❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of all sorts of Glasse whatsoeuer, made in Forreigne parts.

WHereas Our late Royall Father of blessed memorie, by His Procla­mation, dated the three and twentieth day of May, in the thirteenth yeere of His Reigne, for the preseruation of the Woods and Tim­ber of this Realme, which were then much consumed by the making of Glasse, did prohibit, that from thenceforth no person or per­sons should presume to make or melt any Glasses whatsoeuer, with Timber, or Wood, or any Fewell made of the same, within the Realme of England, or dominion of Wales, vpon paine of forfeiture of such Glasse, and of other punishments for their contempt: And did thereby also inhibit, aswell the Importa­tion into this Realme, of all sorts of Glasse made in Forreigne parts, as the buying or selling thereof here, vnder the forfeitures, and penalties therein expressed.

And whereas Our trustie and welbeloued, Sir Robert Mansell Knight, Lieutenant of Our Admiraltie of England, by his industry and great expences, hath perfected the Manufacture of making all sorts of Glasse with Sea-Coale, or Pit-Coale, whereby not onely the Woods and Timber of this Kingdome haue beene, and are greatly preserued, but the making of all kindes of Glasse established here; To the emploiment of a number of Our owne Subiects, the sauing of much Treasure at home, which was formerly expended beyond the Seas for that Commoditie, and Our people are now furnished at farre more moderate prices then euer they could obtaine them from those Forreigne parts: Neuerthelesse, diuers ill affected persons, haue at seuerall times presumed to Import, and bring into this Kingdome, great quantities of Glasse of all sorts, made beyond the Seas, to the dammage, and preiudice of the said Glasse-workes here.

We therefore being minded to maintaine and continue the said workes and Manufacture with­in this Our Kingdome, and to restraine the Importation of all Forreigne Glasses, doe (with the aduice of Our Priuie Councell) declare Our Royall pleasure to be: And doe hereby straitly charge and command, that no person, or persons whatsoeuer (during the grant of Our late deare Father made to the said Sir Robert Mansell for the sole making of Glasse) shall from henceforth, directly or indirectly, Import, or bring, or cause to be Imported, or brought into this Our Realme of England, or dominion of Wales, any kinde or fashion of Glasse, or Glasses whatsoeuer, made, or [Page]to be made in any Forraigne parts, or places beyond the Seas, vpon paine of Our heauy dis­pleasure, and of the losse and forfeiture of all such Glasse and Glasses as shall be so Imported, and to incurre such other penalties and punishments, as by the Lawes, or Statutes of this Our Realme, or otherwise may be inflicted on them, for contempt, or neglect of Our Royall com­mands herein.

And We doe hereby also straitly charge, require and command, that no person or persons whatsoeuer, that now vse, or hereafter shall vse the Trade of retailing, selling, or vttering of drinking Glasses, or any other sorts of Glasse whatsoeuer within this Our Realme of England, or dominion of Wales, shall hereafter directly, or indirectly, buy, bargaine, contract for, sell, or vtter any kinde of Glasses whatsoeuer, made, or to be made in any Forraigne parts beyond the Seas, which shall be hereafter imported during the said terme, vpon paine of the seisure, losse, and for­feiture of the same, and to be further proceeded against, as contemners of Our will and pleasure herein declared.

Notwithstanding, Our intent and meaning is; That these presents, or any thing therein ex­pressed, shall not extend, or be taken to inhibit, or restraine the said Sir Robert Mansell, his Exe­cutors or Assignes, or his, or their Deputies, Factors or Agents (during the terme of Our said Fathers Grant) from Importing, or bringing into this Our Realme of England, or dominion of Wales, such Glasses from Venice, Morana, or other parts of Italy, as he or they shall thinke fit to be furnished withall, for some speciall vse and seruice.

And We doe hereby authorize and require all Maiors, Sheriffes, Iustices of the Peace, Bai­liffes, Constables, and other Our Officers, Ministers and louing Subiects, that they, and euery of them during the said terme, when, and as often as they, or any of them, shall be requested in that behalfe, be aiding and assisting from time to time in the due execution of the premisses.

And further, that all Our Customers, Collectors, Farmours, Searchers, Waiters, and all other Our Officers and Ministers in Our Port of London, and all other Our Ports, Hauens, and Creekes within this Our Realme, and dominion of Wales, during the said terme, doe take care to search for, and seize as forfeit to Vs, all such Glasse and Glasses whatsoeuer, as shall hereafter be imported, conueyed, or brought into any Our Ports, Harbours, Hauens, or Creekes, from any Forraigne parts, or places whatsoeuer beyond the Seas, contrary to the intent of these presents: And this shall be their warrant and discharge in that behalfe.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiesty: And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL. 1635.

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