¶ A Proclamation for Prizing of Wines.

¶ By the King.

WHereas by the Statute made in the eight and twentieth yeere of the Reigne of King Henry the eight for prizing of Wines It is pro­uided, That the Lord Chancellour, Lord Treasurer, Lord Presi­dent of the Kings most honourable Councell, Lord Priuie Seale, and the Lord chiefe Iustices of either Bench, or fiue, foure, or three of them, shall haue power and authoritie by their discretions, to set the prices of all kinde of Wines, as in the said Statute is expressed; By vertue wherof, the Lord Keeper of Our great Seale of Eng­land, the Keeper of Our Priuy Seale, the Lord chiefe Iustice of His Maiesties Bench, and the Lord Chiefe Iustice of the Common Pleas the eight and twentieth day of December last past did order, That Cannary Wines, Muscadell, and Alligant should bee sold in Grosse at sixteene pounds the Pipe, and at twelue pence the Quart by Retaile; Sackes and Mallegoes at thirteene pounds the Butt in Grosse, and nine pence the Quart by Retaile; The best Gas­coigne and French Wines at eighteene pounds the Tunne; and the Rochel Wines, and other small and thinne Wines, at fifteene pounds the Tunne in Grosse, and at sixe pence the Quart by Retaile, and according to these proportions for greater or lesser quantities, either in Grosse or by Retaile; and that none presume to sell at higher prices during the next yeere then ensu­ing, whereof the Clerke of the Crowne was to take notice, and to see the same proclaimed the then next Terme in the Chancery according to the Statute, And accordingly there hath been Proclamation made the first day of Hillary Terme, being the three and twentieth day of Ianuary last.

Now that all cause of excuse may bee remooued from such as inhabite in remote parts of this Realme, and that such as shall bee found delinquents herein may acknowledge their owne wilfulnesse the cause of the danger and penalty they fall into, after double aduertise­ment; His Highnesse will and pleasure is, and by the aduise of the sayd Lords and the rest of His Priuy Councell according to one other Statute made in that behalfe in the fourth yeere of the reigne of His most noble Progenitor King Edward the third, by this His Royall Pro­clamation, doth publish & declare, That for one yeere next following, Cannarie Wines, Mus­cadels, [Page]and Alligants bee sould in grosse at sixeteen pounds the Pipe, and at twelue pence the Quart by Retaile, Sacks and Mallegoes at thirteene pound the Butt in grosse, and nine pence the Quart by Retaile, the best Gascoigne and French Wines at eighteene pounds the Tunne in grosse, and sixe pence the Quart by Retaile, and the Rochell Wines and other small and thinne Wines at fifteene pounds the Tunne in grosse and at fiue pence the Quart by Retaile, and according to these proportions for greater or lesser quantities either in Grosse or by Retaile, which rates and prizes His Highnesse pleasure is shall bee duely obserued in all His Ports and other places within this Realme where Wines are landed and within ten miles of those Ports and places.

And it is His Maiesties pleasure, that in places where Wines by land-cariage, shall be con­ueyed more then Tenne miles from the next Port, The seuerall sorts of Wines aforesaid, shall and may bee sold according to the Rates aforesayd, allowing foure pounds the Tunne, and one pennie for the Quart for the carriage thereof vpon land euery Thirtie miles, & accor­ding to that proportion, and not at greater Rates, Straightly charging and commanding such of His Subiects, and others whom it shall concerne, that none of them during the Time aforesayd, presume to sell any of the said Wines in Grosse, and by Retaile, at higher Rates, then by this His Highnesse Proclamation are appointed, vnder the forfeitures and penalties men­tioned in the sayd Statute, and other the Lawes & Statutes of this Realme ordayned in that behalfe, and such further paines & penalties as by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme, can or may bee inflicted vpon wilfull contemners of His Maiesties Royall Command and Proclamation: Requiring and commanding all Maiors, Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, Bay­liffes, Customers, Comptrollers, and other Officers of Our Ports, and all others whom it shall concerne, diligently to attend the execution of this Our pleasure, and to giue informa­tion to the Lords and others of the Priuie Councell of the Delinquents, that they may bee proceeded against, and receiue punishment according to their demerits.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE: and by the Assignes of Iohn Bill. M.DC.XXXII.

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