¶ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation restraining the withdrawing His Majesties Subjects from the Church
of England, and giving scandall in resorting to Masses.
THe Kings Majesty finding of late that some of His Majesties naturall born Subjects, have abused His Majesties Princely goodnesse, and the ease which they enjoy under His gracious and milde Government, by withdrawing sundry His Subjects to the Romane superstition, and to forsake the Church of England; and likewise by resorting to Masses, and Service celebrated according to the Rites of the Church of Rome, expresly contrary to the Lawes of this Realm, and in contempt of sundry Acts of Parliament, Proclamations, and Orders of the Privie Councell, and to the great scandall of His Majesties Government both in Church and State: For prevention whereof for the time to come, and for preservation of Religion, as it stands established in the Church of England, which His Majestie is resolved constantly to maintain; His Majestie, in His Princely Wisdome, hath thought fit to set forth this declaration of His Royall Will and Pleasure; whereby He doth not only straightly charge and command all and every His Subjects to take notice, that the former Statutes, Proclamations, and Orders of the Privie Councell, published and made for reformation of the like misdemeanors, are still in full force, but doth expresly Will and Command, all and every person and persons, Clerks, and Lay, that they from henceforth forbear to attempt or endeavour to withdraw any of His Majesties Subjects from Religion, as it is now professed in the Church of England, or by perswasions, or any other means to distract them in the same, or to sollicite them to adhere to the Church of Rome; under pain of the severest punishments which by the Laws and Statutes in such case are provided. And His Majestie doth hereby further declare, that if any of the Romane party shall from henceforth, in contempt of this His Maiesties Admonition, and of the Statutes, Proclamations, and Orders abovesaid, give scandall by telebrating or hearing of any Masse or Masses, or any other Service which shall be celebrated after the Rites of the Church of Rome, That then His Maiestie will cause to be put in execution against such contumacious persons, those penalties which by the Lawes and Statutes are to be inflicted upon all those that wilfully and scandalously transgresse the same. And of this His Majestie will expect a better accompt of His Officers and Ministers whom it shall concern, then heretofore they have made.
Given at the Court at Whitehall, the twentieth day of December, in the thirteenth yeare of His Majesties Reign.
❧ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL. 1637.