❧ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation to forbid the Importing, Buying, Selling, or Publishing any forraine
Edition of a Booke lately printed at London by His Maiesties Command, Intituled MARE CLAVSVM.
WHereas there was heretofore by Our expresse command published in print a Booke, intituled Mare Clausum, seu de Dominio Maris, for the manifesting of the right and dominion of Vs and Our Royall Progenitors, in the Seas which incompasse these Our Realmes and Dominions of great Brittaine and Ireland: And whereas since the publishing thereof, some persons, not well affected to Vs and Our proceedings, haue caused the same Booke to be printed in some place beyond the Seas, and to the same impression haue added some other things, as if they were parts of that which was first printed here by Our Command, and haue falsly put the name of Our Citie of London in the Title Page for the place of the Impression, and haue also therein made reference to the first Edition of the same Booke, as if the said forraine Impression had beene done in Our said Citie, and also as if those other things which are added, had beene likewise a part of the said first Edition so [...]mmanded by Vs, or added to the same by Our allowance. And whereas also very many Books of the said forraine Edition haue of late beene secretly brought into this Our Realme of England, and there offered to sale by some Tradesmen, for whose speedy and seuere punishment, as also for the suppressing the said Books of the said forraine Edition so imported, We haue already giuen strict [...]mmand: We haue by the aduice of the Lords of Our Priuie Councell thought fit to declare, And hereby do declare Our expresse Will and Pleasure to be, That from henceforth no person or persons whatsoeuer doe or shall import, publish, put to sale, or in any kinde buy, sell, exchange, or [...]sperse in any of Our Realmes or Dominions, any of the said Books of the said forraine Edition: And also that for the more safe preuention of the like offence in the future, From henceforth no person or persons whatsoeuer doe or shall at any time import, publish, put to sale, or in any [...]inde buy, sell, exchange or disperse, in any of Our Realmes or Dominions any Bookes or Co [...]es of any Edition of the said Booke called Mare Clausum, either in Latine or English, except only [...]f such Editions as haue beene or shall be thereof had or done within our Realmes or Domini [...]s, and by such authoritie or licence as by the Lawes and Customes of Our said Realmes and Dominions is respectiuely requisite, vpon paine of Our high Displeasure and indignation, and of [...]ch further punishment as by the Lawes of this Our Realme and by Our Prerogatiue Royall may be inflicted vpon Offendors against Our Royall Declaration and Command.
Giuen at Our Palace of VVestminster, the fifteenth day of April, in the twelfth yeere of Our Reigne.
¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL, 1636.