❧ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation declaring His Majesties gratious pleasure touching sundry Grants,
Licences, and Commissions, obtained upon untrue surmises.
WHereas divers Grants, Licences, Priviledges, and Commissions, have been procured from His Majesty, some under His great Seal of England, & some others under His privy Seal, Signet, or Signe-Manual, upon pretences that the same would tend to the common good and profit of His Subjects, which since upon experience have been found prejudiciall and inconvenient to His people, contrary to His Majesties gratious intention in granting the same: And whereas also upon like suggestions, there hath been obtained from His Majesty, and the Lords, and others of His Privy Councell, divers Warrants, and Letters of Assistance for the execution of those Grants, Licences, Priviledges, and Commissions, according to His Majesties good intention and meaning therein: For as much as His most excellent Majestie (whose Royall care and providence is ever intentive on the publike good of His people) doth now discern that the particular Grants, Licences, and Commissions hereafter expressed, have been found in consequence far from those grounds and reasons whereupon they were founded, and in their execution have been notoriously abused, He is now pleased of His meer grace and favour to all His loving Subjects (with the advice of His Privy Councell) by His Regall power to publish and declare the severall Commissions and Licences hereafter following, whether the same have passed His great Seal, Privy Seal, Signet, and Signe-Manuall, or any of them, to be from hence utterly void, revoked, and hereby determined; that is to say,
A Commission touching Cottages and Inmates. A Commission touching Scriveners and Brokers. A Commission for compounding with offendors touching Tobacco. A Commission for compounding with offendors for transporting of Butter. A Commission for compounding with offendors in the importing or using of Logwood. A Commission to compound with Sheriffs, and such as have been Sheriffs, for selling their under-Sheriffs places. A Commission for compounding for destruction of Woods in Iron-works. A Commission for Concealments and Incroachments within twenty miles of London. A Licence to transport Sheep-skins and Lamb-skins. A Commission to take men bound to dresse no Venison, Phesants, or Partridges in Innes, Alehouses, Ordinaries, and Taverns. A Commission touching the licensing of the use of Wine-cask. A Commission for licensing of Brewers. A Licence for the sole transporting of Lamperns. And that all Proclamations, Warrants, or Letters of assistance for putting in execution any of the said Commissions or Licences, be from henceforth declared to be void, determined, and hereby revoked to all intents and purposes.
And His Majesty, in like favour and ease of His Subjects, is further pleased to declare His Royall will and pleasure to be, That the particular Grants hereafter mentioned (upon fained suggestions obtained from Him to publike damage) whether the same have passed His Majesties great Seal, Privy Seal, Signet, or Signe-Manuall, or any of them, shall not hereafter be put in execution, viz.
A Grant for weighing Hay and Straw in London and Westminster, and three miles compasse. An Office of Register to the Commission for Bankerupts in divers Counties of the Realm. An Office or Grant for gageing of red Herrings. An Office or Grant for the marking of Iron made within the Realm. An Office or Grant for sealing of Bonelace. A Grant for marking and gageing of Butter-cask. A Grant of Priviledge touching Kelp and Sea-weed. A grant for sealing of Linnen-cloth. A Grant for the gathering of Rags. An Office or Grant of Factory for Scottish Merchants. An Office or Grant for searching and sealing of forraign Hops. An Office and Grant for the sealing of Buttons. All Grants of Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures before Iudgement, granted, or mentioned to be granted, by Letters Patents, Privy Seals, Signet, Signe-Manuall, or otherwise. All Patents for new inventions, not put in practice within three yeers next after the date of the said Grants. And the severall Grants of Incorporation made unto Hatband-makers, Gutstring-makers, Spectacle-makers, Comb-makers, Tobaccopipe-makers, Butchers and Horners. And His Majestie doth further require and command, that there shall be a proceeding against the said Patentees by Quo warranto, or Scire facias, to recall the said Grants and Patents, unlesse they will voluntarily surrender and yeeld up the same: And also all Proclamations, Warrants, or Letters of Assistance obtained from His Majesty, or the Lords, and others of His Privy Councell for execution thereof, from henceforth utterly to cease and be determined, and are hereby absolutely revoked and recalled.
And His Majesty doth further expresly charge and command, all and singular the Patentees, Grantees, or others any wayes interessed, or claiming under the aforenamed Grants, Licences, or Commissions, or any of them, and their Deputies, that they or any of them do not at any time hereafter presume to put in Vre or Execution any of the said Grants, Commissions, or Licences, or any thing therein contained, or any Proclamations, Warrants, or Letters of Assistance obtained in that behalf, upon pain of His Majesties indignation, and to be proceeded against as contemners of His Majesties Royall commands, whereof He will require a strict account.
Given at Our Mannor at Yorke, the ninth day of April, in the fifteenth yeer of Our Reign. 1639.
Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1639.