N [...] [...] the prynce of sezar come agayne
[...] the kynge of ynde Generydes
Whiche in soth of hym he was fayne
For he abode his comynge styll apes
And to tell you shortly the proces
Without delay in a shorte space
The prynce was wedded to Lucydas
And whan the feest was all togyder do
For tender loue and specyall rememb [...]unce
With hym and her to gyue the londe also
That was h [...]r faders olde enherytaunce
The kynge also his honour to auaunce
Gau [...] hym full power sygned with his honde
In his absence to gouerne all the londe.
¶ How two constables came to Generydes & folde hȳ how his fader & his moder were deed.
Caplo. xiiii.
HOw goth Generydes the kynge of yn [...]
Towarde surrey without more delay
And in story lyke as I do fynde
Two constables there mette by [...]n by the way
One of them the very trouth to saye
Of all surrey chefe gouernour h [...] was
That other kepte the cyte of [...]amas
[...]ll sadd [...] they were and made full heuy there
Gen [...]ydes meruaylled what they ment
To his presence he bad they sholde come nere
That he myght knowe the [...] of theyr entent
And vpon that a stray [...] comaundement
He b [...]d [...]e them bothe tell all the case
Truly and playnly what maner thynge it was
Full lothe they were to tell the certaynte
For heuy tydynges came to soone alway
But whan they sawe it myght none other be
To hym they sayd syr please it you quod they
To take in pacyence what that we wyll saye
The kynge your fader is deed for certayne
And your moder also quene Serayne
Bothe he and she within thre dayes dysceased
Grete hurte to the londe nere goddes wyll
And whan Generydes wyst it he was not wel pleased
Downe from his hors in swounynge he fyll
Tyll tyme he was a wake there laye he styll
Than eche man there dyde theyr payne
To sette hym vpon his hors agayne
They brought hym to the cyte of damas
And passynge seke in his palays he laye
All pale and wan out of lykynge he was
His fresshe coloure dyde fade awaye
And than to Natanell gan he saye
Go you now hastely quod he
And saye to Sygrym that he come to me
Whan he was come than sayd Generydes
Sygrym quod he I haue sente for you here
God wote I am no thynge at hertes ease
And very seke ye se in what manere
Go to Claryonas my lady dere
Haue here this rynge and bere it her fro mē
I am afrayed I shall her neuerse
Tell ye her in veray sertaynte
Me recommaundynge in all goodly wyse
Besechynge her that she wyll praye for me
I aske no more for all my true seruyse
Syr quod sygrym ryght as ye wyll deuyse
What shall I say or do your entente
I am all redy at your commaundement
¶ How Gener [...]es sente [...] Syg [...] Cl [...] ryonas that he was seke.
Capitulo. xiiiii.
NOw goth Sygrym without wordes mo
Forth in to perce he rydeth apace
To mountanar the cyte is he go
On his message as he cōmaunded was
So streyght he goth vnto Claryonas
And there he tolde her all the cyrcomstaunce
Of his syknes with wepynge repentaunce
And whan Sygrym had all togyder sayd
Anone she fell in swounynge forth withall
Wherwith Myrable was dysmayd
And on her lady fast gan to call
Madame quod she what thynge euer fall
Hurte not your selfe I praye you in this case
With tho wordes awoke Claryonas
Alwaye your comforte is good quod she
But in this case I wote not what for to saye
Madame quod she wyll ye do after me
Gladly quod she all that I can or may
By my counseyll ye shall take your Iournay
To surrey this is myn aduyse
In poore clothynge and in secrete wyse
And take with you Guynet your chaumberlayne
And one to kepe your horses it shall suffyse
Take vpon you the labour and the payne
And he shall be hole on warantyse
I wyll do quod she as ye me deuyse
And certaynly without wordes mo
To morowe erly forwarde wyll I go.
[...] now goth Claryonas
With her Sygrym to be her guyde
Full secretly as she appoynted was
That none of the cyte her aspyed
And forth towarde surrey gan they ryde
And in as goodly haast as myght be
Anone they came to damas the cyte
Sygrym departed fro them forth withall
Streyght to the castell goth Claryonas
Vpon the porter she gan to call
And he agayne asked what she was
For certayne syr quod she this is the case
The kynge is seke it is enfourmed me
I trust to god to make hym hole quod she
In strength of herbes that be profytable
Of them I knowe the vertue this is sure
In euery kynde whiche is moost curable
And accordynge to euery creature
For oftentymes I haue put it in vre
Wherfore I praye you saye myn erande so
That I may se the kynge or I go
Damsell quod he your erande shall be do
With that the porter goth in to the place
And spake with Natanell a worde or two
And brought hym forth vnto Cl [...]ryonas
[...] kno [...]ynge to them bothe what she was
Ye are welcome syster myn quod he
What is your wyll I praye you tell me
T [...]uly quod she I am a poore woman
Your kynge is seke wherfore I gretly complayne
And I worde shewe suche cunnynge as I can
Trustynge to god to make hym hole agayne
Than he behelde her for the more certayne
A rynge he knewe that on her fynger was
Yet wyst he not that it was Claryonas
From her he wente streyght to the kynge
Syr please it you to vnderstonde quod he
There is a woman whiche is full cunnynge
In euery syknes and as thynketh me
By her wordes it semeth so to be
At the castell gate with her I spake
To make you hole this wyll she vndertake
On her fynger there is a rynge quod he
Whiche me thynketh is a straunge case
For this I wote in very certaynte
Ye gaue suche one to Claryonas
And in my selfe I meruayle how it was
Than sayd the kynge I wyll that ye go
And brynge her to me without wordes mo
¶ How Claryonas with a symple aray came to Generydes in surrey / and how she made
hym hole / and how she retourned in to perce / & how Generydes came and wedded her
with grete solempnyte.
Capitulo. xiv.
NOw Natanell goth to the castell gate
And brought this woman streyght to ye kynge
But she was wympled so that wote ye what
Of her had he no maner knowlegynge
With that anone he had aspyed the rynge
Whiche he gaue to Claryonas the fayte
And yet he wyst not that she was thayre
I praye you syr be of good chere quod she
And please it your goodnes for to here
I am a woman of ferre countre
And therwithall in curteys manere
She profred hym to kysse with louynge chere
Naye syster myn with goddes grace
I must praye you of pardon as in this case
For I wyll kysse no woman be ye sure
To make me hole as euer I was
But onely her whiche is that creature
That I loue best that mayde Claryonas
And yt she were present in this place
If I her kyst I thynke so god me saue
It were the best pleasure that I coude haue
I haue she sayd brought with me her Image
Ye quod the kynge I praye you let mese
Anone she dyde vnwymple her vysage
Without tayle I am the same quod she
Than sayd the kynge ye benedicite
How haue ye take on you all this payne
Therwich he toke her in his armes twayne
Than kyssed he her without more taryenge
And all that nyght tyll daye began to ryse
They two sate vp without departynge
In grete pleasure and in all goodly wyse
As gladde and mery as they coude deuyse
And on the morowe sothly for to saye
She toke her leue & home she goth her waye
All hole he was and very well at ease
And at his hertes rest in especyall
So than within a whyle Generydes
Was crowned kynge of surrey forthwithall
Than his lordes all in generall
With very dewe and faythfull obeysaunce
Dyde hym homage with humble obseruaunce
Whan he had set the londe in gouernaunce
Vnto perce he taketh his Iournay
In grete estate and good ordynaunce
With grete lordes and in ryche aray
Thus rydeth he takynge the redy way
To mountanar where as the Sowdan was
There for to wedde the mayde Claryonas
Whan he was come the cyte was fayne
For at all tymes of necessyte
He toke on hym the labour and payne
And was theyr sh [...]lde fro all aduersyte
So than within the space of dayes thre
As ryally as they coude it deuyse
The maryage was made in solempne wyse
Buynam the kynge was at that maryage
The kynge of tarce also withouten les
Whiche was called Ismaell the sauage
Brother to the kynge Generydes
And for to guyde and gouerne all the pres
Appoynted he was lyke as they thought it best
The prynce of sezar was stewarde of that feest.
Of other grete estates there were mo
Bothe of lordes and sadyes many one
Grete Iustes there the Sowdan made also
And all pleasures that so lide be thought vpon
Than for to se the people everychone
Whither [...] to se the feest he the youge and olde
It was a very wonder to beholde
Soone after whan the fe [...]st was done all
And euery man gone home to his countre
Within a whyle as auenture can fall
The Sowdan dyed whiche was pyte
Grete mone was made of the men of the cyte
Saue theyr comforte and trust in euery thynge
Was hole in Generydes the kynge