becommeth shee sick of loue, then vseth shee all meanes for his returne, comforting her selfe with the Prophet Dauid, in this dissertion, with the remembrance of the dayes of old, preparing for his next returne better intertainement: importuning it, vntill at last the clowds doe vanish, her loue appeareth, shee findeth and feeleth it is so, their friendship is renued, new promises made: after which there is a great calme.
Yet againe stormes ensue, he frowneth, remoueth, she becometh restlesse [Page 72] (for it is a wonderfull mercy that the Lord giueth an incessant restlesn [...]sse to the soule in these spirituall dissertions, vntill shee finde in some measure her wonted ioy,) hauing recourse to the former or like meanes, for her raising againe. Continuing thus, falling and rising with Ezekiel in his vision of the Temples abuse, the further she proceedeth, in her selfe perceauing greater abhominations then these past: vntill at last hauing foughten the good fight, and the tryall of her faith beeing found more pretious then gold: the Sonne himselfe appeare, to finish all cares, with the inco [...]r [...]ptible crown of perseuerance.
But thou perhaps wonderest, at the prosperitie and ease of the wicked in respect of thy toile and trouble: so did it also some of Gods [Page 73] dearest Saints, as thou knowest: some of them crying out, wherfore dooest tho [...] looke vpon the transgressers? &c. Why are all they in wealth that rebelliously transgresse? wherefore doe the wicked liue? and Dauid fretted there at. Yet hee telleth thee, that they are set in slippery places: suddainly destroyed, perish [...]d, and horribly consumed: and Iob saith that they are kept for the day of destruction, and shall bee brought forth to the day of wrath. If thou remember of this, and that thou canst not haue two heauens, and that thy Christ, as thou seruest him in spirit & truth, rewardeth thee also with spirituall graces: and that there must be a moment anie temporall suffering, to auoide an eternall: that the fatted Oxen are fed in the best pastures for awhile, [Page 74] that they may the sooner come to the butcherie: when the poore toyling leane ones are kept aliue: that thy short sufferings, haue for reward an eternall waight of glorie: thou canst not choose I say, but bee most content of thy estate. But, if thy eyes with Elishas man were yet a little opened, that thou mightest behold the sword hanging aboue his head by a haire, in the midst of all his pleasures: thou wouldest not change estates with him. Thou maiest then comfort thy self, that howsoeuer thy estate bee, hee that watcheth ouer thee neither slumbereth nor sleepeth: that he hath a time appointed in which he will turne thy shadow of death into the morning (as the Prophet Amos speaketh [...]) that if thou sow righteousnesse, thou shalt receiue a sure reward: that if thou [Page 75] ouer-come thou shalt inherite all things: that although he chasten thee very sore, (as Dauid saith) yet hee will not deliuer thee vnto death: that if thou suffer, thy head Christ suffereth with thee: Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou mee? that as hee hath begun with thee in mercy, so hee will also make an end. That although thy portion on earth bee small, yet hee is thy inheritance that filleth heauen and earth: though in pouertie, yet not ouer-come of pouerty; distressed but not forsaken: that thou art his sheepe, and hee knoweth thee, and hath promised vnto thee eternall life: n [...]ne beeing able to pull thee out of his hands: that his saluation is neere thee, yea nearer then when thou beleeuedst. That as the Prophet Dauid confesseth, his louing kindnesse is better [Page 76] then life: that as his Father hath loued him, so hath hee loued thee, and as his friend hath giuen his life for thee. What then fearest thou? how often doth he tell thee, feare not, feare not? imputing it to the imperfection of loue. Why maiest thou not rather remember what the Lord said to Caine? If thou doe well, shalt thou not be accepted? Things beeing so, tho [...] maiest assure thy selfe, that vnto the righteous, in the end light ariseth out of darknesse: and vnto thee, light shall be the last. As that great Father well noteth of the seauenth day, wherein is no mention of Sunne-set, or night: because (saith he) thou O God didst sanctifie it to remaine for euer. Then trust thou for this eternall Sabbath, whatsoeuer the diuell, doubtings, the world, reason, or [Page 77] any other thing shall suggest in the contrary. Assuring thy selfe, that the vnspeakable ioy which thou some times feelest, after that thou in dulnesse and hardnesse of heart, hast presented thy selfe before the throne of grace: by suddaine inspiration, kindled thou knowest not how, comming thou knowest not whence: is euen to thee a most assured testimony, that there is a greater light, and more aboundance of ioy whence that did spring: which although thou now but feelest and seest in part, when the separating clowds shall vanish away, and the vaile be taken from thine eyes, thou shalt inioy & behold fully. That thou maist bee assured heereof, striue alwayes for the peace of a waking conscience: for if it be watchfull, it will tell thee what is amisse. This onely [Page 78] can giue thee perfit consolation, in thy last houre vpon thy bed of sorrow: when other consolations shall faile, singing a sweete requiem vnto thy soule: When although thou finde not that sence of ioy which thou desirest and hopest. Yet in spight of Satan, it shall assure thee, that there is no condemnation for thee beeing in Christ, as the Apostle speaketh. That the Iudge being thy Sauiour and Mediator, thou shalt receiue a milde sentence: that by that same word where-with hee hath tyed thy obedience vnto him, hee hath tyed his louing promises vnto thee: that according as thou to thy power by his grace, hast fulfilled to him: so hee to whom all power in heauen and in earth is giuen will assuredly accomplish vnto thee.
Neither flatter thy selfe with delay of time, for how knowest thou when this Trumpet shall blow? a Christian must not thinke of yeares, moneths, weekes, (for this is the diuells suggestion to weary thee with the fore-thought of so long and wearie a course of Christianity to come) but of daies. To day (it is said) if you will heare his voyce harden not your hearts. &c. This day (saith Moses to the children of Israel) I set before you death and life: there is no word heere of to morrow, and who knoweth whether euer there shall bee a to morrow or not? and the Author to the Hebrewes telleth thee, that after death commeth iudgment. What profiteth it then to thee, how long it be to this day in respect of time? since the day of thy death is the [Page 80] day of iudgement vnto thee: and who hath assurance of a minute of life? behold then how neere thou art to iudgment.
But whensoeuer this separation shall be, death, if thou be in Christ shall not hurt thee: for as the Apostle saith, If when thou wast an enemie, thou wast reconciled vnto God by the death of his Sonne: much more being reconciled, thou shalt be saued by his life. It is now stinglesse vnto thee, indeed I grant it is, yet loathsome like a Serpent for the sting it once had, and yet hath to the reprobate: but the feare is greater then the touch for being imbraced, it bringeth thee to thy long desired home: endeth all thy cares and sorrows, bringing thee from a filthy prison, into the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God:
In the meane time the remembrance thereof serueth thee for a bridle to thy life, as by the contrarie, the neglect thereof causeth much sorrow. This made Moses in his song, complaine of the people. Oh that they were wise! then they would vnderstand this, they would consider their latter end. And the Prophet in the Lamentations; Her filthinesse is in her skirts: shee remembred not her last end, therefore she came downe wonderfully: she had no comforter. But since thou continually remembrest that which so humbleth thee: that thou art dust, and to dust thou must returne. Remember also what thy Christ saith, when he forbiddeth thee to feare, because he is the first and the last: telling thee further, that he hath the keyes of hell and death: euen [Page 82] that key of Dauid, which openeth where no man shutteth: and shutteth where no man openeth. If hee who hath done so m [...]ch for thee be thy Iaylor, who hath giuen his life for thee: doest thou thinke that he will bee so vnkinde, as to open those gates of hell and death, imprisoning thee againe? can, or will he vse thee so? whose liberty and ransome cost him so deare? Certainly no, for if an earthly Maister will not leaue his old seruants destitute in their old age, sicknesse, or extreamest extremitie: darest thou thinke that thy great Lord and Maister, whose loue is vnspeakable, passing the loue of women to their children: minde vnvariable, truth vnfallible, power omnipotent, will leaue thee then in thy most need? Shall not so iust a Law-giuer in all [Page 83] perfection obserue, what hee so strictly and dayly inioyneth vnto thee? but thou knowest that the mountaines may remooue, and the hills fall downe: but his mercie shall neuer depart from thee, O thou afflicted and tossed with tempest, that hast no comfort! It is true, hee often-times stayeth vntill all other comforts be gone, that hee may bee the onely comforter: and thou onely repose in him.
So went hee into the Mountaine, leauing his Disciples to bee tossed in the sea: so slept hee in the shippe, yet his Deitie did wake for their safetie: beeing readie (at a help maister) to calme all tempests, and make a great calme. For hee is not absent in his seeming absence, but onelye standeth at the doore [Page 84] knocking, to see if thou wilt open and let him in. Yet behold loue more wonderfull: hee some-times entreth when all the doores are shut. So did hee to his disciples, when hee appeared amongst them to Thomas, who had resolued without seeing not to beleeue: (yet wee read of no hast hee made to see) But his Sauiour preuenteth him, commeth vnto him, causing him put his finger into his hands, and his hands into his side.
O fountaine of the gardens, O well of liuing waters! is the vnspeakable eternitie of thy loue so great towards thy elect, and their hearts so dull to seeke and loue thee againe? Haue yee no regard, all yee that passe by, vnto your soules safetie? Behold and see if euer there were any loue like vnto his loue, or sorrow like vnto his [Page 85] sorrow, procured by the huge waight of our sinnes, or ingratitude like vnto ours againe. Thou maiest then assure thy selfe, that hee is the same God still: euen of all the world. And since the sting of death is gone, arme thy selfe with a good life against it: perswading thy selfe that the faith of Abraham, shal at length bring thee into his bosome, vnto the company of all the elect, to reigne with him in glory. Of which, if so small a measure, did transport the disciples vpon mount Thabar, strike Saul to the ground: nay if the reflexe of a reflexe, did so astonish the children of Isrell, that Moses must couer his face, when hee spoake to them: after hee had beene with the Lord in the mount. What shall the fulnesse thereof do, when thou shalt see him as hee is? [Page 86] What can bee sufficient for attaining so glorious an eternity? For if ten hundred thousand Methushalems were aliue, & should doe nothing all their life time but multiply by hundred thousands of millions: if all the sand of the Sea, and drops of the Ocean, could all be numbred: yet here were no end.
How short then are all these by-past succession af ages, which haue seemed so tedious and long, in respect of this eternitie? The Apostle Peter saith, a thousand yeares are but as a day in his sight: and the royall Psalmist, as yesterday, when it is past, or as a watch in the night. O the vnspeakable, vnmeasurable glory and ioy of that New Ierusalem! the super-aboundant immensible sacietie whereof, so transporteth the beholders. [Page 87] If, I pray you, a weeke of eternitie bee so long, that all these yeares since the Creation in the sight of God, are not so much: vvhat I pray you shall moneths, yeares, thousands of yeares, nay hundred thousand millions of eternitie bee?
The Apostle calleth the afflictions of this life, but a moment in respect heereof: aduise thee then if thou darest venter this eternitie, for a moment of vanitie. And seeing thou canst not bee a friend to the world (as the Apostle speaketh) vnlesse thou bee an enemie to God: forsake it so much as thou canst. For when neere, and in that last day, the obscursion of the Sunne and Moone, the falling of the Starres, the shaking of the powers of heauen, the voyce of the Archangell, and [Page 88] trumpet of God sounding, the musterings of Angels, the opening of the graues, the showtes of the faithfull, the shrickes of the reprobate, the sight of all Saints, the brightnesse of glory dazeling thy eyes, shall assure thee of his approch whom thy soule loueth: himselfe lastly appearing in his chaire of triumph, to fulfill all his gratious promises vnto thee. Then shall it not grieue thee, that thou hast suffered, this, or that: the mockes of this, the scoffes of that other: or whatsoeuer calamitie or crosse, but rather that thou hast not suffered more for thy Christ: (if the extremity of ioy, do not then quite bury all remembrance of cares past.) Yet a little while then, nay a very little while, and hee that shall come, will come quickly: for there shall be an end (as Salomon [Page 89] speaketh) and thy hope shall not be cut off. Solace thy selfe then that this day wil come, thou knowest not how soone, when thou shalt tread downe the wicked, they (as Malachi speaketh) beeing dust vnder the soles of thy feete; after which to thee there shall bee no more night, but euerlasting sunshine: euer with Hierome remembring of this voice & trumpet sounding, more fearefull a great deale, then that which erst sounded on mount Sinai: when all the people of the campe were affraide. And because the soule (as Augustine speaketh) as it cannot be inlightned of it selfe, neither can bee filled with it selfe: a corruptible body beeing heauie vnto it: because it is naked (as the Apostle speaketh) longing to bee clothed from heauen. Euer to [Page 90] finish the Catastrophe of thy song, with that mourning and loue-sick spouse of the Canticles: to which also agreeth that of the whole Scriptures. O my welbeloued! flie away, and be like vnto the Roe, or to the young Heart vpon the mountaines of spices.
The Contents and order of the Chapters following.
- OF the perfection of the Scriptures.
- Prophecies of Christ.
- Of Christs eternall God-head and vnitie with the Father.
- The patterne of prayer, together with foure passions thereof.
- Dauid greeuously mourning and confessing.
- Earnestly requesting.
- Passionatly demanding.
- Assuredly triumphing.
- Prayers heard in the old Testament.
- Of the feare of the Lord.
- Of the Lords great care ouer [Page] the poore.
- Of the Lords great care ouer the fatherlesse & widdowes.
- Of Charitye or helping the poore.
- Gf the Sabbath.
- Of Hollinesse.
- Of Humility.
- Who are blessed.
- Woe vnto whom.
- Of Faith.
- Of Beleeuing or Faith working.
- Of Hope.
- Of Loue.
- Of the Crosse, Chastening, or Suffering.
- Of Afflictions.
- Of Trusting or waiting on the Lord.
- Of Tentations.
- Of Patience.
- Of Perseuerance.
- Comforts in generall.
- [Page]That the Lord is mercifull.
- Of Death.
- Of Christs second comming to Iudgment.
- Of the resurrectiō of the body.
- Of Glorification in the life to come.
- That God is True and Faithfull of his promise.
- Wonders and Miracles.
The Margent sheweth alwayes, the Booke and Chapter, the figure the Verse.
O Ierusalem, wash thine heart from wickednesse, that thou maiest be saued: how long shall thy wicked thoughts remaine within thee? Ierem. 4.14.
Euen the Storke in the ayre knoweth her appointed times, and the Turtle and the Crane, and the Swallow, obserue the time of their comming, but my people knoweth not the iudgment of the Lord. Ierem. 8.7.
Will you steale, murther, and commit adultery, and sweare falsely, and burne Incence vnto Baal, and walke after other Gods whom yee k [...]ow not?
And come and stand before mee in this house, wherevpon my name is called, and say, Wee are deliuered, though we haue done all these abhominations?
But goe yee now vnto my place which was in Shilo, where I set my Name at the beginning, and behold what I did to it for the wickednesse of my people Israel. Ierem. 7, 9.10.12.
Of the Perfection of the Scriptures.
YEe shall put nothing vnto the worde which I command you,Deuterono. IIII. neither shall yee take ought there-from. 2.
It is no vaine word concerning you, but it is your life. 47.XXXII.
The words of the Lord are pure words, as the siluer,Psalmes. XII. tryed in a fornace of earth fined seauen-fold. 6.
The way of God is vncorrupt:XVIII. the word of the Lord is tried in the fire. 30.
The law of the Lord is perfect, conuerting the soule:XIX. the testimonie of the Lord is sure, [Page 2] and giueth wisdome vnto the simple. 7.
The statutes of the Lord are right, and reioyce the heart: the commandement of the Lord is pure, and giueth light vnto the eyes. 8.
XXXIII.The word of the Lord is righteous, and all his workes are faithfull. 4.
CXIX.Except thy law had beene my delight, I should haue perished in mine affliction. 92.
Thy word is a Lanthern vnto my feete, and a light vnto my path. 105.
The entrance into thy words sheweth light, and giueth vnderstanding to the simple. 130. Thy word is proued most pure, and thy seruant loueth it. 140.
The righteousnesse of thy testimonies is euerlasting. 144.
The beginning of thy word is truth. 160.
Euery word of God is pure.Prouerbes. XXX. 5
Put nothing vnto his words, least he reprooue thee, and thou be found a lyar. 6.
Search the Scriptures:Iohn. V. for in them yee thinke to haue eternall life, and they are they which testifie of me. 39.
I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ:Romanes. I. for it is the power of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth. 16.
For by it the righteousnesse of God is reueiled from faith to faith. 17.
Continue thou in the things which thou hast learned,II: Timoth. III. & art perswaded therof, knowing of whom thou hast learned thē. 14
And that thou hast knowne, the holy Scriptures of a child, [Page 4] which are able to make thee wise vnto saluation, through the faith which is in Iesus Christ. 15.
For the whole Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God, and is profitable to teach, to improoue, to correct, and to instruct in righteousnesse. 16.
That the man of God may be absolute, being made perfect vnto all good workes. 17.
Hebrewes. IIII.The word of the Lord is liuely, & mighty in operation, and sharper then any two-edged sword, and entereth through, euen vnto the deuiding a sunder of the soule and the spirit, and of the ioynts and the marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts, and the intent of the heart. 12.
Iames. I.Receiue with meeknesse the [Page 5] word that is graffed in you, which is able to saue your soules. 21.
Wee haue also a most sure word of the Prophets,II. Peter. I. to the which yee do well that ye take heed, as vnto a light that shineth in a darke place, vntill the day dawne, and the day-starre arise in your hearts. 19.
So that yee first know this, that no Prophecy in the Scripture is of any priuate motion. 20.
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were mooued by the holy Ghost. 21:
I protest vnto euery man that heareth the words of the prophecie of this booke,Reuelation. XXII. if any man shall adde vnto these [Page 6] things, GOD shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in this Booke. 18.
And if any man shall deminish of the words of the booke of this Prophecie, God shall take away his part out of the booke of life, and out of the holy Citty, and from those things which are written in this booke. 19.
Prophecies of Christ.
Genesis. III.I Will also put enmity betweene thee and the woman, and betweene thy seed and her seed: Hee shall breake thine head, and thou shalt bruise his heele. 15.
XII.I will make of thee a great nation, and will blesse thee, and [Page 7] make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing. 2.
I will also blesse them that blesse thee, and curse them that curse thee, and in thee shall all families of the earth bee blessed. 3.
The Scepter shall not depart from Iudah, XLIX. nor a law-giuer from betweene his feet, vntill Shiloch come, & the people shall be gathered vnto him. 10.
I shall see him, but not now:Numbers. XXIIII. I shall behold, but not neere: there shall come a starre of Iaacob, and a Scepter shall rise of Israell, and shall smite the coasts of Moab, and destroy all the sonnes of Sheth. 17.
The Lord thy GOD will raise vp vnto thee a Prophet like vnto me from among you,Deuterono. XVIII. euen of thy brethren: vnto [Page 8] him yee shall hearken. 15.
Iob. XIX.I am sure that my redeemer liueth, and hee shall stand the last on the earth. 25.
Psalmes. II.Why do the Heathen rage, and the people murmure in vaine? 1.
The Kings of the earth bandie them-selues, and the Princes are assembled together against the Lord, and against his Christ. 2.
Thou art my Sonne: this day haue I begotten thee. 7.
Aske of mee, and I shall giue thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the ends of the earth for thy possession. 8.
Thou shalt crush them with a Scepter of Yron, and breake them in peeces like a Potters vessell. 9.
XVI.Thou wilt not leaue my soule [Page 9] in the graue: neither wilt thou suffer thine holy One to see corruption. 10.
My God, my God,XXII. I. why hast thou forsaken me? 1.
All they that see mee haue mee in derision: they make a mowe, and nod the head; saying 7.
Hee trusted in the Lord, let him deliuer him, let him saue him, since he loueth him. 8.
Dogs haue compassed mee, and the assembly of the wicked haue inclosed mee: they pearced my hands and my feet. 16.
They part my garments among them, and cast lots vpon my vesture. 18.
Thou art gone vp on high:LXVIII. thou hast led captiuity captiue, and receiued gifts for men: yea euen the rebellious hast thou [Page 10] led that the Lord God might dwell there. 18.
LXIX.Rebuke hath broken mine heart, and I am full of heauienesse, and I looked for some to haue pitie on me, but there was none: and for comforters, but I found none. 20.
For they gaue me gall in my meate, and in my thirst they gaue me Vineger to drinke. 21.
CX.The Lord said vnto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand, vntill I make thine enemies thy foot-stoole. 1.
The Lord shall send the rod of thy power out of Zion: bee thou ruler in the midst of thine enimies. 2.
The people shall come willingly at the time of assembling thine army in holy beauty: the youth of thy wombe, [Page 11] shall be as the morning dew. 3.
The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a Priest for euer, after the order of Melchi-zedeck. 4.
Therefore the Lord himselfe will giue you a signe.Isaiah. VII. Behold, the virgin shall conceaue and beare a sonne, and she shall call his name Immanuel. 14.
Vnto vs a child is borne,IX. and vnto vs a sonne is giuen: and the gouernment is vpon his shoulder, and hee shall call his name, Wonderfull, Counseller, the mighty God, the euerlasting Father, the Prince of peace. 6.
The increase of his gouernment, and peace shall haue none end. 7.
There shall come a rod forth of the stock of Ishai, XI. and a [Page 12] graffe shall growe out of his rootes. 1.
And the spirit of the Lord shall rest vpon him: the spirit of wisdom & vnderstanding, the spirit of counsell and strength, the spirit of knowledge, and of the feare of the Lord. 2.
XLII.Behold my seruant: I will stay vpon him: mine elect in whom my soule delighteth: I haue put my spirit vpon him: hee shall bring forth iudgment to the Gentiles. 1.
Hee shall not crie, nor lift vp, nor cause his voyce to bee heard in the streete. 2.
A bruised Reede shall he not breake, and the smoking flaxe shall hee not quench: hee shall bring forth iudgmēt in truth. 3.
L.The Lord God hath opened mine eare, and I was not rebellious, [Page 13] neither turned back. 5.
I gaue my back to the smiters, and my cheekes to the nippers, I hid not my face from shame and spitting. 6.
Who will beleeue our report,LIII. and to whom is the arme of the Lord reueiled? 1.
But he shall grow vp before him as a branch, and as a roote out of drye ground: hee hath neither forme nor beauty: when wee shall see him, there shall bee no forme that wee should desire him. 2.
Hee is dispised and reiected of men: hee is a man full of sorrowes, and hath experience of infirmities: wee hid as it were our faces from him: hee was dispised, and wee estemed him not. 3.
Surely hee hath borne our [Page 14] infirmities, and caried our sorrowes: yet wee did iudge him as plagued, and smitten of God, and humbled. 4.
But hee was wounded for our transgressions, he was broken for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was vpon him, and with his stripes wee are healed. 5.
The Lord hath laid vpon him the iniquity of vs all. 6.
Hee was oppressed, and hee was afflicted, yet did hee not open his mouth: hee is brought as a sheepe to the slaughter, and as a sheepe before her shearer is dumbe, so he openeth not his mouth. 7.
Hee was taken out from the prison, and from iudgement: and who shall declare his age? for hee was cut out of [Page 15] the land of the liuing: for the transgression of my people was hee plagued. 8.
And hee made his graue with the wicked and with the riche in his death, though hee had done no wickednesse, neither was any deceite in his mouth. 9.
Yet the Lord would breake him, and make him subiect to infirmities: when he shall make his soule as an offering for sin, hee shall see his seed, and shall prolong his dayes, and the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hands. 10.
Hee shall see of the trauaile of his soule, and shall bee satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous seruant iustifie many: for hee shall beare their iniquities. 11.
Therefore will I giue him a portion with the great, and he shall deuide the spoile with the strong, because hee hath powred out his soule vnto death: and hee was counted with the transgressers, and hee bare the sinne of many, and prayed for the trespassers. 12.
LV.Incline your eares and come vnto mee: heare, and your soule shall liue, I will make an euerlasting couenant with you, euen the sure mercies of Dauid. 3.
Behold, I gaue him for a witnesse to the people, for a Prince and a maister to the people. 4.
LXI.The Spirit of the Lord is vpon mee, therefore hath the Lord anointed mee: hee hath sent me to preach good tidings [Page 17] to the poore, to binde vp the broken-hearted, to preach liberty to the captiues, and to them that are bound, the opening of the prison. 1.
To preach the acceptable yeare of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all that mourne. 2.
To appoint vnto them that mourne in Zion, and to giue vnto them beautie for ashes, the oyle of ioy for mourning, the garment of gladnesse for the spirit of heauinesse, that they might bee called trees of righteousnesse, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified. 3.
Behold,LXII. the Lord hath proclaimed vnto the end of the world: tell the daughter of Zion; Behold, thy Sauiour commeth: [Page 18] behold his wages is with him, and his worke is before him. 11.
Ieremiah. XXIII.Behold the dayes come saith the Lord, that I will raise vnto Dauid a righteous branch, and a King shall raigne, and prosper, and shall execute iudgement, and iustice in the earth. 5
In his dayes Iudah shall bee saued, and Israel shall dwell safely, and this is the Name whereby they shall call him, The LORD our righteousnesse. 6.
XXXIII.Behold, the dayes come saith the Lord, that I will performe that good thing which I haue promised vnto the house of Israel, and to the house of Iudah. 14.
In those dayes and at that time, will I cause the branche [Page 19] of righteousnesse to growe vp vnto Dauid, and hee shall execute iudgment, and righteousnesse in the Land. 15.
I will helpe my sheepe,Ezekiel. XXXIIII. and they shall bee no more spoiled, and I will iudge betweene sheepe and sheepe. 22.
And I will set vp a sheapheard ouer them, and hee shall feed them, euen my seruant Dauid, hee shall feed them, and he shall be their sheapheard. 23.
And I the Lord will be their God, and my seruant Dauid shall bee the Prince among them. 24.
And I will raise vp for them a plant of renowne. 29.
And Dauid my seruant shall bee King ouer them,XXXVII. and they all shall haue one sheapheard. 24.
Daniel. IX.Seuenty weekes are determined vpon the people, and vpon the holy Cittie, to finish the wickednesse, and to seale vp the sinnes, and to reconcile the iniquity, and to bring in euerlasting righteousnesse, and to seale vp the vision and Prophesie, and to anoint the most holy. 24.
Know therefore and vnderstand, that from the going forth of the commandement to bring againe the people, and to build Ierusalem, vnto Messiah the Prince, shall be seauen weekes, and three-score & two weekes, and the streete shall bee built againe, and the wall, euen in a troublous time. 25.
And after three-score and two weekes, shall Messiah bee slaine, & shall haue nothing. 26.
Then shall the children of Iudah, Hosea. I. and the children of Israel bee gathered together, and appoint them-selues one head, and they shall come vp out of the land: for great is the day of Izrael. 11.
In that day will I raise vp the Tabernacle of Dauid that is fallen downe,Amos. IX. and close vp the breaches thereof, and I will raise vp his ruines, and I will build it as in the dayes of old 11
But in the last dayes it shall come to passe,Micah. IIII. that the mountaine of the house of the Lord shall be prepared in the top of the mountaine, and it shall bee exalted aboue the hills, and people shall flow vnto it. 1.
And thou Bethlem Ephrathath art little to bee among the thousands of Iudah, V. yet out of [Page 22] thee shall hee come forth vnto mee that shall be ruler in Israel: whose goings forth haue been from the beginning and from euerlasting. 2.
Therefore will hee giue him vp, vntill the time that shee which shall beare, shal trauaile: then the remnant of their brethren shall returne vnto the children of Israel. 3.
And hee shall stand and feed in the strength of the Lord, and in the Maiesty of the Name of the Lord his God, and they shall dwell still: for now shall hee be magnified vnto the ends of the world. 4.
And he shall be our peace. 5.
Zechariah. III.Heare now O Iehoshua the Priest, thou and thy fellowes that sit before thee: for they are monstrous persons: but behold, [Page 23] I will bring forth the Branch my seruant. 8.
For loe, the stone that I haue laid before Iehoshua: vpon the stone shall bee seauen eyes: behold, I will cutte out the grauing thereof, saith the Lord of hostes, and I will take away the iniquitie of this land in one day. 9.
Reioyce greatly,IX. ô Daughter of Zion: showt for ioy, ô daughter Ierusalem: behold, thy King commeth vnto thee: hee is iust and saued him-selfe, poore and riding vpon an Asse, and vpon a Coult of the foale of an Asse. 9.
Of Christs eternall God-head and Vnitie with the Father.
Isaiah. IX.VNto vs a Child is borne, and vnto vs a Sonne is giuen: and the gouernment is vpon his shoulder, and hee shall call his name Wonderfull, Counceller, The mighty God, The euerlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. 6.
XLIII.I, euen I am the Lord, and beside me there is no Sauiour. 11.
XLIIII.Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hoastes, I am the first, and I am the last, and with-out me there is no God. 6.
[...]eremiah. XXIII.Behold, the dayes come saith the Lord, that I will raise vnto Dauid a righteous branch, and [Page 25] a King shall reigne and prosper [...], and shall execute iudgement and iustice in the earth. 5.
In his dayes Iudah shall bee saued, and Israel shall dwell safely, and this is the Name whereby they shall call him, The LORD our righteousnesse. 6.
And thou Bethlehem Ephrathah art little to be among the thousand of Iudah, Micah. V. yet out of thee shall hee come forth vnto mee that shall be ruler in Israel: whose going forth haue beene from the beginning, and from euerlasting. 2.
In the beginning was the word,Iohn. I. and the word was with God, and that word was God. 1
The same was in the beginning with God. 2.
All things were made by it, [Page 26] and without it was made nothing that was made. 3.
In it was life, and the life was the light of men. 4.
And the light shineth in the darknesse, and the darkenesse comprehended it not. 5.
Hee was in the world, and the world was made by him, & the world knew him not. 10.
The word was made flesh, and dwelt among vs (and wee saw the glory thereof, as the glory of the onely begotten Sonne of the Father) full of grace and truth. 14.
Mathew. X.Hee that receiueth you, receiueth mee: and he that receiueth mee, receiueth him that hath sent me. 40.
XI.All things are giuen vnto mee of my Father: and no man knoweth the Sonne, but [Page 27] the Father: neither knoweth any man the Father, but the Sonne, and hee to whome the Sonne will reueile him. 27.
The Sonne can doe nothing of him-selfe,Iohn. V. saue that he seeth the Father do: for whatsoeuer things he doth, the same things doth the Sonne also. 19.
For the Father loueth the Son, & sheweth him all things, whatsoeuer he him-self doth. 20
For likewise as the Father raiseth vp the dead; and quickneth them, so the Sonne quickneth whom he will. 21.
For the Father iudgeth no man, but hath committed all iudgment vnto the Sonne. 22.
Because that all men should honour the Sonne, as they honour the Father: he, that honoreth not the Sonne, this same [Page 28] honoreth not the Father which hath sent him. 23.
As the Father hath life in him-selfe, so likewise hath hee giuen to the Sonne to haue life in him-selfe. 26.
And hath giuen him power also to execute iudgment, in that he is the Sonne of man. 27.
VIII.If I also iudge, my iudgment is true: for I am not alone, but I & the Father that sent me. 16.
Yee neither know mee nor my Father, If yee had knowne mee, yee should haue knowne my Father also. 19.
Before Abraham was I am. 58
I and my Father are one. 30.
X.If I do not the workes of my Father, beleeue me not. 37.
But if I do, then though yee beleeue not mee, yet beleeue the workes, that yee may know [Page 29] and beleeue, that the Father is in mee, and I in him. 38.
Hee that beleeueth in mee,XII. beleeueth not in me, but in him that sent mee. 44.
And hee that seeth me, seeth him that sent me. 45.
Verily, verily, I say vnto you,XIII. If I send any, hee that receiueth him receiueth mee, and he that receiueth mee, receiueth him that sent mee. 20.
No man commeth vnto the Father but by mee. 6.XIIII.
If yee had knowne mee, yee should haue knowne my Father also: and from henceforth yee know him, and haue seene him. 7.
Iesus said vnto him, I haue beene so long time with you, and hast thou not knowne mee, Philip? hee that hath seene me, [Page 30] hath seene my Father: how then sayest thou, shew vs thy Father?
Beleeuest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me? the words that I speake vnto you I speake not of my selfe: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doth ye works. 10.
Beleeue in mee, that I am in the Father, and the Father in mee: at the least beleeue mee for the very workes sake. 11.
XV.Hee that hateth mee hateth my Father also. 23.
XVI.All things that the Father hath are mine 15.
I am come out from the Father, and came into the world, Againe, I leaue the world, and go to the Father. 28.
I am not alone, for the Father is with me. 32.
And now glorifie me thou Father, with thine own selfe,XVII. with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. 5.
Holy Father, keepe them in thy Name, euen them whom thou hast giuen mee, that they may be one, as wee are. 11.
That they all may be one, as thou O Father art in mee, and I in thee, euen that they may be also one in vs, 21.
The first man is of the earth,I. Corinth. XV. earthly: the second man is the Lord from heauen. 47.
Euen vnto me the least of all Saints,Ephesians. III. is this grace giuen that I should preach among the Gentiles, the vnsearchable riches of Christ. 8.
And to make cleare vnto all men what the fellowship of the mysterie is, which from the [Page 32] beginning of the world hath bin hid in God, who hath created all things by Iesus Christ. 9.
IIII.Hee that descended, is euen the same that ascended farre aboue all Heauens, that hee might fill all things. 10.
Philipians. II.Let the same minde bee in you, that was euen in Christ Iesus. 5.
Who being in the forme of God, thought it no robbery to be equall with God. 6.
Colossians. IWho is the image of the inuisible God, the first borne of euery creature. 15.
For by him were all things created which are in heauen, and which are on earth, things visible and inuisible: whether they bee Thrones or Dominions, or Principalities or Powers, all things were created by [Page 33] him, and for him, 16.
And he is before all things, and in him all things consist. 17
And hee is the head of the body of the Church: he is the beginning, and the first borne of the dead, that in all things hee might haue the preheminence. 18.
For it pleased the Father, that in him should all fulnesse dwell, 19.
And by him to reconcile all things vnto him-selfe, and to set at peace through the blood of his crosse, both the things in earth, and the things in heauen, 20.
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdome and knowledge, 3.II.
For in him dwelleth al the fulnesse of the God-head bodily. 9
And yee are compleate in him, which is the head of all principality and power. 10.
I: Timoth. VKeepe this commandement without spot, and vnrebukable, vntill the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ. 14.
Which in due time hee shall shew, that is blessed and Prince onely, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. 15.
Who onely hath immortality, and dwelleth in the light yt none can attaine vnto, whom neuer man saw, nor can see, 16.
In these last dayes, hee hath spoken vnto vs by his Sonne,Hebrewes. I. whom hee hath made heyre of all things, by whom hee also made the worlds. 2.
Who being the brightnesse of the glory, and the ingraued forme of his person, and bearing [Page 35] vp all things by his mighty word, hath by himselfe purged our sinnes, and sitteth at the right hand of the Maiestie in the highest places, 3.
That which was from the beginning,I. Epi. Ioh. which wee haue heard, which we haue seen with these our eyes, which wee haue looked vpon, and these hands of ours haue handled of the word of life. 1.
(For the life appeared, and we haue seene it, and beare witnesse, and shew vnto you that eternall life, which was with the Father, and appeared vnto vs. 2.
Whosoeuer denyeth the Sonne,II. the same hath not the father. 23.
There are three,V. which beare record in heauen, the Father, the word, and the holy Ghost: [Page 36] and these three are one. 7.
This is the record, that God hath giuen vs, eternall life, and this life is in his Sonne. 11.
He that hath the Sonne hath life: and hee that hath not the Sonne of God, hath not life. 12
II. Epi. Ioh.Whosoeuer transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. Hee that continueth in the doctrine of Christ, hee hath both the Father and the Sonne. 9.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending,Reuelation, I. saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, euen the Almighty. 8.
The Patterne of Prayer. Together with foure PASSIONS thereof, Dauid Greeuously mourning and Confessing, Earnestly requesting, Passionatly demanding, and Assuredly triumphing. OF PRAYER.
PRay for them which hurt you and persecute you. 44,Mathew. V. When thou prayest,VI. bee not as the hypocrites: for they loue to stand and pray in the Synagogues, and in the corners of the streetes, because they would be seene of men. 5.
But when thou prayest, enter into thy chamber, and when [Page 38] thou hast shut thy doore, pray vnto thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly, 6.
Also when yee pray, vse no vaine repetitions as the heathē: for they thinke to be heard for their much babbling. 7.
Bee yee not like them therefore: for your Father knoweth whereof yee haue need before yee aske of him. 8.
After this maner therfore pray yee, Our Father which art in heauen, halowed be thy name. 9
Thy kingdome come, Thy will be done, euen in earth as it is in heauen. 10.
Giue vs this day our dayly bread. 11.
And forgiue vs our debts, as we also forgiue our debters. 12
And lead vs not into temptation, but deliuer vs from euil: for thine is the kingdome, and the power and the glory, for euer, Amen. 13.
Aske, & it shall be giuen you:VII. seeke, and yee shall find: knock, & it shall be opened vnto you 7
For whosoeuer asketh, receiueth: & he that seeketh findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shall bee opened. 8.
Verely I say vnto you,XVIII. that if two of you shall agree in earth vpon any thing, whatsoeuer they shal desire, it shal be giuen them of my father which is in heauen. 19.
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, ther am I in the midst of thē. 20
Whatsoeuer yee shall aske in praier,XXI. if ye beleeue ye shall receiue it. 22.
XXVI.Watch and pray, that yee enter not into temptation: for the spirit indeed is ready, but the flesh is weake. 41.
Marke. XI.When yee shall stand and pray, forgiue, If yee haue any thing against any man, that your Father also which is in heauen, may forgiue you your trespasses 25:
For if yee will not forgiue, your Father which is in heauen will not pardon you your trespasses. 26.
Luke. XXI.Watch therefore and pray continualiy, that yee may bee counted worthy to escape all those things that shall come to passe, and that ye may stand before the Sonne of man. 36.
Iohn. XV.If yee abide in mee, and my words abide in you, aske what yee will and it shall bee done [Page 41] to you, 7.
I will see you againe,XVI. and your hearts shall reioyce, and your ioy shall no man take from you. 22.
And in that day shall ye aske mee nothing, verily, verily, I say vnto you, whatsoeuer yee shall aske the Father in my Name, he will giue it you. 23.
Hetherto yee haue asked nothing in my Name: aske, and yee shall receiue, that your ioy may bee full. 24.
Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities:Romanes. VIII. for wee know not what to pray as wee ought: but the Spirit it selfe maketh request for vs with sighes which cannot bee expressed. 26.Ephesians. VI.
Pray alwayes with all maner of prayer and supplication in [Page 42] the Spirit: and watch therevnto with all perseuerance and supplication for all Saints. 18.
Philipians. IIII.Bee nothing carefull, but in all things let your requests bee shewed vnto God in prayer and supplication, with giuing thankes. 6.
Colossians. IIII.Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiuing. 2.
I. Thessalo. V. I. Timoth. II.Pray continually. 17.
I will therefore that the men pray, euery where, lifting vp pure hands without wrath or doubting. 8.
I. Peter. IIII.Now the end of all things is at hand, Be ye therefore sober, and watching in prayer. 7.
I. Epi. Iohn. III.Whatsoeuer wee aske, wee receiue of him, because wee keepe his commandements; and doe those things that are [Page 43] pleasing in his sight. 22.
This is that assurance that we haue in him,V. that if wee aske any thing according to his wil, hee heareth vs, 14.
And if wee know that hee heareth vs whatsoeuer we aske, wee know that we haue the petitions that wee haue desired of him. 15.
Dauid Greeuouslie Mourning and Confessing.
MIne eye is dimned for despight,Psalmes. VI. and sunke in because of all mine enemies. 7.
I fainted in my mourning, I cause my bed euery night to swimme, and water my couch with teares.
XXII.My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken mee? and art so farre from mine health, & from the words of my roaring. 1.
O my God, I crie by day, but thou hearest not, and by night but haue no audience. 2.
I am a worme, and not a man: a shame of men, and the contempt of the people. 6.
I am like water powred out, and all my bones are out of ioynt: mine heart is like waxe: it is molten in the midst of my bowels. 14.
My strength is dried vp like a pot-sheard, and my tongue cleaueth to my Iawes, and thou hast brought mee vnto the dust of death. 15.
XXXI.Haue mercy vpon mee, O Lord: for I am in trouble: mine eye, my soule, and my belly, are [Page 45] consumed with griefe. 9.
For my life is wasted with heauinesse, and my yeares with mourning: my strength faileth for my paine, and my bones are consumed. 10.
I am forgotten as a dead man out of minde: I am like a broken vessell. 12.
When I held my toung,XXXII. my bones consumed, or when I roared all the day. 3.
For thine hand is heauy vpon mee day and night; and my moysture is turned into the drought of Summer. 4.
Thine arrowes haue light vpon mee,XXXVIII. and thine hand lieth vpon mee. 2.
There is nothing sound in my flesh, because of thine anger: neither is there rest in my bones, because of my sinne. 3.
Mine iniquities are gone ouer mine head, & as a waighty burden they are too heauy for me. 4
My wounds are putrified, and corrupt, because of my foolishnesse. 5.
I'am bowed and crooked, very sore: I go mourning all the day. 6.
My reines are full of burning, and there is nothing sound in my flesh 7.
I am weakened and sore broken: I roare for the very griefe of mine heart. 8.
Mine heart panteth: my strength faileth mee, and the light of mine eyes, euen they are not mine owne. 10.
My louers and my friends, stand aside from my plague, & my kinsmen stand a far off. 11.
Surely I am ready to halt, [Page 47] and my sorrow is euer before mee. 17.
Innumerable troubles haue compassed me:XL. & my sins haue taken such hold vpon me, that I am not able to looke vp: yea they are mo in number then the haires of mine head: therefore mine heart hath failed me. 12.
My teares haue beene my meat day and night,XLII. while they daily said, where is thy God? 3.
Our soule is beaten downe vnto the dust,XLIIII. our belly cleaueth vnto the ground. 25.
Mine heart trembleth within me,LV. and the terrors of death are fallen vpon me. 4.
Feare and trembling are come vpon me, and an horrible feare hath couered me. 5.
The waters are entred euen to my soule. 1.LXIX.
I stick fast in the deepe mire, where no stay is: I am come into deepe waters, and the streames runne ouer mee. 2.
I am weary of crying: my throate is drye; mine eyes faile whilst I waite for my God. 3.
They that hate me without a cause, are moe then the haires of mine head. 4.
I am become a stranger vnto my brethren, euen an alien vnto my mothers sonnes. 8.
LXXI.I am become as it were a monster vnto many. 7.
LXXXVIIIMy soule is filled with euils, and my life draweth neere vnto the graue. 3
I am counted among them that go downe vnto the pit, & am as a man without strength. 4
Free among the dead, like the slaine lying in the graue, whom [Page 49] thou remembrest no more. 5.
Thou hast laid mee in the lowest pit, in darknesse, and in the deepe. 6.
Thine indignation lieth vpon mee, and thou hast vexed mee with all thy waues. 7.
Thou hast put away mine acquaintance farre from me, and made mee to bee abhorred of them: I am shut vp, and cannot get forth. 8.
Mine eye is sorrowfull through mine affliction. 9.
I am afflicted and at the point of death: from my youth I suffer thy terrors, doubting of my life. 15.
Thine indignations go ouer me, and thy feare hath cut mee off. 16.
They came round about me daily like water, and compassed [Page 50] me together. 17.
My louers and friends hast thou put away from mee, and mine acquaintance hid themselues. 18.
CII.My dayes are consumed like smoake, and my bones are burnt like an hearth. 3.
Mine heart is smitten and withereth like grasse, because I forgat to eate my bread. 4.
For the voyce of my groning, my bones doe cleaue to my skinne. 5.
I am like a Pelican of the wildernesse: I am like an Owle of the deserts. 6.
I watch and am as a sparrow alone vpon the house top. 7.
Mine enemies reuile me daily, & they that rage against me, haue sworne against me. 8.
Surely I haue eaten ashes as [Page 51] bread, and mingled my drinke with weeping. 9.
Because of thine indignation and thy wrath: for thou hast heaued mee vp, and cast mee downe. 10.
My dayes are like a shadow that fadeth, and I am withered like grasse. 11.
I depart like the shadow that declineth,CIX. and am shaken off as the Grashopper. 23.
My knees are weake through fasting, and my flesh hath lost all fatnesse. 24.
My soule melteth for heauinesse.CXIX. 28.
I am like a bottle in the smoake. 83.
I am very sore afflicted. 107.
My soule is continually in mine hand. 109.
My flesh trembleth for feare of thee, and I am affraid of thy iudgments. 120.
I am small and dispised. 141.
Trouble and anguish are come vpon me. 143.
I haue gone astray like a lost sheepe. 176.
CXXXIX.Thou holdest me straight behinde and before, and layest thine hand vpon me. 5.
Thy knowledge is too wonderfull for me: it is so high that I cannot attaine vnto it. 6.
Dauid Earnestly Requesting.
Psalmes. III.O Lord arise.
Helpe me O my God. 7.
IIII.Heare mee when I call, O God of my righteousnesse:
Haue mercy vpon mee.
Hearken vnto my prayer. 1.
Lord lift vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs. 6.
Heare my words O Lord,V.
Vnderstand my meditation. 1
Hearken vnto the voyce of my cry. 2.
Heare my voyce in the morning. 3.
Lead mee O Lord in thy righteousnesse,
Make thy way plaine before my face. 8.
Let all them that trust in thee, reioyce and triumph for euer, 11.
O Lord rebuke mee not in thine anger,VI.
Neither chastise mee in thy wrath. 1.
Haue mercy vpon mee O Lord, for I am weake.
O Lord heale mee, for my [Page 54] bones are vexed. 2.
Returne O Lord deliuer my soule.
Saue mee for thy mercies sake. 4.
VII.Saue mee from all that persecute mee:
And deliuer me. 1.
Arise O Lord in thy wrath,
Lift vp thy selfe against the rage of mine enemies. 6.
Iudge thou me O Lord according to my righteousnesse, and according to mine innocencie that is in me. 8.
Oh, let the malice of the wicked come to an end. 9.
IX.Haue mercy vpon me O Lord,
Consider my trouble, 13.
Vp Lord,
Let not man preuaile. 19.
Arise O Lord,
X.Lift vp thine hand,
Forget not the poore. 12.
Breake thou the arme of the wicked, and malicious. 15.
Helpe Lord,XII. for there is not a godly man left. 1.
Lighten mine eies,XIII. that I sleep not in death. 3.
Oh giue saluation vnto Israel out of Zion. 7.XIIII.
Preserue mee O God,XVI. for in thee doe I trust. 1.
Heare the right, O Lord,XVII.
Consider my cry,
Hearken vnto my prayer, of lippes vnfained. 1.
Let my sentence come forth from thy presence.
Let thine eyes behold equitie. 2.
Stay my steps in thy paths, 5.
Shew thy merueilous mercies, thou that art the Sauiour of them that trust in [Page 56] thee, from such as resist thy right hand. 7.
Keepe mee as the Apple of thine eye.
Hide me vnder the shadow of thy wings. 8.
XIX.Cleanse mee from secret faults. 12.
Keepe thy seruant also from presumptuous sinnes.
Let them not raigne ouer me 13.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart bee acceptable in thy sight, O Lord my strength, and my redeemer. 14.
XXII.Bee not farre from mee, because trouble is neere. 11.
Deliuer my soule from the sword,
My desolate soule from the power of the dogge. 20.
Saue mee from the Lyons mouth.
Answer mee in sauing mee, from the hornes of the Vnicornes. 21.
My God I trust in thee,XXV. let mee not be confounded.
Let not my enemies reioyce ouer me. 2.
Shew me thy wayes, O Lord.
Teach me thy paths. 4.
Lead me forth in thy truth.
Teach mee. 5.
Remember O Lord thy tender mercies, and thy louing kindnesse. 6.
Remember not the sinnes of my youth.
Nor my rebellions. 7.
For thy names sake O Lord, be merciful to my iniquity. 11.
Turne thy face vnto me.
Haue mercy vpon me. 16.
Draw mee out of my troubles. 17.
Looke vpon mine affliction and my trauell.
Forgiue all my sinnes. 18.
Behold mine enemies for they are many. 19.
Keepe my soule,
Deliuer mee.
Let me not be confounded. 20
Let mine vprightnesse and equitie preserue me. 21.
Deliuer Israel, ô God out of all his troubles. 22.
XXVI.Iudge mee, O Lord, for I haue walked in mine innocencie. 1.
Prooue mee O Lord,
Try mee.
Examine my reines and mine heart. 2.
Gather not my soule with the sinners,
Nor my life with the bloudy men. 9.
Hearken vnto my voyce,XXVII. O Lord when I cry,
Haue mercy also vpon me,
Heare me. 7.
Hyde not therefore thy face from me,
Nor cast thy seruant away in displeasure.
Leaue me not,
Neither forsake mee, O God of my saluation. 9.
Teach me thy way O Lord,
Lead mee in a right path. 11.
Giue mee not vnto the lust of mine aduersaries. 12.
Bee not deafe toward me. 1.XXVIII.
Heare the voyce of my petitions when I crye vnto thee, when I hold vp mine hands toward thine holy Oracle. 2.
Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity. 3.
Reward them according to their deeds. 4.
Saue thy people.
Blesse thy inheritance. 9.
XXX.Heare O Lord and haue mercy vpon me:
Be thou my helper. 10.
XXXI.Bow downe thine eare to me.
Make hast to deliuer me:
Be vnto me a strong rock, and a house of defence to saue me. 2
Draw me out of the net that they haue laide priuily for mee. 4.
Haue mercy vpon mee O Lord, for I am in trouble. 9.
Deliuer mee from the hand of my enemîes.
And from them that persecute me. 15.
Make thy face to shine vpon thy seruant,
Saue mee through thy mercie. 16.
Let mee not bee confounded O Lord. 17.
Let the lying lips bee made dumbe, which cruelly, proudly and spightfully speake against the righteous. 18.
Plead thou my cause O Lord,XXXV. with them that striue with me.
Fight thou against them that fight against me. 1.
Lay hand vpon the shield and buckler.
Stand vp for mine helpe. 2.
Bring out also the speare.
Stop the way against them that persecute me.
Say vnto my soule, I am thy saluation. 3.
Let them bee confounded [Page 62] and put to shame, that seeke after my soule:
Let them be turned back, and brought to confusion, that imagine mine hurt. 4.
Let them be as chaffe before the winde,
Let the Angell of the Lord scatter them. 5.
Let their way bee darke and slippery,
Let the Angell of the Lord persecute them. 6.
Let destruction come vpon him at vnawares,
Let his net that he hath laid priuily take him:
Let him fall into the same destruction. 8.
Deliuer my soule from their tumult,
Euen my desolate soule from the Lyons. 17.
Let not them that are mine enemies vniustly reioyce ouer mee.
Neither let them winke with the eye, that hate mee without a cause. 19.
Keepe not silence.
Bee not farre from mee, O Lord. 22.
Wake to my iudgement: euen to my cause. 23.
Iudge me ô Lord my God according to thy righteousnes. 24
Let them be confounded and put to shame, together, that reioyce at mine hurt.
Let them bee clothed with confusion and shame, that lift vp themselues against mee. 26.
Let them be ioyfull and glad that loue my righteousnesse. 27
Extend thy louing kindnesse [Page 64] vnto them that know thee.XXXVI. 10.
Let not the foote of pride come against mee.
Let not the hand of the wicked men mooue me. 11.
XXXVIII.O Lord rebuke mee not in thine anger:
Neither chastise mee in thy wrath. 1.
Forsake me not O Lord,
Bee not thou farre from me my God. 21.
Hast thee to helpe me, O my Lord, my saluation. 22.
XXXIX.Lord let mee know my end, and the measure of my dayes, what it is,
Let mee know how long I haue to liue. 4.
Deliuer mee from all my transgressions:
Make mee not a rebuke to the foolish. 8.
Take thy plague away from mee. 10.
Heare my prayer, O Lord,
Hearken vnto my crye.
Keepe not silence at my teares, 12.
Stay thine anger from me. 13
With-draw not thy tender mercy from me, O Lord.XL.
Let thy mercy and thy truth alway preserue mee. 11.
Let it please thee O Lord to deliuer me,
Make hast O Lord to helpe mee. 13.
Let them be confounded and put to shame together that seeke my soule to destroy it.
Let them bee driuen backward, and put to rebuke that desire my hurt. 14.
Let them be destroyed for a reward of their shame, which [Page 66] say vnto mee, aha, aha, 15.
Let all them that seeke thee, reioyce and bee glad în thee:
Let them that loue thy saluation, say alwayes the Lord be praised. 16.
XLI.Lord haue mercy vpon mee
Heale my soule. 4.
O Lord haue mercy vpon me,
Raise me vp. 10.
XLIII.Iudge me O God,
Defend my cause, against the vnmercifull people:
Deliuer me from the deceitfull and wicked man. 1.
Send thy light and thy truth:
Let them lead mee vnto thy holy Mountaine, and to thy Tabernacles. 3.
Be not farre off for euer. 23.
Rise vp for our succour,
Redeeme vs for thy mercies sake, 26.
Let mount Zion reioyce,XLVIII.
And the daughters of Iudah bee glad. 11.
Compasse about Zion,
Goe round about it,
Tell the Towers thereof. 12.
Marke well the wall thereof,
Behold the tower. 13.
Haue mercy vpon mee O God,LI. according to thy louing kindnesse.
According to the multitude of thy compassions, put away mine iniquities. 1.
Wash mee throughly from mine iniquitie,
Cleanse me from my sinne. 2
Purge me with Hysop, and I shall be cleane,
Wash mee and I shall bee [Page 68] whiter then snow. 7.
Make mee to heare ioy and gladnesse. 8.
Hide thy face from my sinnes.
Put away all my iniquities. 9
Create in mee a cleane heart O God,
Renue a right spirit within me. 10.
Cast mee not away from thy presence,
Take not thy holy spirit from mee. 11.
Restore to mee the ioy of thy saluation,
Stablish mee with thy free Spirit. 12.
Deliuer mee from bloud O God. 14.
Open thou my lips ô Lord. 15
Bee fauourable vnto Zion for thy good pleasure.
Build the walls of Ierusalē. 18
Oh giue saluation vnto Israel out of Zion. 6.LIII.
Sane me ô God, by thy name,LIIII.
By thy power iudge me. 1.
O God heare my prayer.
Hearken vnto the words of my mouth. 2.
Heare my prayer, O God.LV.
Hide not thy selfe from my supplication. 1.
Hearken vnto me,
Answer me. 2.
Destroy O Lord, and deuide their tongues. 9.
Let death seaze vpon them,
Let them goe downe quick into the graue. 15.
Be mercifull to me o God,LVI. for man would swallow me vp. 1.
Put my teares into thy bottle. 8
Haue mercy vpon me O God,LVII.
Haue mercy vpon mee. 1.
Breake their teeth O God inLVIII. [Page 70] their mouthes.
Breake the iawes of the young Lyons, O Lord. 6.
Let them melt like the waters.
Let them passe away, when he shooteth his arrowes,
Let them be broken. 7.
Let him consume like a snaile that melteth,
And like the vntimely fruite of a woman that hath not seene the Sunne. 8.
LIX.O my God deliuer me from mine enemies:
Defend mee from them that rise vp against me. 1.
Deliuer mee from the wicked dooers,
And saue me from the bloudy men. 2.
O God of Israel, awake to visite all the Heathen,
Bee not mercifull, vnto all that transgresse maliciously. 5.
Slay them not least my people forget it,
But scatter them abroad by thy power:
Put them downe, O Lord our shield. 11.
Let them bee taken in their pride. 12.
Consume them in thy wrath,
Consume them that they be no more:
Let them know that God ruleth in Iaacob. 13.
Turne againe vnto vs. 1.LX.
Helpe with thy right hand,
Heare mee. 5.
Giue vs helpe against trouble. 11.
Heare my cry, O God,LXI.
Giue eare vnto my prayer. 1.
Bring mee vpon the rock that is higher then I. 2.LXIIII.
Heare my voyce O God, in my prayer.
Preserue my life from feare os the enemy. 1.
Hide me from the conspiracie of the wicked,
And from the rage of the workers of iniquity.LXVII. 2.
God bee mercifull vnto vs, and blesse vs, and cause his face to shine among vs. 1.
Let the people bee glad and reioyce, 4.
Let all the people praise thee,LXVIII. 5.
Stablish O God, that which thou hast wrought in vs, 28.
Destroy the company of the speare-men,
And multitude of the mighty bulls, with the calues of the [Page 73] people, that tread vnder feete pieces of siluer:
Scatter the people that delight in warre. 30.
Saue mee, O God,LXIX. for the waters are entred euen to my soule. 1.
Let not them that trust in thee, O Lord God of hostes, be ashamed for me:
Let not those that seeke thee be confounded through me. 6.
O God heare me in the truth of thy saluation. 13.
Deliuer me out of the mire, that I sinck not:
Let mee bee deliuered from them that hate me.
And out of the deepe waters. 14.
Let not the water-flood drowne mee,
Neither let the deepe swallow [Page 74] mee vp.
Let not the pitte shut her mouth vpon me. 15.
Heare mee O Lord, for thy louing kindnesse is good:
Turne vnto me, according to the multitude of thy tender mercies. 16.
Hide not thy face from thy seruant,
Make hast, and heare me. 17.
Draw neere vnto my soule, and redeeme it.
Deliuer me because of mine enemies. 18.
Let their table bee a snare before them,
And their prosperity their ruine. 22.
Let their eyes bee blinded, that they see not:
And make their loynes alway to tremble. 23.
Powre out thine anger vpon them,
Let thy wrathfull displeasure take them. 24.
Let their habitation be void,
Let none dwell in their tents. 25.
Lay iniquity vpon their iniquitie,
Let them not come into thy righteousnesse. 27.
Let them bee put out of the booke of life,
Neither let them be written with the righteous. 28.
O God hast thee to deliuer me,LXX.
Make hast to helpe mee, O Lord. 1.
Let them be confounded & put to shame, that seeke my soule.
Let them bee turned backward, and put to rebuke that desire mine hurt. 2.
Let them be turned back for a reward of their shame, which said, aha, aha, 3.
O God make hast to mee,
O Lord make no tarrying. 5.
LXXI.In thee O Lord I trust, let mee neuer be ashamed. 1.
Rescue mee and deliuer me, in thy righteousnesse.
Incline thine eare vnto me,
Saue me. 2.
Bee thou my strong rocke wherevnto I may alwayes resort. 3.
Deliuer mee, O my God out of the hand of the wicked:
Out of the hand of the euill and cruell man. 4.
Let my mouth be filled with thy praise, and with thy glory euery day. 8.
Cast mee not off in the time of age.
Forsake mee not when my strength faileth. 9.
Go not far from me, O God:
My God, make hast to helpe me. 12.
Let them bee confounded, and consumed, that are against my soule:
Let them bee couered with reproofe and confusion that seeke mine hurt. 13.
O God forsake me not, vntill I haue declared thine arme vnto this generation, and thy power to all them that shall come. 18.
Giue thy iudgments to the King, O God,LXXII.
And thy righteousnesse to the Kings sonne, 1.
Thinke vpon thy congregation which thou hast possessed of old.LXXIIII
And on the rod of thine inheritance, which thou hast redeemed.
And on this mount Zion wherein thou hast dwelt. 2.
Lift vp thy stroakes that thou mayest for euer destroy euery enemy that doth euill to the Sanctuary. 3.
Giue not the soule of thy Turtle-doue vnto the beast,
Forget not the congregation of thy poore for euer. 19.
Consider thy couenant. 20.
Oh let not the oppressed returne ashamed,
But let the poore and needy praise thy name. 21.
Arise O GOD, maintaine thine owne cause:
Remember thy dayly reproch by the foolish man. 22.
Forget not the voyce of [Page 79] thine enemies. 23.
Powre out thy wrath vpon the Heathen that haue not knowne thee:LXXIX.
And vpon the kingdoms that haue not knowne thy name. 6.
Remember not against vs the former iniquities,
But make hast, and let thy tender mercies preuent vs. 8.
Helpe vs O GOD of our saluation, for the glory of thy name,
Deliuer vs,
Bee mercifull to our sinnes for thy names sake. 9.
Let the sighing of the prisoners come before thee.
According to thy mighty arme preserue the children of death. 11.
Render vnto our neighbours seauen-sold into their bosome [Page 80] their reproch, wherewith they haue reproched thee, ô Lord. 12
LXXX.Heare O thou sheapheard of Israell,
Shew thy brightnesse, thou that sittest betweene the Cherubins. 1.
Before Ephraim, and Beniamin, and Manasseth, stirre vp thy strength and come to helpe vs. 2.
Turne vs againe O God,
Cause thy face to shine, that we may be saued. 3.
Turne vs againe, O God of hosts,
Cause thy face to shine, and wee shall bee saued. 7.
Returne we beseech thee, O Lord God of hosts,
Looke downe from heauen, and behold & visit this Vine. 14
And the Vineyard, that thy [Page 81] right hand hath planted.
And the young Vine that thou madest strong for thine owne selfe. 15.
Let thine hand bee vpon the man of thy right hand.
And vpon the sonne of man, whom thou madest strong for thine owne selfe. 17.
Keepe not thou silence,LXXXIII. O God.
Bee not still, and cease not O God. 1.
Make them, euen their Princes, like Oreb, and like Zeeb,
Yea all their Princes, like Zeba and Zalmuna. 11.
O my God make them like vnto a wheele,
And as the stubble before the winde. 13.
As the fire burneth the forrest, and as the flame setteth [Page 82] the mountaines on fire: so persecute thē with thy tempest. 14
Make them affraide with thy storme. 15.
Fill their faces with shame, that they may seeke thy name O Lord. 16.
Let them bee confounded, and troubled for euer:
Yea let them be put to shame and perish. 17.
LXXXV.Turne vs O God of our saluation,
Release thine anger towards vs. 4.
Shew vs thy mercy, O Lord,
Grant vs thy saluation. 7.
LXXXVI.Incline thine eare, O Lord,
Heare mee, for I am poore and needy. 1.
Preserue thou my soule, for I am mercifull:
My God, saue thou thy seruant [Page 83] that trusteth in thee. 2.
Be mercifull to mee, ô Lord: for I cry vpon thee continually. 3.
Reioyce the soule of thy seruant, for vnto thee O Lord doe I lift vp my soule. 4.
Giue eare Lord vnto my praier,
Hearken to the voice of my supplication. 6.
Teach me thy way, O Lord: and I will walke in thy truth,
Knit mine heart vnto thee, that I may feare thy name. 11.
Turne vnto mee,
Haue mercy vpon me:
Giue thy strength vnto thy seruant,
Saue the sonne of thine haind-maid. 16.
Shew a token of thy goodnesse towards me. 17.
LXXXVIIILet my prayer enter into thy presence,
Incline thine eare vnto my crye. 2.
LXXXIXRemember of what time I am. 47.
Remember, O Lord the rebuke of thy seruants, which I beare in my bosome of all the mighty people. 50.
XC.Teach vs so to number our dayes, that wee may apply our hearts vnto wisdome. 12.
Returne O Lord,
Be pacified towards thy seruants. 13.
Fill vs with thy mercy in the morning. 14.
Comfort vs according to the dayes, that thou hast afflicted vs, and according to the yeares that we haue seene euill. 15.
Let thy worke bee seene towards [Page 85] thy seruants, and their glory vpon their children. 16.
Let the beauty of the Lord our God be vpon vs,
Direct thou the worke of our hands vpon vs.
Euen direct the worke of our hands. 17.
O Lord God the auenger,XCIIII. O God the auenger, shew thy selfe clearly. 1.
Exalt thy selfe, O Iudge of the world,
Render a reward to the proud. 2.
O Lord heare my prayer,CII.
Let my cry come vnto thee. 1.
Hide not thy face from mee in the time of my trouble,
Incline thine eares vnto me.
When I call make hast to heare me. 2.
O my God, take me not away [Page 86] in the midst of my dayes. 24.
CIIII.Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and the wicked till there be no more. 35.
CVI.Remember me, O Lord, with the fauour of thy people,
Visit me with thy saluation. 4
Saue vs, O Lord our God,
Gather vs from among the Heathen, that wee may praise thine holy name, and glory in thy praise. 47.
CVIII.Exalt thy selfe O God, aboue the heauens,
Let thy glory be vpon all the earth. 5.
That thy beloued may bee deliuered, helpe with thy right hand and heare me. 6.
Giue vs helpe against trouble: for vaine is the helpe of man. 12.
CIX.Hold not thy toung, O God [Page 87] of my praise, 1.
Set thou the wicked ouer him,
Let the aduersary stand at his right hand. 6.
When he shall be iudged, let him be condemned:
Let his prayer be turned into sinne. 7.
Let his dayes be few,
Let another take his charge. 8
Let his children bee fatherlesse, and his wife a widdow. 9.
Let his children be vagabonds and begge, and seeke bread, comming out of their places destroyed. 10.
Let the extortioner catch al that hee hath, Let the stranger spoile his labour. 11
Let there be none to extend mercy vnto him,
Neither let there bee any to shewe mercye vppon his [Page 88] fatherlesse children. 12.
Let his posterity be destroyed,
In the generation following, let their name be put out. 13.
Let the iniquity of his fathers bee had in remembrance with the Lord:
Let not the sinne of his mother be done away. 14.
But let them alway be before the Lord, that hee may cut off their memoriall from the earth. 15.
But thou, O Lord my God, deale with mee according to thy name:
Deliuer mee, for thy mercy is good. 21.
Helpe me, O Lord my God,
Saue mee according to thy mercy. 26.
Let mine aduersaries be clothed with shame,
Let them couer them-selues with their confusion as with a cloake. 29.
O Lord I pray thee saue now.CXVIII.
O Lord I pray thee now giue prosperity. 25.
Forsake me not ouer long.CXIX. 8
Let me not wander from thy commandements. 10,
Teach me thy statutes. 12.
Be beneficiall to thy seruant, that I may liue and keepe thy word. 17.
Open mine eyes that I may see the wonders of thy law. 18.
Hide not thy commandements from mee. 19.
Remooue from mee shame and contempt. 22.
Quicken mee according to thy word. 25.
Make mee to vnderstand the way of thy precepts. 27.
Raise mee vp according to thy word. 28.
Take from mee the way of lying,
Grant mee graciously thy law. 29.
Giue me vnderstanding, and I will keepe thy law. 34.
Direct me in the path of thy commandements, for therein is my delight. 35.
Incline mine heart vnto thy testimonies, and not to couetousnesse. 36.
Turne away mine eyes from regarding vanitie:
Quicken mee in thy way. 37.
Stablish thy promise to thy seruant. 38.
Take away my rebuke that I feare. 39.
Quicken mee in thy righteousnesse. 40.
Let thy louing kindnesse come vnto me, O Lord, & thy saluation according to thy promise. 41
Take not the word of truth vtterly out of my mouth. 43.
Remember the promise made to thy seruant, wherein thou hast caused me to trust. 49.
Be mercifull vnto me, according to thy promise. 58.
Teach mee good iudgment and knowledge. 66.
Thine hands haue made me & fashioned me: giue me vnderstanding therefore, that I may learne thy cōmandements. 73.
I pray thee that thy mercy may comfort me according to thy promise vnto thy seruāt. 76
Let thy tender mercies come vnto me, that I may liue. 77.
Let the proud be ashamed, for they haue dealt wickedly and [Page 92] falsly with me. 78.
Let such as feare thee, turne vnto mee, and they that know thy testimonies. 79.
Let my heart be vpright in thy statutes, that I bee not ashamed, 80.
Quicken mee according to thy louing kindnesse. 88.
I am thine, saue me, 94.
O Lord quicken me according to thy word. 107.
O Lord I beseech thee accept the free offrings of my mouth,
Teach me thy iudgments. 108
Stablish me according to thy promise, that I may liue,
Disapoint mee not of mine hope, 116.
Stay thou me, and I shall be safe. 117.
Leaue mee not to mine [Page 93] oppressors. 121.
Answer for thy seruant in that which is good,
Let not the proud oppresse mee. 122.
Deale with thy seruant according to thy mercy. 124.
I am thy seruant, grant mee therefore vnderstanding, that I may know thy testimonies. 125.
Looke vpon me,
Be mercifull vnto me, as thou vsest to do vnto those that loue thy name. 132.
Direct my steps in thy word,
Let none iniquity haue dominion ouer me. 133.
Deliuer me from the oppression of men. 134.
Shew the light of thy countenance vpon thy seruant. 135.
I haue cried with my whole heart: heare mee O Lord, and [Page 94] I will keepe thy statutes. 145.
Saue me, and I will keepe thy testimonies. 146.
Heare my voyce according to thy louing kindnesse:
O Lord quicken me according to thy iudgment. 149.
Behold mine affliction,
Deliuer me. 153.
Plead my cause,
Deliuer me.
Quicken mee according to thy word. 154.
Quicken mee according to thy iudgments. 156.
Consider O Lord how I loue thy precepts:
Quicken mee according to thy louing kindnesse. 159.
Let my complaint come before thee O Lord,
Giue mee vnderstanding according vnto thy word. 169.
Let my supplication come before thee,
Deliuer mee according to thy promise. 170.
Let thine hand helpe mee, for I haue chosen thy precepts. 173.
Let my soule liue, and it shall praise thee, and thy iudgments shall helpe me. 175.
I haue gone astray like a lost sheepe, seeke thy seruant, for I doe not forget thy commandement [...]. 176.
Deliuer my soule,CXX. O Lord from lying lips, and from a deceitfull toung. 2.
Doe well, O Lord,CXXV. vnto those that be good, and true in their hearts. 4.
Lord heare my voice,
Le thine eares attend to the voice of my prayers. 2.CXXX.
CXXXIILord remember Dauid with all his affliction 1.
Arise O Lord to come vnto thy rest, thou and the Arke of thy strength. 8.
Let thy Priests bee clothed with righteousnesse,
Let thy Saints reioyce. 9.
For thy seruant Dauids sake, refuse not the face of thine anointed. 10,
CXXXVIIIForsake not the workes of thine hands. 8.
CXXXIX.Oh that thou wouldest slay, ô God, the wicked and bloody men, to whom I say; Depart yee from me. 19.
Trie mee O God, and know mine heart:
Prooue mee and know my thoughts. 23.
Consider if there be any way of wickednesse in mee,
Lead mee in the way for euer. 24.
Deliuer mee O Lord,CXL. from the euill man.
Preserue me from the cruell man. 1.
Keepe me O Lord, from the hands of the wicked,
Preserue me from the cruell man: which purposeth to cause my steps to slide. 4.
Heare O Lord, the voyce of my prayers. 6.
Let not the wicked haue his desire O Lord,
Performe not his wicked thought, least they be proud. 8.
As for the chiefe of them that compasse me about, let the mischiefe of their owne lips come vpon them. 9.
Let coales fall vpon them.
Let him cast them into the [Page 98] fire, and into the deep pits that they rise not. 10.
CXLI.O Lord I call vpon thee, hast thee vnto me:
Heare my voyce, when I cry vnto thee. 1.
Let my prayer bee directed in thy sight, as Incense,
And the lifting vp of mine hands as an euening sacrifice. 2
Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth,
Keepe the doore of my lips. 3.
Incline not mine heart vnto euil, that I should commit wicked workes with men that worke iniquity,
Let me not eate of their delicates. 4.
Let the righteous smite me, for that is a benefit,
Let him reprooue mee, and it shall bee a pretious oyle, that [Page 99] shall not breake mine head, for within a while, I shall euen pray in their miseries. 5.
In thee is my trust leaue not my soule destitute. 8.
Keepe mee from the snare which they haue laid for me,
And from the grinnes of the workers of iniquity. 9.
Let the wicked fall into his nets together whiles I escape. 10.
Hearken vnto my crie,CXLII. for I am brought very low,
Deliuer mee from my persecuters, for they are too strong for me. 6.
Bring my soule out of prison, that I may praise thy name. 7.
Heare my prayer O Lord,CXLIII.
Hearken vnto my supplication,
Answer me in thy truth, and in thy righteousnesse, 1.
Enter not into iudgment with thy seruant: (for in thy sight shall none that liueth bee iustified) 2.
Heare mee speedily, O Lord, for my spirit faileth,
Hide not thy face from mee, else I shall bee like vnto them that go downe into the pit. 7.
Let mee heare thy louing kindnesse in the morning, for in thee is my trust:
Shew mee the way that I should walke in, for I lift vp my soule vnto thee. 8.
Deliuer mee, O Lord from mine enemies, for I hide mee with thee. 9.
Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God:
Let thy good Spirit lead me vnto the land of righteousnesse. 10.
Quicken me, O Lord, for thy names sake,
And for thy righteousnesse, bring my soule out of trouble. 11.
For thy mercy slay mine enemies,
Destroy all them that oppresse my soule, for I am thy seruant, 12.
Bow thine heauens O Lord,CXLIIII. and come downe,
Touch the Mountaines, and they shall smoake. 5.
Cast forth the lightning, and scatter them,
Shoote out thine arrowes and consume them. 6.
Send thine hand from aboue.
Deliuer me, and take me out of the great waters, and from the hand of the strangers. 7.
Rescue me, and deliuer mee [Page 102] from the hand of strangers, whose mouth talketh vanity. 11
Dauid Passionatly demanding.
VVHy standest thou farre off,Psalmes. X. O Lord, and hidest thy selfe in due time, euen in affliction? 1.
Wherefore doth the wicked contemne God? 13.
XIII.How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord, for euer? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me? 1.
How long shall I take counsell with my selfe, haui [...]g wearinesse daily in mine heart? how long shall mine enemy be exalted aboue me? 2.
XV.Lord, who shall dwell in thy Tabernacle? who shall rest in [Page 103] thine holy mountaine? 1
When shall I come & appeare before the presence of God? 2.XLII. Why sleepest thou ô Lord? 23.XLIIII.
Wherefore hidest thou thy face? and forgettest our misery and affliction. 24.
O God,LXXIII. why hast thou put vs away for euer? why is thy wrath kindled against the sheepe of thy pasture? 1.
O God, how long shall the aduersary reproach thee? shall the enemy blaspheame thy Name for euer? 10.
Why with-drawest thou thine hand, euen thy right hand. 11.
Will the Lord absent himselfe for euer?LXXVII. and will he shew no more fauour? 7.
Is his mercy cleane gone for euer? doth his promise faile for euer-more?
Hath God forgotten to bee mercifull? hath hee shut vp his tender mercies in displeasure? 9
LXXIX.Lord, how long wilt thou be angry, for euer? shall thy iealousie burne like fire? 5.
LXXX.O Lord God of hosts, how long wilt thou be angry against the prayer of thy people? 4.
LXXXV.Wilt thou be angry with vs for euer? and wilt thou prolong thy wrath from one generation to another? 5.
Wilt thou not turne againe and quicken vs, that thy people may reioyce in thee? 6.
LXXXVIIIWilt thou shew a miracle to the dead? or shall the dead rise and praise thee? 10.
Shall thy louing kindnesse be declared in the graue? or thy faithfulnesse in destruction? 11.
Shall thy wondrous workes [Page 105] be knowne in the darke? and thy righteousnesse in the land of obliuion? 12.
Lord why doest thou reiect my soule, and hidest thy face from mee? 14.
Lord,LXXXIX. how long wilt thou hide thy selfe, for euer? shall thy wrath burne like fire? 46.
Lord, where are thy former mercies, which thou swarest vnto Dauid in thy truth? 49.
How long shall the wicked,XCIIII. how long shall the wicked triumph? 3.
Dauid assuredly Triumphing.
THou Lord art a buckler for me: my glory,Psalme. III. and the lifter vp of mine head. 3.V I.
The Lord hath heard my [Page 106] petition, the Lord will receiue my prayer, 9.
All mine enemies shall bee confounded and sore vexed: they shall be turned back, and put to shame suddenly. 10.
XVI.The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance, & of my cup: thou shalt maintaine my lot. 5.
I haue set the Lord alwaye [...] before mee: for hee is at my right hand, therfore I shall not slide. 1.
Wherefore my heart is glad, and my toung reioyceth: my flesh also doth rest in hope. 9.
For thou wilt not leaue my soule in the graue: neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption. 10.
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioy: and at thy right [Page 107] hand there are pleasures for euer-more. 11.
The Lord is my rock,XVIII. and my fortresse, and he that deliuereth mee, my God and my strength, in him will I trust, my sheild, the horne also of my saluation, and my refuge. 2.
He hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the poore:XXII. neither hath he hid his face from him, but when hee called vnto him, he heard. 24.
Though I should walke through the Valley of the shadow of death,XXIII. I will feare no euill, for thou art with me: thy rod & thy staf they cōfort me. 4
The Lord is my light and my saluation, whom shall I feare?XXVII. the Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shal I be affraid? 1
Though my father and my [Page 108] mother should forsake mee, yet the Lord will gather me vp. 10.
XXVIII.The Lord is my strength and my shield: mine heart trusted in him, and I was helped: therefore mine heart shall reioyce, and with my song will I praise him. 7.
XXXI.Though I said in mine hast, I am cast out of thy sight, yet thou heardest the voice of my prayer, when I cryed vnto thee. 22.
XXXVI.With thee is the Well of life, and in thy light shall wee see light. 9.
XXXVIII.On thee O Lord do I waite: thou wilt heare mee, my Lord, my God, 15,
XL.Though I be poore and needy, the Lord thinketh on mee: thou art mine helper and my deliuerer. 17.
Why art thou cast downe,XLII. my soule? and why art thou disquieted within me? waite on God, for I will yet giue him thankes: he is my present help and my God. 11.
God is our hope and strength,XLVI. and helpe in troubles, ready to be found. 1.
Therefore will not we feare though the earth bee mooued, and though the Mountaines fal into the midst of the sea. 2.
Though the waters thereof rage, and bee troubled, and the Mountaines shake at the surges of the same. 3.
God shall deliuer my soule from the power of the graue,XLIX. for he will receiue me: 15.
I will call vnto God,LV. and the Lord will saue me. 16.
Euening and morning, and [Page 110] at noone will I pray, and make a noise, and hee will heare my voice. 17.
LVI.I will reioyce in God, because of his word, I trust in God, and will not feare what flesh can do vnto me. 4.
LIX.My mercifull God will preuent me: God will let mee see my desire vpon my enemies. 10
LXI.Thou hast been my hope, and a strong tower against the enemie. 3.
I will dwell in thy Tabernacle for euer, & my trust shall be vnder the couering of thy wings. 4
LXII.Yet my soule keepeth silence vnto God: of him commeth my saluation. 1.
Yet hee is my strength, and and my saluation, and my defence: therefore I shall not much be mooued. 2.
Yet my soule keepe thou silence vnto God: for mine hope is in him. 5.
Yet is he my strength & my saluation, and my defence, therfore I shall not be mooued. 6.
In God is my saluation & my glory, the rock of my strength: in God is my trust. 7.
Thy louing kindnesse is better then life:LXIII. therefore my lips shall praise thee. 3.
My soule shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatnesse, and my mouth shal praise thee with ioyfull lips. 5.
Because thou hast bin mine helper, therfore vnder the shadow of thy wings will I reioyce. 7.
VVhen I am poore and in heauinesse, thine helpe O God,LXIX. shall exalt me. 29.
Thou art mine hope,LXXI. O Lord [Page 112] God, euen my trust from my youth. 5.
Thy righteousnesse O God, I will exalt on high: for thou hast done great things: O God, who is like vnto thee 19.
Which hast shewed mee great troubles and aduersities, but thou wilt returne and reuiue me, and wilt come againe, and take me vp from the depth of the earth. 20.
Thou wilt increase mine honour, and returne and comfort mee. 21.
LXXIII.Thou hast holden me by my right hand. 23.
Thou wilt guîde mee by thy counsell, and afterward receiue me to glory, 24.
Whom haue I in heauen but thee? and I haue desired none in the earth with thee. 25.
My flesh faileth, and mine heart also: but GOD is the strength of mine heart, and my portion for euer. 26.
The Lord is my refuge,XCIIII. and my GOD is the rocke of my hope. 22.
The Lord preserueth the simple: I was in misery,CXVI. and hee saued mee. 6.
Returne vnto thy rest O my soule, for the Lord hath beene beneficiall vnto thee. 7.
Because thou hast deliuered my soule from death, mine eies from teares, and my feete from falling, 8.
I shall walke before the Lord in the land of the liuing. 9.
I called vpon the Lord in trouble,CXVIII. and the Lord heard me, and set me at large. 5.
The Lord is with me, therefore [Page 114] I will not feare what man can doe vnto me. 6.
The Lord is with me among them that helpe me: therefore shall I see my desire vpon mine enemies. 7.
CXXXVIIIThough I walke in the midst of trouble, yet wilt thou reuiue mee: thou wilt stretch forth thine hand vpon the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall saue me. 7.
The Lord will performe his worke towards me. 8.
CXLIIII.Hee is my goodnesse and my fortresse, my tower and my deliuerer, my shield, and in him I trust. 2.
Prayers heard in the Old Testament.
ABraham beeing childlesse,Genesis. XV prayeth vnto the Lord for a sonne: heard, granted. 4.
Abraham prayeth vnto the Lord for Ismael: heard,XVII. granted. 20.
Lot at the Angels command departing out of Sodom,XIX. with his wife and two daughters, prayeth that he may bee saued flying into Zoar: heard, granted. 21.
Abraham prayeth vnto God to heale Abimelech, his wife,XX. and seruants: heard, granted. 17.
Abrahams seruant,XXIIII. according to his oath, seeking a wife for Izhak his Maisters sonne, [Page 116] prayeth vnto the Lord for prosperous successe: heard, granted. 15.
XXV. Izhak prayeth vnto the Lord, for his wife Rebekah, because shee was barren: heard, granted. 21.
Exodus. II.The children of Israell, sighing vnder the bondage of new Pharaoh, cry vnto the Lord for helpe: heard, granted. 24.
VIII. Moses, at Pharoahs intreatie, prayeth vnto the Lord, to remooue the frogs which were sent vpon him couering all the land of Aegypt: heard, granted. 13.
Moses at Pharoahs intreatie, prayeth vnto the Lord, to remooue the swarmes of flyes, which were sent vpon him, his houses, and all the land of Egipt: heard, granted. 31.
Moses at Pharoahs intreatie,IX. prayeth vnto the Lord, to remooue the plague of thunder, haile, and lightning, from him, and the whole land of Egypt: heard, granted. 33.
Moses at Pharoahs intreatie,X. prayeth vnto the Lord to remooue the plague of grassehoppers: heard, granted 19.
Moses prayeth vnto the Lord for the Israelits,XIIII. who murmure against him, because of Pharoah and his army pursuing them: heard, granted. 15.
Moses, XV. the children of Israell murmuring against him at Marah in the wildernesse, because of the bitter waters, cryeth vnto the Lord for them: heard, granted. 25.
Moses, XVII. the children of Israel murmuring against him at Riphidim, [Page 118] because there was no water for them to drinke, cryeth vnto the Lord for them: heard, granted. 5.
XXXII. Moses beeing on the mountaine with God, the Lord telling him of Israels idolatry, to his thinking minded to destroy them, prayeth for them notwithstanding: heard, granted. 14
XXXIII. Moses praieth vnto the Lord, that his presence may goe vp before rebellious Israel: heard, granted. 17.
Moses praieth vnto the Lord, that hee would shew him his glory: heard, granted; so farre as mortalitie might, should, or could behold. 19.
Numbers. XI.The Lord consuming with fire, the out-most part of the host of the Israelits: Moses praieth vnto the Lord, that the fire [Page 119] might cease: heard, granted. 2.
The children of Israel, lusting after flesh, and loathing Manna, murmure against Moses, who complaining vnto the Lord, desireth to be eased of his burthen: heard, granted. 16.
Moses praieth vnto the Lord,XII. to heale Miriam of her leprousie: heard, granted. 14.
Moses praieth vnto the Lord,XIIII. for the Israelites, who murmuring against Aaron and him: crye further, to stone Caleb and Ioshua: heard, granted. 20.
Moses and Aaron, XX. the children of Israel murmuring against them, at Miribah, prayeth vnto the Lord for them: heard, granted. 8.
Moses prayeth vnto the Lord for a gouernour to goe in and out before the people: heard,XXVII. [Page 120] granted. 18.
Ioshua. VII. Ioshua prayeth for the children of Israel, who had fled before the men of Ai: heard, granted. 10.
X. Ioshua, and the people, fighting against their enemies: Ioshua prayeth vnto the Lord, that the Sunne may stand still in Gibeon: and the Moone in the valley of Aialon, vntill they had auenged them-selues vpon their enemie [...]: heard, granted. 3
Iudges. III.The children of Israell crie vnto the Lord for helpe, from vnder the bondage of Cushan rishathaim, King of Aram-naharaim: heard, granted. 9.
VI.The children of Israell crye vnto the Lord for helpe vnder the bondage of Midian: heard, granted. 8.
Gedeon praieth vnto the Lord, [Page 121] which appeared vnto him vnder the Oake at Ophrath: to shew him a signe that he talked with him: heard, granted, 21
Gedeon praieth vnto the Lord, that in signe of his promised victory, the dew onely may rest vpon his fleece of wooll, all the rest of the ground about it being dry: heard, granted. 38.
Gedeon praieth vnto the Lord, that his fleece may be dry onely: dew being on all the ground about it: heard, granted. 40.
The children of Israel,X. being vnder the bondage of the Philistims, pray vnto the Lord: heard, granted. 16.
Manoah prayeth vnto the Lord for the Angels returne,XIII. which appeared vnto his wife: heard, granted. 9.
Samson fore a thirst,XV. prayeth [Page 122] vnto the Lord to send him some reliefe: heard, granted. 19.
XVI. Samson praieth vnto the Lord for strength to pull downe a house where hee sat, among three thousand Philistimes: heard, granted. 30.
I. Samuel. I. Hannah, the wife of Elkanah, prayeth vnto the Lord for a man-child: heard, granted. 19.
VII. Samuel crieth vnto the Lord to saue the children of Israel from the Philistims: heard, granted. 9
The children of Israel, demanding of Samuel a King to iudge and rule ouer them like vnto other nations, praieth vnto the Lord for them: heard, granted. 7.
XII. Samuel praieth vnto the Lord for thunder and raine: heard, granted. 18.
II. Samuel. XVII. Dauid hauing fled from his [Page 123] sonne Absalom, praieth vnto the Lord, to ouer-turne the good counsell of Achitophell: heard, granted. 14.
Dauid confessing his sin,XXIIII. after that hee had caused the people to bee numbred, prayeth vnto the Lord to stay his punishing hand: heard, granted. 18.
Salomō hauing his wish granted vnto him of the Lord,I. Kings. III. by night in a dreame at Gibeon, praieth for wisdom: heard, granted. 11
After the finishing of the temple,IX. Salomon praieth vnto ye lord for the people: heard, granted. 3
The man of God,XIII. who by the Lords command prophecied against the Altar, prayeth vnto the Lord for Ieroboam, whose hand dried vp, stretching it out to cause lay hold on the Prophet: heard, granted. 6.
XVII. Eliah prayeth that it may not raine on the earth, but according to his word: heard, granted. 1.
Eliah praieth vnto the Lord, to restore the widow of Zarephahs sonne, from death to life: heard, granted. 22.
XVIII. Eliah contending against the Priests of Baall, prayeth vnto the Lord, to shew a miracle in signe of the truth: heard, granted. 38.
Eliah prayeth vnto the Lord for raine: heard, granted, 45.
II. Kings. I. Eliah prayeth vnto the Lord for fire from heauen to deuour Ahaziahs first captaine of fifty, with his men: heard, granted. 10
Eliah prayeth vnto the Lord, for fire from heauen to destroy Ahaziahs second Captaine of fifty, with his men: heard, [Page 125] granted. 12.
Eliah praieth vnto the Lord,IIII. to restore the widowes sonne from death to life: heard, granted. 35.
Elisha praieth vnto the Lord,VI. his seruant being affraid of the King of Arams host, to open his eyes: heard, granted. 17.
Elisha praieth vnto the Lord, to smite the King of Arams host with blindnesse: heard, granted. 18.
Elisha praieth vnto the Lord, to open their eyes againe: heard, granted. 20.
Hezekiah oppressed with feare of Senacheribs army,XIX. and Rabshaketh his blasphemie before Ierusalem, prayeth vnto the Lord for helpe: heard, granted. 35.
Hezekiah, sick vnto the death.XX. [Page 126] praieth vnto the Lord for help: heard, granted. 5.
Isaiah, praieth vnto the Lord, that the shadow of the Sunne, in the dyall of Ahaz, may bee brought back ten degrees, by the which it had gone downe: heard, granted. 11.
I. Chron. IIII. Iabez praieth vnto the Lord, to inlarge his coasts: heard, granted. 10.
II. Chron. XIIII. Asa, going out to fight against Zerah of Ethiopia, praieth vnto the Lord for helpe: heard, granted. 12.
XVIII. Iehoshaphat in great distresse, fighting with Achab King of Israell, against the King of Aram, cryeth vnto the Lord for helpe: heard, granted. 31.
XX. Iehoshaphat inuaded by the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Scir, prayeth vnto the [Page 127] Lord for helpe: heard, granted. 15.
Hezekiah, XXX. prayeth vnto the Lord, for a number of the people, who vncleansed had eatē of the passe-ouer: heard, grāted. 20
Manasseh in captiuity,XXXIII. and great distresse, humbling himselfe, praieth vnto the Lord for helpe: heard, granted. 13.
Ezra and the people,Ezra. VIII. returning from captiuity, pray vnto the Lord: heard, granted. 23.
Iob praieth vnto God for his friends: heard, granted. 10.Iob. XLII.
Daniel, with his fellows,Daniel. II. pray vnto the Lord for the reuelation of Nebuchadnezars dreame: heard, granted. 19.
Daniel, IX. praieth vnto the Lord for the returne of the people frō captiuity, heard granted. 21
Ionah, praieth vnto the Lord, [Page 128] out of the fishes belly:Ionah. II. heard, granted. 10,
It is to bee noted, that no petition or prayer, according to his will, is reiected in the new: our blessed Sauiour by the contrary, often-times comming and helping, vnsought, vnlooked for, as to vnbeleeuing Thomas, and others.
Of the feare of the Lord.
Deuterono. VIII.THerefore thou shalt keepe the commandements of the Lord thy God, that thou maiest walke in his wayes, and feare him. 6.
X.And now Israel what doth the Lord thy God require of [Page 129] thee, but to feare the Lord thy God, to walke in all his wayes, and to loue him, & to serue the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soule. 12.
Thou shalt feare the Lord thy God: thou shalt serue him, and thou shalt cleaue vnto him, and shalt sweare by his name. 20.
Yee shall walke after the Lord your God, and feare him,XIII. and shall keepe his commandements, and hearken vnto his voyce, and yee shall serue him, and cleaue vnto him. 4.
The feare of the Lord is cleane, and indureth for euer:Psalmes. XIX. the iudgments of the Lord are truth: they are righteous altogether. 9,
What man is he that feareth the Lord? him will he teach the [Page 130] way that hee shall choose. 12.
The secret of the Lord is reuealed to them that feare him: and his couenant to giue them vnderstanding. 14.
XXXI.How great is thy goodnesse, which thou hast laide vp for them that feare thee, and done to them that trust in thee, euen before the sonnes of men. 19.
XXXIII.Let all the earth feare the Lord, let all them that dwell in the world feare him. 8.
Behold, the eye of the Lord is vpon them that feare him, and vpon them that trust in his mercy. 18.
To deliuer their soules from death, and to preserue them in famine. 19.
XXXIIII.The Angel of the Lord pitcheth round about them that feare him. 7.
Feare the Lord, yee his Saints, for nothing wanteth to them that feare him. 9.
Surely his saluation is neare to them that feare him. 9.LXXXV.
As a father hath compassion on his children,CIII. so hath the Lord compassion on them that feare him. 13.
The louing kindnesse of the Lord indureth for euer and euer, vpon them that feare him, and his righteousnesse vppon childrens children. 17.
The beginning of wisdome is the feare of the Lord:CXI. all they that obserue them haue good vnderstanding, his praise endureth for euer. 10.
Hee will blesse them that feare the Lord,CXV. both small and great. 13.
CXXVIII.Blessed is euery one that feareth the Lord and walketh in his wayes. 1.
CXLV.Hee will fulfill the desire of them that feare him: hee also will heare their crye, and will saue them. 19.
CXLVII.The Lord delighteth in them that feare him, and attend vpon his mercy. 11.
Prouerbes. III.Bee not wise in thine owne eyes: but feare the Lord, and depart from euill. 7.
VIII.The feare of the Lord is to hate euill. 13.
IX.The beginning of wisdome is the feare of the Lord, and the knowledge of holy things is vnderstanding. 10.
X.The feare of the Lord increaseth the dayes. 27.
XIIII.In the feare of the Lord is an assured strength, and his [Page 133] children shall haue hope. 26.
The feare of the Lord is as a Well-spring of life, to auoide the snares of death. 27.
Better is a little with the feare of the Lord,XV. then great treasure and trouble therewith. 16.
The feare of the Lord is the instruction of wisdome. 33.
By mercy and truth iniquity shall bee forgiuen,XVI. and by the feare of the Lord they depart from euill. 6.
The feare of the Lord leadeth to life:XIX. and hee that is filled there-with shall continue, and shall not bee visited with euill. 23.
The reward of humility,XXII. and the feare of God, is riches, and glory, and life. 4.
Let not thine heart be enuious against sinners:XXIII. but let it [Page 134] bee in the feare of the Lord continually. 17.
XXIIII.My sonne feare the Lord, and the King, and meddle not with them that are seditious. 21.
Ecclesiastes VIII.Though a sinner do euill an hundred times, and God prolongeth his dayes, yet I know that it shall be well with them that feare the Lord, and do reuerence before him. 12.
XII.Let vs heare the end of all: Feare God and keepe his commandements: for this is the whole duty of man. 13.
Malachi. III.Then spake they that feared the Lord, euery one to his neighbour, and the Lord hearkned and heard it, and a booke of remembrance was written before him, for them that feared the Lord, and that thought vpon his name. 16.
And they shall be to me, saith the Lord of hostes, in that day that I shall do this, for a flock, and I will spare them, as a man spareth his owne sonne that serueth him. 17.
Vnto you that feare my name shall the Sunne of righteousnesse arise,IIII. & health shall be vnder his wings, and yee shall go forth & grow vp as fat calues. 2
And yee shall tread down the wicked: for they shall bee dust vnder the soles of your feet, in the day that I shal do this, saith the Lord of hostes. 3.
Of the Lords great care ouer the Poore.
THou shalt not esteeme a poore man in his cause. 3.Exodus. XXIII.
Thou shalt not ouer-throw the right of thy poore in his sute. 6.
Deuterono. XXIIII.Furthermore, if it be a poore body, thou shalt not sleep with his pledge. 12.
II. Samuel. XX [...]I.Thus thou wilt saue the poore people: but thine eyes are vpon the haughty to humble them. 28.
Iob. XXXVI.Hee deliuereth the poore in his affliction, and openeth their eare in trouble. 15.
Psalmes. IX.The Lord also will bee a refuge for the poore, a refuge in due time, euen in affliction. 9.
When hee maketh inquisition for blood, hee remembreth it, and forgetteth not the complaint of the poore. 12.
For the poore shall not alway be forgotten: the hope of the afflicted shall not perish for euer. 18.
XII.Now for the oppression of the needy, and for the sighes of [Page 137] the poore, I will vp, saith the Lord, and wil s [...]t at liberty, him whome the wicked hath snared. 5.
He hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the poore:XXII. neither hath he hid his face from him, but when hee called vnto him he heard. 24.
Blessed is hee that iudgeth wisely of the poore:XLI. the Lord shall deliuer him in the time of trouble. 1.
The Lord heareth the poore,LXIX. and despiseth not his prisoners. 33.
He raiseth vp the poore out of misery,CVII. and maketh him families like a flock of sheepe. 41.
For he will stand at the right hand of the poore,CIX. to saue him from them that would condemne his soule. 31.
CXIII.Hee raiseth the needy out of the dust, & lifteth vp the poore out of the dung. 7.
Prouerbes. XIIII.Hee that hath mercy on the poore is blessed. 21.
He that oppresseth the poore, reproueth him that made him: but hee honoureth him that hath mercy on the poore. 31.
XVII.He that mocketh the poore, reprocheth him that made him. 5.
XXII.Robbe not the poore, because he is poore, neither oppresse the afflicted in iudgment. 22.
For the Lord wil defend their cause, and spoile the soule of those that spoile them. 23.
XXIX.A King that iudgeth the poore in truth, his throne shall be established for euer. 14.
Isaiah. XXVThou hast beene a strength vnto the poore, euen a strength [Page 139] to the needy in his trouble, a refuge against the tempest, a shadow against the heate. 4.
When the poore and the needy seeke water,XLI. and there is none, their toung faileth for thirst: I the Lord will heare them: I the God of Israell will not forsake them. 17.
Of the Lords great care of the Fatherlesse and Widowes.
YEe shall not trouble any widdowe nor fatherlesse child. 22.Exodus. XXII.
If thou vexe or trouble such, and so he call and cry vnto me, I will surely heare his cry. 23.
Thou shalt not peruert the right of the stranger,Deuterono. XXIIII. nor of the fatherlesse, nor take a widowes [Page 140] raiment to pledge. 17.
When thou cuttest downe thine haruest in thy field, and hast forgotten a sheafe in the field, thou shalt not goe againe to fet it, but it shall bee for the stranger, for the fatherlesse, and for the widow: that the Lord thy God may blesse thee in all the worke of thine hands. 19.
When thou beatest thine Oliue tree, thou shalt not goe ouer the boughs againe, but it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherlesse, & for the widow. 20
When thou gatherest thy Vineyard, thou shalt not gather the Grapes cleane after thee, but they shall bee for the stranger, for the fatherlesse, and for the widow. 21.
XXVII.Cursed be he that hindereth the right of the stranger, the [Page 141] fatherlesse and the widow. 19.
The poore committeth himselfe vnto thee:Psalmes. X. for thou art the helper of the fatherlesse. 14.
He is a father of the fatherlesse,LXVIII, and a Iudge of the widdowes, euen God in his holy habitation. 9.
Doe right to the poore and fatherlesse:LXXXII. doe iustice to the poore and needy. 3.
Remooue not the ancient bounds,Prouerbes. XXIII. and enter not into the fields of the fatherlesse. 10.
For he that redeemeth them is mighty, he will defend their cause against thee 11.
Learne to doe well:Isaiah. I. seeke iudgment, relieue the oppressed, iudge the fatherlesse, and defend the widow. 17.
Thy Princes are rebellious, and companions of theeues: [Page 142] euery one loueth gifts, and followeth after rewards: they iudge not the fatherlesse, neither doth the widowes cause come before them. 23.
X.Woe vnto them that decree wicked decrees, and write grieu [...]us things. 1.
To keepe back the poore from iudgement, & to take away the iudgment of the poore of my people, that widowes may be their prey, and that they may spoile the fatherlesse. 2.
[...]eremiah. XXII.Thus saith the Lord, execute yee iudgment and righteousnesse, and deliuer the oppressed from the hand of the oppressour, and vexe not the stranger, the fatherlesse, nor the widow. 3
XLIX.Leaue thy fatherlesse childrē, & I will preserue them aliue, & let thy widowes trust in me. 11.
In thee the fatherlesse findeth mercy. 4.Hosea. XIIII.
Oppresse not the widow n [...]r the fatherlesse, the stranger,Zechariah. VII. nor the poore, and let none of you imagine euill against his brother in your heart. 10.
I will come neere to you to iudgment,Malachi. III. and I will be a swift witnesse, against the sooth-sayers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that wrongfully keep back the hirelings wages, and vexe the widow, and the fatherlesse, and oppresse the stranger, and feare not me, saith the Lord of hostes. 5.
Pure religion and vndefiled before God, euen the Father,Iames. I. is this, to visit the fatherlesse, and widowes in their aduetsity, and to keepe himselfe vnspotted of the world. 27.
Of Charitie or helping the Poore.
Exodus. XXII.IF thou lend money to my people, that is to the poore with thee, thou shalt not bee as an vsurer vnto him: yee shall not oppresse him with vsury. 25
Leuiticus. XXV.If thy brother be impouerished, and fallen in decay with thee, thou shalt releiue him, and as a stranger and a soiourner, so shall he liue with thee. 35.
Thou shalt take no vsury of him, nor vantage: but thou shalt feare thy God, that thy brother may liue with thee. 36.
Deuterono. XV.Thou shalt not giue him thy money to vsury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase. 37.
If one of thy brethren with thee be poore within any of thy [Page 145] gates in thy land, which the Lord thy GOD giueth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poore brother. 7.
But thou shalt open thine hand vnto him, and shalt lend him sufficient for his neede which he hath. 8.
Thou shalt giue him, and let it not grieue thine heart to giue vnto him: for because of this, the Lord thy God shall blesse thee in all thy workes, and in all that thou puttest thine hand to. 10.
Because there shall bee euer some poore in the land, therefore I command thee, saying, thou shalt open thine hand vnto thy brother, to thy needy, & to thy poore in thy land. 11.Prouerbes. XI.
The liberall person shall haue [Page 146] plenty: and hee that watereth shall also haue raine. 25.
XIX.Hee that hath mercy vpon the poore, lendeth vnto the Lord: and the Lord will recompence him that which he hath giuen. 17.
XXI.He that stoppeth his eare at the crying of the poore, he shal also cry, and not be heard. 13.
XXVIII.Hee that giueth vnto the poore, shall not lacke: but hee that hideth his eyes, shall haue many curses. 27.
Isaiah. LVIII.Is not this the fasting that I haue chosen, to loose the bands of wickednesse, to take off the heauie burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that yee breake euery yoake? 6.
Is it not to deale thy bread to the hungry, & that thou bring the poore that wander vnto [Page 147] thine house? when thou seest the naked, that thou couer him, and hide not thy selfe from thine owne flesh? 7.
Then shall thy light breake foorth as the morning, and thy health shall grow speedily: thy righteousnesse shall goe before thee, and the glory of the Lord shall imbrace thee. 8.
If thou powre out thy soule to the hungry, and refresh the troubled soule: then shall thy light spring out in the darkenesse, and thy darknesse shall be as the noone day. 10.
And the Lord shall guide thee continually, & satisfie thy soule in drought, and make fat thy bones: & thou shalt be like a watered garden, & like a spring of water, whose waters faile not. 11
Giue to him that asketh,Mathew. V and [Page 148] from him that would borrow of thee, turne not away. 42.
X.Whosoeuer shall giue vnto one of these little ones to drinke a cup of cold water onely, in the name of a disciple, verely I say vnto you, he shall not loose his reward. 42.
XVIII.Who-so-euer shall receiue such a little child in my Name, receiueth me. 5.
Actes. XX.I haue shewed you all things, how that so labouring, yee ought to support the weake, and to remember the words of the Lord IESVS, how that he said, It is a blessed thing to giue, rather then to receiue. 35.
II. Corinth. IX.This yet remember, that hee which soweth sparingly, shall reape also sparingly, and hee that soweth liberally, shall [Page 149] reape also liberally. 6.
As euery man wisheth in his heart, so let him giue, not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loueth a cheerefull giuer. 7.
Hee that findeth seed to the sower, will minister likewise bread for food, and multiply your seed, and increase the fruits of your beneuolence. 10.
That on all parts yee may bee made rich vnto all liberality, 11.
While wee haue therefore time,Galathians. VI. let vs doe good vnto all men, but specially vnto them which are of the houshold of faith. 10.
To doe good, and to destribute forget not:Hebrewes. XIII. for with such sacrifices God is pleased. 16,
Of the Sabbath.
Genesis. II.IN the seuenth day God ended his worke which hee had made, and the seuenth day hee rested from all his worke which he had made. 2.
So God blessed the seuenth day, and sanctified it, because that in it he had rested from all his worke, which God had created and made. 3.
Exodus. XXRemember the Sabbath day to keepe it holy. 8.
Sixe dayes shalt thou labour, and doe all thy worke. 9.
But the seuenth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not doe any worke, thou nor thy sonne, nor thy daughter, thy man-seruant, nor thy maid, nor thy beast, nor [Page 151] thy stranger that is within thy gates. 10.
For in sixe dayes the Lord made the heauen and the earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seuenth day: therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day & hallowed it. 11.
Keepe yee my Sabbath,XXXI. for it is a signe betweene me and you in your generations, that yee may know that I the Lord doe sanctifie you. 13.
Yee shall therefore keepe the Sabbath: for it is holy vnto you: he that defileth it, shall die the death: therefore who-soeuer worketh therein, the same person shall bee euen cut off from among his people. 14.
Sixe dayes shall men worke, but in the seuenth day is the Sabbath of the holy rest to [Page 152] the Lord: whosoeuer doth any worke in the Sabbath day, shall dye the death. 15.
Isaiah. LVI.Blessed is the man that doth this, and the sonne of man which laieth hold on it: he that keepeth the Sabbath and polluteth it not, and keepeth his hand from dooing any euill. 2.
LVIII.If thou turne away thy foote from the Sabbath, from doing thy will on mine holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight to consecrate it as glorious to the Lord, and shalt honour him, not dooing thine owne wayes, nor seeking thine owne will, nor speaking a vaine word. 13.
Then shalt thou delight in the Lord, and I will cause thee to mount vpon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Iaakob thy [Page 153] father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. 14.
Of Holynesse.
YEe shall bee holy,Leuiticus. X [...]X. for I the Lord your God am holy. 2.
Sanctifie your selues therefore, and bee holy,XX. for I am the Lord your God. 7.
Therefore shall yee bee holy vnto mee: for I the Lord am holy. 26.
Seeing then wee haue these promises, dearly beloued,II. Corinth. VII. let vs cleanse our selues from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit, and grow vp vnto full holinesse in the feare of God. 1.
For God hath not called vs vnto vncleannesse,I. Thessalo. IIII. but vnto holynesse. 7.
Follow peace with all men,Hebrewes. XII. [Page 154] and holinesse, without ye which no man shall see the Lord. 14.
I. Peter. I.But as he which hath called you, is holy, so bee yee holy in all manner of conuersation. 15.
Because it is written; Bee yee holy, for I am holy. 16.
Of Humility.
Prouerbes. XV.BEfore honour goeth humilitie. 33.
XVI.Better it is to bee of humble minde with the lowly, then to diuide the spoiles with the proud. 19.
XVIII.Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty, and before glory goeth lowlinesse. 12.
XXII.The reward of Humility, and the feare of God, is riches, and glory, and life. 4.
XXIX.The pride of a man shall bring [Page 155] him low: but the humble in spirit shall enioy glory. 23.
I will exalt the humble,Ezekiell. XXI. and will abase him that is high. 26.
Hee hath shewed thee,Micah. VI. O man, what is good, and what the Lord requireth of thee: surely to doe iustly, and to loue mercy, and to humble thy selfe to walke with thy God. 8.
Whosoeuer will exalt,Mathew. XXIII. himselfe, shall be brought low: and whosoeuer will humble himselfe shall be exalted. 12.
Fulfill my ioy,Philipians. II. that yee be like minded, hauing the same loue, beeing of one accord, and of one iudgment. 2.
That nothing be done through contention or vain-glory: but that in meekenesse of minde euery man esteeme other better then himselfe. 3.
Colossians. III.Now therefore as the elect of God holy and beloued, put on tender mercy, kindnesse, humblenesse of minde, meeknesse, long-suffering. 12.
Iames. IIII.Cast downe your selues before the Lord, and hee will lift you vp. 10.
I. Peter. V.Deck your selues inwardly in lowlinesse of mind: for God resisteth the proud, and giueth grace to the humble. 5.
Humble your selues therefore vnder the mighty hand of God, that hee may exalt you in due time. 6
VVho are Blessed.
Iob. V.BLessed is the man, whom God correcteth, therefore refuse not thou the chastising of the Almighty. 17.
Blessed is the man that doth not walke in the counsell of the wicked,Psalmes. I. nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornfull 1.
Blessed is hee whose wickednesse is forgiuen,XXXII. and whose sinne is couered. 1.
Blessed is the man vnto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. 2.
Blessed is that nation,XXXIII. whose God is the Lord; euen the people that he hath chosen for his inheritance. 12.
Blessed is the man that maketh the Lord his trust,XL and regardeth not the proud, nor such as turne aside to lyes. 4.
Blessed is hee that iudgeth wisely of the poore:XLI. the Lord shall deliuer him in the time [Page 158] of trouble. 1.
LXV.Blessed is hee whom thou choosest, and causest to come to thee: hee shall dwell in thy courts, and wee shall bee satisfied with the pleasures of thine house, euen of thine holy Temple. 4.
LXXX III.Blessed are they that dwell in thine house: they will euer praise thee. 4.
Blessed is the man, whose strength is in thee, and in whose heart are thy wayes. 5.
Blessed is the man that trusteth in thee. 12.
LXXXIX.Blessed is the people that can reioyce in thee: they shall walke in the light of thy countenance, O Lord. 15.
XCIIII.Blessed is the man, whom thou chastisest O Lord, and teachest him in thy Law. 12.
Blessed are they that keepe iudgment,CVI. and doe righteousnesse at all times. 3.
Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord,CXII. and delighteth greatly in his commandements. 1.
Blessed be he that commeth in the Name of the Lord. 26.CXVIII.
Blessed are those that are vpright in their way,CXIX. and walke in the law of the Lord. 1.
Blessed are they that keepe his testimonies, and seeke him with their whole heart. 2.
Blessed is euery one that feareth the Lord,CXXVIII. and walketh in his wayes. 1.
Blessed is hee that hath the God of Iaakob for his helpe,CXLVI. whose hope is in the Lord his God. 5.
Blessed is the man that findeth wisdome,Prouerbes. III. and the man [Page 160] that getteth vnderstanding. 13.
XIIII.The sinner despiseth his neighbour: but hee that hath mercy on the poore is blessed. 21.
XXVIII.Blessed is the man that feareth alway. 14.
Isaiah. [...] XXXII.Blessed are yee that sow vpon all waters, and driue thither the feete of the Oxe and the Asse. 20.
LVI.Blessed is the man that doth this, and the Sonne of man which layeth hold on it: hee that keepeth the Sabbath and polluteth it not, & keepeth his hand from doing any euill. 2.
Ieremiah. XVII.Blessed be the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. 7.
Mathew. VBlessed are the poore in spirit: for theirs is the kingdome of heauen. 3.
Blessed are they that mourne: for they shall be comforted, 4.
Blessed are the meeke: for they shall inherit the earth. 5.
Blessed are they which hunger and thirst for righteousnesse: for they shall be filled. 6.
Blessed are the mercifull: for they shall obtaine mercy. 7.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. 8.
Blessed are the peace-makers: for they shall be called the children of God. 9.
Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heauen. 10.
Blessed are yee when men reuile you and persecute you, and say all manner of euill against you, for my sake, falsly. 11.
Blessed is hee that shall notXI. [Page 162] be offended in me. 6.
XXIIII.Blessed is that seruant whom his maister when he commeth, shall find so doing. 46.
Luke. XI.Blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe it. 28.
XII.Blessed are those seruants, whom the Lord when he commeth shall find waking: Verily I say vnto you, hee will girde himselfe about, and make them to sit downe at table, and will come foorth and serue them 37.
If hee come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and shall find them so, Blessed are those seruants. 38.
Iohn. XX.Blessed are they that haue not seene & haue beleeued. 29.
Romanes. XIIII.Blessed is hee that condemneth not himselfe in that thing [Page 163] which hee alloweth. 22.
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation:Iames. I. for when hee is tryed, hee shall receaue the crowne of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that loue him. 12.
Who so looketh in the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he not beeing a forgetfull hearer, but a doer of the worke, shall bee blessed in his deede. 25.
Behold we count them blessed which endure. 11.V.
Blessed are yee,I. Peter. III. if you suffer for righteousnesse sake. 14.
If yee bee railed vppon for the name of Christ,IIII. blessed are yee: for the spirit of glory, and of God resteth vppon you: which on their part is euill spoken of: but on your part is [Page 164] glorified. 14.
Reuelation. I.Blessed is hee that readeth, and they that heare the words of this Prophecie, and keepe those things which are written therin: for the time is at hand. 3
XII. II.Then I heard a voyce from heauen, saying vnto me, write, Blessed are the dead which here-after die in the Lord, euen so saith the Spirit: for they rest from their labours, and their workes follow them. 13.
XVI.Behold, I come as a theefe, Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, least hee walke naked, and men see his filthinesse. 15.
XIX.Blessed are they which are called vnto the Lambes supper. 9.
XX.Blessed and holy is hee that hath part in the first resurrection: [Page 165] for on such the second death hath no power: but they shall be the Priests of God, and of Christ, and shall reigne with him a thousand yeere. 6.
Blessed is he that keepeth the words of the Prophecie of this booke. 7.XXII.
Blessed are they that doe his commandements, that their right may be in the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the Citty. 14.
VVoe vnto whom.
VVOe to thee,Ecclesiastes X. O land when thy King is a child, and thy Princes eate in the morning. 16.
Woe bee to the wicked,Isaiah. III. it shall be euill with him: for the reward of his hands shall bee [Page 166] giuen him. 11.
V.Woe vnto them that ioyne house to house, and lay field to field, till there be no place, that ye may be placed by your selues in the middest of the earth. 8.
Woe vnto them that rise vp earely to follow drunkennesse, and to them that continue vntill night, till the wine doe inflame them. 11.
VVoe vnto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity and sinne as with cart-rops. 18.
VVo vnto them that speake good of euill, and euill of good, which put darkenesse for light, and light for darkenesse. 20.
VVoe vnto them that are wise in their owne eyes, & prudent in their owne sight. 21.
VVo vnto them that are mighty to drinke wine, and to them [Page 167] that are strong to poure in strong drinke. 22.
VVo vnto them that decree wicked decrees,X. & write greeuous things. 1.
To keepe backe the poore from iudgement, and to take away the iudgmēt of the poore of my people, that widdowes may be their prey, & that they may spoyle the fatherlesse. 2.
VVo vnto them that seeke deepe to hide their counsaile from the Lord:XXIX. for their works are in darkenes & they, say who seeth vs? & who knoweth vs? 5.
VVo to the rebellious children, saith the Lord,XXX. that take councell, but not of me, and couer with a couering, but not by my spirit, that they may lay sinne vppon sinne. 1:
VVoe vnto them that goeXXXI. [Page 168] downe into Aegypt for helpe, and stay vpon horses, and trust in Chariots, because they are many, and in hors-men because they be very strong: but they looke not vnto the holy one of Israel, nor seeke vnto the Lord. 1.
XXXIII.Woe to thee that spoilest, and wast not spoiled, and doest wickedly, and they did not wickedly against thee: when thou shalt cease to spoile, thou shalt bee spoiled: when thou shalt make an end of doing wickedly, they shall doe wickedly against thee. 1.
XLV.Woe bee vnto him that striueth with his maker, the pot-sheard with the pot-sheards of the earth: shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou? or thy worke, it [Page 169] hath none hands? 9.
Woe vnto him that saith to his father, what hast thou begotten? or to his mother, what hast thou brought forth? 10.
Woe vnto him that buildeth his house by vnrighteousnesse,Ieremiah. XXII. and his chambers without equity: he vseth his neighbour without wages, and giueth him not for his worke. 13.
Woe bee vnto the Pastors that destroy and scatter the sheepe of my pasture,XXIII. saith the Lord. 1.
Woe vnto the foolish Prophets,Ezekiel. XIII. that follow their owne spirit, and haue seene nothing. 3
Woe vnto the women that sow pillowes vnder all arme-holes, and make vailes vpon the head of euery one that standeth vp to hunt soules: will yee [Page 170] hunt the soules of my people, and will yee giue life vnto the soules that come vnto you? 18.
XXIIII.VVo to the bloody citty, euen to the pot, whose scumme is therein, and whose scum is not gone out of it. 6.
XXXIIII.VVo be vnto the Sheapherds of Israell, that feed themselues: should not the Sheapherds feed the flockes? 2.
Yee eate the fat, and ye cloth you with the wooll: yee kill them that are fed, but yee feed not the sheepe. 3.
Amos. VI.VVo to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountaine of Samaria, which were famous at the beginning of the nations: and the house of Israell came to them. 1.
Micah. II.VVo vnto them that imagin iniquity, and worke wickednesse [Page 171] vpon their beds: when the morning is light they practise it, because their hand hath power. 1.
VVo vnto him that buildeth a towne with blood,Habakuc. II and erecteth a citty by iniquity. 12.
VVo vnto him that giueth his neighbour drinke. 15.
VVo vnto him that saith to the wood awake, and to the dumbe-stone rise vp, it shall teach thee: behold it is layed ouer with gold and siluer, and there is no breath in it. 19.
VVo to her that is filthy & poluted to the robbing citty. 1.Zephaniah. III.
VVoe be vnto the world because of offences:Mathew. XVIII. for it must needs bee that offences shall come, but woe be to yt man by whom the offence commeth. 7.XXIII.
VVo therefore be vnto you [Page 172] Sctibes and Pharises, hypocrites, because yee shut vp the kingdome of heauen before men: for yee your selues goe not in, neither suffer yee them that would enter to come in. 13
Woe bee vnto you, Scribes and Pharises, hipocrites, for ye deuoure widowes houses, euen vnder a colour of long praiers: wherefore yee shall receiue the greater damnation. 14.
Woe bee vnto you, Scribes and Pharises, hypocrites: for ye compasse sea and land to make one of your profession: and when hee is made, you make him two-fold more the child of hell, then you your selues. 15.
Woe bee vnto you blind guides, which say, whosoeuer sweareth by the Temple, it is nothing: but whosoeuer sweareth [Page 173] by the gold of the Temple, he offendeth. 16.
Woe be to you, Scribes and Pharises, hypocrites: for yee tithe Mint and Annise, and Cummine, & leaue the weightier matters of the Law, as iudgment and mercy, and fidelity: These ought yee to haue done, and not to haue left the other. 23.
Woe be to you Scribes and Pharises, hypocrites: for yee make cleane the vtter-side of the cup and of the platter: but within they are full of bribery and excesse. 25.
Woe bee vnto you Scribes and Pharises, hypocrites: for ye are like vnto whited tombes which appeare beautifull outward, but are within full of dead mens bones, and of all filthinesse. 27.
VVo bee vnto you Scribes and Pharises, Hipocrites: for ye build the tombes of the Prophets, & garnish the sepulchers of the righteous. 29.
Luke. VI.Wo be to you that are rich: for you haue receaued your consolation. 24.
VVo be to you that are full, for ye shall hunger, woe bee to you that now laugh for ye shall waile and weepe. 25.
VVo be to you when all men speake well of you: for so did their fathers to the false Prophets. 26.
XI.VVoe bee to you Pharises: for ye loue the vpermost seats in the Sinagogues, and greetings in the markets. 43.
Wo be to you Scribes & Pharises, Hipocrites: for ye are as graues which appeare not, & [Page 175] the men that walke ouer them perceiue not. 44.
Woe bee to you also, yee interpreters of the Law: for yee lade men with burdens greiuous to be borne, and yee your selues touch not the burdens with one of your fingers. 46.
VVo be to you: for ye build the sepulchers of the Prophets, & your Fathers killed them. 47.
Woe be to you, interpreters of the Law: for yee haue taken away the key of knowledge: ye entred not in your selues, & thē that came in, ye forbad. 52.
Of Faith.
THe iust shall liue by his faith. 4.Habakuc. II
Verily I say vnto you,Mathew. XVII. If yee haue faith is much as is [Page 176] a graine of Mustard-seed, yee shall say vnto this Mountaine, Remooue hence to yonder place, and it shall remooue: and nothing shall be vnpossible vnto you. 20.
XXI.Verely I say vnto you, If yee haue faith and doubt not, yee shall not onely doe that which I haue done to the Fig-tree, but also if yee say vnto this Mountaine, Take thy selfe away, and cast thy selfe into the sea, it shal be done. 21.
Romanes. X.Faith is by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 17.
XIIII.Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne. 23.
II. Corinth. I. V. Galathians. III. Hebrewes. XI.By faith yee stand, 24.
Wee walke by faith, and not by sight. 7.
The Law is not of faith. 12.
Faith is the ground of things [Page 177] which are hoped for, and the euidence of things which are not seene. 1.
Without faith it is impossible to please him: for hee that commeth to GOD, must beleeue that God is, and that hee is a rewarder of them that seek him. 6.
Of Beleeuing, or Faith Working.
IF yee beleeue not,Isaiah. VII. surely yee shall not bee stablished, 9.
Whatsoeuer yee shall aske in prayer, If yee beleeue,Mathew XXI. yee shall receiue it. 22.
All things are possible to him that beleeueth, 23.Marke. IX.
Hee that shall beleeue,XVI. and be baptized, shall be saued: but hee that will not beleeue, shall [Page 178] be damned. 16.
Iohn. III.And as Moses lift vp the Serpent in the wildernesse, so must the Sonne of man be lift vp. 14.
That whosoeuer beleeueth in him, should not perish, but haue eternall life. 15.
For God so loued the world, that he hath giuē his onely begotten sonne, that whosoeuer beleeueth in him, should not perish, but haue euerlasting life. 16
He that beleeueth in him shall not be condemned: but he that beleeueth not, is condemned already, [...] IX [...] because hee beleeueth not in the name of the onely begotten Sonne of God. 18.
He that beleeueth in the Son, hath euerlasting life, and hee that obeyeth not the Sonne, shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. 36.
Verily, verily, I say vnto you,V. Hee that heareth my word, and beleeueth in him that sent me, hath euerlasting life, & shall not come into condēnatiō, but hath passed from death vnto life. 24,
I am the bread of life:VI. he that commeth to me shall not hunger, and hee that beleeueth in mee shall neuer thirst. 35.
This is the will of him that hath sent mee, that euery man which seeth the Sonne, and beleeueth in him, should haue euerlasting life: and I will raise him vp at the last day. 40.
Verily, verily, I say vnto you, He that beleeueth in mee, hath euerlasting life. 47.
Hee that beleeueth in me,VII. as saith the Scripture, out of his belly shall flow riuers of water of life. 38.
XI.I am the resurrection and the life: hee that beleeueth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he liue. 25.
And whosoeuer liueth, and beleeueth in mee, shall neuer dye, 26.
XII.I am come a light into the world, that whosoeuer beleeueth in me, should not abide in darkenesse. 46.
XIIII.Verily, verily, I say vnto you, Hee that beleeueth in mee, the workes that I doe he shall doe also, and greater then these shall he do: For I goe vnto my my Father. 12.
Romanes. X.If thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus, and shalt beleeue in thine heart that God raised him vp from the dead, thou shalt be saued. 9.
For with the heart man beleeueth [Page 181] vnto righteousnesse, and with the mouth man confesseth to saluation. 10.
Whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not be ashamed. 11.
If wee beleeue not,II. Timoth. II. yet abideth he faithfull: hee cannot deny himselfe. 13.
This is then his commandement,I. Iohn. III. That wee beleeue in the Name of his Sonne IESVS Christ, and loue one another as he gaue commandement. 23
Whosoeuer beleeueth that Iesus is the Christ,V. is borne of God. 1.
Hee that beleeueth in the Sonne of God, hath the witnesse in himselfe: hee that beleeueth not God, hath made him a lyar, because he beleeued not the record, that God witnessed of his Sonne. 10.
These things haue I written vnto you that beleeue in the name of the Sonne of God, that ye may know that ye haue eternall life, and that yee may beleeue in the name of the Sonne of God. 13.
Of Hope.
Iob. VIII.THe hypocrites hope shall perish. 13.
Psalmes. IX.The poore shall not be alway forgottē: the hope of the afflicted shall not perish for euer. 18
XXVII▪Hope in the Lord: be strong, and hee shall comfort thine heart, & trust in the Lord. 14.
XXXVII.Waite patiently vpon the Lord, and hope in him. 7.
XLVI.God is our hope and strength and helpe in troubles, ready to be found, 1:
The hope that is deferred is the fainting of the heart:Prouerbes. XIII. but when the desire commeth, it is a tree of life. 12.
Let not thine heart be enuious against sinners:XXIII. but let it be in the feare of the Lord continually. 17.
For surely there is an end, & thy hope shall not be cut off. 18
Blessed be the man that trusteth in the Lord,Ieremiah. XVII. and whose hope the Lord is. 7.
The Lord will bee the hope of his people. 16.Ioel. III.
We are saued by hope:Romanes. VIII. but hope that is seene is not hope: for how can a man hope for that which he seeth? 24.
But if wee hope for that we see not, wee doe with patience abide for it. 25.
If in this life onely wee haue [Page 184] hope in Christ,I. Corinth. XV. wee are of all men the most miserable. 19.
Hebrewes. III.But Christ is as the Sonne ouer his owne house, whose house we are, if we hold fast the confidence, and the reioycing of the hope vnto the end. 6.
VI.We desire that euery one of you shew the same diligence, to the full assurance of hope vnto the end. 11.
God willing more aboundantly to shew vnto the heires of promise, the stablenesse of his counsell, bound himselfe by an oth. 17.
That by two immutable things, wherein it is vnpossible that God should lye, we might haue strong consolation, which haue our refuge to hold fast the hope that is set before vs. 18.
Which we haue as an anker [Page 185] of the soule both sure and stedfast, and it entreth into that which is within the vaile. 19.
Whether the fore-runner is for vs entred in, euen Iesus that is made an high Priest for euer, after the order of Melchi-zedec. 20.
Let vs keepe the profession of our hope,X. without wauering, (for hee is faithfull that promised.) 23.
Of Loue.
THou shalt loue the Lord thy GOD with all thine heart, and with all thy soule,Deuterono. VI. and with all thy might. 5.
And now Israell,X. what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to feare the Lord thy God, and to walke in all his [Page 186] wayes, and to loue him, and to serue the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soule. 12.
XI.Therfore thou shalt loue the lord thy God, & shalt keep that which hee commandeth to bee kept: that is, his ordinances, and his lawes, & his commandements alway. 1.
Iudges. V.But they that loue him, shall be as the Sunne when he riseth in his might. 31.
Psalmes. XXXI.Loue yee the Lord all his Saints: for the Lord preserueth the faithfull, and rewardeth aboundantly the proud doer. 23
XCVII. CXLV.Ye yt loue the Lord hate euil. 10
The Lord preserueth all them that loue him.Prouerbes. X. 20.
Hatred stirreth vp contentions: but loue couereth all trespasses. 12.
Better is a dinner of greene herbes wher loue is,XV. then a stalled Oxe & hatred therewith. 17
Hee that couereth a transgression seeketh loue. 9.XVII.
A friend loueth at all times: and a brother is borne for aduersity. 17.
Loue is strong as death. 6.Canticles. VIII.
Much water cannot quench loue, neither can the flouds drown it: If a man should giue all the substance of his house for loue, they would greatly contemne it. 7.
Yea I haue loued thee with an euerlasting loue,Ieremiah. XXXI. therfore with mercy haue I drawne thee. 3.
Loue your enemies. 44.Mathew. V.
He that loueth father or mother more then me,X. is not worthy of me: and hee that loueth sonne or daughter more then [Page 188] me, is not worthy of me. 37.
Luke. VI.If yee loue them which loue you, what thankes shall you haue? for euen the sinners loue those that loue them. 32.
Iohn. III.God so loued the world, that he hath giuen his onely begotten Sonne, that whosoeuer beleeueth in him, should not perish, but haue euerlasting life. 16.
XIII.Hee loued his owne which were in the world, vnto the end he loued them. 1.
A new commandement giue I vnto you, that yee loue one another: as I haue loued you, that yee also loue one another. 34.
By this shall all men know that yee are my disciples, If yee loue one another. 35.
XIIII.If yee loue mee, keepe my [Page 167] commandements. 15.
Hee that hath my commandements, and keepeth them, is he that loueth me: and he that loueth me shall be loued of my Father: and I will loue him, and will shew mine owne selfe vnto him. 21.
If any man loue mee, he will keepe my word, and my Father will loue him, and we wil come vnto him, and will dwell with him. 23.
Hee that loueth me not, keepeth not my words. 24.
As the Father hath loued me,XV. so haue I loued you: continue in my loue. 9.
If yee shall keepe my commandements, yee shall abide in my loue, as I haue kept my Fathers commandements, and abide in his loue. 10.
This is my commandement, that yee loue one another, as I haue loued you. 12.
Greater loue then this hath no man, when any man bestoweth his life for his friends. 13.
XVI.For the Father himselfe loueth you, because yee haue loued me, and haue beleeued that I came out from God. 27.
XVII.I haue declared vnto them thy name, and will declare it, that the loue where-with thou hast loued me, may be in them, and I in them. 26.
Romanes. VGod setteth out his loue towards vs, seeing that while wee were yet sinners Christ dyed for vs. 8.
VIII.Also we know that all things worke togither for the best, vnto them that loue God, euen to them that are called of his [Page 191] purpose. 28.
Let loue be without dissimulation. 9.XII.
Bee affectioned to loue one another with brotherly loue. 10
Owe nothing to any man,XIII. but to loue one another: for hee that loueth another, hath fulfilled the Law. 8.
For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill; Thou shalt not steale; Thou shalt not beare false witnesse; Thou shalt not couet, and if there be any other commandement, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, euen in this; Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe. 9.
Loue doth not euill to his neighbour▪ therfore is loue the fulfilling of the Law. 10.
The things which eye hath [Page 192] not seene,I. Corinth. II. neither eare hath heard, neither came into mans heart, are, which God hath prepared for them that loue him. 9
XIII.Though I speake with the toungs of Men and Angels, & haue not loue, I am as sounding brasse, or a tinckling Symbal. 1.
And though I had the gift of Prophesie, and knew all secrets and all knowledge, yea if I had all faith, so that I could remoue mountaines, and had not loue, I were nothing. 2.
And though I feed the poore with all my goods, and though I giue my body that I bee burned, and haue not loue, it profiteth me nothing. 3.
Loue suffereth long: it is bountifull: loue enuieth not: loue doth not boast it selfe: it [Page 193] is not puffed vp. 4.
It disdaineth not: it seeketh not her owne things: it is not prouoked to anger: it thinketh not euill. 5.
It reioyceth not in iniquity: but reioyceth in the truth. 6.
It suffereth all things: it beleeueth all thing: it hopeth all things: it indureth all things. 7.
Loue doth neuer fall away, though that prophecyings bee abolished, or the tongues cease, or knowledge vanish away. 8.
Now abideth, faith, hope, and loue, euen these three: but the cheefest of these is loue. 13.
Follow after loue,XIIII. and couet spirituall gifts. 1.
Let all your thinges be done in loue. 14.XVI.
If any man loue not the Lord Iesus Christ, let him bee had in [Page 194] execration, yea excomunicate to death. 22.
Galathians. IIII.It is a good thing to loue earnestly alwayes in a good thing. 18.
V.By loue serue one another. 13
For all the law is fulfilled in one word, which is this, thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe. 14.
Ephesians. V.Walke in loue, euen as Christ hath loued vs, and hath giuen himselfe for vs, to bee an offering and a sacrifice of a sweet smelling sauour to God. 2.
Husbands loue your wiues, euē as Christ loued the church and gaue himselfe for it. 25.
So ought men to loue their wiues as their owne bodies: he that loueth his wife loueth himselfe. 28.
Let euery one loue his wife [Page 195] euen as himselfe, and let the wife see that she feare her husband. 33.
Aboue all these things,Colossians. III. put on loue, which is the bond of perfectnessē. 14.
Husbands loue your wiues, and be not bitter vnto them. 19.
As touching brotherly loue,I. Thessalo. IIII. ye neede not that I write vnto you: for ye are taught of God to loue one another. 9.
The end of the commandement is loue, out of a pure hart,L Timoth. I. and of a good conscience, and of faith vnfained. 5.
Let brotherly loue continue.Hebrewes. XIII. I. Peter. I. 1
Loue one another with a pure heart feruently. 22.
Aboue all things haue feruēt loue among you:IIII. for loue couereth the multitude of sinnes. 8.
Hee that keepeth his word,I. Iohn. II. [Page 196] in him is the loue of God perfect indeede: hereby we know that we are in him. 5.
He that loueth his brother, abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of euill in him. 10.
Loue not the world, neither the things that are in the world: If any man loue the world, the loue of the father is not in him. 15.
III.Behold what loue the father hath shewed on vs, that wee should be called the sonnes of God. 1.
In this are the children of God knowne, and the children of the deuill: whosoeuer doth not righteousnesse, is not of God, neither he that loueth not his brother. 10.
For this is the message, that [Page 183] ye heard from the beginning, that wee should loue one another. 11.
We know that we are translated from death vnto life, because wee loue the Brethren: he that loueth not his brother, abideth in death. 14.
Hereby haue we perceaued loue, that he layed downe his life for vs. 16.
Let vs not loue in word, neither in tongue onely, but in deed and in truth. 18.
This is then his commandement, that wee beleeue in the name of his sonne Iesus Christ, and loue one another, as hee gaue commandement. 23.
Beloued,IIII. let vs loue one another: for loue commeth of God, and euery one that loueth is borne of God, and knoweth [Page 198] God. 7.
Hee that loueth not, knoweth not God: for God is loue. 8.
In this apeared the loue of God towards vs, because God sent his onely begotten Sonne into the world, that wee might liue through him. 9.
Herein is loue, not that we loued God, but that hee loued vs and sent his Sonne to bee a reconciliation for our sins. 10.
Beloued if God so loued vs, we ought also to loue one another. 11.
No man hath seene God at any time, if wee loue one another, God dwelleth in vs, & his loue is perfect in vs. 12.
And we haue known, and beleeued the loue that God hath in vs. God is loue, and [...]ee that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God, and God in him. 16.
Herein is the loue perfect in vs, that wee should haue boldnesse in the day of iudgement: for as hee is, euen so are we in this world. 17.
There is no feare in loue, but perfect loue casteth out feare: for feare hath painefullnesse: and-hee that feareth, is not perfect in loue. 18.
Wee loue him because hee loued vs first. 19.
If any ma [...] say I loue God, & hate hi [...] brother, he is a lyar: for how can he that loueth not his brother whō he hath seene, loue God whom hee hath not seene? 20.
And this cōmandement haue we of him, that he which loueth God should loue his brother also. 21.
Whosoeuer beleeueth that Iesus [Page 200] is the Christ, is borne of God, and euery one that loueth him which begat, loueth him also which is begotten of him. 1
In this wee know that wee loue the children of God, when wee loue God, and keepe his commandem [...]nts. 2.
For this is the loue of God, that wee keepe his commandements: and his commandements are not grieuous. 3.
II. Iohn.Now beseech I thee Ladie, (not as writing a new commandement vnto the [...], but that same which wee had from the begining) that we loue one another. 5
And this is the loue, that we should walke after his commandements. 6.
Keepe your selues in the loue of God,Iude. looking for the mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ, vnto [Page 201] eternall life. 21.
Of the Crosse Chastening, and Suffering.
BEhold, blessed is the man whom God correcteth, therefore refuse not thou the chastising of the Almighty. 1 [...].Iob. V.
For hee maketh the wound, and bindeth it vp: he smiteth & his hands make whole. 18.
Blessed is ye man whom thou chastisest, O Lord,Psalmes. XCIIII. and teachest him in thy Law. 12.
That thou maist giue him rest frō the daies of euil, whiles the pit is digged for the wicked. 13
My sonne refuse not the chastening of the Lord,Prouerbes. III. neither be grieued with his correction. 11
For the Lord correcteth him whom he loueth, euen as the Father doth the child in whō he [Page 202] delighteth 12.
Mathew. X.He that taketh not his Crosse and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 31.
Luke. IX.If any man will come after mee, let him deny himselfe, and take vp his Crosse dayly, and follow mee. 23.
XIIII.Whosoeuer beareth not his Crosse, and commeth after me, cannot bee my disciple. 27.
I. Corinth. I.The preaching of the Crosse is to them that perish foolishnesse: but vnto vs which are saued, it is the power of God. 18.
XI.When wee are iudged, wee are chastened of the Lord, because wee should not bee condemned with the world. 32.
II. Corinth. I.As the sufferings of Christ ab und in vs, so our consolation aboundeth through Christ. 5.
And our hope is steedfast concerning you, in as much as we know, that as yee are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation. 7.
[...]r vnto you it is giuen for Christ,Philipians. I that not onely ye should beleeue in him, but also suffer for his sake. 29.
If wee suffer wee shall also reign with him: if we deny him,II. Timot. II hee also will deny vs. 12.
Whom the Lord loueth hee chasteneth:Hebrews. XII. and hee scourgeth euery son that he receiueth. 6.
If ye endure chastening, God offereth himselfe vnto you as vnto sonnes: for what sonne is it whom the Father chasteneth not? 7.
If therefore yee bee without correction, whereof all are partakers, then are yee bastards, [Page 204] and not sonnes. 8.
Moreouer wee haue had the fathers of our bodies, which corrected vs, and we gaue them reuerence: should we not much rather bee in subiection vnto the Father of spirits, that wee might liue? 9.
For they, verily, for a few dayes chastened vs after their owne pleasure: but hee chasteneth vs for our profit, that wee might bee partakers of his holinesse. 10.
Now no chastninge for the present seemeth to be ioyous, but grieuous: but afterward it bringeth the quiet fruite of righteousnes vnto them which are thereby exercised. 11.
I. Peter. II.For this is thanke-worthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure griefe, suffering [Page 205] wrongfuly. 19.
For what praise is it, if when yee be buffeted for your faults, ye take it patiently? but and if you do well, yee suffer wrong and take it patiently, this is acceptable to God. 20.
For hereunto yee are called: for Christ also suffered for vs, leauing vs an ensample, that ye should follow his steps. 21.
But reioyce in as much as ye are partakers of Christs sufferings,IIII. that when his glory shall appeare, yee may be glad and reioyce. 13.
If any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed: but let him glorify God in this behalfe. 16.
Wherfore let them that suffer according to the will of God, commit their soules to [Page 206] him in well doing, as vnto a faithfull Creator. 19.
Of Afflictions.
II. Chronic. XV.VVHosoeuer returned in his afflictiō to the Lord God of Israell, and sought him, hee was found of them. 4.
Iob. V.Misery commeth not forth of the dust, neither doth affliction spring out of the earth. 6.
But man is borne vnto trauel, as the sparkes fly vpward. 7.
XXXVI.He maintaineth not the wicked, but hee giueth iudgement to the afflicted. 6.
Hee deliuereth the poore in his affliction, and openeth their eare in trouble. 15.
XXXVII.It is the Almighty: wee cannot finde him out: hee is excellent in power and iudgment, [Page 207] and abondant in iustice: hee afflicteth not. 23.
The Lord also will bee a refuge for the poore,Psalmes. IX. a refuge in due time, euen in affliction. 9.
He hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the poore:XXII. neither hath hee hid his face from him, but when he called vnto him hee heard. 24.
The Lord is neere vnto them that are of a contrite heart,XXXIIII. and will saue such as bee afflicted in spirit. 18,
Before I was afflicted,CXIX. I went astray: but now I keepe thy word. 67.
It is good for mee that I haue beene afflicted, that I may learne thy Statutes. 71.
I know O Lord that thy iudgments [Page [2]08] are right: and that thou hast afflicted me iustly. 75.
Ecclesiastes VII.In the day of wealth be of good comfort, and in the day of affliction consider: God also hath made this contrary to that, to the intent that man should find nothing after him. 16.
Isaiah. XXXWhen the Lord hath giuen you the bread of aduersity, and the water of affliction, thy rain shall be no more kept back, but thine eyes shal see thy raine. 20.
XLVIII.For my name-sake will I deferre my wrath, and for my prayse will I refraine it from thee, that I cut thee not off. 9.
Behold I haue fined thee, but not as siluer: I haue chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. 10.
XLIX.Reioyce O heauens, and bee [Page 209] ioyfull, O earth, burst forth into praise, O mountaines: for God hath comforted his people, and will haue mercy vpon his afflicted. 13.
The Lord will not forsake for euer. 31.Lamentati. III.
But though hee send affliction, yet will hee haue compassion, according to the multitude of his mercies. 32.
For he doth not punish willingly, nor afflict the children of men. 33.
I cried in mine affliction vnto the Lord, and he heard mee:Ionah. II. out of the belly of hell cryed I, and thou heardest my voice. 2.
What do yee imagine against the Lord:Nahum. I. hee will make an vtter destruction: affliction shall not rise vp the second time. 9.
Though I haue afflicted thee, [Page 210] I will afflict thee no more. 12.
Zephaniah. III.After a certaine time will I gather the afflicted that were of thee, and them that bare the reproch for it. 18.
Behold, at that time I will bruse all that afflict thee, and I will saue her that halteth, and gather her that was cast out, & I will get them praise & same in all the lands of their shame. 19.
Iohn. XVI.These things haue I spoken vnto you, that in me yee might haue peace: in the world yee shall haue affliction, but bee of good comfort, I haue ouercome the world. 33.
Romanes. VIII.I count that the afflictions of this present time are not worthy of the glory which shall be shewed vnto vs. 18.
II. Corinth. IIII.Wee are afflicted on euery side, yet are not in distresse: in [Page 211] pouerty, but not ouer-come of pouerty. 8.
Wee are persecuted, but not forsaken: cast downe, but wee perish not. 9.
Therefore we faint not, but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renued daily. 16.
For our light affliction which is but for a moment, causeth vnto vs a farre more excellent and an eternall weight of glory. 17.
While we looke not on the things which are seene, but on the things which are not seene: for the things which are seene, are temporall, but the things which are not seene, are eternall. 18.
No man should bee mooued with these afflictions:I. Thessalo. III. for yee [Page 212] your selues know, that we are appointed there-vnto. 3.
II. Timoth. II.Thou therefore suffer affliction as a good souldier of Iesus Christ. 3.
Hebrews. II.For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, seeing that hee brought many children vnto glory, that hee should consecrate the Prince of their saluation thorow afflictions. 10.
Iames. IIII.Suffer afflictons, and sorrow yee, and weepe▪ let your laughter be turned into mourning, & your ioy into heauinesse. 9.
V.Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray: is any mery? let him sing. 13.
Of Trusting, or waiting on the Lord.
Loe, though hee slay me,Iob. XIII. yet will I trust in him, and I will reprooue my wayes in his sight. 15.
They that know thy Name,Psalmes. IX. will trust in thee: for thou, Lord hast not failed them that seeke thee. 10.
The Lord is my strength and my shield:XXVIII. mine heart trusted in him, and I was helped: therefore mine heart shall reioyce, and with my song will I praise him. 7.
How great is thy goodnesse,XXXI. which thou hast laide vp for them that feare thee, and done to them that trust in thee, euen before the sonnes of men. 19.
All yee that trust in the Lord, be strong, and he shall establish your heart. 24.
XXXII.Many sorrowes shall come to the wicked: but he that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compasse him. 10.
XXXIIII.Taste ye & see how gratious the Lord is; blessed is the man that trusteth in him. 8.
The Lord redeemeth the soules of his seruants, and none that trust in him shal perish. 22
XXXVII.Trust thou in the Lord, and doe good, dwell in the land, and thou shalt be fed assuredly. 3.
Commit thy way vnto the Lord, and trust in him, and hee shall bring it to passe. 5.
Waite patiently vpon the Lord, and hope in him. 7:
For euill dooers shall be cut off, and they that waite vpon [Page 215] the Lord, they shall inherite the land. 9.
Waite thou on the Lord, and keepe his way, and he shall exalt thee, that thou shalt inherite the land: when the wicked men shall perish, thou shalt see. 34.
Blessed is the man that maketh the Lord his trust,XL. and regardeth not the proud, nor such as turne aside to lies. 4.
Yee that feare the Lord,CXV. trust in the Lord: for hee is their helpe and their shield. 11.
They that trust in the Lord,CXXV. shall be as mount Zion, which cannot bee remooued, but remaineth for euer. 1.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart,Prouerbes. III. and leane not vnto thine owne wisdome. 5.XVI.
Hee that is wise in his [Page 216] businesse, shall finde good: and he that trusteth in the Lord, he is blessed. 20.
XX.Say not thou, I will recompence euill: but wait vpon the Lord, and he shall saue thee. 22.
XXVIII.Hee that is of a proud heart, stirreth vp strife: but hee that trusteth in the Lord, shall bee fat. 25.
XXX.Euery word of God is pure: he is a shield to those that trust in him. 5.
Isaiah. XXVI.By an assured purpose wilt thou preserue perfect peace, because they trusted in thee. 3.
Trust in the Lord for euer▪ for in the Lord God is strength for euermore. 4.
XXX.Yet therefore will the Lord wart, that hee may haue mercy vpon you, and therefore will he be exalted, that hee may haue [Page 217] compassion vpon you: for the Lord is the God of iudgment. Blessed are all they that waite for him. 18.
They that waite vpon the Lord,XL. shal renue their strength: they shall lift vp the wings as the Eagles: they shall run and not bee weary, and they shall walke and not faint. 31.
Who is among you that feareth the Lord?L. let him heare the voice of his seruant: he that walketh in darknesse, and hath no light, let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stay vpon his God. 10.
Hee that trusteth in me,LVII. shall inherit the land, and shall possesse mine holy mountaine. 13.
Thus saith the Lord,Ieremiah. XVII. Cursed bee the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arme, [Page 218] and with-draweth his heart from the Lord. 5.
XLXIX.Leaue thy farherlesse children, and I will preserue them aliue, and let thy widowes trust in me. 11.
Lamentati. III.The Lord is good vnto them that trust in him, and to the soule that seeketh him. 25.
It is good both to trust and to waite for the saluation of the Lord. 26.
Nahum. I.The Lord is good, and as a strong hold in the day of trouble, and hee knoweth them that trust in him. 7.
[...]. Peter. I.Wherefore, gird vp the loynes of your mind, be sober, and trust perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you, by the reuelation of Iesus Christ. 13.
Of Tentations.
YEE are they which haue continued with mee in my tentations. 28.Luke. XXII.
Therefore I appoint vnto you a kingdome, as my Father hath appointed to me. 29.
There hath no tentation taken you,I. Corinth. X but such as appertaineth to man: and God is faithfull which will not suffer you to bee tempted aboue that you bee able, but will euen giue the issue with the tentation, that ye may be able to beare it. 13.
In that hee suffered,Hebrews. II. and was tempted, hee is able to succour them that are tempted. 18.
We haue not an high Priest,IIII. which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, [Page 220] but was in all things tempted in like sort, yet without sin. 15.
Iames. I.My brethren count it exceeding ioy, when yee fall into diuers tentations. 2.
Knowing that the trying of your faith bringeth forth patience. 3.
Blessed is the man that endureth tentation: for when he is tryed, hee shall receiue the crowne of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that loue him. 12.
Let no man say when hee is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot bee tempted with euill, neither tempteth he any man. 13.
But euery man is tempted, when he is drawne away by his owne concupiscence, and is intised. 14.
Resist the deuill,IIII. and hee will flye from you. 7.
The Lord knoweth to deliuer the godly out of tentation,II. Peter. II. and to reserue the vniust vnto the day of iudgment to be punished. 9.
Of Patience.
VVAite patiently vpon the Lord, and hope in him, 7.Psalmes. XXXVII.
I waited patiently for the Lord, and he inclined vnto me,XL. and heard my cry. 1.
The patient abiding of the righteous shall be gladnesse.Prouerbes. X. 28
By your patience possesse your soules. 19.Luke. XXI.
Let your patient minde bee knowne vnto all men,Philipians. IIII. the Lord is at hand. 5.
Be patient toward all men.I. Thessal. V 14
Hebrewes. X.Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. 35.
For yee haue need of patience, that after yee haue done the will of God, yee might receiue the promise. 36.
For yet a very little while, and hee that shall come, will come, and will not tarry. 37.
Iames. I.Let patience haue her perfect worke, that yee may be perfect and intire lacking, nothing. 4.
V.Bee patient therefore brethren, vnto the comming of the Lord. Behold the husbandman waiteth for the pretious fruite of the earth, & hath long patience for it, vntill he receiue the former, and the latter raine. 7.
Be yee also patient therefore, and settle your hearts: for the comming of the Lord draweth neere. 8.
Take my brethren, the Prophets for an ensample of suffering aduersity, and of long patience, which haue spoken in the name of the Lord. 10.
Behold, we count them blessed which endure, yee haue heard of the patience of Iob, & haue known what end the Lord made. For the Lord is very pitifull and mercifull. 11.
What praise is it,I. Peter. II. if when yee be buffeted for your faults, yee take it patiently? but & if when yee doe well, yee suffer wrong and take it patiently, this is acceptable to God. 20.
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience,Reuelation. III. therfore will I will deliuer thee from the houre of tentation, which will come vpon all the world, to try them that dwel vpon the earth. 10.
Of Perseuerance.
Mathew. X.HE that endureth to the end, he shall be saued. 22.
Let vs not therefore be weary of well-doing:Galathians. VI. for in due time we shall reape, if we faint not. 9.
Hebrewes. III.Wee are made pertakers of Christ, if wee keepe sure vnto the end the beginning, wherewith we are vpholden. 14.
X.Now the iust shall liue by faith: but if any with-draw him-selfe, my soule shall haue no pleasure in him. 38.
Reuelation. II.To him that ouer-cometh, will I giue to eate of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God. 7.
Bee thou faithfull vnto the death, and I will giue thee the [Page 225] crowne of life. 10.
Hee that ouer-commeth, shall not be hurt of the second death. 11.
To him that ouer-commeth, will I giue to eate of the Manna that is hid, and will giue him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth sauing hee that receiueth it. 17.
He that ouer-commeth, and keepeth my workes vnto the end, to him will I giue power ouer nations. 26.
And he shall rule them with a rod of yron: and as the vessels of a potter, shall they bee broken. 27.
Euen as I receiued of my Father, so will I giue him the morning starre. 28.
He that ouer-commeth,III. shall [Page 226] be clothed in white aray, and I will not put out his name out of the booke of life, but I will confesse his name before my Father, & before his Angels. 5.
Him that ouer-commeth will I make a pillar in the Temple of my God, and he shall goe no more out: and I will write vpon him the name of my God, and the name of the Citty of my God, which is the new Ierusalem, which commeth down out of heauen from my God, and I will write vpon him my new name. 12.
To him that ouer-commeth, will I grant to sit with me in my throne, euē as I ouer came, & sit with my father in his throne. 21
XXI.He that ouer-comweth shall inherit all things, and I will bee his God, & he shall be my son. 7
Comforts in general.
SIng praises vnto the Lord,Psalmes. XXX. yee his Saints, and giue thankes before the remembrance of his holinesse. 4.
For he endureth but a while in his anger: but in his fauour is life: weeping may abide at euening, but ioy commeth in the morning. 5.
The righteous cry,XXXIIII. & the Lord heareth them, and deliuereth them out of al their troubles. 17
Great are the troubles of the righteous, but the Lord deliuereth him out of them all. 19.
Call vpon mee in the day of trouble: so will I deliuer thee,L. and thou shalt glorifie mee. 15.
The sacrifices of God are a contrite spirit:LI. a contrite and [Page 228] broken heart, O God thou wilt not despise. 17.
LV.Cast thy burden vpon the Lord, and hee shall nourish thee: hee will not suffer the righteous to fall for euer. 22.
CXXVI.They that sow in teares shall reape in ioy. 5.
They went weeping, and caried precious seed: but they shall returne with ioy, & bring their sheaues. 6.
CXLV.The Lord vpholdeth all that fall, and lifteth vp all, that are ready to fall. 14.
The Lord is neere vnto all that call vpon him: yea to all that call vpon him in truth. 18.
CXLVII.Hee healeth those that are broken in heart, and bindeth vp their sores.Isaiah. XXVII.XL. 3.
Anger is not in me. 4.
He giueth strength vnto him [Page 229] that fainteth: and vnto him that hath no strength he increaseth power. 29.
But now thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Iaakob, XLIII. and he that formed thee O Israell, feare not: for I haue redeemed thee: I haue called thee by thy name thou art mine. 1.
When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee, and through the floods, that they doe not ouer-flow thee. When thou walkest through the very fire, thou shalt not bee burnt, neither shall the flame kindle vpon thee. 2.
I, euen I, am hee that putteth away thine iniquities for mine owne sake, and will not remember thy sinnes. 25.
Looke vnto me, and yee shall bee saued:XLV. all the ends of the [Page 230] earth shall bee saued: for I am God, & there is none other. 22.
XLIX.Can a woman forget her childe, and not haue compassion on the sonne of her wombe? though they should forget, yet will I not forget thee. 15.
Behold, I haue grauen thee vpon the palme of mine hands: thy walls are euer in my sight. 16.
LIIII.He that made thee, is thine husband, (whose Name is the Lord of hostes) and thy redeemer the holy one of Israell shall be called the God of the whole world. 5.
For a litle while haue I forsaken thee, but with great compassion will I gather thee. 7.
For a moment in mine anger, I hid my face from thee for a little season, but with euerlasting [Page 231] mercy haue I had compassion on thee, saith the Lord thy redeemer. 8.
The mountaines shall remooue, and the hills shall fall downe: but my mercy shall not depart from thee, neither shall the couenant of my peace fall away, saith the Lord that hath compassion on thee. 10.
Hoe, euery one that thirsteth,LV. come yee to the waters, and ye that haue no siluer, come, buy and eate: come I say, buy wine and milke without siluer, and without money. 1.
I dwell in the high and holy place,LVII. with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit to reuiue the spirit of the humble, and to giue life to them that are of a contrite heart. 15.LXIII.
In all their troubles hee was [Page 232] troubled. 9.
LXV.Yea before they call, I will answer, and whiles they speake, I will heare. 24.
LXVI.To him will I looke, euen to him that is poore, and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my words. 2.
As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you, and yee shall bee comforted in Ierusalem. 13.
Ieremiah. III.But thou hast plaied the harlot with many louers: yet turne againe to me saith the Lord. 1.
O yee disobedient children, returne, and I will heale your rebellions. 22.
XVIII.If this nation, against whom I haue pronounced, turne from their wickednesse, I will repent of the plague that I thought to bring vpon them. 8.
And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity,XXXIII. whereby they haue sinned against mee: yea I will pardon all their iniquities, whereby they haue sinned against mee: and whereby they haue rebelled against me. 8.
The Lord will not forsake for euer. 31.Lamentati. III. Ezekiel. XVIII.
If the wicked will returne from all his sinnes that he hath committed, and keepe all my statutes, and doe that which is lawfull and right, he shall surely liue, and shall not dye. 21.
All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned vnto him, but in his righteousnesse that he hath done he shall liue. 22.
Haue I any desire that the wicked should dye, saith the Lord God? or shall he not liue, [Page 234] if he returne frō his wayes? 23.
Cast away from you all your transgressions, wherby ye haue transgressed, & make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel. 31
For I desire not the death of him that dieth saith the Lord: cause therefore one another to returne, and liue yee. 32.
XXXIII.As I liue saith the Lord God, I desire not the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turne from his way and liue, turne you, turne you, from your euill wayes, for why will yee die? O ye house of Israel. 11 At the beginning of thy supplications the cōmandemēt came forth,Daniel. IX. & I am come to shew thee for thou art greatly beloued. 23
Feare not Daniel: for from the first day that thou didest set [Page 235] thine heart to vnderstand, and to humble thy selfe before thy God, thy words were heard, & I am come for thy words. 12.
I will not execute the fiercenesse of my wrath:Hosea. XI. I will not returne to destroy Ephraim: for I am God and not man. 9.
Whosoeuer shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saued. 32.Ioel. II.
But ye third shal be left therin. 8.Zechariah. XIII.
And I will bring that third part thorow the fire, and will fine them as the siluer is fined, and will trie them as gold is tried: they shal cal on my name and I will heare them, I will say, it is my people, and they shall say, the Lord is my God. 9.
I am the Lord I change not. 6.Malachy. III.
They shall be to me saith the Lord of hostes in that day that I [Page 236] shall doe this, for a flock, and I will spare them, as a man spareth his owne sonne that serueth him. 17.
Mathew. IX.I am not come to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance. 13.
X.All the haires of your head are numbred. 30.
Whosoeuer therefore shall confesse mee before men, him will I confesse also before my Father which is in heauen. 32.
He that will saue his life shall lose it, and he that loseth his life for my sake, shall saue it. 39.
XI.From the time of Iohn Baptist hitherto, the kingdome of heauen suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. 12.
Come vnto mee, all yee that are weary and laden, and I will ease you. 28.
Take my yoake on you, and learne of mee, that I am meeke and lowly in heart: and yee shall find rest vnto your soules. 29.
For my yoake is easie, and my burden light, 30.
Whosoeuer shall doe my Fathers will which is in heauen,XII. the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. 50.
So is it not the will of your Father which is in heauen,XVIII. that one of these little ones should perish. 14.
Whosoeuer shall forsake houses, or brethren, or sisters,XIX. or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my names sake, he shall receiue a hundred fold more, and shall inherite euer-lasting life. 29.
The sonne of man is not comeLuke. IX. [Page 238] to destroy mens liues, but to saue them. 56.
XII.Feare not little flock, for it is your Fathers pleasure, to giue you the kingdome. 32.
XV.I say vnto you, that likewise ioy shall bee in heauen for one sinner that cōuerteth, more thē for ninty & nine iust mē, which need none amendment of life. 7
XIX.The sonne of man is come to seeke, and to saue that which was lost. 10.
Iohn. III.God sent not his Sonne into the world, that hee should condemn the world, but yt the world thorow him might be saued 17.
VI.All that the Father giueth mee, shall come to me: and him that commeth to mee, I cast not away. 37.
He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in [Page 239] me, and I in him. 56.
He that eateth mee, euen he shall liue by me, 57.
He that eateth of this bread, shall liue for euer. 58.
I am the light of the world:VIII. he that followeth mee shall not walke in darknesse, but shall haue the light of life. 12.
I am the doore,X. by me if any man enter in, he shall be saued, and shall go in, and goe out, and finde pasture. 9.
The theefe commeth not, but for to steale, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might haue life, and haue it in aboundance. 10.
My sheep heare my voice, & I know thē, & they follow me. 27
And I giue vnto them eternal life, and they shal neuer perish, neither shall any pluck them [Page 240] out of mine hand. 28.
My Father which gaue them me, is greater then all, and none is able to take them out of my Fathers hand. 29.
XII.If any man serue me, let him follow mee: for where I am, there shall also my seruant be: and if any man serue mee, him will my Father honour. 26.
I came not to iudge the world, but to saue the world. 47.
XIIII.In my Fathers house are many dwelling places: if it were not so, I would haue told you: I goe to prepare a place for you. 2.
And though I goe to prepare a place for you, I will come againe and receiue you vnto my selfe, that where I am there may yee bee also. 3.
I will not leaue you comfortlesse▪ [Page 241] but I will come to you. 18
Yet a little while, and the world shall see mee no more, but yee shall see mee: because I liue, yee shall liue also. 19.
This is life eternall,XVII. that they know thee to be the onely very God, and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. 3.
I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast giuen mee, for they are thine. 9.
And all mine are thine, and thine are mine, and I am glorified in them. 10.
And for their sakes sanctifie I my selfe, that they also may bee sanctified thorow the truth. 19.
I pray not for these alone, but for them also which shall beleeue in me, thorow their word 20.
Father, I will that they which thou hast giuen mee, bee with mee euen where I am, that they may behold my glory, which thou hast giuen mee: for thou louedst me before the foundation of the world. 24.
XX.Iesus saith vnto her; Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to my Father, but go to my brethren, and say vnto them; I ascend vnto my Father, and to your Father, and to my God, and your God. 17.
Romanes. VIII.There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus, which walke not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 1.
As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sonnes of God. 14.
XI.The gifts and calling of God are without repentance. 29.
The first man Adam was made a liuing soule:I. Corinth. XV. and the last Adam was made a quickening Spirit 45.
Hee hath made him to bee sinne for vs,II. Corinth. V. which knew no sinne, that wee should be made the righteousnesse of God in him. 21.
Yee know the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ,VIII. that hee being rich, for your sakes became poore, that yee thorow his pouerty might be made rich. 9.
If there bee first a willing minde, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that hee hath not. 12.
Hee said vnto me;XII. My grace is sufficient for thee: for my power is made perfect thorow weaknesse. 9.
XIII.Though hee was crucified concerning his infirmitie, yet liueth he thorow the power of God. And wee no doubt are weake in him: but we shall liue with him, thorow the power of God toward you. 4.
Galathians. III.Christ hath redeemed vs from the cursse of the law, when hee was made a curse for vs. 13.
Ye are all the sonnes of G [...]d by faith in Christ Iesus. 26.
Ephesians. II.Now in Christ Iesus, yee which once were farre off, are made neere by the bloud of Christ. 13.
For hee is our peace, which hath made of both one, & hath broken the stop of the partition wall. 14.
Colossians. II.And yee which were dead in sinnes, and in the vncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickned [Page 245] togither with him, forgiuing you all your trespasses. 13.
And putting out the handwriting of ordi [...]ances that was against vs, which was contrary to vs, hee euen tooke it out of the way, and fastened it vpon the crosse. 14.
And hath spoiled the Principalities and powers, and hath made a shew of them openly, and hath triumphed ouer them in the same crosse. 15.
This is a true saying,I. Timoth. I and by all meanes worthy to be receiued, that Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners. 15.
Bodily exercise profiteth little:IIII. but godlinesse is profitable vnto all things, which hath the promise of the life present, and of that, that is to come. 8.
Godlinesse is great gaine,VI. if a [Page 246] man bee content with that hee hath. 6.
II. Timoth. IIII.Hence-forth is said vp for mee the crowne of righteousnesse, which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue mee at that day: and not to me onely, but vnto all them also that loue his appearing. 8.
Hebrewes. II.Hee that sanctifieth, and they which are sanctified are all of one; wherefore he is not ashamed to call them brethren. 11.
IIII.There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. 9.
For hee that is entred into his rest, hath also ceased from his owne workes, as God did from his. 10.
XII.For yee are not come vnto the mount that might bee touched, nor vnto burning fire, nor to blacknesse, and darkenesse, [Page 247] and tempest. 18.
Neither vnto the sound of a trumpet, & the voice of words, which they that heard it, excused themselues, that the word should not bee spoken to them any more. 19.
But yee are come vnto the mount Sion, and to the City of the liuing God, the celestiall Ierusalem, and to the company of innumerable Angels. 22.
And to the congregation of the first borne, which are written in heauen, and to God the Iudge of all, and to the Spirits of iust and perfect men. 23.
And to Iesus the mediator of the New Testament, and to the bloud of sprinkling, that speaketh better things then that of Abel. 24.
Let your conuersation be withoutXIII. [Page 248] couetousnesse, and be content with those things that you haue: for hee hath said, I will not faile thee, neither forsake thee. 5.
So that wee may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, neither will I feare what man can doe vnto me. 6.
I. Peter. V.Cast all your care on him, for hee careth for you. 7.
II. Peter. IIIThe Lord is not slack concerning his promise (as some men count slacknesse) but is patient towards vs, and would haue no man to perish, but would all men to come to repentance. 9.
I. Iohn. I.If we acknowledge our sins, he is faithful and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes, and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnesse. 9.
II.My babes, these things write [Page 249] I vnto you, that yee sinne not: and if any man sinne, wee haue an aduocate with the Father, Iesus Christ the iust. 1.
And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes: and not for ours onely, but also for the sinnes of the whole world. 2.
And yee know that he appeared,III. that hee might take away our sinnes, and in him is no sinne. 5.
For this purpose appeared the Sonne of God, that hee might loose the workes of the diuell. 8.
If our heart condemne vs, God is greater then our heart, and knoweth all things. 20.
Hee that keepeth his commandements, dwelleth in him, and he in him: and hereby wee know that hee abideth in vs, [Page 250] euen by that Spirit which hee hath giuen vs. 24.
IIII.Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the Sonne of God, in him dwelleth God, and hee in God. 15.
Reuelation. XXI.It is done: I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will giue to him that is a thirst, of the Well of the water of life freely, 6.
That the Lord is Mercifull.
Exodus. XXII.XXXIIII.I Am Mercifull. 27.
So the Lord passed before his face, and cried, the Lord, the Lord, strong, mercifull, & gratious, slow to anger, and aboundant in goodnesse and truth. 6.
Reseruing mercy for thousands, forgiuing iniquitie, and [Page 251] transgression, and sinne. 7.
(The Lord thy God is a mercifull God) hee will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee,Deuteron. IIII. nor forget ye couenāt of thy fathers which he sware vnto them. 31.
The Lord your God is gralous and mercifull,II. Chronic. XXX. and will not turne away his face from you, if yee conuert vnto him. 9.
Thy mercy O Lord reacheth vnto the heauens,Psalmes. XXXVI. and thy faithfulnesse vnto the clowds. 5.
How excellent is thy mercy, O God? therefore the children of men trust vnder the shadow of thy wings. 7.
Thou Lord,LXXXVI. art good and merciful, and of great kindnesse vnto all them that call vpon thee. 5.
Thou, ô Lord, art a pittiful God and mercifull, slow to anger, & [Page 252] great in kindnesse and truth. 15
C.The Lord is good, his mercy is euerlasting, and his truth is from generation to generation. 5.
CIII.The Lord is full of compassion and mercy, slow to ango- and of great kindnesse. 8.
For as high as the heauen is aboue the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that feare him. 11.
CXVI.The Lord is mercifull and righteous, and our God is full of compassion. 5.
CXXX.If thou, O Lord, straitly markest iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? 3.
But mercy is with thee, that thou maiest be feared. 4
Let Israel waite on the Lord, for with the Lord is mercy, and with him is great redemptiō. 7.
Praise yee the Lord because he is good:CXXXVI. for his mercy endureth for euer. 1.
The Lord is gratious and mercifull, slow to anger,CXLV. and of great mercy. 8.
The Lord is good to all, and his mercies are ouer all his workes. 9.
Hee that hideth his sinnes,Prou [...]rbes. XXVII. shall not prosper: but hee that confesseth and forsaketh them, shall haue mercy. 13.
Surely a people shall dwell in Zion, and in Ierusalem:Isaiah. XXX thou shalt weepe no more: hee will certainely haue mercy vpon thee at the voyce of thy crye: when hee heareth thee, he will answer thee. 19.
Reioyce, O heauens,XLIX. and bee ioyfull, O earth, burst forth into praise, O mountaines: for God [Page 254] hath comforted his people, and will haue mercy vpon his afflicted. 13.
LV.Let the wicked forsake his wayes, and the vnrighteous his owne imaginations, & returne vnto the Lord, and he will haue mercy vpon him: and to our God, for hee is very ready to forgiue. 7.
Ieremiah. III.Goe and crie these words toward the North, & say, thou disobedient Israel, returne saith the Lord, and I will not let my wrath fall vpon you: for I am merciful, saith the Lord, & I wil not alway keepe mine anger. 12
XXXI.I haue loued thee with an euerlasting loue, therfore with mercy I haue drawne thee. 3.
Hosea. II.I will sow her vnto mee in the earth, and I will haue mercie vpon her that was not pitied, [Page 255] & I wil say to them which were not my people, Thou art my people, and they shall say, Thou art my God. 23.
Rent your heart and not your clothes:Ioel. II. and turne vnto the Lord your God: for hee is gracious and mercifull, slow to anger, and of great kindnesse,Ionah. 4 2. and repenteth him of the euill. 13.
Who is a God like vnto thee that taketh away iniquitie,Micah. VII. and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? hee retaineth not his wrath for euer, because mercy pleaseth him. 18.
Bee yee therefore mercifull,Luke. VI. as your Father also is mercifull. 36.
God hath shut vp all in vnbeliefe,Romanes. XI. that hee might haue [Page 256] mercy on all. 32.
Ephesians. II.God which is rich in mercy, through his great loue wherewith he loued vs, 4.
Euen when we were dead by sinnes, hath quickned vs togither in Christ, by whose grace yee are saued. 5.
Iames. II.There shall bee iudgement mercilesse to him that sheweth no mercy, and mercy reioiceth against iudgment. 13.
V.The Lord is very pittifull and mercifull. 11.
Of Death.
II. Samuel. XIIII.VVE must needs dye, and wee are as water spilt on the ground, which cannot be gathered vp againe: neither doth God spare any person, yet doth hee appoint meanes, not [Page 257] to cast out from him, him that is expelled. 14.
What man liueth,Psalmes. LXXX.X. and shall not see death? shall hee deliuer his soule from the hand of the graue. 48.
Pretious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints.CXVI. 15.
A good name is better then a good ointment,Ecclesi. VII. and the day of death, then the day that one is borne. 3.
Hee will destroy death for euer and the Lord God will wipe away the teares from all faces,Isaiah. XXV and the rebuke of his people will hee take away out of all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it. 8.
Weepe not for the dead,Ieremiah. XXII. and bee not mooued for them, but weepe for him that goeth out: [Page 258] for hee shall returne no more, nor see his natiue countrey. 10.
Ezekiel. XXIIII.Cease from sighing: make no mourning for the dead; and binde the tire of thine head vpon thee, and put on thy shooes vpon thy feete, and couer not thy lippes. 17.
Hosea. XIII.I will redeeme them from the power of the graue: I will deliuer them from death: O death, I will bee thy death: O graue, I wil be thy destructiō. 14
Iohn. VIII.Verily, verily, I say vnto you, if a man keepe my word, hee shall neuer see death. 51.
XI.I am the resurrection and the life: hee that beleeueth in mee, though he were dead, yet shall he liue. 25.
And whosoeuer liueth, & beleeueth in me, shal neuer die. 26
XII.Except the wheate corne fall [Page 259] into the ground & dye, it bideth alone: but if it dye, it bringeth forth much fruite. 24.
If when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Sonne,Romanes. V. much more being reconciled, wee shall bee saued by his life. 10.
For if by the offence of one, death reigned through one, much more shal they which receiue the aboundance of grace, and of the gift of righteousnesse, reigne in life through one, that is Iesus Christ. 17.
If wee bee grafted with him to the similitude of his death,VI. euen so shall we be to the similitude of his resurrection. 5.
If the Spirit of him that raised vp Iesus from the dead,VIII. dwell in you, hee that raised vp Christ from the dead, shall also [Page 260] quicken your mortall bodies, because that his Spirit dwelleth in you. 11.
XIIII.Whether wee liue, wee liue vnto the Lord, or whether wee dye, wee dye vnto the Lord: whether wee liue therefore, or dye, we are the Lords. 8.
For Christ therefore dyed, and rose againe, and reuiued, that he might be Lord both of the dead and the quick. 9.
I. Corinth. XV.That which thou sowest is not quickned, except it dye. 36.
This corruptible must put on incorruption: and this mortall must put on immortalitie. 53.
So when this corruptible, hath put on incorruption, and this mortall hath put on immortalitie, then shall bee brought to passe the saying that is written, Death is swallowed vp into [Page 261] victorie. 54.
O Death, where is thy sting? O graue, where is thy victorie? 55.
We know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle be destroyed,II. Corinth. V. we haue a building giuen of God, that is an house not made with hands, but eternall in the heauens. 1.
Awake thou that sleepest,Ephesians. V. and stand vp from the dead, and Christ shall giue thee light. 14.
Yee are dead,Colossians. III. and your life is hid with Christ in God. 3.
Be partaker of the afflictions of the Gospell,II. Timoth. I. according to the power of God. 8.
Who hath saued vs and called vs, with an holy calling, not according to our workes, but according to his owne purpose and grace, which was giuen to [Page 262] vs through Christ Iesus before the world was. 9.
But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Sauiour Iesus Christ, who hath abolilished death, and hath brought life and immortalitie vnto light through the Gospel. 10.
II.If we be dead with him, wee also shall liue with him. 11.
Hebrewes. II.We see Iesus crowned with glory and honour, which was made a little inferiour to the Angels, through the suffering of death, that by Gods grace he might taste death for all men. 9.
For as much then as the children were partakers of flesh & bloud, he also himselfe likewise tooke part with them, that hee might destroy through death, him that had the power of death, that is the deuill. 14.
And that hee might deliuer all them, which for feare of death were all their life-time subiect to bondage. 15.
For this cause is He the Mediatour of the new Testament,IX. that through death which was for the redemption of the transgressions that were in the former Testamēt they which were called, might receiue the promise of eternall inheritance. 15.
It is appointed vnto men that they shall once dye, and after that commeth iudgment. 27.
Feare not,Reuelation. I. I am the first and the last. 17.
And am aliue, but I was dead, and behold, I am aliue for euermore, Amen: and I haue the keyes of hell and death. 18.
He that ouer-commeth,II. shall not be hurt of the second death. 11.
XIIII.Then I heard a voyce from heauen, saying vnto mee, write, Blessed are the dead which hereafter die in the Lord. Euen so saith the Spirit: for they rest from their labours, & their workes follow them. 13.
XX.Blessed and holy is hee, that hath part in the first resurrection: for on such the second death hath no power: but they shall be the Priests of God, and of Christ, and shall raigne with him a thousand yeere. 6.
Of Christs second comming to Iudgment.
Mathew. XIII.THe Sonne of man shall send forth his Angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdome all things that offend, & them which do iniquitie. 41.
The Angels shall goe forth, and seuer the bad from among the iust. 49.
The Sonne of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his Angels,XVI. and then shall hee giue to euery man according to his deeds. 27.
For as the lightning commeth out of the East,XXIIII. and shineth into the West, so shall also the comming of the Sonne of man be. 27.
And immediatly after the tribulations of those dayes, shall the Sunne bee darkned, and the Moone shall not giue her light, and the starres shall fall from heauen, and the powers of heauen shall be shaken. 29.
And then shall appeare the signe of the Sonne of man in heauen: and then shall all the [Page 266] kindreds of the earth mourne, & they shall see the son of man come in the clowds of heauen with power & great glory. 30.
And he shall send his Angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather togither his elect, from the foure winds, and from the one end of the heauen to the other. 31.
XXV.When the Sonne of man commeth in his glory, and all the holy Angels with him, then shall he sit vpon the throne of his glory. 31.
And before him shall be gathered all nations, and hee shall separate them one frō an other, as a shepheard separateth the sheepe from the goates. 32.
And hee shall set the sheepe on his right hand, & the goates on the left hand. 33.
Actes. I.And while they looked stedfastly [Page 267] towards heauen as hee went, behold, two men stood by them in white apparell. 10.
Which also said, Yee men of Galile, why stand yee gazing into heauen? This Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen, shall so come, as yee haue seene him goe into heauen. 11.
For the Lord him-selfe shall descend from heauen with a showte,I. Thessalo. IIII. and with the voice of the Arch-angell, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. 16.
Then shall we which liue and remaine, bee caught vp with thē also in the clowds, to meet the Lord in the ayre: & so shall we euer be with the Lord. 17.
Christ was once offeted to take away the sinnes of many,Hebrewes. IX. & vnto them that looke for him [Page 268] shall hee appeare the second time without sinne vnto saluation. 28.
Of the Resurrection of the body.
Exodus. III.I Am the God of thy Father, the God of Abraham, the God of Izhak, and the God of Iaakob. 6.
Iob. XIIII.If a man dye, shall hee liue againe? all the dayes of mine appointed time will I wait, till my changing shall come. 14.
Thou shalt call mee, and I will answer thee: thou louest the worke of thine owne hands. 15.
XIX.I am sure that my redeemer liueth, and hee shall stand the last on the earth. 25.
And though after my skin, [Page 269] wormes destroy this body, yet shall I see God in my flesh. 26.
Whom I my selfe shall see, and mine eyes shall behold, and none other for me. 27.
Thou wilt not leaue my soule in the graue:Psalmes. XVI. neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption. 10.
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioy: and at thy right hand there are pleasures for euer-more. 11.
God shall deliuer my soule from the power of the graue:XLIX. for he will receiue me. 15.Daniel. XII.
At that time thy people shall bee deliuered, euery one that shall bee found written in the booke. 1.
And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth, shall [Page 270] awake, some to euerlasting life, and some to shame and perpetuall contempt. 2.
But go thou thy way till the end bee, for thou shalt rest, and stand vp in thy lot at the end of the dayes. 13.
Marke. XII.As touching the dead, that they shall rise againe, haue yee not read in the booke of Moses, how in the bush God spake vnto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Iaakob. 20.
Hee is not the God of the dead, but the God of the liuing. 27.
Iohn. V.The houre shall come in the which all that are in their graues shall heare his voice. 28
And they shall come forth that haue done good, vnto the resurrectiō of life: but they that [Page 271] haue done euill, vnto the resurrection of condemnation. 29.
This is the Fathers wil which hath sent me,VI. that of all which he hath giuen me, I should lose nothing, but should raise it vp againe at the last day. 39.
And this is the will of him that hath sent mee, that euery man which seeth the Sonne, & beleeueth in him, should haue euerlasting life: and I will raise him vp at the last day. 40.
No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: & I wil raise him vp at the last day. 44.
Whosoeuer eateth my flesh, and drinketh my bloud, hath eternall life, and I will raise him vp at the last day, 54.
God hath also raised vp the Lord,I. Corinth. VI. & shall raise vs vp by his power. 14.
XV.Now is Christ risen from the dead, and was made the first fruites of them that slept. 20.
For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 21.
For as in Adam all dye, euen so in Christ, shall all bee made aliue. 22.
The body is sowne in corruption, and is raised in incorruption. 42.
It is sowne in dishonour, and is raised in glory, it is sowen in weaknesse, and is raised in power. 43.
It is sowne a naturall body, & is raised a spirituall body. 44.
As we haue borne the image of the earthly, so shall we beare the image of the heauenly. 49.
For the trumpet shall blow, and the dead shall be raised vp [Page 273] incorruptible. 52.
We must all appeare before the iudgment seate of Christ,II. Corinth. V. that euery man may receiue the thinges which are done in his body according to that hee hath done, whether it be good or euill. 10.
When Christ which is our life, shall appeare,Colossians. III. then shall ye also appeare with him in glory. 4
I would not bretheren haue you ignorant concerning them which are a sleepe,I. Thessalo. IIII. that yee sorrow not, euen as other which haue no hope. 13.
For if wee beleeue that Iesus is dead, and is risen, euen so them which sleepe in Iesus, wil God bring with him. 14.
For this say we vnto you by the word of the Lord, that we [Page 274] which liue & ate remaining in the comming of the Lord, shall not preuent thē which sleep. 15
For the Lord himselfe shall descend from heauen with a shoute, and with the voyce of the Archangell, and with the Trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. 16.
Of Glorification. in the life to come.
Iudges. V.THey that loue him, shalbe as the Sunne when he riseth in his might. 31.
Daniel. XII.They that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament: and they that turne many to righteousnesse, shal shine as the starres for euer & euer. 3
Mathew. XIII.Then shal the iust men shine as the Sun in the kingdome of [Page 275] their Father. 43.
They which shalbe counted worthy to inioy that world,Luke. XX. & the resurrectiō from the dead, neither mary wiues, neither are married. 35.
For they can die no more, for as much as they are equall vnto the Angels, and are the Sons of God, since they are the children of the resurrection. 36
I count that the afflictions of this present time are not worthy of the glory which shalbee shewed vnto vs. 18.Romanes. VIII.
The things which eye hath not seene,I. Corinth. II. neither eare hath heard, neither came it into mās heart, are, which God hath prepared for them that loue him. 9
Now we see through a glasse darkely:XIII. but then shall we see face to face. Now I knowe [Page 276] in part: but then shall I know, euen as I am knowne. 12.
II. Corinth. IIII.For our light affliction which is but for a moment, causeth vnto vs a farre more excellent and an eternall weight of glory. 17.
While we looke not on the things that are seene, but on the things which are not seene. 18.
Philippians. III.Our conuersation is in heauen, from whence also we look for the Sauiour, euen the Lord Iesus Christ, 20.
Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body, according to the working, wherby he is able euen to subdue all things vnto himselfe. 21.
I. Iohn. III.Dearly beloued, now are we the sonnes of God, but yet it doth not appeare what we shal [Page 277] be: and we know that when he shall appeare, wee shall be like him: for we shall see him as he is. 2.
These are they which came out of great tribulation,Reuelation. VII. and haue washed their long robes, and haue made their long robes white, in the blood of the lambe. 14.
Therfore are they in the presence of the throne of God, & serue him day and night in his temple, & he that sitteth on the throne wil dwell among thē. 15
They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the Sunne light on them, neither any heate. 16.
For the Lambe which is in the midest of the throne, shall gouerne them, & shall lead thē vnto the liuely fountaines of [Page 278] waters, and God shall wipe away all teares from their eyes. 17.
XXII.There shalbe no more cursse, but the throne of God, and of the Lambe shall bee in it, and his seruants shall serue him. 3.
And they shall see his face, and his name shall bee in their foreheads. 4.
And there shall be no night there, and they need no candle, neither light of the Sunne, for the LORD GOD giueth them light, & they shall reigne for euermore. 5.
That God is true and Faithfull of his promise.
Numbers. XXIII.GOd is not as man, that hee should lye, neither as the [Page 279] sonne of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall hee not do it? and hath he spoken and shall hee not accomplish it? 19.
The Lord thy God,Deuterono. VII. hee is God, the faithfull God, which keepeth couenant & mercy vnto them that loue him & keepe his commandements, euen to a thousand generations. 9.
Perfect is the worke of the mighty God:XXXII. for all his wayes are iudgment. God is true and without wickednesse, iust and righteous is hee. 4.
There failed nothing of all the good thinges which the Lord had said vnto the house of Israel, but all came to passe. 45.Ioshua. XXI
For indeede the strength of Israel will not lie nor repent:I. Sam. XV. for hee is not as man that [Page 280] he should repent. 29.
Iob. XXXIIII.God forbid that wickednesse should be in God, and iniquity in the Almighty. 10.
Certainely God will not do wickedly, neither will the Almighty peruert iudgement. 12.
Psalmes. XXV.All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth vnto all such as keepe his couenant and his testimonies. 10.
Isaiah. XLIX.Thus saith the Lord the redeemer of Israell, and his holy one, to him that is despised in soule, to a nation that is abhorred, to a seruant of rulers, Kings shall see, and arise, and Princes shall worshippe, because of the Lord that is faithfull, and the holy one of Israell which hath chosen thee. 7.
Ieremiah. X.The Lord is the God of [Page 281] truth. 10.
The Lord our God is righteous in all his works which he doth. 14.Daniel. IX.
Hee that hath receaued his testimony,Iohn. III. hath sealed that God is true. 33.
I haue many thinges to say and to iudge of you:VIII. but hee that sent me is true, and the things that I haue heard of him, those speake I to the world. 26.
I am the way, and the truth,XIIII. and the life. 6.
Let God be true,Romanes. III. and euery man a lyar. 4.
God is faithfull,I. Corinth. I. by whom ye are called vnto the fellowship of his Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord. 9.II. Thessalo. III.
All men haue not faith. 2. But the Lord is faithful which will stablish you and keepe [Page 282] you from euill. 3.
II. Timo. II.If we beleeue not, yet abideth hee faithfull: hee cannot deny himselfe. 13.
Hebrewes. VI.God willing more aboūdantly to shew vnto the heires of promise, the stablenesse of his coūsel, bound himself by an oth. 17
That by two immutable things, wherein it is vnpossible that God should lye, we might haue strong consolation, which haue our refuge to hold fast the hope that is set before vs. 18.
X.Let vs keep the professiō of our hope, without wauering, (for he is faithfull that promised) 23
I. Iohn. I.If we acknowledge our sinns, he is faithfull & iust, to forgiue vs our sinnes, and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnesse. 9.
Reuelation. III.These things saith Amen, the faithfull and true witnesse, the [Page 283] beginning of the creatures of God. 14.
Great and marueilous are thy workes,XV. Lord God almighty: iust and true are thy wayes, King of Saints. 3.
And I saw heauen open,XIX. and behold a white horse, and hee that sat vpon him, was called faithfull & true, and he iudgeth and fighteth righteously. 11.
VVonders and Miracles.
THe creation of the whole frame of the world,Genesis. I. the Heauen and the Earth: fowles, beasts, fishes, and all liuing, creeping things whatsoeuer.
The creation of Man,II. according to the likenesse and image of God. 26.
The creation of the woman, [Page 284] being made of one of Adams ribs: which the Lord tooke out, the Lord for this end, causing him fall into a heauie sleep. 21.
VII.The vniuersall flood, sent for the wickednesse of the world, by meanes of forty dayes and nights raine: destroying all liuing creatures whatsoeuer, the inhabitants of the Arke excepted. 21.
XI.The offspring of Noah thinking to build in the plaine of Shinar, a city whose top should reach vnto heauen: the Lord sendeth amongst them a confusion of toungs, so hindering their worke, the whole earth at that time speaking one language. 8.
XX.The Sodomites inuironing Lots house, who had that night receiued two Angels therein: [Page 285] are smitten with blindnesse. 11.
Iaacob continueth wrastling with an Angel,XXXII. vntil the breake of day: at last returning blessed and victorious. 24.
Moses keeping his Fathers sheepe in Horeb,Exodus. III. the Angell of the Lord appeareth vnto him in a flame of fire, out of ye midst of a bush, the bush burning with fire, yet not consumed. 2.
Moses rod,IIII. at the commandement of God being cast on the groūd, is turned into a serpent. 3
The Lord commanding, Moses taketh the Serpent by the taile which is againe changed into a rod in his hand. 4.
Moses thrusteth his hand in his bosome, at the command of God, which hee pulleth out againe leprous as snow. 6.
Moses, the Lord commanding [Page 286] thrusteth his hand into his bosome: which is turned as his other flesh againe. 7.
VII. Aaron casteth foorth his rod before Pharaoh, and before his seruants: which is turned into a Serpent. 10.
Aaron, as the Lord had commanded, lifting vp his rod, smiteth the water in the sight of Pharaoh and his seruants: which is turned into blood through the whole land. 20.
VIII. Aaron stretching foorth his hand with his rod, ouer the waters of Egipt: Frogges come vp, which couer all the land. 6.
Aaron, stretching out his hand with his rod, smiteth the dust of the earth: Lice thereafter comming vppon man and beast, all the dust of the land of Egipt being turned into lice. 17
The Lord sendeth great swarmes of flies, into the house [Page 287] of Pharaoh, and his seruants: and ouer all the land of Egypt. 24. The Lord sendeth a great morraine of beasts,IX. so that all the cattle of the land of Egipt do die: those of the children of Israel, the in-dwellers of Goshen, onely remaining aliue. 6.
Moses sprincleth ashes towards heauen, before Pharaoh: which are turned into a scabbe vpon man and beast. 10.
Moses stretching out his rod towards heauen, the Lord sendeth haile mingled with fire, thunder, and lightning vpon man and beast: smiting all that is in the field. 23.
Moses stretching out his rod,X. the Lord by an East wind, bringeth grashoppers ouer all the land of Egipt: consuming al the trees, fruites, and hearbes which the haile had left 13.
Moses stretching out his [Page 288] hand toward heauen, there ensueth a black darknesse ouer all the land of Aegypt for three dayes. 22.
XII.At midnight, the Lord smiteth all the first-borne of the land of Aegypt, both man and beast. 29.
XIII.As the Israelites march, the Lord goeth before them by day in a pillar of a clowde, and by night, in a pillar of fire. 21.
X [...]III. Moses stretching out his hand vpon the red sea, the Lord causeth it to go back by a strong East winde: so that the children of, Israel passe through on drye land, the waters beeing a wall vnto them, on their right hand, and on theit left. 21.
The Lord striketh the host of the Egiptians with feare, taking off their charret wheeles. 24.
Moses stretching out his hand vpon the sea, it returneth to his course early in the morning, ouer-throwing the Egiptians in the midst thereof. 27.
The children of Israel,XV. murmuring at Marah, the Lord sheweth Moses a tree, which when hee had cast into the waters, they become sweet. 25.
As Aaron is speaking to the congregation of the children of Israel,XVI. the glory of the Lord appeareth in a clowd toward the wildernesse. 10.
In the euening the Lord sendeth Quailes, which couer the whole campe of the Israelites: and the dew being ascended, a small round thing is vpon the face of the wildernesse, as the hoare frost on the earth, which they call, Man. 14.
XVII.The children of Israel, contending with Moses, at Masah, Miribah: at the command of God, hee smiteth on the rocke, whence commeth water. 6.
XIX.On the third day, before the giuing of the Lawe: there is thundring, and lightning, with a thick clowd vpon mount Sinai, & the sound of the trumpet sounding exceeding lowd: the mountaine being al on smoake, ascending like the smoake of a Fornace, all the mount trembling exceedingly: so that all the people in the campe are affraid. 16.
XXIIII. Moses the Lord commanding, goeth vp to mount Sinai, a clowd there-after couering the mountaine. 15.
XXXIIII. Moses early in the morning goeth vp into the mount with [Page 291] two Tables, as the Lord had commanded him: the Lord descending in the clowd, passeth by him, proclaiming his glorious name. 4.
Moses remaineth there with the Lord, forty dayes, and forty nights: neither eating bread nor drinking water. 28.
Moses beeing come downe from mount Sinai, with the two Tables in his hand: his face shineth so bright that Aaron and the people are afraid to come neere him 30.
The whole worke being reared & finished,XL. which the Lord commanded Moses: a clowd couereth the Tabernacle of the Congregation, the glory of the Lord filling it: so that Moses could not enter, because of the glory of the Lord filling the Tabernacle. 34.
Leuiticus. IX.There commeth a fire out from the Lord, consuming the burnt offering, and the fat vpon the Altar. 24.
X.There commeth a fire out from the Lord, deuouring Nadab and Abihu sonnes of Aaron: as they offered strange fire before the Lord. 2.
Numbers. XI.The children of Israel become murmurers, wherefore the fire of the Lord burneth amongst them: consuming the out most part of the host. 1.
The Lord commeth downe in a clowde, speaking vnto Moses: and taking off the Spirit that was vpon him, putting it vpon the seuenty ancient men. 25.
The Lord by a winde bringeth Quailes from the Sea, letting them fall in the Israelites campe: a daies iourney, on this, [Page 293] and the other side of the host, two cubits aboue the groūd. 31
While the flesh is betweene their teeth, the wrath of the Lord smiteth them with an exceeding great plague. 33.
The Lord commeth downe in the pillar of the clowd,XII. standing at the doore of the Tabernacle, calling Aarō & Miriam. 5
Miriam is seene leprous as snow, the clowde departing from the Tabernacle. 10.
The children of Israel,XIIII. crying to store Caleb and Ioshua: the glory of the Lord appeareth in the Tabernacle of the Congregation, before all the children of Israel. 10.
The earth openeth her mouth, swallowing vp aliue,XVI. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, with their families. 32.
A fire commeth out from the Lord, consuming the two hundred and fifty men, which offered incence. 35.
The children of Israel murmure against Moses and Aaron, for which the Lord sendeth a plague amongst them: which destroieth fourteene thousand and seauen hundred of them 45
XVII. Aarons rod onely of all the twelue, which were laid before the Arke of the testimony, buddeth: bringing forth buds & blosoms, bearing ripe Almond [...]. 8.
XX.The children of Israel beeing come to Kadesh, in the wildernesse of Zin, wāting water; murmure against Moses, who being commanded of God onely to speake vnto the rock, notwithstanding smiteth it twise with his rod, whence issueth water abundantly. 11.
Moses at the command of God, maketh a brasen Serpent,XXI. vnto which, when any of the children of Israel did looke, being bitten of fiery Serpents: they liued. 9.
Baalams Asse,XXII. as he was in his iourney going towards Baalak King of Moab: seeing the Angel of the Lord before her in the way with a drawne sword in his hand: twise refuseth it, going aside, for which he beating her with a staffe: the Lord openeth the Asses mouth, so that shee speaketh reproouing her maisters cruelty. 28.
The Israelites are led forty yeares in the wildernesse,Deuterono. XXIX. their clothes neither waxing old, nor their shoes vpon their feete. 5,XXXI.
The Lord appeareth in the tabernacle, in a pillar of a clowd: [Page 296] standing ouer the doore of the Tabernacle. 15.
Ioshua. III.The children of Israel being ready to passe ouer Iorden, as soone as the feete of the Priests which beare the Arke, toucheth the brinkes of Iorden: the riuer stayeth her course, standing vp on a heape, so that the children of Israel passe through vpon drye land. 16.
VI.The walles of Iericho fall to the ground, being seuen times compassed, by Ioshua & the men of warre: the seuenth time as they showted a great showt. 20
X.The Lord casteth downe great stones from heauen vpon the Aramites: as they flie before Israel. 11.
Ioshua speaking to the Sunne, it standeth still in Gebeon, (the Lord fighting for him) the [Page 297] Moone also, according to his word in the valley of Aialon: a whole day, vntill hee had auenged himselfe vpon his enemies. 13.
Shamgar the sonne of Anath, Iudges. III. a Iudge of Israel: killeth sixe hundred Philistims with an Oxe goad. 31.
Gedeon asking a signe of the Angell,VI. for his further assurance: the Angell of the Lord putteth forth the end of his staffe, touching the flesh & the vnleauened bread which lay vpon a stone: out of which fire commeth, consuming the sacrifice: the Angel so departing. 21
Gedeon, againe asking a signe of victory of God, his fleece is wet with dew: all the ground about it being drye. 38.
At Gedeons request, his [Page 298] fleece remaineth drye, all the ground about it being wet with dew. 40.
VII. Gedeon with his three hundred men, the Lord fighting for them, in wonderfull manner ouer-threw the host of the Madianites. 22.
XIII. Ma [...]oah and his wife, offering a sacrifice at the Angels second apparition: the flame comming from the Altar toward heauen: the Angel ascendeth therein, they falling on their faces to the ground. 20.
XIIII.The spitit of the Lord comming vpon Samson, he teareth a young Lion in pieces, hauing nothing in his hands. 6.
XV. Samson, beeing in the hands of the Philistims bound with cordes, the Spirit of the Lord comming vpon him, they become [Page 299] as flaxe. 14.
Samson with the iaw bone of an Asse, killeth a thousand Philistims. 15.
At Samsons prayer he being sore a thirst, the Lord breaketh the cheeke tooth that was in the iaw: whence commeth water. 19.
Samson at midnight carrieth away the doores of the gates of the citty of Azzah,XVI. with the two posts of the barres, on his shoulders: to the top of the mountaine that is before Hebron. 3.
Samson after prayer to God, pulleth downe a house, wherein were three thousand Philistims: all which with him-selfe are killed. 30.
The Arke of God,I. Samuel. V. beeing brought by the Philistims into the [Page 300] house of Dagon their God: the Image is found fallen on his face before the Arke of God. 3
Dagon, being set vp in his place againe is found the next day also fallen vpon his face before the Arke of God: with his head, and the two palmes of his hands cut off vppon the threshold. 4.
The men of Ashdod are plagued with the Emrods because of the Arke of God. 6.
VI.The Philistimes set the Arke of God vppon a cart, drawen with two melch Kine: who of their owne accord, go straight to Bethshemesh, lowing as they went. 12.
Fifty thousand threscore and ten Bethshemites are killed for looking in the Arke of God. 19.
VII.The Lord thunders from [Page 301] heauen, with great thundring vpon the Philistims, scattering them. 10.
At Samuels prayer,XII. the Lord sendeth thunder and raine, in signe of the peoples wickednesse. 18.
Ionathan and his armor-bearer,XIIII. going vp against the Philistims: the Lord sendeth a feare in their campe, the earth trembling, they flying before Ionathan and his armor-bearer. 15.
Dauid, II. Samuel. V. the Lord fighting for him: at the hearing of the noise of one going in the tops of the Mulbery trees putteth the Philistims to flight. 25.VI.
Vzzah, for putting his hand to stay the Arke of God, the Oxen shaking it: as it came frō the house of Abinedab at Gebeah, [Page 302] is stricken to death in the same place. 7.
XX [...]III. Dauid, causeth Israel to bee numbred: for which the Lord beeing angry, sendeth a plague destroying threescore and ten thousand of the people. 15.
I. Kings. VIII.The Arke beeing brought into the most holy place of the Temple, vnder the winges of the Cherubins, after the finishing thereof by Salomon: a cloud filled the house, so that the Priests could not stand to minister: because of the glory of the Lord filling the house. 10.11.
XIII. Ieroboam putting forth his hand to cause lay hold on a Prophet: his hand drieth vp, not being able to pull it in againe. 4.
The Altar cleaueth in sunder, [Page 303] the ashes falling from it: according to the word of the Prophet. 5.
The Prophet prayeth vnto God for Ieroboam, his hand there-after becomming whole as before. 6.
Eliah restraineth dew and raine from falling on the ground,XVII. Iam. 5.18. but according to his word. 1.
Eliah remaining by the riuer Cherith, the Rauens bring him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the euening. 6.
Eliah, increaseth the widow of Zarephaths oyle, and her meale vntill the Lord sent rain vpon the earth. 16.
Eliah after prayer, raises the widowes sonne from death to life. 22.
XVIII.The Lord for confirming of his glory, and strengthening of his people against the Priests of Baal, at Eliahs praier, sendeth a fire consuming the burnt offering on the Altar, & the wood and the stones, and the dust: licking vp the water in the ditch. 38.
XIX.An Angel commeth to Eliah, as he is distressed sleeping in the wildernesse: bidding him rise and eate, bringing him meat. 5.
The Angell of the Lord commeth to him the second time, as he slept, bidding him arise and eate for hee had a great iourney. 7.
Eliah walketh forty dayes & forty nights in the strength of that meate. 8.
The Lord passing by Eliah, a mighty stronge winde renteth [Page 305] the mountaines, and breaketh the rockes before him, with earthquake and fire: therafter speaking to Eliah in a soft still voyce. 11. 12.
At Eliahs prayer,II. Kings. I. fire commeth from heauen, destroying Ahaziahs first captaine of fifty with his men. 10.
At Eliahs prayer, fire commeth from heauen destroying Ahaziahs second captaine of fifty and his men. 12.
Eliah deuideth the waters of Iorden with his cloake,II. so that Elisha and he passe ouer on dry land. 8.
As Eliah and he are walking and talking together, there appeareth a charet and horses of fire: separating them, carrying vp Eliah by a whirlewind vnto heauen: Elisha beholding the [Page 306] same. 11.
Elisha [...], comming backe to Iorden, smiteth the waters with Eliahs cloake: which presently deuide, this, and that wāy: returning as hee went. 14.
Elisha, healeth the bitter and venemous waters. 21.
III.According to the word of Elisha, which he spoke to Iehoshaphat and Iehoram, Kings of Israel and Iudah: water commeth by the way of Edom filling the ditches of the valley: without sight of wind or raine. 20.
IIII. Elisha increaseth a poore widowes oyle, from one pitcher, filling all the vessels shee could borrow. 6.
Elisha after prayer, rayseth the Shunamites Sonne from [Page 307] death to life. 34.
Elisha healeth the pottage, wherein wilde gourds had bin vnwittingly put. 41.
Elisha feedeth a hundred men with twenty loaues, and full eares of corne in the huske. 44.
Naaman the Sirian,V. as Elisha had bidden him, washing himselfe seauen times in Iorden: is healed of his leprosie. 14.
Gehazi, and his seed for euer are stricken with the leprosie of Naaman. 27
Elisha casting a peece of wood into the water,VI. causeth iron to swimme. 6.
At Elishas prayer, the Lord openeth his seruants eyes who seeth the mountaynes full of charets and horses [Page 308] of fire round about Elisha. 17.
At Elishas prayer, the Lord smiteth the King of Sirias host with blindnesse. 18.
At Elishas prayer, the Lord openeth their eyes againe. 20.
VII.The Lord causeth the campe of the Aramites to flie, putting a feare in their armie: by hearing the noyse of charets and horses: and of a great armie. 6.
XIII.A dead man beeing cast in the Sepulcher of Elisha, as soone as hee touched Elishas bones, reuiued againe, standing vp vpon his feete. 21.
XIX.After the praier of Hezekiah, King of Iudah: the Lord sendeth his angell, destroying in one night, a hundred fourscore and fiue thousand of Senacheribs armie. 35.
XX. Hezekiah desiring the promise [Page 309] of his recouery, to be confirmed by a signe: at Isaiahs prayer, the Lord bringeth againe the shadow of the Sunne ten degrees backe, by the degrees whereby it had gone downe in the dyall of Ahaz. 11.
After Salomons prayer,II. Chronic. VII. fire commeth downe from heauen, consuming the sacrifice and the burnt offering, the glory of the Lord filling the house. 1.
Abiiah and Ieroboam, XIII. Kinges of Iudah and Israel, beeing set in battel array against one another: the men of Israel hauing compassed those of Iudah, behind and before: who crying vnto the Lord, and thereafter showting, the Lord smiteth the Host of Israel, fiue hundreth thousand of them falling down [Page 310] wounded before the men of Iudah. 17.
XX.After Iehoshaphats prayer, the Lord layeth ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir: causing each of them to kill his fellow. 22.
XXVI. Vzzia King of Iudah, hauing incense in his hand: presuming to offer it,Numb. 18.7 which onely was lawfull to the Priests, is stricken with leprosie in the same place. 19.
Daniel. III. Shadrach, Meshac, and Abednego, are cast bound in a hotte fiery furnace, the flame thereof killing those men which put them in. 22.
Nebuchadnezzar seeing, and wondring at foure mē walking harmelesse in the midst of the fire: the forme of the fourth [Page 311] beeing like vnto the Sonne of God, biddeth the three come foorth, who obeying, come out vntouched and harmelesse of the fire. 25. 26.
Belshazzar feasting in all his royaltye,V. with his Princes, wiues, and concubines: & drinking in the vessels of the house of the Lord: there appeareth vnto him the fingers of a mans hand writing ouer against the candlesticke, on the playster of the wall, the King seeing the palme of the hand which wrote. 5.
Daniell beeing cast into the Lyons Den,VI. the Lord shutteth the Lions mouthes: they hauing no power ouer him, he is brought out aliue againe. 23.
Ionah, Iohn. I. flying from the presence of the Lord, and cast ouer [Page 312] board to appease the tempest: the Lord prepareth a great fish which receiueth him. 17.
II. Ionah, praying out of the fishes belly, where hee remayned three daies & three nights, is by the fish cast a land, the Lord so commanding. 10.
IIII.The Lord prepareth a gourd, causing it come vp to couer Ionah from the Sunne in one night. 6.
The Lord the next day prepareth a worme which consumeth & smiteth the gourd, that it also perisheth in one night. 7.
Out of the new Testament.
Luke. I.WHile Zacharias the Priest is burning of Incense in the Temple, an Angell of the [Page 313] Lord appeareth vnto him promising him a Sonne. 11.
Zacharias requiring a signe of the Angell, for the further assurance of his promise is stricken dumbe vntill the time of the performance thereof. 22.
Elizabet his wife, hearing the salutatiō of Mary, the babe springeth in her belly: shee beeing filled with the holy Ghost. 41.
Zacharias mouth is opened againe, and his tongue loosed, immediately after he had written his sonnes name vppon Tables 64.
The strange conception of the Blessed Virgin,Mathew. I. Luke. I. with our Sauiour Christ: by the holy Ghost, ouershadowed by the power of the most high. 18. 35.
Luke. II.After the birth of our Sauiour Christ, the Angel of the Lord, commeth vpon the shepheards, in the field, the glory of the Lord shining about them: so that they are affraid. 9.
Presently after the Angels message vnto the sheapheards, there is with the Angel, a multitude of heauenly souldiers praising God. 13.
Math. II.Three wisemen of the East, seeking Christ at Ierusalem: and from thence directed to Bethlem: a starre goeth before conducting them, at last, standing ouer the place where Christ was. 9.
Math. III. Marke. I. Luke. III.After that Christ is baptized of Iohn the Baptist, the heauens are opened vnto him: Iohn seeing the Spirit of God descending like a Doue, and lighting [Page 315] vpon him: with a voyce speaking from heauen. 16. 10. 22.
Christ healeth a man in the Synagogue,Marke. I. Luke. IIII. who had an vncleane spirit. 26.35.
Christ being thrust out of the Synagogue at Nazareth,Luke. IIII. and led to the edge of a hill, wherevpon the citty was built: to cast him downe headlong, passeth through the midst of them, so departing. 30.
Christ being at a mariage in Cana in Galilee,Iohn. II. turneth water into wine. 9.
Christ beeing come downe from the mountaine where hee preached:Math. VIII. Marke. I. Luke. V. healeth a leaper. 3. 40. 13.
Christ healeth a Centurions seruant,Math. VIII. Luke. VII. who by reason of his strong faith, desired our Sauiour onely to speake the [Page 316] word, and his seruant should be whole. 13. 10.
Math. VIII. Marke. IIII. Luke. IIII.Christ comming into Peters house, healeth his wiues mother: who lay sicke of a Feuer. 15. 31. 39.
Math. VIII. Marke. IIII. Luke. VIII.Christ, with his Disciples being at sea, there ariseth suddainly a great tempest: which at his Disciples crie hee calmeth, rebuking the wind and the sea. 26. 39. 24.
Math. VIII. Marke. V. Luke. VIII.Christ casteth out the deuils, out of two who were possessed: who hauing obtained leaue of our Sauiour Christ, enter presently into a heard of Swine: carying them all from a steepe downe place, headlong in the sea. 32. 13. 33.
Iohn. IIII.Christ being come from Iudea into Galilee, healeth a rulers sonne, who was sick of a [Page 317] feuer, at Capernaum: his feuer departing, by the rulers computation, at that very houre, in which Iesus had said, thy sonne liueth. 50.
An Angel at certaine seasons,Iohn. V. commeth downe troubling the water of a poole called Bethesda, beside Ierusalem, which healed any one, of whatsoeuer disease, first entred the poole after the Angels departure. 4.
Christ healeth a man lying beside the poole of Bethesda, waiting for the Angels comming: who had beene diseased eight and thirty yeares. 9.
Christ,Math. IX. Marke. II. Luke. V. comming into his owne cittie, healeth a man sick of the palsie. 6. 12. 24.
Christ entring into Simons ship,Luke. V. biddeth him cast out his net: who obeying Christs command, [Page 318] although they had trauailed all that night in vaine: take so many fishes, that their net breaketh, sinking also two ships, which came to their aid. 6
Luke. VII.Christ, as he came neere the gate of a citty called Nain, raiseth a widdowes onely sonne, (whom he met in a coffin) from death to life. 15.
Math. IX. Marke. V. Luke. VIII.A woman hauing a disease of a bloudy issue, twelue yeares: touching the hem of Christs garment is healed. 22. 29. 44.
Math. IX. Marke. V. Luke. VIII.Christ raiseth a ruler of the Synagogues daughter, from death to life. 25. 31. 55.
Math. IX.Christ giueth sight to two blind men, because of their faith. 30.
Math. IX. Luke. XI.Christ casteth out a diuell out of a dumbe man, causing the dumbe to speake. 33. 14.
Christ healeth one,Mark. VII. who was deafe, and stammered in his speach. 35.
Christ comming to Bethsaida, giueth sight to a blind man:Mark. VIII. who desired our Sauiour onely to touch him. 25.
Christ giueth sight to a man who was borne blind. 7.Iohn. IX. Math. XII. Marke. III. Luke. VI.
Christ healeth a man, which had his hand dried vp. 13. 5. 10.
Christ healeth a man,Math. XII. Luke. XI. who was blind and dumbe, and possessed with a diuell. 22. 14.
Christ feedeth fiue thousand men,Mat. XIIII. Marke. VI. Luke. IX. Iohn. VI. beside women and children: with fiue loaues and two fishes: twelue baskets full of the fragments remaining. 20. 42. 17. 12.
Christ walketh on the sea,Mat. XIIII. Marke. VI. Iohn. VI. about the fourth watche, sauing Peter from sinking in [Page 320] the water: at last calming the tempest. 25. 49. 19.
Mat. XIIII. Marke. VI.All those who were sicke through all the country, touching the hem of Christs garment are healed. 36. 56.
Math. XV. Marke. VII.Christ healeth a Canaanitish womans daughter, who was tormented with a diuell: by reason of her strong faith, and vncessant crying. 28. 30.
Math. V.Christ ascending into a moūtaine, neere the Sea of Galilee: great multitudes come vnto him, hauing with them, halt, blinde, dumbe, maimed, whom casting downe at Iesus feete, are all healed. 30.
Math. XV. Mark. VIII.Christ feedeth foure thousand men, besides women and children, with seauen loaues, & a few fishes: seauen baskets full of the fragmēts remaining. 37. 8
Christ is transfigured vpon mount Thabor:Math. XVII Marke. IX. Luke. IX. his face shining like the Sunne, his clothes being white as the light, Peter, Iames, and Iohn, beholding the same: where also appeareth, Moses and Elias, talking with him. 2.3.29.
Meane while that Peter, is desiring of our Sauiour leaue, to make three Tabernacles there: a bright clowd shadoweth them, with a voyce speaking out of the clowd: This is my wel-be-loued Sonne, in whom I am well pleased, heare him: they falling on their faces to the ground. 5. 7. 34.
Christ healeth a mans sonne who was lunatike and possessed casting out the diuell. 18. 25. 42.
Christ healeth a woman,Luke. XIII. who had a spirit of infirmity eighteene [Page 322] yeares, beeing so bowed together, that shee could not lift vp her selfe in any wise. 13.
Luk. XIIII.Christ healeth a man of the dropsie vpon the Sabbath day. 4.
Luke. XVII.Christ, healeth ten lepers, going to Ierusalem: as hee entred a certaine towne of Galilee. 14.
Math. XX. Marke. X. Luk. XVIII.Christ departing from Iericho, giueth sight to two blind men: sitting by the way side. 34. 52. 43.
Math. XXI Marke. XI.Iesus returning from Bethania to Ierusalem, beeing hungry seeth a fig tree by the way carrying leaues onely, without fruite a hee expected, wherefore curssing it, it anon withereth the disciples as the passed that way, the next day, seeing, it dryed vp from the [Page 323] rootes. 19. 13.
Christ raiseth Lazarus from death to life,Iohn. XI. after he had lyen foure dayes buried in the graue. 44.
Christ troubled in soule,Iohn. XII. praying vnto his Father to glorifie his Name: there commeth a voyce from heauen saying: I haue both gloryfied it and will glorifie it againe. 28.
Christ,Luk. XXII. beeing come as his maner was to the mount of Oliues, and praying to his Father in an agony, his sweat being like droppes of blood: a little before his beetraying, ther appeareth an Angell from heauen comforting him. 43.
Christ,Iohn. XVIII asking those whoe came to beetray him whom they sought: at whose replye, [Page 324] telling them hee was the man: they goe backwards, falling to the ground. 6.
Luke. XXII.After Iudas had betraied our Sauiour Christ with a kisse: Christ healeth the high Priests seruants eare: which Simon Peter had stricken off. 51.
Mat. XXVII Mark. XV. Luk. XXIII.Christ being crucified vpon the crosse, there is an vniuersall darknesse, from the sixt vnto the ninth houre: ouer all the land. 45. 33. 44.
Christ hauing yeelded vp the Spirit: the vaile of the Temple, from the top to the bottom renteth in sunder: the earth quaking, the stones cleauing in sunder, & the graues opening, many bodyes of the Saints which slept arising: who after his resurrection appeared to many in Ierusalem. 51. 38. 45.
Mary Magdalen, Mathew. XXVIII. Mark. XVI. Luk. XXIIII Iohn. XX. with the other Mary, being come to the Sepulchre, where Christ was laid: there is a great earthquake, an Angell being descended from heauen, who had rolled the stone from the doore of the Sepulchre, sitting thereon. 2. 5. 2. 12.
The resurrection of Christ, from death to life vpon the third day, being the first of the weeke. 6. 9. 6. 2.
Christ appeareth after his resurrection,Mathew. XXVIII. Mark. XVI. Iohn. XX. first to Mary Magdalen and the other Mary, 9. 9. 14.
Christ,Mark. XVI. Lu. XXIIII. appeareth vnto two of his Disciples in another forme: as they walked in the countrey. 12. 15.
Christ,Lu. XXIIII. going in to tary with them, at their instant sute: [Page 326] whilest he is breaking of bread at the Table,Luk. XXIIII haue their eyes opened, knowing him: is taken out of their sight. 31.
Marh. XVI. Luk. XXIIII Iohn. XX.Christ appeareth to his eleuen Disciples as they were sitting together: reprouing them of their vnbeleefe, and hardnesse of heart. 14. 36. 19.
Iohn. XX.Christ appeareth vnto his Disciples, eyght dayes after, the doores beeing shut: causing Thomas put his finger to his hands, and his hands in his side 26.
Iohn. XXIChrist appeareth to his disciples againe, beside the sea of Tiberias. 1.
Christ commanding, the disciples cast our their net into the sea, not then knowing him, and are not able, for the multitude of fishes which filled their [Page 327] net to pull it in againe. 6.
Christs glorious ascension into heauen,Mark. XVI. Luk. XXIIII Actes. I. a cloude taking him vp, out of their sight: now sitting at the right hand of God the Father, in glory and maiesty. 19. 51. 9.
Meanwhile the Apostles are beholding Christs glorious ascension into heauen,Actes. I. they see two men standing by them in white: telling them of his glorious returne, as they had now seene him ascend. 11.
After Christs ascension into heauen,II. according to his promise, the Apostles beeing all in one place: there commeth suddainly a sound from heauen, like the rushing of a mighty winde, filling all the house [Page 328] where they sate: clouen tounges like fire appearing vnto them, sitting vpon each of them: beeing all there-after filled with the holy Ghost, speaking with other tounges, as the Spirit gaue them vtterance. 2.
Three thousand persons of those who came to heare the Apostles speake in their strang tounges: are conuerted by Peters sermon. 41.
III. Peter healeth one, who was a cripple from his mothers bellie: lying at the gate of the Temple, called beautifull, in the name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth. 7.
IIII.The place is shaken, wherein the Apostles are, after prayer vnto the Lord, to preserue and strengthen them with [Page 329] boldnesse to confesse his name. 31.
Ananias: V. concealing a part of the price of his possession, and lying to the holy Ghost: is stricken to death in the same place. 5.
Saphira his wife, a little after, for the like fault, endureth the like punishment: falling downe dead at Peters feete. 10.
The sicke, are brought into the streetes, laide on beds and couches: that the shadow of Peter as hee passed by, might shadow them. A multitude of the citty round about Ierusalem also, bringing sick folkes, and those who were vexed with vncleane spirits: all who are healed. 15.
The Apostles, imprisoned by the high Priest, and those of [Page 330] the sect of the Saduces: the Angel of the Lord by night, openeth the prison doores, bringing them forth. 19.
VIII.The Eunuch of Aethiopia, & Philip beeing come out of the water, where the said Eunuch was baptized: the Spirit of the Lord taketh away Philip, the Eunuch: seeing him no more. 39
IX. Saul, being on his way neere vnto Damascus, with ful intent to persecute all such as did professe the name of Iesus: suddenly there shineth a light round about him from heauen, wherat, falling to the ground, hee heareth a voyce from heauen, saying vnto him: Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? 4.
Saul, rising from the ground, and opening of his eyes seeth no man, beeing led by the hand [Page 331] vnto Damascus: where hee remaineth three daies blind without meate or drinke 8.
Saul, immediatly after that Ananias had touched his eyes, telling him that he was sent for that errand, by that Iesus which appeared to him in the way: receiueth his sight, a thing falling from his eyes, as it had bin scales. 18.
Peter comming to Lyda, healeth a man of the palsie, who had kept his bed eight yeares: by the name of Iesus. 34.
Peter, after prayer, raiseth a certaine disciple of Ioppa, named Tabitha: from death to life. 40.
Meane while that Peter is preaching, at Cornelius conuersion,X. the holy Ghost falleth on all those who heare him: the Assistants [Page 332] wondring, that the holy Ghost was poured on the Gentles also: hearing them speake in diuers tongues. 44.
XII. Herod, thinking to bring out Peter to the people, whom before hee had imprisoned: this same night whilest Peter slept betwixt two Souldiers, bound with two chaines, the keepers watching the doores: The Angel of the Lord commeth vpon them, a light shining in the house: who smiting Peter on the side, biddeth him to be ready quickly and follow him: Peters chaines imediately falling from his hands. 7
The Angel and Peter, hauing past the first and second watch, at last come to an iron gate, leading into the citty: which of it owne accord openeth vnto [Page 333] them, where, after they had passed through one street: the Angel departed from him. 10.
Herod making an Oration to the people in all his royalty, receiuing from them a blaspemous applause: is immediatly smitten by the Angel of the Lord, being eatē of wormes, so that he giueth vp the Ghost. 23
Elimas the sorcerer,XIII. according to the word of Paul, is striken of the Lord with blindnes. 11.
Paul, XIIII. healeth a certaine impotent man, at Listra, in Lycaonia: who was a cripple from his mothers wombe. 10.
Paul in the name of Iesus,XVI. causeth an vncleane spirit to come out of a certaine maid, which troubled him and his company, as they were about [Page 334] to pray in Lydias house. 18.
Paul and Silas beeing imprisoned by the maisters of the aforesaid Maide, praying and singing a Psalme vnto God: suddainly there is a great earthquake, shaking the foundation of the prison, all the doores thereof opening: euery prisoners bands beeing loosed. 26
XIX. Paul in his peregrination finding certain disciples at Ephesus, who onely were baptized with the baptisme of Iohn: baptizeth them in the name of Iesus, laying his hands on thē, the holy Ghost comming vppon them: they speaking the tonges and prophesying. 6.
From the body of Paul are brought Kerchiffes vnto the sicke, the diseases therafter departing: and the euill spirits [Page 335] going out of them. 12.
Paul rayseth one Eutychus frō death to life,XX. who in hearing of his sermon, which continued till mid-night, oppressed with a deepe sleepe had fallen from a window, so dying. 10.
Paul cast a shore in the Ile of Melita,XXVIII. warming himselfe by a fire, a viper leapeth out thereof vpon his hand: which harmlesse hee casts off againe. 5.
Paul healeth the Father of Publius, who was the chiefe man of that Ile, of a feuer, and a bloody flixe. 8.
Epist. page 5. for, at, read, as. Page 10. for, the people, read, thy people, p. 16. f I will r. and I will, p. 22. f. the Priest, r. the high Priest, p. 23. l. 12, & 18. put out of. p. 34. marg. f 5. put 6. p. 35. marg ad to Iohn 1. p. Ib. f. these hands, r. our hands, p. 44. f. vnto, r. into, p. 40 f. said, r. said vnto me, p. 65. f. not thy, r. not thou thy, p. 79. f. not known, r. not called vpon, p. 103. f. and affliction, r. and our affliction, p. 106. f. 1. put 8. p. 141. l. 8. r. 5. p. 2 [...]2. l 4. for. 31. r. 38. p. 210. l. 23. f. are not. r. are we not p. 218. marg. put out the midle x. p. 234. marg. ad x. to feare not. pag. 253. marg. for. 27. r. 28.