A Proclamation concerning certain Kilnes for the sweet and speedy drying of Mault
and Hops at a small charge.
WHeras Our right trusty and welbeloved Cousin, THOMAS Earle of Berkshire, hath with much cost and expence, after many chargeable trials, found out and invented certain Kilnes, very usefull (amongst other things) for the drying of Mault and Hops, with Fire to be made of Seacole, Turf, Peat, or any other the cheapest and meanest Fuell: By the use of which Kilnes, the houses and dwellings of Our Subjects will be secured from the casualty of Fire, their Mault and Hops sweetly dryed without touch of smoak, much time will be gained, much cost and attendance spared, the future decay of Woods in great measure prevented, Straw saved and made Fodder for Cattell; And besides all this the Mault so dryed will be in quantity more, in quality better, then Mault dryed with any other Kilne whatsoever.
And whereas We by Our Letters Patents, under Our great Seal of England, have granted unto the said Earle, his Executors, Administrators and Assignes, for the terme of fourteen yeers, the sole priviledge and exercise of the said invention within and throughout our Kingdomes of England, and Ireland, Dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick, and have thereby inhibited all persons of what condition or degree soever, other then the said Earle, his Executors Administrators and Assignes, and his and their Deputies, Servants, Workmen, Factors, and Agents, to use the said invention or any part thereof, or in any wise to counterfeit, resemble, or imitate the same without the speciall Licence, consent, and agreement [Page]of the said Earle, his Executors, Administrators or Assignes, first had and obtained in writing, under his or their Seal in that behalf, upon pain to have their Kilnes demolished, and under such further punishments as by Our Lawes may be inflicted upon the Contemners of our Royall Will and Pleasure.
Now taking into Our Princely consideration the great benefits of the said Invention, and being desirous to further the speedy execution thereof, for the good of Our said Kingdomes and people; We are graciously pleased by this Our Proclamation, to publish the premisses to all Our loving Subjects, that so they may not only know the good, but compounding with the said Earle and his Assignes for his Licenses at a certain place in Fleet-street, neer unto Temple-barre, in Our City of London, appointed in that behalf, may also by vertue of the same Licenses, partake of the benefits of the said Invention.
And We are further pleased, and do hereby declare Our Royall will and pleasure to be; That all and singular Ourloving Subjects, who shall be licensed by the said Earle, his Executors, Administrators or Assignes to use the said Invention or Kilne, to and for the drying of Mault, (except such person or persons, as are or shall be allowed for common Brewers) shall and may (observing the Lawes and Statutes of the Realme) continue their Art and Mystery of Mault-making, without the let, disturbance, or interruption of Vs, our Heires, or Successors, or any the Officers or Ministers, of Vs, Our Heires orSuccessors, and without any farther or other composition then such composition as shall be made with the said Earle, his Executors, Administrators or Assignes concerning the premisses: Any Act, Ordinance, Provision, Proclamation or restraint heretofore had, made, published, or provided to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
Given at Our Court at White-Hall, the eighth day of February, in the thirteenth yeer of Our Reign.
¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1637.