❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation prohibiting the wearing, buying, or selling of Counterfeit Iewels.

THe Kings Maiesty hauing taken into consideration the great quanti­tie of moneys exhausted from His Subiects, and exported out of His Dominions into forraine parts, for counterfeit Iewels, Pearls, Pen­dants, Chaines, and false Stones, carrying onely a shew and sem­blance of Precious stones, Pearles and Iewels, is resolued to prouide for reformation thereof in time to come; And therefore aswell to re­strain the consumption of the Treasure of the Kingdom expended that way, as the damage that redounds to His Subiects by such falsified & counterfeit stuffe; Doth hereby (with the aduice of his Priuie Councell declare and publish His royall will and pleasure to be, and doth straitly charge and command, That from henceforth, no person or persons, of that estate, degree or qualitie soeuer do presume to weare or vse upon their persons or apparell, or buy, sell, exchange or vtter any counterfeit Iewels, Pearls, Pendants, Chaines, or false stones [...]hatsoeuer within any of His Maiesties Dominions, Vpon paine aswell of the forfeiture and [...]se of the same, as also of incurring His Maiesties high displeasure, and such paines and [...]alties as may be inflicted for the contempt of his Maiesties Royall commands herein, where­ [...]he is minded to require a strict accompt.

And for the due accomplishment of his Maiesties pleasure herein, He doth further charge and [...]mand all Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Bayliffes, Constables, & other His Officers, Ministers [...]d Subiects to be aiding & assisting in their seuerall places, wherby such as shall hereafter wil­ [...]ly offend in the premisses, may be brought and presented to His Maiesties Priuy Councell, [...]d thereupon may be proceeded against, according to the demerits of the offenders.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiesty: And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL. 1636.

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