❧ A Proclamation commanding Popish Recusants to repair to their own dwellings, and not afterwards to come to Court, or within ten miles of London, without speciall Licence: And for disarming of them, as the Law requireth.

❧ By the King.

THe Kings most Excellent Majestie, taking notice of the extraordinary resort and confluence at this time of Popish Recusants to the Cities of Lon­don and Westminster, and the parts adjacent, (although by the Lawes of the Realm they ought to be confined and remain within five miles of their dwelling places) Hath thought fit, out of His Princely and provi­dent care for preventing all dangers and inconveniencies that might thereby arise, to declare His Royall will and pleasure therein: And there­fore doth hereby discharge all former Licences granted unto them or any of them for their repairing hither: And doth further straitly charge and command, That all Popish Recusants whatsoever, shall within fifteen dayes next coming, re­pair to their own dwelling houses and places of confinement, according to the Law; Not pre­suming at any time hereafter to resort to the Cities of London or Westminster, or to His Majesties Court, or to the Court of His dearest Consort the Queen, or of the Prince His dear Son, where­soever, or within ten miles of London, without speciall Licence had thereunto; Vnder pain of thesevere execution of His Majesties Lawes against the offenders, and of the highest contempt against His Regall authority.

And His Majestie is likewise pleased, and doth hereby straitly charge and command all Iu­stices of Peace in all parts of this His Realm, That according to the Lawes in that behalf they do take from all Popish Recusants convicted, all such Armour, Gun-power, and Munition of any kinde, as any of them have either in their own hands, or in the hands of any other for them, and see the same safely kept and disposed according to the Laws, leaving them for their necessary defence of their houses and persons so much as by the Law is prescribed: Wherein as His Ma­jesties said Iustices have been heretofore too remisse; so if He shall finde this His expresse Com­mandment neglected, or not diligently executed, as is fit, and as the importance thereof doth re­quire, His Majestie will make them know by severe punishment what it is to be carelesse of His Royall Commandments in cases of this nature.

❧ God save the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1640.

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