❧ A Proclamation concerning sauing of Fuell, Materials, Labour, and lessening the
great annoyance of Smoake.
WHereas Our well-beloued Subiect Captaine Thorneff Francke, humbly presented vnto Vs an Ouerture aswell for the sauing of all sorts of Fuell throughout Our Dominions, to the great benefit of all Our Subiects, especially Brewers, Dyers, Sope-boylers, Salt-makers, and all others which had or might haue occasion to vse boyling Fornaces, as also for the lessening of that great annoyance of Smoak which is so much obnoxious to Our City of London, and to all other Cities & Townes Corporate: Wee in Our Princely disposition graciously [...]ining to further all worthy Inuentions, especially such as tend so much to the generall good i [...] Our Subiects (and the preuention of the scarcitie and consumption of Fuell, being a matter of [...]o small consequence) did by Our Letters Patents, dated at Westminster the second day of No [...]mber in the Ninth yeere of Our Reigne, grant to him, his Executors, Administrators and Assignes, full & free liberty, license, power & authority during the tearme of fourteen yeeres then [...]xt ensuing, at his or their owne proper costs and charges to vse, practise, and put in ure within Our Dominions the sauing of Fuell, and the lessening that great annoyance of Smoake; And [...]o haue & enioy all such benefit as should or might be raised by making the said workes, or by in [...]ructing or licensing others to do the same, inhibiting all others of what estate, degree or condition [...]oeuer, without his or their license to vse or practise such his Inuention within the tearme afore [...]d, vnder the penalties and prouisoes therin contained. But neuertheles, the said Thorneff Francke [...]th lately made his humble complaint to the Lords of Our Priuy Councell, That diuers per [...]s without his license make vse of his said Inuention, to the losse of his charges already there [...] expended and the frustrating of his expectations: For reformation of which iniury their Lord [...]hips commanded certaine Our Iustices of Peace of Our County of Middlesex, or any two of [...]em, diligently to enquire aswell concerning the iniury pretended, as what likelihood appeared [...]at the same Inuention might sort with the proposition made vnto Vs.
And accordingly Our welbeloued Subiects, Sir Henry Spiller Knight, and Lawrence Whittaker esquire, haue humbly certified, That they haue viewed the said Worke and Inuention, and haue made stay of such persons indeauours, as haue encroached vpon his Priuiledge. And that vpon conference had with such Brewers as haue made vse of the said Inuention, they doe ingenuously confesse that it is beneficiall to them seuerall wayes.
First, in expence of Fuell, for that they saue a third part thereof at the least.
Secondly, that the charge of Iron heretofore expended in supporting the Fornace, is saued three parts in foure.
Thirdly, in their labour, whereas before they brewed but thrice in a weeke, they now are able to [...]ew fiue times.
And lastly, to the Publique, the offence by smoake arising from the Funnels of their new inuention, is not the one halfe of that which comes from the old Fornaces.
Since therefore experience hath iustified the vse of the same Inuention to be so greatly beneficiall and aduantagious to Our Weale Publique, Wee doe hereby strictly forbid all Our Subiects whomsoeuer, or other person or persons, inhabiting or residing within Our Dominions, to presume to put in execution, or incroach vpon any part of Our said Subiects Inuention, without his speciall Licence first had and obtained vnder his hand and seale, vpon paine of Our iust indignation and displeasure.
And also for his further incouragement, Wee haue thought it fit hereby so farre to take notice of so acceptable a seruice, as to publish the same to all Our louing Subiects, whereby they may not be ignorant of the benefit that may redound to them by the vse thereof, vpon such reasonable satisfaction to be by them yeelded to Our said Subiect, as may make reparation for his obseruations, trauells, experiments, labours, and expences.
And Wee doe hereby straightly charge and command, all Maiors, Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, Bayliffes, Constables, Headboroughs, and other Our Officers, Ministers, and Subiects of Vs, Our Heires and Successors, that they and euery of them be helping and assisting to the said Thorneffe Francke, his Executors, Administrators, Deputies, and Assignes in all things according to Our Will and Pleasure, during the terme in Our said Letters Patents expressed.
Giuen at Our Court at Greenewich this twenty fift day of Iune, in the tenth yeere of Our Reigne.
God saue the King.
❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: and by the Assignes of Iohn Bill. 1634.