¶ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation for restraining the importation of Lattin Wire into this Kingdome,
and for support of that Manufacture here.
WHereas Lattin Wire is a Manufacture long practised within this Realme, and by that Trade and Mysterie many of Our loving Subjects have been for a long time well imployed and set on work; and by means thereof, some expert and skilfull men in that Art and Science have been trained up, who are now destitute of any other protession or means whereby to get their livings; And whereas English Wire being made of the best Calamine-stone (a native commodity of this Kingdome) is of much better use then that Lattin Wire which cometh from forrain parts, especially for the making of good and stiffe Pinnes, whereof great quantities made here have of late been transported out of this Kingdome; And whereas by the Wire-drawers of this Manufacture sundry complaints have been made, that by reason of the great quantities of Lattin Wire lately imported into the Realm from forrain parts; (whereof much is often deceiptfully made and wrought) Our said poor subjects, who make Lattin Wire, cannot be set on work in their said Trade, whereby so profitable and usefull and Art may in short time be lost within the Kingdome; We being minded to provided for the imployment and setting on work of Our own Subjects in the said Art and Manufacture, and that Our Kingdome may not depend of being served only from forrain parts with Lattin Wire, being a commodity of such necessary use, whereby also Strangers at their own pleasures may raise their prizes, or serve us with false and unserviceable Wire, to the damage of Our people: And finding that sundry good Lawes and Provisions have formerly been made, prohibiting the importation of forrain Manufactures made of the said Lattin Wire, for the better therishing and incouraging of so profitable and necessary Manufactures within this Kingdome; We taking the Premises into consideration, have thought fit to inhibit the importation of forrain Lattin Wire: And do therefore hereby straitly charge and command all and singular person and persons whatsoever, as well Our own naturall born Subjects, as Denizens and Strangers, that none of them, nor any other person or persons whatsoever, do at any time or times after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next coming, import or bring, or cause to be imported or brought into this Our Realm of England, Dominion of Wales, Port or Town of Barwick, and Lattin Wire made in forrain parts, upon pain of forfeiture of all and every such forrain Lattin Wire as shall be so imported, or brought into Our said Realm or Dominion, contrary to this Our Royall Commandment.
And Our Royall will and pleasure is, that all such forrain Lattin Wire which shall be imported contrary to these presents, shall by such person and persons who shall seize the same, be forthwith carried and conveyed into Our Custome-house within Our Port of London, or other Custome-house of that Port, where the same shall be seized, without selling, uttering, compounding, or delivering any part thereof, before the same be thither brought and delivered as aforesaid, upon pain of Our high indignation and displeasure, and of such further pains, penalties, and punish ments, as by the Lawes, and Statutes of this Our Realm, or Our Prerogative Royall, for the contempt of Our commandment in this behalf may any way be inflicted upon them or any of them so offending, contrary to the true intent and meaning of these presents: And to that end and purpose, we do hereby require and command all and singular the Officers of Our Customes, or attending the same within all and every the Ports and Havens of Our said Realm and Dominion, and the Creeks and members thereof, That they and every of them, from and after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next coming, do forbeat to take any Entry or Entries, or to make any Composition, or Compositions, for any Custome, Subsidie, or other duty, for or upon any Lattin Wire brought or to be brought into Our said Realm or Donunion, from any forrain parts; And also that they, and all and every other Our Officers and Ministers, do stay and seize the same as forfeited, to the uses hereafter specified, upon pain of Our high indignation and displeasure for their neglect herein.
And to the end Our intention herein may take the better effect; We do hereby declare Our will and pleasure to be, That such person and persons as shall make seizure of any of the said forrain Lattin Wire, according to Our Royall commandment herein signified, shall have and receive to his or their own use or uses, one moiety or half part of the same Wire, so by him or them to be seized as aforesaid; the other moiety thereof to be reserved to Our use.
And for the better execution of this O [...] present will and commandment, We do straitly charge and command all Iustices of the Peace, Maiors, Sheriffes, Bailiffs, Constables, Headboroughs, Tythingmen, and all other Our Officers, Ministers, and loving Subjects, to whom it shall or may appertain, That they and every of them at all time and times, from and after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next coming, be aiding and assisting to Our said Customers, Comptrollers, Collectors, Searchers, Waiters, and to all other person and persons imployed for the searching in any Ship, House, Warehouse, or Cellar, and for seizing, taking, and carrying away of all and every such Lattin Wire as from and after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next shall be imported contrary to this Our Royall commandment.
Given at Our Court at Oatlands the nineteenth day of August, in the fourteenth yeer of Our Reign.
¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of John Bill. 1638.