¶ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation concerning Far­thing Tokens.

WHereas diuers Proclamations have beene published as well by Our late deare Father King Iames of blessed memorie, as by Our selfe, to authorize the vse of such Farthing Tokens as were made by au­thority of Our said Father or Our selfe, and to restraine the vse of all others, with straight prohibitions, that such as were authorized, should neither bee counterfeited, nor being counterfeited, should bee paid as Farthing Tokens betweene man and man; For as much as notwithstanding the care taken herein, great quantities of counterfeit farthing Tokens haue beene made & vented, both in England and Ireland, to the contempt of Our Royall authority, and to the deceit of our people of both Realmes; We do therefore again publish and declare, That it is our pleasure, that no Farthing Tokens shall be paid, or receiued, or be in vse amongst Our subiects of Our Realmes of England & Ireland, but such as heretofore haue beene made, or hereafter shall be made for Our said Realmes, by the authority of Our late Royall Fa­ther or Our selfe: And that if any of them shall either bee counterfeited, or any counterfeit To­kens, or any Copper pieces made for the vse of Our Realme of Scotland, or any forraine parts, shall [...]e vented or vsed, that in all such cases, all persons willingly, or knowingly offending therein, shall be proceeded against according to Our Lawes, and as transgressours of Our authority and Royall Prerogative. And whereas by the abuse of some particular persons (whose onely aime is to make a private gaine and profit to themselues) Our people in many parts of this Kingdom, and especially poore labourers, whose necessities enforce them to take their hire in any money, are compelled many times to take all or most part of their wages in Farthings, from such as buy great quantities at low rates, and make a commodity thereby: Which abuse, as it hath beene a great burden, and grieuance to Our people in many parts of this Realme, so it is to be feared it will hereafter turne to the great disaduantage of Our Patentees, if it be not remedied by a timely [...]nformation.

Wee therefore willing to preuent and meet with such growing euils and inconueniences, occasioned by forcing vpon Our subiects the said Farthing Tokens, which being rightly vsed, are of themselues very necessary, and are made chiefly for the reliefe of the poore, and to bee vented and vsed onely for exchanging in small summes, but not to bee put vpon any against their wills in great payments or otherwise, Doe hereby declare that it is vtterly vnlawfull and contrary to Our meaning, That any Farthing Tokens should be hereafter enforced vpon any poore Labourers, Workemen, or other persons whatsoeuer, against their wills: And to the end that such Farthing Tokens which hereafter shall be made by Our authority, may be the better knowne and distinguished from such as are counterfeit, We haue directed Our right trusty & welbeloued, Henry Lord Matrauers, and Sir Francis Crane Knight, Chancellor of the most Noble Order of the Garter (who haue vnder Vs the care and managing of that businesse) to cause the said Farthing Tokens to be made with such a distinction of Brasse, as will readily make them knowne from all others, and thereby free Our people from being any longer decei­ued; Which Farthing Tokens so made We doe hereby authorize to passe betweene man and man, within Our Realmes of England and Ireland and Dominion of Wales for the value of Far­things, to be vsed onely for exchange in small summs, for the ease and conuenience of Our said Subiects that shall be willing to accept the same.

And it is likewise Our pleasure, That the said Farthing Tokens, and all other Farthing Tokens formerly made by authority from Vs, or Our late Father, of Copper onely, which are in vse and passe betweene man and man amongst Our Subiects, within Our Realmes of England and Ireland, shall from time to time be rechanged into the currant Moneys and Coynes of Our said Kingdomes, for the ease of Our people that shall require such rechange.

And We doe hereby straitly charge and command all Our Subiects to take notice of the said alteration of the Farthing Tokens and of this Our Care for the rechange; which Our will is should bee so guided and gouerned, that men who shall receiue the said Tokens in the vse of their Trades may not be put to losse thereby, nor yet any be encouraged vnder hope of the same, to get into their hands greater proportion of the said Farthing Tokens then may well serue for their necessary vse and occasions.

And Wee doe hereby further authorize and require all Our Iudges, Iustices, and Barons of Our Exchequers of Our said Realmes of England and Ireland, and all Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Sheriffes, Bayliffes, Constables, Headboroughes, and other Our Officers and Mini­sters of Our said Realmes, that they and euery of them be from time to time furthering, ayding and assisting in the due accomplishment and execution of Our Royall will and commandement herein declared.

❧ God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL. 1635.

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