❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for the prizes of Poultry, Rabbits, Butter, Candles, Charcoale, and
all manner of Fuell of Wood.
WHere of late by seuerall Inquisitions taken before Charles Walker, Gentleman, Deputy to Hugh Maye Esquire Clarke of the Market of Our houshold, and throughout Our Kingdome of England, in Our City of Westminster and elsewhere, in Our County of Middlesex, and in Our Borough of Southwarke, in Our County of Surry, which was done in the presence and with the aduice of diuers of Our Iustices of the Peace of Our said Counties and City; Wee then in Our Royall person being at Our Court of White-Hall, it was found and presented by the oathes of three Enquests of twelue lawfull men of the said Counties and City, seuerally sworne (to enquire of the prizes of seuerall things in the said Inquisitions mentioned) that the prizes after mentioned are reasonable prizes to bee obserued by Poulterers, Victualers, Woodmongers, and all others within three miles of any of the Gates of Our City of London, for the seuerall sorts of Victualls and other things after specified. That is to say;
- A fat Cignet of the best sort vntill Alhallontide—vij. s.
- The like Cignet from Alhallontide to Lent—ix. s.
- The best Phesant Cocke—vj. s.
- A Phesant Henne—v. s.
- A Phesant Pout—iij. s. iiij. d.
- A Turkey-Cocke, the best in the market—iiij. s. iiij. d.
- The like best Turkey-Cocke at the Poulterers Shop—iiij. s. vj. d.
- The best Turkey-Henne in the market—iij. s.
- The like best Turkey-Henne in the Poulterers Shop—iij. s. iiij. d.
- A Turkey-Cocke of the second sort in the market—iij. s. vj. d.
- The like Turkey-Cocke of the second sort at the Poulterers Shop—iij. s. viij. d.
- A Turkey Chicken.—j. s. vj. d.
- A Godwitt—iij. s.
- A Ruffe—ij. s. vj. d.
- A Heron—ij. s. vj. d.
- A Bitterne—ij. s. vj. d.
- A Curlew—ij. s. vj. d.
- A Wild-Ducke—viij. d.
- A Tame-Ducke—viij. d.
- A Teale, a Widgeon, or a Whynder—v. d.
- A Duckling—v. d.
- A Partridge—j. s.
- A Woodcocke—viij. d.
- A dozen of Larkes—x. d.
- A Quaile—viij. d.
- A Pewet—x. d.
- A Snipe—iiij. d.
- A bastard Plouer—iiij. d.
- A greene Plouer—vj. d.
- A dozen of Blackbirds, Feildfares or Thrushes—j. s.
- A dozen of greene Birds—iiij. d.
- A dozen of all other small Birds—iij. d.
- The best fat Goose in the market—ij. s.
- The like best fat Goose at the Poulterers Shop—ij. s. iiij. d.
- A greene Goose—j. s. ij. d.
- A Capon fat and crammed of the best sort in the market—ij s. iiij. d.
- The like best fat and crammed Capon at the Poulterers Shop—ij. s. vj. d.
- A Capon or Caponet fat of the second sort in the market—j. s. x. d.
- A Capon or Caponet fat of the second sort at the Poulterers Shop—ij. s.
- A Puller fat and crammed of the best sort in the market—j. s. vj. d.
- The like best fat and crammed Pullet at the Poulterers Shop—j. s. viij. d.
- A Pullet fat and crammed of the best sort in the market—j. s. vj. d.
- The like best fat and crammed Pullet at the Poulterers Shop—j. s. viij. d.
- A Pullet of the second sort in the market—j. s. iiij. d.
- The like Pullet of the second sort at the Poulterers Shop—j. s. vj. d.
- A Henne of the best sort in the market—j. s.
- The like Henne at the Poulterers Shop—j. s. ij. d.
- A Chicken of the best and largest sort in the market—v. d.
- The like best and largest Chicken at the Poulterers Shop—vj. d.
- A Chicken of the second sort in the market—iiij. d.
- The like Chicken of the second sort at the Poulterers Shop—v. d.
- A Rabbit the best vntill Alhallontide—vij. d.
- A Rabbit of the best sort from Alhallontide to Lent—viij. d.
- A Rabbit of the second sort vntill Alhallontide—vj. d.
- A Rabbit of the second sort from Alhallontide to Lent—vij. d.
- A Rabbit sucker—iij. d.
- A dozen of wilde Pigeons—j. s. viij. d.
- A dozen of tame Pigeons—vj. s.
- Three Egges—j. d.
- A pound of the best salt Butter—iiij. d. ob.
- A pound of the second sort of salt Butter—iiij. d.
- A pound of the best fresh Butter from all Soules to the first of May—vj. d.
- A pound of the second sort of fresh Butter from all Soules to the first of May—v. d.
- A pound of the best fresh Butter from the first of May to the Feast of all Soules—v. d.
- A pound of the second sort of fresh Butter from the first of May to all Soules—iiij. d.
- A pound of Tallow-Candels made of wieke.—iij. d. ob.
- A pound of Tallow-Candles made of Cotton—iiij. d.
- A Sacke containing foure bushells of the best old Charcoales—j. s. ij. d.
- A Sacke containing foure bushells of the middle sort of Charcoales—x. d.
- A Sacke containing foure bushells of the smallest sort of Charcoales—viij. d.
- A Sacke containing foure bushells of the best and largest Small-coales—vj. d.
- A thousand of the best Kentish Billets of the true assize at the water side—xvj. s.
- A thousand of the best Essex Billets of the true assize at the water side—xviij. s.
- A thousand of the best Westerne Billets of the true assize at the water side—xiiij. s.
- A hundred of the best Kentish Faggots of the true assize at the water side—vij. s.
- A hundred of the best Essex Faggots of the true assize at the water side—vj. s.
- A hundred of the best Westerne Faggots of the true assize at the water side—vj. s.
Our will and pleasure therefore is, and We doe hereby straitly charge and command, that no manner of person, or persons whomsoeuer, within Our City of London, or the said three miles, presume vpon any colour or pretext whatsoeuer, to sell or vtter any of the prouisions aforesaid, at higher or greater rates then in the said Inquisitions before specified, is expressed, vntill Wee shall publish and make further signification of Our pleasure; wherein We shall not be wanting to any of Our Subiects in the due administration to all that iustly with relation to the times shall be fit.
And for the more effectuall execution of Our will and pleasure herein declared, the Lord Maior of Our Citie of London for the time being, and other Our Iustices of the Peace within the same City, and the Iustices of the Peace within Our said Counties of Middlesex and Surrey and City of Westminster, are hereby required strictly to see that this Our Proclamation be carefully obserued, and put in due execution, and the offendors punished according to their demerits.
Giuen at Our Court at VVhitehall, this twelfth day of February in the ninth yeere of Our Raigne of England, Scotland, France and Ireland.
God saue the King.
❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: and by the Assignes of Iohn Bill. M.DC.XXXIII.