[...] of the Head-lands of England▪ they [...] one from another, agreeing with the plot of the description of the Countrey, with their seuerall distances, as followeth.
- FRom Holly Iland to the Sowter, is South, Southeast, And in distance 17. leagues, and a mile.
- From the Sowter to Whitby is Southeast. And in distance frō one point to another 12. leagues.
- From Whitby to Flambrough-head is South-east and halfe a point Southerly, 8. leagues.
- From Flambrough-head to the Sporne, is South, South-east Easterly 13. leagues and a mile.
- From the Sporne to Cromar is South-east and by East, 24. leagues, and a mile.
- From Cromar to Winterton-nes, is Southeast and by South, 4. leagues.
- From Winterton-nes, to Caster-nes, is South, South-east, 2. leagues, and a mile.
- From Caster-nes to Layestof is South, 3. leagues, and ¾ of a league.
- From Layestof to East-nes is South, and halfe a point to the Westwards, 1. league, 2. miles ½.
- From East-nes to Orforth-nes is South and by West, 6. leagues, and ½ a mile.
- From Orforth-nes to the North-foreland, is South, and one third of a point to the Westwards 15. leagues, and ½ mile.
- From the North-foreland, to the South-foreland is South, 6. leagues, and one mile.
- From the South-foreland to Dunge-nes is Southwest, and one fourth part of a point to the Southwards, 7. leagues.
- From Dunge-nes to Beach is West, Southwest, and one fourth part of a point to the Southwards 13. leagues.
- From Beach to Dune noze is West, Southwest, and three quarters of a point to the Westward 24. leagues 2. miles ½
- From Dune-noze to Portland, is West, and by South Southerly, 16. leagues ¼ of a mile.
- From Portland to the Start, is West, Southwest, and one fift part of a point to the Westwards, 18. leagues, 2. miles.
- From the Start to the Ramme, is West, and one fourth part of a point to the Northwards, 6. leagues ½
- From the Ramme to the Dudman, is West, Southwest, and one sixt part of a point to the Westwards, 8. leagues ½
- From the Dudman to the Lizard, is West Southwest, and one third part of a point to the Southwards, 9. leagues.
- From the Lizard to Lands-end is West, Northwest Northerly, 7. leagues.
- From Lands-end to Milford is North, and two third parts of a point to the Eastwards, 31. leagues, 2. miles.
- From Milford to S. Dauids head is North, and halfe a point to the Westwards, 5. leagues, ½ mile.
- From S. Dauids head to Beardsie is North and by East, and one eight part of a point to the Eastwards, 12. leagues ½ mile.
- From Beardsie to Holy head is North, and one sixt part of a point to the Westwards, 9. leagues.
- From Holy head to the Ile of Man is North, and by East, and one fift part of a point to the Northwards, 26. leagues.
Wee whose names are hereunder written, being called before the right worshipfull Sir Iulius Caesar Knight, Iudge of the Kings Maiesties high Court of Admiraltie; And there impannelled and sworne vpon a Iurie to set downe the bounds and limits, how farre the Kings Chambers, hauens, or ports, on the Sea coasts do extend: Doe hereby certifie and set downe (according to our best knowledge, and vnderstanding,) That his Highnesse said Chambers, Hauens or Ports, are all the Sea coasts within a streight line drawen from one Headland to the next Headland, throughout this Realme of England. And for the better vnderstanding thereof haue made a plot of the same, and haue thereunto prefixed this our schedule, shewing how euery Headland doeth beare vpon a right line the one from the other, according to the said plot.
- Thomas Milton.
- William Bygate.
- John Burrell.
- William Jones.
- Peter Hills.
- Michael Edmonds.
- James Woodcott.
- Thomas Beast.
- William Iuye.
- John Skinner.
- John Wyldes.
- Henry Hanken.
- William Cace.