❧ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation for the putting off Tutbury Faire in the County of Stafford, and of the Musitians or Ministrels Court there.

THe Kings most Excellent Maiestie, hauing appointed to be at His Honor of Tutbury vpon the fifteenth day of August next, where he in­tends to abide fiue nights, and being informed that the Faire for the Towne of Tutbury neere to the Castle there, is to be holden vpon the same day, & that the Musitians or Minstrels Court, and the Bull-Run­ning is vsually there kept the next day following, which will occasion great confluence of people thither, Which in these times of Infection, His Maiestie, for the safety of His Royall Person, and of those that attend Him, and in His Princely care, to preuent by all good meanes the occasions of danger and dispersion of the Plague, is pleased to de­clare His Royall pleasure therein; And doth therefore hereby expresly charge and command, That Tutbury Faire, in the County of Stafford, which is vsually holden on the fifteenth day of August, shall not for this present yeere be holden on that day, but shall be put off vntill the two and twentieth day of the same moneth, and then to bee kept at the place accustomed, and not before that time, and that the Musitians or Minstrels Court, and the Bull-Running shall not be there holden vntill the three and twentieth day of August next com­ming, notwithstanding any Grant, Vsage, or Custome whatsoeuer, vpon paine of His Maie­sties high displeasure, and such further punishments as an Offence of this nature shall deserue.

Wherefore His Maiesty doth straitly charge and command all Musitians and Minstrels, and all other persons whatsoeuer, who haue not speciall occasion of seruice or attendance vpon His Maiestie there, That they forbeare to resort to the said Castle or Towne of Turbury, during all the time of His Maiesties residence there; And that all Iustices of Peace, Sheriffes, Bai­liffes, and other His Maiesties Officers and Ministers whom it may concerne, doe take care to the due execution of His Royall commands herein, as they will answer the contrary at their perils.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL. 1636.

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