❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation to prohibit the keeping of this next Sturbridge Faire.
THe Kings most Excellent Maiestie perceiuing the present increase and dispersing of the Plague into sundry parts of the Kingdome, is willing by His Princely Care and Prouidence to preuent the occasions of the further spreading thereof, by the publike concourse of His People in these times of Danger; And therefore calling to minde that Sturbridge Faire, vsually kept neere Cambridge, is now at hand, which if it should be held this yeere, were likely (through the exceeding confluence of people thither from all parts of the Land) to occasion the scattering of the Infection in those places, which yet by Gods mercy stand cleere and free. His Maiestie hath thought good to Declare His Royall Pleasure and Commandement therein, And doth hereby straitely Charge and Require all His louing Subiects whatsoeuer, to forbeare to resort this yeere to that Faire, and expresly Commandeth the Lords and others interessed therein, That they shall not hold or keepe this next Sturbridge Faire neere Cambridge, nor elsewhere, nor any part thereof, nor any thing pertaining thereunto, vpon paine of such punishment, as for an offence so much importing the generall safety of His People, they shall be adiudged vnto, which they must expect to be inflicted with all seuerity. And His Maiestie doth hereby further Charge and Command vnder the like Penaltie, all Citizens and Inhabitants of His Citie of London, that none of them, for this present yeere, shall bring or send any of their Goods or Merchandise to Ely, New-Marker, or any other place neere vnto the Vniuersity of Cambridge, at or about the vsuall time appointed for Sturbridge Faire, which were but to transferre that Faire to other places, with no lesse Danger of dispersing the Sicknesse throughout the Kingdome.
Giuen at Our Court at VVarwicke Castle, the twentieth day of August, in the twelfth yeere of Our Reigne. 1636.
¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL. 1636.