¶ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for the due execution of the office of Clarke of the Market of Our
Houshold, and thorowout Our Realme of England, and Dominion of Wales: And for the surveying and sealing of the constant Reele appointed to be vsed by all
Clothiers, and workers in Cloth and Yarne; And for the increase of the poores wages
labouring therein.
WHereas seuerall complaints haue beene heretofore made, as well vnto Our late deare and Royall Father, King IAMES of euer blessed memory, in his life time, and vnto Vs since Our accesse to the Crowne, as vnto the Lords and others of Our Priuie Councell, and to diuers of Our Iustices of Assize in their Circuits, and Iustices of Peace of sundry Counties of this Our Realme at their Sessions, of the great abuses, deceipts, and falsities, frequently vsed by and among Weauers, Combers, Spinsters, and other Workers and Makers of Woollen Cloth and Yarne, by the dayly falsifying their Yarne, as well in the length of the Reele-staffe, as in the number of the threds, and of the differences growne among themselues, concerning a constant Reele for the reeling of Yarne to be kept, and for the increase of the wages for the Poore, according to the Statutes of quinto Eliz. and primo Iacobi; For remedy and reformation whereof, and for setling of a constant course for the said Reele, and increase of the Poores wages, it hath beene vpon great aduice thought fit, that the said course of keeping of a constant Reele throughout all the Clothing Counties of this Our Realme of England, and Dominion of Wales; and the increase of the wages for the Poore, might proceed and goe on for the generall good of the whole Common Wealth: And that in regard the Reel-staffe had beene lately increased a fifth or sixth part longer then had beene accustomed, all Spinsters should haue for the Spinning and Reeling of fixe double Knots on the double Reele, or twelue on the single Reele, a peny, which is more by two pence in the shilling then formerly they haue had: And that all Labourers and other Artificers imployed about the Trade of Clothing and Yarne-making, should haue the like intrease of wages. And for establishing the same, Wee haue by Our Letters Patents, bearing date the two and twentieth day of Ianuary now last past, for Vs, Our Heires, and Successors, willed, ordained, and appointed, as well for auoiding of all future deceit in making of [Page]Cloth and Yarne, and for preseruation of peace betweene Buyer and Seller, Worke-master and Seruant; And all Clothiers, Weauers, Combers, Spinsters, and other Workers and makers of Cloth and Yarne, either Woollen or Linnen, within this Our Realme of England and Dominion of Wales, that there be a constant Reele prouided and kept by all and euery Clothier, Weauer, Comber, Spinster, and other workers and makers of Cloth and Yarne, either Woollen or Linen, within all and euery the Counties of this Our Realme of England and Dominion of Wales, and in all Cities, Boroughs, and Townes Corporate, and other places, where the making of Cloth or Yarne, either Linnen or Woollen is vsed, the said Reele to be called a Cloth-Reele, or Reele-staffe, and to be of one yard about the single Reele, and two yards or two elles about the double Reele, euery Knot containing fourescore threds, for all Yarne whatsoeuer, both Woollen and Linnen, the same to be kept and continued as a constant Reele betweene Buyer and Seller, Work master and Seruant, whereby the truth of the same may appeare to all persons trading in Cloth or Yarne; The surueying, searching, sealing, and ouersight whereof, as of the increase of the wages of the poore, We haue by Our said Letters Patents committed and appointed vnto Our well beloued Seruant, Iohn Etherington, one of the Yeomen of Our Chamber, and to Henry Stracey, for the tearme of one and thirty yeeres, with the like Fees and Allowances for the same their seruice, as the Clarke of the Market of Our Houshold hath for weights and measures; A Schedule whereof is hereunto annexed; And that they attend their said seruice but once a yeare, as the Clarke of the Market doth, and that they and the said Clarke of the Market do trauell and sit together, as shall be most commodious for themselues, and the good and ease of the Commons; As by Our said Letters Patents more at large appeareth.
All which We doe by this Our Royall Proclamation ratifie and confirme; and doe strictly enioyne, require and command, all Our louing Subiects whatsoeuer, whom the same shall or may concerne, That they carefully and diligently obserue the same, and bee obedient and conformeable thereunto; And that all Clothiers, Weauers, Combers, Spinsters, and other person and persons working or making of Cloth or Yarne, either Woollen or Linen, doe from henceforth prouide and keepe a constant Reele, or Reel-staffe, according to the contents of Our said Letters Patents; And that the Poore, imployed about the making of Cloth and Yarne, haue the said increase of Wages, after the rate of two pence in the shilling, more then heretofore they haue had paid & continued vnto them. And whereas also by the Lawes & Statutes of this Our Realme of England, there should be one Weight and one Measure thorowout the whole Realme, whereof Our said late deare Father King IAMES, in His great wisdome, piety and iustice, by His Royall Proclamation, dated the second day of February, in the sixteenth yeere of His Reigne, did admonish His then Subiects of this Kingdome; Yet neuerthelesse we are informed that the same hath wrought little or no Reformation, but that there are at this day frequently vsed in the Cities, Boroughs, Townes Corporate, and in many other Market Townes, Parishes, Villages, and in other places of this Our Realme, especially in the Northerne and Westerne parts, and in Our Dominion of Wales, and Counties Palatine of Lancaster and Durham, false and deceitfull Weights and Measurts of different contents one from another, and all disagreeing from Our Standard appointed to bee the rule and direction for them.
And whereas Wee are also informed, that many vnconscionable persons within this Our Realme of England, and Dominion of Wales, haue and doe vse seuerall Weights and Measures, with the greater to buy, and with the lesser to sell, and doe also vse false & deceitfull Beames and Ballances, to the great losse and defrauding of Our Subiects, and especially of the poorer sort, who are most sensible of the same: And whereas the Clarke of Our Market, by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme, ought by his Office to enquire of the said abuses, and punish and reforme the same; and ought also to set reasonable and indifferent rates and prizes vpon Victuall and other Prouisions, chiefly in times of Our Progresse, and to foresee that the same be wholsome, and of good condition and quality in their seuerall sorts; and ought also to inflict as well Pecuniarie as Corporall punishment vpon the Offendors, according to the seuerall qualities and degrees of their offences: And whereas complaint hath beene made vnto Vs, of the great negligence vsed in the execution of the said Office, partly for that diuers which are trusted as Deputies to execute the same, haue beene hitherto ignorant what their power and authority is, and partly because diuers of them haue beene very carelesse and remisse, and respecting onely [Page]their owne priuate gaines, extort vniust Fees, and either for fauour or reward spare the Offendors, and neglect the publike seruice wherewith they are trusted:
We therefore hauing taken the Premisses into consideration, and foreseeing how much the plenty of this Realme might be increased, and the frauds and abuses now generally vsed in buying and selling (especially by Inne-keepers and Victuallers) might bee suppressed, if the Clarke of Our Market by himselfe, or by honest and discreet Deputies did diligently and faithfully intend the execution of the said Office: And We desiring nothing more, (after the establishing of true Religion, and the seruice of Almighty God) then by all good meanes to further and aduance the peace and plenty of Our louing Subiects: And minding also to prouide that the poore Labourers, and indigent Spinsters, and other Artificers imployed in and about the Trade of Clothing, may be duly answered the increase of their Wages, after the aforesaid rate of two pence in the shilling; Haue thought fit by this Our Royall Proclamation, to publish and make knowne to all Our louing Subiects, as well what by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme, should and ought to be performed by the Clarke of Our Market and his Deputies, as by the said Iohn Ethrington and Henry Stracey, their Executors and Assignes, and their Deputies, and euery of them respectiuely, as what Fees they may iustly require and take, and what courses they should hold for the better execution of their seruices, and what account Wee expect, and haue determined to require at their hands concerning these seruices hereafter. Wee do therfore hereby signifie and declare, that the Office of the Clark of Our Market, (being a very ancient Office of Our Crowne) by the Lawes and Statutes of this Our Realme, is to inquire of all abuses in Weights, Beames, Ballances, and Measures; and also to enquire of all falsities, deceits and abuses in the Trades of Millers, Bakers, Brewers, Vintners, Inne-keepers. Alehouse-keepers, Cookes, Victuallers, Fishmongers, Butchers, Chandlors, Grocers, Mercers, Clothiers, Clothworkers, Weauers, Taylors, Brokers, Tanners, Shoomakers, Smithes, Glouers, Whitetawers, Maulsters, Corne-masters, Colliers, Woodmongers, and generally all other Artificers, Tradesmen and other persons whatsoeuer, hauing or vsing Weights and Measures, inhabiting wheresoeuer within Our said Realme, or Dominion of Wales, as well to preuent deceipts and frauds, as to punish the same; And also to search and inquire that all Victuals, and other things put to sale by them, for the sustenance or vse of mans body, and all prouisions for their horses or their Cattell, be wholsome and of good qualitie; and that their Manufactures be well and workmanlike made and wrought, and that they sell at and for reasonable and moderate gaines, and not at vnreasonable and excessiue prizes: And especially to inquire of, and punish all Forestallers, Ingrossers, and Regrators, who by their inordinate desire of gaine, doe inhance the prices of all things vendible, to the decay of all publike and open Markets, and the hinderance of all Traffique and Commerce betweene man and man.
And to the intent that the Clarke of Our Market may put in due execution that power, which by the Law is giuen vnto him, for the furtherance of Our seruice, and the seruice of the Common Wealth, We do will & straitly command, that the said Clarke of Our Market, and his Deputies, doe from henceforth with all diligence execute the said Office in all places, as well within the Verge, in the times of Our Progresse, that Our Nobles, Seruants, Traine, and Suitors, attending vpon Our Person and Court, may be well and honestly vsed and demeaned, as in all other parts & places of this Our Realme of England and Dominion of Wales; And that from henceforth he keepe his Sessions by himselfe, or his sufficient Deputie, or Deputies, once in euery yeere at the least, in the seuerall Counties of this Our Realme, and Dominion of Wales, and in as many places in euery Countie, as shall bee most conuenient for the generall performance of the seruice and ease of Our people, and that he or they giue knowledge in writing, of the times and places when and where their Sessions shall be held, by Precept vnder Our Seale of the said Office, to bee directed to the high Constables within the circuit of the Sessions, a conuenient time before such Sessions are to be held, and that one or more of the Iustices of the Peace of the County, inhabiting within the circuit of that Sessions, may vpon reasonable notice be present at euery Sessions, the better to assist the Clarke of the Market, and his Deputies, and to see Iustice equally and indifferently administred, and that the Clarke of Our Market, and his Deputies, doe diligently enquire, by the Oathes of twelue men at the least, to be impannelled, returned, and sworne by him or them in such manner, as hath anciently beene accustomed [Page]of all Offences committed within the precinct of that Sessions, contrary to the Lawes, and inquirable by them: And that the chiefe Constables of the Hundreds, and the petty Constables of euery Parish, and all other inhabitants there, shall vpon their Oathes (being thereunto required by Our Clarke of the Market, or his Deputie) giue euidence to the Iury so to bee impannelled: And because We are informed, that the greatest deceipts and abuses are committed in Cities, Boroughs, and Townes Corporate, by the chiefe Officers there, who ought to reforme themselues and others within their seuerall Iurisdictions; Our expresse will and Commandement is, That all such chiefe Officers take speciall knowledge of Our pleasure herein, and bend themselues to a speedy reformation and conformity thereunto.
And We will and command, as well Our Clarke of Our Market, and his Deputies, to giue Vs or Our Councell true Information of such persons as shall bee found remisse or refractorie herein; As the said Iohn Ethrington and Henry Stracey, their Executors, Administrators and Assignes, or their sufficient Deputie or Deputies, once euery yeare to giue a true and iust account vnto Our Iustices of Assize of their seuerall circuits, of their proceedings in Our seruice, according to the tenor of Our said Letters Patents vnto them granted, as aforesaid, to the end the Delinquents may bee proceeded against, in such a course as their contempt shall deserue. And because Wee are informed, that the Buyers (the poorer sort especially) are much pinched by sleights and deceipts vsed in measuring; Wee doe therefore hereby command the Clarke of Our Market and his Deputies, in all their Sessions to make carefull and diligent inquirie of all such falsities and deceipts, and that they suppresse all hooped Measures, which are or may be remoued deceitfully at pleasure; And likewise all vnlawfull extraordinary broad, or extraordinary narrow and deceitfull Bushels, or other Measures: And Wee doe charge and command, that no Iune-holder or Hostler vse any Measure of Straw or Wicker, or double Measure to sell or vtter their Prouender by, nor vse any Hostry-Measure, but such as shall be sized and sealed by Our Clarke of Our Market, and that euery of them haue such a sealed Measure continually hanging by a Chaine at the doore of their Hostrie, and all the rest of their Measures in their Hosteries to be answerable thereunto, and Sealed, that so the Traueller, or Passenger, may not be deceiued of his due Measure; And also to prouide that they sell their Meat, Drinke, Hay, & Prouender, and other prouision, both for Man and Beast, for moderate prizes: And further, that there be no Weights or Measures vsed by any person or persons whatsoeuer, but such as shall bee of such matter and substance as are fit to receiue and retaine the impression of Our Seales, and such as shall be sized by Our Standard, and sealed as aforesaid, and accordingly allowed and sealed by Our Clarke of Our Market; And that no person or persons whatsoeuer doe buy or sell by any other Weights or Measures, nor vent their commodities otherwise, but by such sealed Weights and Measures as aforesaid.
And We doe straitly charge and command Our Clarke of Our Market and his Deputies, that when any offence shall be discouered and duly found out by them, or any of them, that hee or they doe not neglect nor omit (either for fauour or reward) to assesse reasonable Fines and other punishments vpon the Offendors, according to the natures and qualities of their offences, and the condition of the Offendors; And the same being so assessed, that he & they cause the same to be duly estreated and leuied vpon the Offendors, for the vse of Vs, Our Heires and Successors, by such wayes and meanes, as by the Lawes and Statutes of this Our Realme are warranted and appointed, and that herein they faile not as they tender Our high displeasure, or would auoid that punishment which their negligence herein shall deserue.
And because the Clarke of the Market of Our Houshold, and his Deputies, may bee encouraged to execute their Offices and Places with integrity, and may haue their iust and reasonable Fees allowed, and may not exact vniust Fees or Rewards, to the griefe or oppression of Our louing Subiects; We haue thought fit here withall to limit and expresse the due Fees which Our Clarke of Our Market, or his Deputies may require and take, as the same haue beene heretofore examined and approued of, by the Lords, and others, then Officers of the Greene-Cloth, and so remaine recorded in Our Compting house; a Schedule whereof Wee haue hereunto annexed: And if it shall happen Our said Clarke of Our Market, or any of his Deputies, in the execution of their said places, by cutting or paring any Weight or Measure, shall spoile or impaire the same; Our will and pleasure is, that then he, or they, shall make present payment of the value thereof to the Owner; Or if he or they, shall directly or indirectly, exact [Page]or take any greater Fee or Reward, then by the said Schedule is expressed, vpon complaint made by any of Our louing Subiects, finding themselues iustly grieued therewith, to the Lord Steward, Treasurer, or Controller of Our house, the party offending shall haue his deserued punishment, and the partie wrouged speedy recompence for the same.
And to the intent that Our Seruice may be the better performed, Wee straitly charge and command Our Clarke of Our Market, that hee make no Deputie, or Deputies from henceforth, but such as shall be of sufficiencie and abilitie to performe the place, and which shall not himselfe bee either Vintner, Inne-holder, Victualler, or other Tradesman vsing the trade of buying and selling: And that this Our Proclamation, for the better instructing of all Our louing Subiects, shall before the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel now next comming, be proclaimed in euery Market Towne thorowout Our Realme of England, and Dominion of Wales, and be hanged vp and fastened in a Table in euery Market place by an Officer, where it may continue to be seene and read by any that will: And further, that it shall be read in euery Parish Church, before the said Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next comming, immediately after Euening prayer, vpon the Sunday or Holiday by the Minister or Clarke of the Church; and so from thenceforth at euery Feast of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary, and Feast of Saint Michael the Archangell by the space of fiue yeares next comming, and shall be hanged vp and preserued in euery Church in a Table, to be seene and read at all times by any that will; And that the defaults of Officers, Ministers, Clarks, and Churchwardens in this behalfe, shall bee inquired of and punished by Our Iustices of Assize, and Iustices of Peace in their Sessions, according to their discretions, as contemners of Our Royall Commandement.
And We doe straitly will and command, that all Our Iustices of Assize, Iustices of Peace, Sheriffes, Our Clarke of Our Market, his Deputie and Deputies, and the said Iohn Ethrington and Henry Stracey, their Deputie or Deputies, and all Maiors, and other Officers of Cities, Boroughs, Liberties, and Townes Corporate, High Constables, Petty Constables, Tithing men, and other Our Officers and Ministers in all places wheresoeuer, doe cause this present Proclamation to be duly executed, and be from time to time aiding and assisting to their vttermost vnto Our Clarke of Our Market, and his Deputies, and to the said Iohn Ethrington and Henry Stracey, their Executors, Administrators and Assignes, and their Deputies, in the due execution of their Offices respectiuely, and that the said Clarke of Our Market, as well now as hereafter for the time being, be also aiding, furthering, and assisting vnto the said Iohn Ethrington and Henry Stracey, their Deputie and Deputies, in the due execution of their said Office, as they and euery of them tender Our seruice herein, the Common Wealth of this Realme, and Our high displeasure.
Giuen at Our Court at Oatelands, the ninth day of Iuly, in the twelfth yeere of Our Reigne.
❧ A Declaration of the Fees anciently belonging to the Clarke of the Market, for the execution of his Office.
FIrst, for Sealing of euery new Bushell, for entring of the same, with the name and dwelling place, of the Owner thereof—iiii.d.
Item, For Sealing of euery halfe Bushell, for entring the same, the Owners name, and dwelling place—ii.d.
Item, For new Sealing euery lesser Measure or Weight, for entring the same, with the names and dwelling places of the Owners thereof—i.d.
Item, For recording euery Victuallers name, his dwelling place, and for viewing and examination of euery particular Victuallers Ale and Beere Measures, be they neuer so many, and for entring the same—ii.d.
Item, For recording of euery Inholders and Vintners name and dwelling place, and for viewing or examination of euery particular Inneholders, & Vintners Ale, and Beere, Wine, and Hostry Measures, be they neuer so many, and for entring the same iiii.d.
Item, For recording of the names and dwelling places of euery Butcher, Grocer, Chandler, Mercer, Draper, Clothier, or any other person, entring of all their Weights, Measures, Elles, Yards, Beames and Ballances, and for trying and examination of the same, bee they neuer so many—ii.d.
Item, For new Sealing of euery Ell or Yard at both ends, entring the same, with the names and dwelling places of the Owners thereof—ii. d.
Item, For trying and examination of euery Bushell formerly Sealed, entring of the same, with the name and dwelling place of the Owners thereof—ii.d.
Item, For trying and examination of euery lesser Measure formerly Sealed, entring of the same, with the name and dwelling place of the Owners thereof—i. d.
Item, For trying and examination of euery Weight and Measure, of any person or persons that shall be found repugnant to His Maiesties Standard, which shall sell any Commodities by a lesser Weight or Measure, or shall buy any Commodities by a greater Weight or Measure, to the deceipt of the Subiects—ii.d.
¶ The Fees to be taken for the Sealing and surueying of the constant Reele, and for the ouersight of the increase of the poores wages, working in the making of Cloth.
INprimis, For Sealing of the constant Reele of two Yards, or two Ells about, and for recording and registring of the names and dwelling places of the Owners thereof, the like Fee as for the Bushel—iiii. d.
Item, For Sealing of the single Reele, and for recording and registring the names and dwelling places of the Owners thereof—ii. d.
Item, For the Trying, Examination, and Ouersight of the double Reele being once Sealed, and for Registring the names and dwelling places of the Owners thereof—ii. d.
Item, For the Trying, Examination, and Ouersight of the single Reele, and for Registring of the names and dwelling places of the Owners thereof—i. d.
Item, For the Ouersight of the increase of the Poores wages, working in the making of Cloth—gratis.
❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL. 1636.