❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation touching the Manufactures of Playing-Cards, and Dice.
THe Kings most Excellent Maiesty, for the better imployment and reliefe of the Card-makers and Dice-makers of the Realme, hauing of late taken order for a constant weekly buying and taking off from them, of their Manufactures of Cards and Dice, whereby they may be enabled to liue of their Trades: And for preuention of these common abuses which haue been and are still practised, by the vse of false Cards and Dice, to the great deceit and dammage of His Subiects; His Maiestie, by His Letters Patents, vnder His Great Seale of England, bearing date the nine and twentieth day of April, in the thirteenth yeere of His Reigne, hath appointed an Officer for the Searching and Sealing of all such good and merchantable Cards and Dice, as now are or shall be hereafter either made within this Realme, or Imported into the same from any forraine, or other parts, before the said Cards and Dice shall be vttered or put to sale.
His Maiesty therefore doth hereby declare His Royall Will and Pleasure to be, and doth straightly Charge and Command, That all person or persons whatsoeuer, aswell Makers of Cards and Dice within the Realme, as Merchants or others, who shall import the same from Forrain or other parts, do from henceforth from time to time, bring the same Cards and Dice to His Maiesties Officer, or his Deputies in London, and other remote places, to be there viewed, examined, and sealed, if they shall be found good and merchantable; paying to His Maiesties said Officer, or his Deputies, vpon the sealing thereof, such allowance and Fee, as by His Maiesties said Letters Patents is appointed in that behalfe.
And His Maiestie doeth hereby expresse His further Royall Pleasure to be, That no person or persons whatsoeuer, shall, or doe hereafter presume directly, or indirectly to buy, sell, vse, vtter, keep, or dispose of any Cards, or Dice whatsoeuer within the Realme, before the same shall be duely viewed, searched, and sealed by His Maiesties said Officer, or His Deputies, vpon paine of the forfeiture of all such Cards and Dice, to be seised and taken by the said Officer, or his Deputies, or by such other person or persons, as shall discouer and finde out the same; and vpon the forfeiture also of Twelue-pence for euery paire of Cards, or Bale of Dice, which any shall so buy, sell, vse, keep, or put to sale before they shall be viewed and sealed; The one moity of which seisures, and forfeitures, His Maiestie appointeth to be to the Officer and parties who shall selfe the same, prouided the said forfeited Cards and Dice be afterwards duely brought to be sealed; and the other moity thereof to be duely answered to His Maiestie; And vpon such further penalties and punishments, as by the Lawes or Statutes of the Realme, or otherwise may be inflicted for their contempt or neglect herein. And for the ease of such Card-makers or Dice-makers, as are, or shall be residing in parts remote from the City of London, it is prouided, that His Maiesties said Officer shall haue, and appoint his seuerall Deputies in meet places of the Realme, where it shall be needfull, who shall Seale without Fee all such old Stocks of merchantable Cards and Dice already made or imported, as shall be brought vnto the said Officer, or his Deputies, within one moneth now next comming; and shall also Seale all such other merchantable Cards and Dice, as after that time shall be made or imported, for the Allowance or Fee by His Maiesties Letters Patents assigned to be receiued by the said Officer in that behalfe.
And His Maiestie doth hereby require and Command, aswell all Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Bailiffes, Constables, Head-boroughs, and other His Maiesties Officers and Ministers, as all His Customers, Collectors, Farmours, Searchers, and other the Officers of His seuerall Ports, within this Realme of England, Dominion of Wales, and Towne of Barwick; That they, and euery of them in their seuerall Offices and places, be from time to time aiding, and assisting to His Maiesties said Officer, and his Deputies, in the due execution of His Maiesties Will and Pleasure herein, and in His said Letters Patents declared and expressed, as they will answere the neglect of His Maiesties Royall Commands herein.
Giuen at Our Court at White-hall, the fifteenth day of May, in the thirteenth yeare of Our Reigne.
¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: And by the Assignes of Iohn Bill. 1637.