¶ A Proclamation for restraint of the unlawfull sale and transportation of English Horns.

¶ By the King.

WHereas complaint was made to the Parliament assembled in the seventh yeer of the Reign of Our late dear and royall Father, King JAMES of blessed memory, that by the repealing of an Act made in the fourth yeer of the Reign of King Edward the fourth of this King­dome, Strangers and Aliens had and did daily buy up, and procure unto themselves the great and chief stuffe of English Horns un­wrought, of Tanners and Butchers, and otherwise, and did daily convey and carry them beyond the Seas, and there made them into divers works, whereby many housholders of this Realm (that li­ved and maintained their families, paid Subsidies, and other du­ties, by the benefit of their labours in working the said Horns) be­came poore and decayed, and the Wardens of the Horners of the City of London disabled to search the Wares belonging to their Trade, and did likewise lose their government in their Company, as by the said Act of Parliament more at large appeareth. Now We being informed by the humble Petition of Our loving Subjects, the Master, Wardens, and Assistants of the Mystery of Horners of Our said City of London, that the excessive and abusive transportation of Horns unwrought is still continued, doe therefore hereby straitly charge and command all Our Subjects, as well Tanners as Butchers, and all others whom the same shall or may concern, that from henceforth they nor any of them shall sell, or put to sale, any English Horns un­wrought, to any Aliens or Strangers, or send any of them unwrought over the Sea, or other­wise, contrary to the said Acts of Parliament, upon pain of Our high displeasure, and of such penalties and punishments as by the Laws and Statutes of this Our Kingdome of England, or by Our Prerogative Royall, shall or may be inflicted upon the Offenders for breach of Our said Laws, and contempt of Our Royall will and pleasure herein declared. For the better ac­complishment whereof, We do hereby straitly charge and command all and singular Mayors, Iustices of Peace, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, Constables, Headboroughs, & all other Our Officers, Mi­nisters, and loving Subjects, to whom these presents shall come, from time to time to be aiding, helping, furthering, and assisting to the said Master, Wardens, and Assistants, and unto all and every the members of the same Incorporation, and in no wise to hinder or molest them, or any of them, in the due execution of the powers, authorities, and priviledges by the Acts of Par­liament aforesaid, or otherwise by any Our Letters Patents to them given and granted, as they and every of them will answer unto the contrary at their uttermost perils.

¶ God save the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most excellent Majesty: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1638.

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