[royal blazon or coat of arms]

❧ A Proclamation commanding all Deputie-Lieutenants, and Justices of Peace, to attend those places in their proper Counties: And that those that have houses and lands in the Northern parts, shall resort thither, and reside there with their Families.

❧ By the King.

THe Kings most Excellent Majestie, taking notice that there are now in & about the Cities of London and Westminster, divers Deputy-Lieu­tenants, and Iustices of Peace, whereby the Services of His Maje­stie, and the government of the Countrey is much neglected; Doth therefore (with the advice of His Privie Councell) straitly charge and command all Deputy-Lieutenants, and Iustices of Peace whatso­ever, now being or residing in or about the said Cities, forthwith to make their repair to their severall and respective habitations and dwellings, in the Counties of their abode, and to reside and attend there the Services of His Majestie, and the government and the affairs of their Countrey, according to the duty of their places, upon pain of His Majesties displeasure, and as they will answer it at their utmost perils. And His Majestie doth further declare His Royall plea­sure to be, and doth hereby likewise straitly charge and command, That all persons what­soever, who have houses and lands in the Counties of Lancaster, Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmerland, and Bishopprick of Duresme, or any of them, or in the County and Town of Newcastle upon Tyne (except such Officers, and others, who are to attend His Majesties per­son, and other speciall Services of His Majestie) do forthwith & without delay, with their Families and Retinue, resort to their severall houses and lands there, so as they fail not to be there resident and abiding in their persons, with their said Families and Retinue, well arayed and furnished with good and sufficient Arms, according to their severall degrees and qualities, for the defence and safeguard of those parts, by or before the first day of Iune now next coming at the furthest; and there during His Majesties pleasure so to continue to attend the Service and Defence of their Countrey, upon pain of His Majesties heavy in­dignation, and of such further censure and punishment as by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, or otherwise, may be inflicted upon them for their disobedience, and contempt or neglect of these His Majesties Royall commands, wherein the publike is concerned: Where­of, as His Majestie will take a strict accompt, so he doth hereby require as well the Lords and others of His Privie Councell, as all other His Officers and ministers, whom it shall any way concern, to take order that all such as shall offend may receive condigne punish­ment without connivence.

¶ God save the King.

Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1640.

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