❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation concerning Tin and Pewter.
WHereas the Tin of this Our Kingdom hath been for many ages a Commodity of great estimation, and very rare in all forrain parts, and the working and getting thereof hath been and now is the livelihood and imployment of many thousands of Our poor Subjects, Labourers and Workmen in the said Tinworks; and being a Staple-Commodity of much honour and profit to this Realm, by the princely care of Our Royall Progenitors and Predecessors, hath been in all times especially therished and maintained: And whereas We are informed, That a Tin Mine hath lately been discovered in the parts of Barbary, whereby the vent of English Tin in forrain parts (which hath formerly been made in some good yeerly proportion) and by that means hath advanced to Vs an increase of profit and Revenue, is like to be much lessened: and not onely the poor Labourers in the Tin-works within this Our Realm hereby be destitute of imployment, but also the Pewterers of this Kingdom, who usually make much wrought Ware for exportation, deprived of that part of their maintenance, if some due and timely provision shall not be made therein: And therefore for a more generall use hereafter of Tin and Pewter within Our Dominions, We have thought fit, by advice of Our Privie Councell, as well to restrain the Importation from forrain parts of all Vessels of Tin and Pewter into any Our Kingdoms (as by an Act of Parliament it is already into Our Realm of England) as to require and enjoyn Our own Subjects (for upholding a native Commodity of such worth) to a more common and generall use of the same within Our own Kingdoms.
And to that end, We do hereby declare Our Royall will and pleasure to be, and do straitly charge and command, That no Merchants, Marriners, or other person or persons whatsoever, do hereafter import, convey, or bring, or cause to be imported, conveyed, or brought from any the parts beyond the Seas, into Our Realms of England, or Ireland, and Dominion of Wales, or any of them, any Tin, Tin-Oar, or Pewter, of what kinde solver, either wrought into any sort of Vessels, or Manufactures, or otherwise unwrought, upon pain of the losse and forfeiture as well of the said Tin, Tin-Oar, and Pewter Vessels, or Manufactures of Tin and Pewter, so imported, as of the Ships wherein the same shall be shipped or conveyed; and upon such further penalties and punishments as shall be meet for the contempt or neglect of Our Royall commandment herein.
And We do further declare Our Royall will and pleasure to be (and that under the pains and penalties aforesaid) That no Masters or owners of shipping belonging to any of Our Subjects, shall hereafter therein fraught or lade for any of Our naturall born Subjects, or for the Subjects of any other Kingdom or State, any Tin, or Tin-Oar, made or gotten, or to be made or gotten out of the said Mine in Barbary, or any other forrain Mines, to transport the same from or to any parts or places whatsoever; whereby so much dammage may arise to Vs and Our Subjects.
And for the better and larger vent of the Tin growing within this Our Kingdom, by a more frequent use thereof here, We do further declare Our Royall will and pleasure to be, and do straitly charge and command, That from henceforth all Measures, of what sorts or sizes soever, wherein Wine, Beer, or Ale, or any other liquid thing whatsoever, is or shall be usually uttered, sold, or served in by retail, either abroad or within doors, by any keepers of Taverns, Inns, Alehouses, Victualling houses, Shops, or the like, within Our Realms of England, or Ireland, or Dominion of Wales, shall be made of Tin or Pewter, and shall be Stamped and Sealed according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm provided in that behalf.
And for the better accomplishment of Our Royall intention in the Premisses, We do hereby will and require all Our Iustices of Peace within Our said Realms of England, Ireland, and Dominion of Wales, That from henceforth and from time to time hereafter, they take speciall care to admit, continue, and allow such persons onely to keep common Alehouses, or Tipling-houses, and to use common selling of Ale or Beer, as shall conform themselves to Our pleasure herein declared, in the use of Pewter pots and Measures onely, and those duly Sized and Sealed according to the Law, as they tender Our displeasure, and will answer for the contrary at their utmost perils.
And lastly, We do hereby straitly charge and command, as well Our Customers, Comptrollers, Surveyours, Searchers, and other Our Officers in all Our Ports and Custom-houses, as also all Iustices of Peace, Majors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, Constables, and other Our Officers and Ministers whatsoever, whom it shall concern, to take speciall care in their severall Offices and places, that Our Royall will and pleasure hereby declared touching the Premisses, be from time to time duly observed, as they will answer the contrary at their utmost perils.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the four and twentieth day of July, in the sixteenth yeer of Our Reign.
¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most excellent Majesty: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1640.