¶ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation prohibiting the making vp of Girdles, Belts, Hangers, and other Wares for mens wearing, or for Warre-seruice, with Brasse-Buckles.

VPon Petition lately exhibited vnto His Highnesse by the Com­pany of Buckle-Forgers, Buckle-Filers, and Trimmers and Dressers of Buckles, members of the Societie of Girdlers, Lon­don, informing His Highnesse, that Buckles for Girdles, Hangers, Belts, or other Wares for mens wearing, and Warre-seruice, were wont to bee well and truely forged, and made of Iron, in which Trade, the sayd Company haue well and honestly gotten their li­uings, and thereupon haue maintained themselues and Families in decent order, and that of late times, there is a subtill way found out by Casting of Buckles in Brasse, in deceit of His Highnesse Subiects:

His Highnesse was pleased to referre the consideration hereof, to the Maior and Aldermen of the Citie of London, who appointed Commissioners to call both sides before them, and to examine the grieuances alleadged; And vpon hearing both sides, haue made certificate to His Highnesse, That those Buckles which are Cast in Brasse, are brittle, and not so seruiceable as those made of Iron, and that there are not aboue foure or sixe persons within London, that make and Cast those Buckles in Brasse, who doe not vse it as the whole Trade of their liuing, but doe other worke, whereby they rayse a good competencie of liue­lihood, and that there are three hundred persons whose onely meanes to maintaine them­selues and Families, is by Forging and making Iron Buckles and Harnesse, and that those [Page]who cast the brasse Buckles can make more in one day, then ten of those that make the Iron Buckles can doe, by reason of their slightnesse, and that if the Brasse Buckles which are brit­tle and vnseruiceable should bee tolerated, those great number of poore men that make the Iron Buckles (which are much more seruiceable) with their families are like to bee impo­uerished.

His Highnesse to mainetaine a multitude of poore Artizans that hereby gaine their liuings, and that his people may not bee deceiued, Doth by this His Highnesse Proclamation strictly inhibite all persons whatsoeuer, That they doe not at any time hereafter make vp any brasse Buckles in Girdles, Belts, Hangers, or other wares vsed for mens wearing, or for warre seruice, or vent, or put to sale any such Girdles, Belts, or Hangers, or other Wares here after to be made vp with brasse Buckles within this His Highnesse Realme of England, vpon paine of His Maiesties high Indignation, and displeasure, and such further paines, and penalties as by the Lawes, and Statutes of this Realme, and by His Maiesties Prerogatiue Royall, can, or may bee inflicted vpon Contemners of His Maiesties Proclamations, and Royall Commands.

And His Highnesse doeth by these presents giue power, and authority, and expresse Com­mandement to all His Iudges, Iustices, His Aturney Generall for the time being, Maiors, Sherieffs, Balieffs, Iustices of Peace, Headboroughes, Constables, and other Officers whatsoeuer, whom it may concerne, That they and euery of them, diligently attend the due execution of this His Highnesse Proclamation, and vpon complaint made, proceede in His Highnesse Court of Starre-Chamber, or elsewhere, against such as shall disobey, or impugne the same, to the end the delinquents may receiue condigne punishment according to their de­merits, as they tender Our Pleasure, and will auoyd the contrary, at their vtmost perills.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE: and by the Assignes of Iohn Bill. M.DC.XXXII.

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