¶ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation against the keeping and vsing of Setting Dogs.
WHereas the Game of Partridge is of late yeers much decayed and almost vtterly destroyed in many parts of this Our Realme, by persons of sundry qualities, which doe trayne vp and keepe Dogs, commonly called Setting Dogs, for the getting and taking of Partridges: And whereas many complaints haue been made vnto Vs of the said abuses; We taking the same into Our Royall consideration, and intending redresse thereof, doe therefore hereby publish and declare Our will and pleasure to be, and doe also expressely charge & command, That from [...]e time of the publishing of this Proclamation, no person or persons whatsoeuer, doe attempt [...] presume to keep, trayne vp, or vse any Dog or Dogs called Setting Dogs, or any Dogge, or Dogges of that kinde, which shall or may bee vsed for the taking of Partridges with any nets or [...]ares whatsoeuer. And Our further will and pleasure is, and We doe straitly charge and com [...]and the Master of Our Hawks for the time being, and his Deputie & Deputies, and all and eue [...]y other person and persons whom it shall or may concerne, to take, kill, and destroy the said Set [...]ng Dogs, and all Dogs of that kinde, or vsed for the taking or getting of Partridges, with nets [...] snares, and to cut in peeces all nets and snares vsed for that purpose. All which Our will and [...]easure is shall be duely obserued and performed in all things vpon paine of Our high displea [...]re and indignation, and vpon such further paines, penalties, and forfeitures as for such disobe [...]ence, or contempt therein shall or may be imposed vpon them and euery of them.
And for that end and purpose, Our further will and pleasure is, and We doe hereby expresly [...]quire and charge Our Atturney Generall for the time being, and from time to time, as there [...]hall be occasion vpon complaint, or information, to him made, or giuen, to proceed in Our High Court of Star-Chamber, or in any other course or Legal way against such Offenders, and for the due punishment of all and euery the contempts and offences by them, and euery of them to be [...]mmitted or incurred, as to Our said Atturney Generall for the time being shall seeme meet.
And We do further hereby expressely require, charge, and command, all Maiors, Sheriffs, Iu [...]ces of the Peace, Constables, Magistrates, and Ministers of Iustice whatsoeuer, to take speciall [...]re for the due execution of Our will and pleasure hereby published, and for the punishing of all [...]ntemptuous persons and Offenders against the same.
Giuen at Our Honour of Hampton Court, the seuenth day of October, in the tenth yeere of Our Reigne.
God saue the King.
¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE: And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL. 1634.